Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When All Is Said And Done ❯ VIII ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Robin peered around the wall and looked into the main room. Michael was at his computer and Sakaki was asleep in a computer chair, snoring loud enough that she heard it even with their distance. Michael didn't seem to mind. In fact, Michael seemed to be in a good mood ever since Robin returned with Sakaki and Doujima. Robin looked down at her bag, then back up at Michael. He'd like the donuts, but she was afraid to ask him about what he might know.
She put a smile on her face as she walked out in the room. Michael looked up at her and smiled very widely. She held up the bag as she came around the desk. Michael rubbed his hands together and turned towards her. She sat down in the chair next to Michael's.
“What's going on?” Michael asked. “I thought you would have gone home by now.”
“Sakaki said he'd give me a ride,” Robin said. “But I wanted to talk to you before I left.” Michael looked interested.
“Really?” he asked. “Well, what about?”
“About…what you and Sakaki talked about this morning…”
“You heard, huh?” Michael asked. Robin nodded. She sat the bag on the desk and took out the box. Michael stared hungrily at it. She smiled again. “What do you want to know?”
“You said Amon was still at work when Touko got that call, right?”
“Yeah,” Michael said. Robin opened the box and took out a donut. Michael followed her lead.
“Well…are you sure he didn't leave for a moment, like to go to the bathroom?” Michael shook his head.
“No,” he mumbled. He swallowed his bite and wiped his mouth. “He was in front of me the whole time.”
“I see.”
“I'm sorry you heard,” Michael said. “I didn't know it was about you until he started talking.”
“It was about me, wasn't it? It couldn't have been about anyone else.” Michael looked sad for her. She sighed. “I don't understand,” she said. “Why…does Touko…I mean…?”
“Some things you just can't explain,” Michael said.
“Amon said it was because she thought something was going on between us.”
“When he called you back that Tuesday?” Michael asked.
“So what did you guys talk about?”
“They said they were sorry, and I believed them.”
“Has Amon given you any indication that he might not mean it?” Michael asked. Robin shook her head.
“No, but then again, neither has Touko.” Michael thought about the situation for a moment, then he looked up at Robin with wide eyes.
“Wait a minute…” he said. “How could I have forgotten…?”
“What?” Robin asked.
“I stepped out for a moment, when Amon first came over…”
“Came…over?” Robin asked.
“Yeah…” Michael said, then thought about it a little more. “He was in the room for the most part, but then he wanted to talk to me, and so I went to the bathroom first.”
“So he could have called her, then? When you stepped out?” Robin asked. Michael nodded very slowly. Robin closed her eyes; she didn't want to believe it. “Why did they even bother?” she asked.
“It doesn't mean it was him,” Michael said. “Amon…wouldn't do something like that.”
“Do you know how many times he's…?” Robin clenched her eyes shut and shook her head. “I can't believe I've fallen for it,” she said. “I can't believe they'd do this.”
“Robin…” Michael said. Robin covered her face. She tried her best not to start crying. It was hard keeping the tears back. She sniffed sharply and looked up, clearing her throat. “Amon just…wouldn't…”
“We don't know that, Michael,” Robin said. “Amon…Amon does whatever he wants, regardless if it'll hurt someone. He… You know him as well as I do. He'd do anything for one goal, and we never know what that goal is until it's too late.”
Michael looked down. He didn't want to believe it. If Amon did call Touko while he'd gone to the bathroom…but…why would he do that? Robin was right in saying that Amon often did things according to his own rules, and regardless of how it would affect others. But…what happened earlier…was that just a…
Michael shook his head sharply. Amon meant what he said. He was so believable, it had to be right. Michael looked at Robin. She was near tears, but she was trying to be strong. Michael looked down at his donut, and then over to Sakaki. He was still snoring loudly. Michael shook his shoulder gently and he woke up slowly.
“Haruto, wake up,” he said.
“Huh?” Sakaki asked. “What? Is Robin ready yet?”
“There's something I need to ask you about Touko,” Michael explained. Sakaki sat up and rubbed his face. He turned around in the chair as he stretched, stopping when he saw Robin.
“You told her?” he asked.
“She overheard.” Sakaki lowered his arms.
“Oh,” he said nervously. “So you heard, huh?”
“How long did the conversation last, Haruto?” Michael asked.
“Um…not long. Like two or three minutes.”
“You said something about them talking about it later…?” Michael asked. Sakaki nodded.
“Yeah. She said it was late and that they should talk when they were both fully awake. What's going on? You think you know something?” Michael sighed.
“Amon was alone for long enough to talk to Touko while he was here,” Michael said. “I didn't remember it at first, but he was.” Sakaki looked surprised.
“So it was him…?” he said. Michael still wouldn't believe it.
“We don't know that…”
“Well, who else?” Robin said. “Touko doesn't know very many people outside the STN. She barely calls anyone or goes out or brings people over. And even if she did, why would they care about her treatment of me?”
“And we all like Robin,” Sakaki said. “Even the boss is nice to her.” Stupid pig dog. He was nothing but a joke. Didn't any of them know that already? Zaizen cared about no one but himself. And Touko. …Touko? Amon told Michael about how most of he and Touko's problems were because of Zaizen's protection of her. Michael's eyes lowered to a slant. He took a bite out of his donut and chewed on it furiously.
“It wasn't Amon,” Michael said. Robin and Sakaki looked at him. He looked angry.
“But…” Robin tried to say.
“It was Zaizen.”
“Zaizen?” Sakaki asked, as if the possibility was slim to none. Then he paused. “Wait a minute.” That Wednesday…when Zaizen called Amon to the office… He was angry about Touko and Robin hanging out together, wasn't he? Sakaki thought back to the phone call. Could Touko have been talking to Zaizen? It was a possibility, wasn't it? Well, hell, why didn't he think of that before? Sakaki sat back in his chair.
“Hey, Mike…” he said. Michael looked at him. “Don't hate me for this…but…you remember when I listened in on Zaizen and Amon's “talk” on Wednesday?”
“And how I told you that not much was said?”
“Yeah…” Michael said a little slowly.
“Well, I lied. Zaizen…kinda blew up at Amon because of Touko and…I'm sorry to have to say this, Robin, but… He was complaining about how he never wanted Touko to associate with you.”
“Of course…” Robin said. She looked enlightened. “Making up was Amon's idea. He must have convinced Touko that hanging out with me was a good idea. It must have angered Zaizen. But then…that talk they had. Touko…was in on it, right?”
“Sounded that way,” Sakaki said. “It sounded like she and Zaizen planned something, and you hanging out with her might have compromised it.”
“Oh my…” Robin looked down. “Why?” she asked. “Why are they doing this?”
“I don't know…” Michael said. “But I want to find out.” He rolled closer to his computer and moved the mouse. The screen saver went away and he began to open programs and type rapidly. Sakaki looked at Robin. She looked like she'd just lost her best friend.
“It's okay, Robin. You still have us. We're what really counts.” Robin nodded, and smiled very shortly.
“Yes…” she said. “You are.”
Michael / Amon
“Crap…” Michael murmured. He shut his eyes tightly before opening them again. He wasn't trying to get adjusted to the dark as much as he was just trying to get adjusted. He blinked several times and looked towards the door. “Who is it?”
“It's Amon. Open up.”
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Michael asked. He sat up and chuckled to himself. “Of course you do.” He scooted from the bed and placed his feet flat on the floor. “Give me a sec.”
“Take your time.” Michael smiled to himself. Good ol' Amon. Michael lifted from the bed and stretched without effort. He flipped on the light and opened the door at the same time. Amon stood on the other side of the door with his coat and jacket draped over one of his arms. Michael smirked at him.
“Hey,” he said.
“What are you up to?” Amon asked as he strode inside. Michael grabbed his glasses from the TV stand as Amon draped his clothing over the back of Michael's computer chair.
“Sleeping,” Michael said. “You know. The usual for three a.m.”
“I'm sorry I'm so late,” Amon said. “I just wanted to see you.” Michael nodded.
“Yeah. I'm kinda glad you came. Give me a minute, alright?” Amon nodded and waited for Michael's return. Michael went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and straightened out his clothes a little. He gave his face a quick wash, then went back to the room.
Amon was sitting on the edge of his bed waiting for him. He wore a loose fitting pair of black pants and a button down long sleeved collared black dress shirt. The shirt was a thin fabric, and Michael could see the peach of Amon's skin beneath it. It was the first time Michael ever had a true idea of what Amon's body looked like. Compared to what he usually wore, he was practically naked.
A little color came to Michael's cheeks. He sat down on the bed next to Amon, leaned over and reached to turn on the TV. Amon placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. Michael paused before he could reach the power button and turned his head slowly to look at Amon. Amon shook his head slightly. Michael dipped his eyebrows.
“You sure?” he asked.
“Yes,” Amon said. “Let's just sit together, Lee.” Michael nodded and sat up straight. Amon removed his hand and placed it in his lap along with the other. “Actually…” he said. “I'd prefer to go somewhere private.”
“Like…where…?” Amon looked at Michael.
“Where we can be completely alone.” Michael's eyes blinked rapidly and his chest felt heavy.
“The only place I know of like that…is Zaizen's place.” Amon nodded slowly. Michael swallowed hard. “I see.”
“Take me there,” Amon said. “Take me to his room.” Michael nodded and stood up. He flipped out the light.
“Take your things,” he said. Amon grabbed his clothes and followed Michael from the room. They went towards the main room, but stopped at the elevators. They rode to the 3rd floor. “There aren't many cameras on this floor,” Michael explained. “I've noticed that the cameras on our floor are everywhere, but the ones on the other floors are sporadic. If we go through this floor to the escape well, we can reach his floor without being detected.” Michael was short. Amon leaned against the elevator corner and stared at him. His legs were short, but he was proportionate. He had nice legs. This, Amon knew from before, but it was so apparent now.
His boxers were small and he wore a white tank top. His frame looked smaller than usual as he rode with his arms folded slightly in the harsh fluorescent light of the elevator car. But Amon didn't care. Michael was beautiful.
The elevator dinged. Michael led Amon down a short hall to the fire stairs. They went down to the second floor. Michael pressed a few buttons on the small key pad to the right of the fire door.
“Took me a while to figure that one out,” Michael said. The fire door and a set of outer doors opened up. They stepped from the fire stairwell and into Zaizen's suite. It was large and spacious. Michael left the lights down as he moved through the living space. It was like another home, with a living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. “This place gave me the creeps at first,” Michael said.
“Why?” Amon asked. He continued to follow him. Michael walked into a hall and stopped.
“It reminded me of my parent's place,” he said. He motioned towards the door. “This is it.”
“The bedroom?” Michael held back a shiver as best he could.
“Yeah.” Amon touched the door knob and opened the door, placing a hand on Michael's back. Michael walked inside and Amon came in behind him, closing the door. Michael turned and looked at him expectantly. Amon dropped his clothes to the floor and approached him, looking down at him closely. Michael gulped. “Umm…you need…something…?” he asked.
“Need,” Amon answered. “And want…” Amon lowered his head closer to Michael's. “Lee…?”
“Y—yes, Amon?”
“Tell me…your fantasies…” Michael felt an odd pain in his pelvic area. Amon reached his arms around him and gently pulled him close. “Tell me what you desire…”
“I…I…” Michael couldn't speak; he couldn't think enough to say what he wanted. Amon lowered his face and brushed against Michael's cheek. His entire body was warm and the feel of Amon's stubble on his skin made him feel weak.
Amon was big, and strong. His large hands caressed Michael's back, ever so gently bringing him forward. His mouth brushed against Michael's ear, making Michael shiver slightly. Amon let out a slow breath and watched for Michael's reaction. Michael wavered and came forward, resting his weight on Amon's chest. Michael took a deep breath and found his voice, however weary it was.
“We're in the perfect place…” he whispered. Amon's lips moved against Michael's ear as he spoke.
“Are we?” he asked. Michael chuckled briefly and brought his arms up to further connect their embrace, feeling empowered suddenly.
“Yeah…” he said. “You see…I've always dreamt that the ultimate revenge I could get on my parents for what they've done to me would be to fuck a man on their bed.” Amon leaned back to look him in the eyes, an amused glint in his own eyes.
“Who knew a hentai dwelled beneath that virgin face of yours?” he teased. Michael smirked and grabbed one of Amon's wrists. He brought him over to the bed and let him go as he kneeled on it. He crawled to the other side and laid with his arms folded behind his head and his legs crossed as if he owned the place.
“It's a king,” he said, looking around. Then he looked at Amon. “Well, aren't you going to join me?”
“Give me a moment…” Amon said, walking along the foot of the bed. “…to admire you.” Michael blushed slightly despite himself and smirked.
“Yeah, it takes a while to take me all in, doesn't it?” The bed had four posts and a headboard, and plenty of large fluffed pillows propped against it. Michael looked small compared to the oversized bed set. Amon chuckled. “What?” Michael asked, growing wary of Amon's movements. “You're not planning on tying me up or anything, are you?”
“Not tonight.” Michael looked surprised, but then just chuckled back.
“I'll just slip of out it, you now?” he said. “I'm pretty good at getting out of tight spots.” Occasionally, Michael said those types of things, and when he did, Amon felt challenged. He came forward and pinned Michael on the bed by holding down his wrists and pressing them against the headboard. He did this with one hand, easily. Amon leaned down and slowly nudged Michael's cheek with his nose. Michael was shaking slightly, out of exhilaration. He didn't know why, but having Amon straddling him and holding him down turned him on immensely. Well, sure he knew why, but why so much?
“How about this one?” Amon asked.
“Only…the ones…I don't enjoy…” Michael said. Amon's eyes lidded heavily and he delicately pressed his lips against Michael's cheek. His skin was softer than Amon imagined.
“Did anyone ever tell you…” Amon whispered, running his free hand along Michael's side. “…how utterly and unbelievably sexy you are?” Michael looked away coyly, and Amon nibbled gently on his ear.
“Just you, Amon,” Michael said. “And it's only you whose word I wholly honor.” Amon loosened his grip on Michael's wrists, and grabbed at Michael's thigh with his other hand, the compliment feeding his growing desire. Michael slid his hands from Amon's and put one arm around his shoulders. He pulled him closer. “Won't you…kiss me already?” he asked.
Amon's hand traveled up Michael's shirt. He felt along his body until he reached a taut nipple. He slightly brushed his fingers by it as he pressed his lips to Michael's tightly. Michael moaned eagerly through the kiss and gripped Amon tighter. Amon obliged by pressing their bodies together.
It was Amon's turn to moan now, feeling his semi-erect penis rub against Michael's, whose was fully awakened. He pulled away and pressed forward again, slipping his tongue inside Michael's mouth when he opened it to moan again. Both of Michael's hands grabbed at Amon now, and pulled him even closer. Amon removed his hand from inside Michael's shirt and brought it up to caress his neck.
Amon was so heavy above him, an unbearable weight of heat on Michael's ever arousing form. His tongue was strong and his mouth was sweet, giving Michael his experience, but seeming to give Michael much more than that through his grinding. Amon was full of haste, what with his growing need and want, but he wanted to build up the moment. Michael could feel his determination to keep things as slow as he possibly could, and he was doing a mighty fine job of it as far as Michael was concerned.
Amon pulled back, only to come forward again, aiming for the deliciously fragrant skin of Michael's neck. He brought his arms underneath Michael and lifted him from the bed as he cupped him in his arms. Michael's head remained on the pillow beneath him, allowing ample room for Amon's exploring tongue to ravage the soft skin hungrily. His desire grew and his erection rubbed with harsh friction against the smooth fabric of his pants.
Feeling Michael's ache as he continued his assault made him release premature moans. Ordinarily, he could retain his emotions and be the stronger, dominating male. But now, he was with Michael. Michael deserved to be treated different. Amon wanted him to know every step of the way how he was affecting him, and he used every opportunity he got to show him.
Michael began to writhe as Amon moved down. Amon lifted and gathered the hems of Michael's tank top to pull it up and remove it. Michael shivered from the sudden coolness in the room and from the absence of Amon's warmth. He reached for his lover and his lover returned, tonguing his chest, scratching and nipping the silken virgin skin, pulling and biting at the hard nipples. Michael hissed and moaned at the full on attack, clenching his eyes shut and savoring the mounting pleasure within.
“So sweet,” Amon groaned against his navel, deeply licking the hairy trail and dipping at Michael's inny. Michael's stomach caved as if to get away from the relentless tasting, and his chest heaved as if to receive it. Amon groaned again as he bit Michael on the side of his body. He gripped the sides of his boxers and slid them off slowly down Michael's legs. He let them slip to the floor and then kneeled over his virgin prey, staring at hungrily at Michael's erection, hearing it calling his name.
He licked his lips and reached down to touch it, to experiment with it. Michael grabbed his wrist and forced his hand down on it, tensing greatly at the contact. Amon's body trembled as he stared at his intelligent hacker. He wanted nothing more but to take him.
Michael continued to guide Amon's hand, having him stroke him, Amon occasionally moving his hand on his own accord to satisfy the beauty. Amon licked his lips again as the scent of Michael hit him. He gazed down at the squirming form, and the urge grew yet again. He unbuckled his belt and undid his pants with quick, skillful hands. Michael looked up at him, his eyes heavily lidded and his breathing pleasantly shallow.
Amon lowered his pants with his free hand and slowly revealed his erection, Michael's mouth opening as if on cue. Amon's eyes reduced to a slant as Michael proceeded to move his hips towards Amon's. Amon stroked himself to begin his long awaited arousal, preparing himself to delve into his beauty. He reached up and caressed his chest, pinching the nipples, then running his hand down the side of Michael's body. Michael was aching, yearning for Amon's touch.
Michael scooted back and away from Amon, reaching absently for something he couldn't remember the name of somewhere on Zaizen's nightstand. Amon watched him, then came forward and opened the top drawer of the stand. There, neatly in the corner of the drawer was a bottle of lubrication.
“Zaizen, you old dog,” Amon said. Michael turned his attention back to Amon when he spoke. He turned his head, and saw Amon's penis hanging an inch from his face. It was long and thick and dark. Michael wanted to taste it, badly. He opened his mouth again and came forward to receive it. He sucked and it shot inside, bringing Amon forward slightly. A throaty groan escaped Amon's lips and he almost lost his balance. He grabbed the lube quickly before he was completely lost of thought.
Michael's tongue moved eagerly around the hard appendage, sucking and blowing and licking and biting and kissing with experiment. Amon grabbed the back of Michael's head and pulled him back, watching as he slipped from Michael's mouth. Michael's lips parted and he tried to go for it again, but Amon moved back.
He pulled down his pants and slid them off fully, and removed his shirt all at once. He then kneeled in between Michael's legs again. He grabbed his hips and made Michael scoot forward so that he was perfect underneath him. He had Michael spread his legs, then he retrieved the bottle of lubrication. He popped it open, turned it and poured it over Michael's entrance and his own penis with one hand. The other he used to tease Michael with, not wanting to neglect him for a moment.
He moved the bottle aside and spread Michael's leg further. He licked his lips again as he stared down at Michael's body.
“I need to you relax yourself, Lee, as best you can…” Amon said. His voice was a barely audible rasp by then. Michael, who couldn't seem to find his voice, settled for a nod. He heard every word, though his blood pumped so thoroughly and with so much heat, he felt numb to every sense. Amon rubbed his finger around Michael's entrance and slowly added pressure.
Michael received the visitor, and his muscles worked against it. Michael took in a deep breath and let it out very slowly. Amon stretched him with another finger, and watched his beauty take it. He smiled and rewarded his beauty's strength with a comforting set of kisses about his pelvis. Michael knew it hurt, but he knew what pleasure would come. He willed it to feel good. He willed it to feel unbearably good.
“Amon…” he whispered. “I'm…ready for you now…” Amon pressed forward at Michael's declaration, though he was not yet in position. Sexy beauty and his unbelievable voice, nearly driving Amon mad with desire. Amon wanted entrance and he wanted it immediately. He stroked himself roughly as he pulled his fingers free from Michael. He brought his whole body forward and enveloped Michael in his arms, finding the entrance blindly, but having no trouble sliding inside. Michael tensed considerably, and his sphincters worked to relieve him of the intrusion. Michael accepted every feeling he encountered. He thought only of his beast, and the pleasure he gave him.
Immense pressure enclosed Amon's penis, strangling life into it in an adverse effect. Amon released a throaty sound similar to a growl at the resistance and began to fight against it at Michael's silent encouragement. He pressed forward to delve deeper, then pulled back with ease, for Michael's body was pushing him out and he saw no need to help it to do so.
The pleasure mounted with each movement. Amon developed his rhythm and gained momentum as Michael began to relax. He moved his body encouragingly still, and Amon accepted this and gave him a pleasant reward each time—a nip here, a bite there, a scratch every other moment. Michael moaned continuously, and Amon never felt more alive at hearing his lover call his name. He wanted to give Michael a performance he'd stay for. He wanted to prove his affection, his love, his dedication with each thrust. He wanted Michael to feel as he felt, utterly golden and pure at the most intimate of moments. He didn't want to stop. He refused to let it end. Zutto, utsukushii
“Don't stop,” Michael moaned. “Ngh! Don't stop, please…Amon!” Amon stared down at his lover fiercely, ignoring the sharps sparks of pleasure signifying the arrival of his orgasm. If it had to end, he wanted to see his lover through it. Michael threw his head back and tensed greatly. Amon wavered as his orgasm swept through him, fatiguing him. Michael accepted his seed enthusiastically, pulling at his hips and gripping Amon's buttocks tightly.
Amon pressed on. Michael's whole body arched from the bed and pressed hard into Amon's thrusts. He began to shake. Amon held on to him, feeling his pleasure, his every emotion. Michael's mouth hung open and sounds strained to erupt. Amon lowered his head and whispered sharply, “Come for me, Lee,” before kissing him roughly on the lips. Michael's body trembled and he pulled them both downward. He moaned through the kiss, numbing Amon's lips with the vibration.
Amon could feel Michael's sperm between them, creating a silky friction about their chests. Amon's body gave out on him and he collapsed onto his beauty. Michael's body was trembling softly and Amon could feel the tremors of Michael's thigh muscles as he lowered his legs. Michael noticed belatedly that he had Amon's hair in a death grip in both hands. He slowly released the damp strands and stretched his fingers to relax their strain. His body ached. All over. And it felt utterly wonderful. Amon came forward and kissed him weakly.
“Lee,” he mouthed, his voice lost for the moment. Michael chuckled softly and held Amon close to him with his right arm. Amon breathed in deep and sighed.
“A—Amon…” Amon snuggled into Michael's chest and he lay still. Michael watched his body rise and fall with his breathing. He smiled at his beast and stroked his hair lazily, still not having the full function of his hands.
“We'll shower…in just a moment…” Amon said, sounding half asleep.
“You sure about that?” Michael asked, his voice just as tired.
“Well, we can't let him see us like this.” Michael chuckled as much as one could in his state.
“I guess you're right. Should've stayed in my room.”
“Wouldn't've felt…this great…” Amon said. Michael smiled and held him even closer, his body slowly regaining feeling.
“You're right…” he said. Amon lifted from the bed very slowly, and Michael scooted back, gasping when he felt Amon slip from inside of him. He rubbed his face. “Boy, am I in for a treat tomorrow,” he said. Amon crawled forward and kissed him on the side of the mouth.
“I'll make it up to you,” he assured. Michael's lips tugged downward as he fixed his glasses.
“I'm counting on it,” he said.