Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When All Is Said And Done ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What to do, what to do. Doujima stirred her coffee slowly, letting out a labored sigh. She squinted her eyes at the absence of persons, and therefore activity in the room. Things had changed, and Doujima felt like she'd missed everything. Suddenly, Zaizen quit, and then suddenly, Kosaka took his place. At least that's what they said. Doujima didn't believe a word of it. Something had taken place, and everyone tried their hardest to keep her in the dark. And they'd done a damn good job of it, too.
Miho didn't seem to know anything, either. The pair had spent more than their fair share of time together while the office remained empty. Sakaki was the first one back. He wouldn't say anything, and that was unusual because Sakaki was a motor mouth at times. But his mood had lifted, and he was always busy doing something productive.
Then Michael returned. He never looked more alive than from that point on. He was almost always smiling and was willing to talk about anything and everything—except what Doujima wanted to know the most, of course. And then there was the matter of him going and coming as he pleased. Doujima was dying to know what caused all the changes, but knew her chances of getting anything out of Amon were slim to none.
Surprisingly, when Amon came back, he talked a little more. Not much more, but he certainly wasn't as silent as usual. Doujima found it suspicious that he and Michael and Sakaki were spending time together outside of work, and saw it as a clue to what had gone on without her knowledge.
When Robin came back to work, she, too, seemed full of life and the four of them practically glowed when they were within each other's company. Was it just Doujima, or did she deserve a vacation as well? Here she was, picking up all the slack of her fellow hunters while they strayed away from the office all that time, and did she get a break? No. And neither did Miho, but Miho didn't mind as much as Doujima did. She…kind of stood off to the side and watched from a distance, smiling contently. It was almost motherly the way she regarded them at times. Doujima was fed up, and was near her boiling point on this particular night.
Everyone was gone. Well, except the chief—oops! The boss and Hattori, and the boss's new underling, the new chief. Doujima grunted in frustration. She stormed over to the chief's desk and folded her arms.
“Excuse me,” she said. The chief looked up at her.
“Yes, Doujima-san?”
“Would you just happen to know why the others got the night off and I'm stuck here by myself like this? I mean, I could have at least received a memo.” The chief smiled at her.
“Doujima-san, you're free to go when you want, you know that.”
“But, there's no one here. I feel obligated to…” The chief shook her head very slowly.
“I'll see you tomorrow, Miss Doujima.” Doujima made a face. Great. Now she'd feel guilty because she was leaving before the usual time. She went back over to her desk and sat down. She'd leave after she finished her coffee.
Although things had changed, Karasuma couldn't say she wasn't comfortable with it. She'd always been able to adapt to change; it was one of her strongest suits. Sitting back and watching from the sidelines, she had a little trouble piecing all the pieces of the puzzle together, but in the end, she was sure she knew what was going on between her fellow hunters. The absence of Zaizen and the slow reintegration of her hunters proved to be the most comforting part of all. Though she wasn't involved, Karasuma knew her place, and intended on keeping her distance.
Sakaki had grown to hate hospitals, and, adversely, he'd grown to love work. Even seeing Doujima brightened his day, and that was probably the most frightening outcome of the entire ordeal. Robin, Michael, Amon and Sakaki had an unspoken, mutual agreement to keep things quiet. Kosaka and Amon had taken care of everything, and Kosaka hadn't told anyone about what happened except for the people in charge, who decided on the consequential happenings after the attack. It was hard on all of them, but in the end, they persevered. Sakaki was just happy that they'd all survived.
Touko had gone. Where, Robin wasn't sure. Michael, newly released from “prison” as they often joked, had nothing just out. No money, barely any belongings and definitely no sense of direction. Robin had been quick to offer the apartment, and Michael moved in with her temporarily.
Robin still hopped around on a crutch, but she was getting better each day. She knew she'd be good as new in no time. Michael was great about helping her out. He often joked that their bullet wounds united them, like the Wonder Twins and their magical rings. Or something along those lines. Michael was strange, but Robin adored his weirdness.
Not long after Michael moved in, he moved out again. He told Robin that he'd found a place to stay, and so Robin decided she would move as well. The apartment held bitter memories for her, and she was eager to get a start on a new life, as she assumed Michael wanted to do. As soon as she could walk without restraint she was going to do just that.
Amon closed the door behind him and looked at Michael. Michael was gaping at the apartment, and Amon took that as a good sign.
“It's so gay…” Michael said, going over to the couch. Amon's eyebrows lowered.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” he asked. Michael looked at him and chuckled.
“But it is. Please…tell me Touko fixed this place up.”
“What?” Amon asked, surprised. “Why should she have been the one?”
“Because…” Michael said, bouncing on the couch and then laying out on it. “You've got candles…and paintings and…potpourri.”
“What's so wrong with potpourri?” Amon asked. Michael chuckled a little more at Amon's defensive tone, and Amon found it difficult to stay mad at him.
“I mean seriously…if…I were to see this apartment, I would say…a gay man lived here. Seriously…how did Touko not know?”
“Get up,” Amon huffed finally. “I'll show you around.”
“I got it,” Michael said. He got up and looked around the living room. He stopped at Amon's stereo. “You…listen to gospel?” he asked, running a finger down Amon's stack of CDs.
“No,” Amon said. “Those are gifts. I figure if I ever get robbed, why leave the good stuff sitting out?” Michael chuckled.
“You're funny,” he said. He moved over to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets. “And…very, very gay.”
“What is it this time?”
“Name brand….gourmet… No bachelor pad, college student type food.” Michael was enjoying himself. “I bet you have bubble bath and salts in your bathroom.” Amon pursed his lips. “And I bet you have a complete sheet set, with ornament pillows and that duster thingy.” Michael laughed. “Man. You never seemed this gay on the inside, babe. You're gayer than me and I wasn't even in denial.”
“Would you shut up,” Amon said, his eyebrow twitching slightly.
“You have vanilla beans?” Michael almost shouted, not paying Amon any attention. “Amon… I love you.” Michael crossed the room to the hall where Amon's bedroom, office and bathroom were. Amon followed him. Michael disappeared into the bathroom.
“I knew it!” he said. “You even have a toilet seat cover.”
“Can it,” Amon said from the hall.
“A bath mat…” Michael said as he walked out. “And a pillow. For those late night soaks, eh, babe?” Michael nudged Amon with his elbow. “This is so cool.” Michael looked into Amon's office. “This my bedroom?” Amon grabbed Michael by the forearm and tugged him towards him.
“Don't be stupid.”
“Well, where?”
“You're sleeping with me.” Michael batted his eyelashes.
“And your ornamental pillows.” Amon scowled and kissed him. Michael blushed a little and went into the bedroom.
“You know what's weird?” he asked as he looked around, turning things over and peeking behind the furniture as if looking for something hidden.
“The way you're snooping?”
“No, that's usual… At least for me.”
“Then what?”
“It doesn't even smell like you cleaned up. And I don't see any cleaning products out, and no dirt swept under the rug. So…this place is always clean?”
“And why wouldn't it be?”
“Because you're a dude.” Amon squinted his eyes. Michael plopped onto the bed and picked up one of the pillows with tassels. He waved it at Amon. “Sorry…I forgot about how high your level of gayness is.”
“You've got one more time to tease me about my home,” Amon threatened, sitting on the edge of the bed. Michael got up and sat behind him. He put an arm around Amon's shoulder and the other around his chest. He kissed his shoulder. “Can we do it?” he asked. “On your neatly made bed?” Amon smirked at him.
“When you get settled in.”
“You do realize that I don't have anything to get settled in with, right?”
“What about your things at work? Your weird fridge-desk thing? And your clothes?”
“Those things…?” Michael asked, his voice low. “They don't suit your apartment.”
“This is no longer just my apartment,” Amon said. “It needs your…hacker flair.” Michael chuckled.
“Flair…” he said.
“You teasing me again?” Michael made kissing noises behind Amon's ear.
“You betcha,” he said. Amon turned towards Michael and scooted back on the bed. Michael let him go and laid down again, this time with his head in Amon's lap.
“Should we go get your things now?” Amon asked.
“I don't know…” Michael said. “I don't want to embarrass you or anything. I should blend in.”
“And be an uptight bore, like me?”
“You are not an uptight bore. You're actually real good company.”
“You've been reestablished into society,” Amon said. “And you're starting to get your life back together. You can do whatever you want, Lee, except change. I fell in love with you just the way you are, and if you start acting like me, I'll leave you.”
“Eh?” Michael said loudly, getting up. He sat down against Amon's pillows and shook his head adamantly. “You wouldn't.”
“Wouldn't I?”
“No!” Michael said. Then he smirked and held up his pointer finger matter-of-factly. “You can't resist me, that's why.” Amon reached over and poked Michael in the chest.
“You've got a big mouth, you know that?”
“The better to su—”
“Don't say it,” Amon said quickly.
“What?” Michael asked. “It was going to be innocent.”
“Right.” Michael scooted closer to Amon again.
“Fine. I won't change. But don't get mad when I don't fit into your social circle.”
“My what?”
“You know…”
“You don't know me very well, do you? You are my social circle. You and the others.” Michael smiled.
“Wow. Looks like we both need a life, huh?”
“You five are all I need,” Amon said. Michael nudged his cheek with his nose.
“It's good to know,” he said.
Thank you for reading my fanfiction. Please review to let me know what you think of When All Is Said And Done.