Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When there`s no explanation ❯ Realization of a reality ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Realization of a reality
Anna woke up the next morning pretty early, considering that she had gone to sleep last night at midnight. She got up, took her clothing for the day and walked towards the bathroom. She took her time on the shower and got dressed. Walking out the bathroom, she stopped at her room to find some music for the day. She picked an Apocalyptica CD from her collection and walked to the kitchen, to cook breakfast for her and Tony. Putting her favorite song “Nothing else matters” with the volume as high as the CD player let her, she began to cook some eggs and bacon, while the coffee maker was doing the blackest coffee she could drink. She was listening to the music, while she was cooking, when it was turned off.
“Hey!” She turned around, finding Tony trying to walk away from the player
“Do you have the habit if listening to this so early?” He said as he pulled the CD out the player.
“Yeah, and you better get used to it, because its something I do everyday! If you don't believe me, ask Amon!”
“Amon?” he said with a frown on his face, that was soon replaced with a shocked expression, “YOU LIVE WITH HIM?!”
Shit, think of an excuse Anna, fast!! She thought.
“Yeah, I do” Nice one girl.
“so you two must been closer than you told me!”
“We live together, but as roommates, nothing else! Besides, its none of your business if I live with him!” she said in an angry tone.
He looked down, embarrassed for his outburst.
“You are making me change my mind about going out with you, you know?”
His eyes widened in surprise.
“You were going to accept?”
“I am, but right now I want someplace where I can work out.”
“You could go to the park and run.”
“My work out needs to be out of sight. I need to use my craft.”
“Theres always the backyard, unless your “craft” is too dangerous”
“I think I can handle it in your backyard. What time are we going out?”
“After work?”
“Sure. Oh, by the way, breakfast is ready.”
Tony nodded and turned to the kitchen, while Anna walked to the backyard so she could begin her workout.
Tony finished his breakfast and walked to the backyard, hoping to see what Anna was doing. He opened the backyards door and sat on a chair that was in there, marveled for what he was seeing.
Anna was holding a couple of short bladed three-pointed swords. (AN: Sai, to be more precise. You know, the ones Elektra uses!) She was spinning them around, while flames were shot when she twisted them. She turned to the punching bag Tony had holding on a near pole and threw the sai towards it. Then she jumped around and a wave of water swirled around her, like a curtain. She began to move her hands as if she was doing tai chi and the water followed all her movements, elegant and beautiful. Wow, she is good Tony thought, as he remained ignored by the young witch. After she iced the water around the sai that were pinned on the bag, she continued with earth, lifting a huge rock out of the floor and throwing it away, until it fell, just a few inches away from the fence.
“You are really good at it” He said, while Anna had her back turned on him. Surprised, she turned around, seeing the young Italian guy staring at her, with a grin on his face.
“Thanks. Sorry about your punching bag, I got a little carried away.”
“Its ok, besides I haven't used it in a thousand years. How do you do that?”
“With the water, fire and earth. Where did you learned it?”
“I told ya that I have trained on it since I was a kid. Besides, it's a genetic thing, I cant teach it.”
“When was the first time you found out you could do that?”
“When I was around four years old. Accidentally I set my teddy bear on fire.” She smiled at the memory, “my mom had to turn the flames down with her own craft”
“So your whole family had this powers?”
“My mom, my sister and I. my dad was human, one hundred per cent.”
“You have a sister?”
“Had. She died almost two years ago”
Anna sat next to Tony. He looked at her face, shadowed by the memory of her sister. She reminded him of Kate. How long has it been? Six months? Even after Ziva killed Ari, he kept the feeling that it should have been him, not Kate, the one to die like that, with a bullet on the head. She is a lot like her he thought while he looked at Anna, too bad Kate is not here to see Anna. They would have become friends really fast.
“Tony, are you OK?” Anna said to him, worried to see the look on his face.
He looked back at her and smiled.
“Yeah, im fine, just thinking”
“About who?”
“how do you know that im thinking about someone?”
“I have been around Amon long enough to learn how to read people. If I can read Amon, you are like an open book. Tell me, who were you thinking about?”
He sighed, defeated.
“I had a partner a few months ago. She died when a fuckin son of a bitch shoot her on the head”
“What was her name?”
“Did you… liked her?” Anna said, seeing the hurtful expression on his face after saying her name.
“I don't know. Maybe if I had the chance, I could have done something, but the day I decided to ask her out, she was killed. I guess I would never know now”
Tony was not the type of guy that opened up to a girl like that, so he was pretty much surprised to see that he was telling that to someone he had just met the day before.
“Sorry to hear that. I guess that is something we have in common. We both lost someone we loved.”
“When did your sister died? What happened to her?”
“She died when Amon and her broke into a facility to free one of their coworkers. She died saving Amon when the building was collapsing. I was transferred to be Amons partner when six months after that”
“Lucky guy, that Amon. Having two girls as partners that are really hot. I guess that your sister looked like you?”
“A little. She looked more like my mom, while I was the one that resembled our dad. I was the older one, but she had the older soul. She was a lot more mature than I was. I always got in trouble while she was the one that got me out of it.”
The phone began to ring inside the house, so Tony walked inside. Anna sat there, thinking. What was she doing? Bonding with Tony? She looked at him as a brother, not as a guy. She hated giving him hopes, but she would be in big trouble if HQ found out of her relationship with Amon. What should I do? I wish everything is easier.
“Anna, we got to go. The boss found out something about the killer.”
She got up and ran to her bedroom, changing her work out clothing and dressing up quickly. She put her black trench coat on and they both walked to the car.
Anna walked inside the NCIS building, with Tony at her heels. Amon and the rest of the crew were in already, so she walked next to Amon.
“Abby found a fingerprint on the corpse. CODIS gave us a name: Kirigi Mizawa. Japanese, 35 years old. His brother disappeared 36 months ago, he was last seen in a church, but his body was never found.”
“His body was never found because he wasn't killed.” Amon said.
“What do you mean?” Gibbs said, upset that his explanation was being interrupted.
“Robin and I hunted Mizawa 36 months ago (AN: Remember the episode “Addicted to power”, that's the guy they are talking about), it was Robins second hunt with us. We took him to the Factory, but I guess he died when the Factory fell.”
“Factory? And who is Robin?” Gibbs asked.
“Robin was my little sister, and the Factory was the place where STN-J sent the witches after they were hunt. Until she found out that the Factory used the captured witches for experimentation, Amon, Robin and the rest of the hunters took it down.”
“So we are dealing with Mizawas brother?” Ziva asked
“Craft is genetic, so there are big probabilities that Kirigi is a witch too. The only problem is that you all are humans, and you are not trained to hunt witches.” Amon added.
“So?” Gibbs said, “we are trained agents, we can help.”
Amon sighed, knowing the stubbornness of the man.
“OK, but only two of you are coming with Anna and me. We can only protect one of you, if we want to take the witch down”
“Ziva and Anna will go together and Tony and you will go together” Gibbs said to Amon, “I will stay here and coordinate the operation. We have Mizawas current address, so you are leaving as soon as possible.”
Amon nodded and walked to the elevator, followed by Tony. He got inside alone, and the doors were about to close, when Tony got inside.
“I need to talk to you” The blond men said.
“About what?” Amon growled.
“About Anna. Look, I know that you two are together and that its not supposed to happen like that in your world, but I want to give you a little piece of advice.”
“What makes you think that way?”
“Look, I can see the way that you look at her and how she looks at you. Its pretty obvious to me, because that's how I used to look at my partner before she died.”
Amon read the guys mind, realizing that he was telling the truth. He sighed and nodded.
“So, are you gonna tell me to stay away from her?” Amon said.
Tony shook his head.
“I am getting out of your way man. She obviously loves you and I don't wanna come between you two, if you tell me right here and right now what are your intentions with her”
Amons eyes grew wide.
“what do you think you are? Her brother or something?”
“I care about her as if she were my sister. And I don't care how big you are, I am not getting out the way until I know that!”
Amon was surprised to see that this little wimp cared about Anna that much. He smiled to the rush of angry thoughts that flooded on the young mans head.
“I am completely in love with Anna and if I could I would marry her right now.” Amon admitted to Tony, “but we cant do it, so that's why we keep it secret.”
Tony smiled with the answer of the black haired man. So he is not a human popsicle after all, good work girl!
“Im not a popscicle!” Amon told him.
“You were reading my thoughts? That's what you can do?” Tony asked in disbelief
“Sorry. I guess I shouldn't have done that” Amon said
“Do you know what girls think about you?”
“Yeah. But I don't care what they think”
“Are they kinkier than men?” Tony asked with a mischievous expression on his face.
Amon smacked him on his head.
TaDa! I just loved the idea of Amon smacking Tony! He would have looked hilarious doing that! Oh, I case you need a real human face to place on Amon (you know, considering that he is an anime and NCIS is live action) I would suggest you use Roy Dupuis face (from the Famme Nikita). I don't know, I just think that if Sunrise made a live action version of Witch Hunter Robin, Roy Dupuis would do an amazing Amon.
Let me know what you think! Write some reviews!!!!