Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When there`s no explanation ❯ Knowledge and rivalry ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rivalry and knowledge
Ziva was informing Anna and Amon on everything that she knew about the case. She handed them the photos of the crime scene on their way to the NCIS building. They were inside the elevator, heading towards their destination. Anna was standing next to Amon, waiting for the doors to open when she heard Amon inside her head.
“I dont like that guy”
She smiled and answered back
“What? No!”
“I think you are. Dont worry, he is not my type.”
“Is just that?”
“No. you know what kinda guy is my type.”
“No I dont”
“You, silly!”
Amon smiled to himself, feeling the annoyance on her mental tone.
“I just want to get this done and go home”
“Me too. But we have to help them, so we dont have much of a choice.”
The doors opened, finishing their conversation. A man with gray hair approached them to greet them.
“Im Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, welcome to the NCIS.”
Anna shook the hand that was being offered to her
“Im Anna Sena, STN-J. This is my partner, Amon.”
Amon shook his head in acknowledgment. The NCIS agent led them to the center of the room.
“These are the agents that you will be working with. This is Agent Timothy McGee,. Agents David and DiNozzo, you already met them. I need to ask you a question.”
“And that would be?” Anna said to him
“What kind of agency are you? Miss David told me something related to witchcraft, referring to the symbol we found on the crime scene.”
Amon and Anna looked at each other.
“We will glad to explain it all, but only to the agents in charge of this.”
Gibbs nodded and walked the two new arrivals and his crew to an empty conference room. Once they all were seated, Anna proceeded to explain everything to the agents.
“You mean that there are witches among human beings?” Tony asked in disbelief
“Thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.” Gibbs said.
“Then how do you explain the death of that man?” Anna said to him, “as a matter of fact, Amon and I are witches ourselves.”
“Thats bullshit!” Gibbs got up, trying to keep his thoughts together, “Then, why arent you hunted?”
“Because we use our craft to stop those who loose control. We are called Craft-users”
Anna said in a calmed tone, “Do you believe it now?”
“No, I dont. I think that this was a waste of time, calling you here.”
Ziva was very upset, so she raised her voice to stop the man, “they are real. Anna saved my life long ago using her abilities. I didn't believe it at first, but you cant deny the truth. They are real, and they came all the way here to help us”
Gibbs have never seen the Israeli agent so upset. He nodded and walked outside the room, leaving the STN-J agents and the rest of his team alone.
“So you are a witch too, huh?”
Anna flinched when she felt DiNozzo so close to her. She turned around to face him, very upset that her personal space was being invaded by the man. She lifted her hand and moved him backwards, using her craft. He lost his balance and fell on his back. Everyone else began to laugh, seeing Tony lying on his butt.
“Yes, I am. And I dont like that my personal space invaded without my consent.”
And she turned around, leaving the room. She found Gibbs sitting at his desk.
“Agent Gibbs”
The man turned around to face her.
“The fact that Amon and I are witches does not change the fact that we are here to solve a crime. We are humans too, so dont think that we are very different from you or any of your agents.”
“Good, but I dont want any weird things going on here. No casting spells and anything like that”
Anna chuckled.
“The fact that we are called witches, doesnt mean that all you read about witchcraft is real. A witch is someone with a genetic mutation that is revealed on the appearance of special abilities.”
“Genetic mutation?”
Gibbs got up slowly from the chair he was sitting on.
“The victim had a weird genetic mutation. Our specialist found it on the autopsy.”
“Can I see it, please?”
“Follow me agent Sena.”
“Its Anna, sir. I dont like to be treated with that much formality. I feel old.”
Gibbs laughed when he heard that statement.
“How old are you Anna?”
“You are too young to be an agent.”
“I was trained since I was five. My first assignment as an agent was when I was fourteen.”
Gibbs opened his eyes wide open in disbelief
“You have been doing this your entire life?”
“Yes. My sister died in this job when she was fifteen. Almost two years ago”
“Sorry to hear that.”
“Its ok sir. We were in different parts of the world by that time and we never grew up together.”
“Your parents were hunters too?”
“My mom was the daughter of a high agent for Solomon. My dad was a scientist. They both died when I was very young.”
Gibbs couldn't help but feel connected with the young agent. His father was a Marine, never at home, killed in action. His mother remarried when he was ten years old, so he never felt at home. As soon as he turned eighteen, he entered the Navy and after that he became a NCIS agent.
They both arrived to the underground lab where a girl with black pigtails was sitting in front of a computer.
“Yes Gibbs?” She turned around and Anna saw that she was wearing goth make-up and black clothes.
“This is Anna, from the agency that is helping us with Lt Scotts case.”
“Oh, the witchcraft case!”
Anna stared at Gibbs, with a questioning look on her face.
“Abby called the case like that for the symbol on the scene.” He explained to her.
“So, are you a paranormal detective?” Abby asked Anna
“Something like that. Im a witch hunter”
“Cool. Could you teach me something?”
“Abby, I need you to show Anna the DNA analysis Ducky made on the corpse.”
“Sure, here” Abby handed Anna a file.
“I need to go and check on the others, so I will leave you here Anna.”
Gibbs turned around and walked towards the elevator, leaving the two ladies to work on their own.