Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Game of Love And Hate ❯ The Journey ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kitty: hey guys sorry its been takeing a wile to get these chapters up because well we have been busy but im staying up all night untill i finish this so evryone give me a
round of applause!
(hears one person clapping)
Deablo: the silent clap hahaha!
Disclaimer: Deablo nor Kitty owns Yu Yu Hakusho or Wolf's Rain. They do own Harmony and Nera.
Kitty: thx u disclaimer voice!
Disclaimer: i only disclaim things its my job....
Deablo:*drinking sour apple liuqor* i think *hickups* ill go call forcase.
Kitty: NO DONT! *grabs deablo and ties her up and hands to youko* now... you watch over her
Youko: *perverted grin* i sure will
Kitty: not like that! you touch her you die *glares*
Youko: fine...
Kitty: ok guys heres what you have been waiting for!
The Game Of Love And Hate
Chapter 3: The Journey
(Kitty: oh yeah and this is not spell cheaked yet so bare with my spelling please dont flame us for my spelling in fact dont flame us or tell us that our grammer and spelling
is bad we already know dont need to tell us, so please i will get it fixed once Deablo gets off grounding thx u you so kool readers!)
(Harmony and Kibas Pov)
"hehe you think we should get some revenge? or just go out there or maby we and push them into a giant bowl of mashed potatoes!" Harmony
said to kiba looking out the window seeing Nera and Sumi kissing. "Considering hes your brother... no exspecally seince older brothers are protective over sisters... no
and considering were getting married NO and its a bad first impression" Kiba said sweat droping. "Oh PWEASE!" Harmony begged getting an eager face. (Deablo: hey!
thats my eager face! Kitty: SHOVE IT!) "fine as long as its just you im going to be the person watching T.V. during this" said kiba giving harmony a quick kiss and sitting
on the couch. "oh kiba your to kind" Harmony said sarcasticly and walked out side.
(regular Pov)
Harmony went up to them but they did not notice.'hurmmm i wonder what would happen' Harmony thought. "POOOOKKKEEEE!" harmony
said pokeing them both in the tummy. "POOOOOOOOOKKKKKKEEEEEEE" she said agan pokeing them in the eye. "ouch..." they both said turning to you. "damn you
harmony ALWAYS ruiening my moments!" Nera yelled but harmony just ignored it. "brother its been a wile" Harmony said smirking "and you dont evan bother to give
me a hug (fake sniffles) and i thought i was your favorate sibling!" she said smileing pushing Nera a side hugging her brother."yeah well.. hehe DONT HURT ME!" Sumi
joked. "dont worry i wont , i dont want you to die again.. sry about that .. last time..." Harmony said her face getting sadder expression. "but hey how did you come back
alive?!" she asked. "well when i died koemna gave me a job to watch over humans .. and now seince you guys need help he gave me promission to come back alive and
stay alive so guess whos back back again the bitch is back go tell a friend" Sumi said again smileing. "god you never do change do you?" nera said wraping an arm around
his waist. "nope!" he said yet again cheerfully.
"hey Harmony" Sumi sniffed the air "you smell different ah well must be cuz you farted" Sumi joked. "but i didnt fart.. oh well hey you wanna
meet someone specail to me!?" Harmony asked with a sparkle in her eyes. "oh god" Nera said rolling her eyes walkinging inside. "who is it another boyfriend.. you know
ill have to approve of him right?" Sumi asked. "well sorta come onnn!" Harmon said draging him inside. "KIBA GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Harmony yelled.
"do i need to go get the bandages?" Nera asked sarcasticly clinging to Sumi again. "no because if he touched him well you going to have to hold me down" Harmony
challanged her brother. Out of no where Kiba appered beside Harmony. "so is this him" they both asked at the same time then Sumi glared at Kiba but Kiba keept his
emotionless stair. "Yupperz!" Harmony said. "ok are you sure you dont want me to get the bandages?" Nera asked again. "IM SURE IM NOT A WEAKLING YOU
KNOW!" Harmony yelled. "ok Kiba ths is Sumi say hi BOTH OF YOU!" Harmony challaned when they both said nothing nera and harmony hit them in the arm. "Sumi
this is my feonce Kiba" Harmony said the last words hesalently. "w-weh- WHAT?!" was Sumi's responce but he couldent move not a musel.
"*sigh* i knew this was going to happen, now Sumi Kiba and Harmony knew each other for about 2 years now weather you like it or not
there in love and are getting merried" Nera said floating him onto the couch. "gr" was all his responce. "You touch him you die Sumi, come on kiba lets go play gutair
WEE!" Harmony said draging Kiba to her room. "Nera help me!" Kiba said jokeing untill you heard a *smack*. "ouchh what was that for" kiba's voice said. "Come on
genius were gunna play gutair and sing WEE!" Harmonys voice said. "EVRYONE BESIDES HARMONEY AND KIBA GET IN THE LIVING ROOM NOW!"
Nera yelled and no one came. "THERS SAKE AND KITTENS!" Nera yelled again and evryone appered in the room. "ok guys there no sake or kittens but theres a
new member to our group evryone meet Sumi this is Yusuke,Hiei,Kurama,Kewabaka i mean kewabara ,genkia and Yukina" Nera said smileing happly which they have
never seen befor so it freaked them out.
"hello" Evryone besides Hiei said. "Hi" Sumi said and eventully they all started talking asking questions. Untill Harmony busted into the room.
" i got a clue!" She screamed and they all gathered around her as she read it. "What world can be burning like fire but freezes in cold where the wind can blow gently and
the plants can grow where it can be internal sunshine or forever dark? where this world is your clue shall be it" Harmony read. " well i know this clue right off the back of
my head its the place i was born elament world" Harmony said. " wait i though you where a wolf demon" Yusuke said. "No you baka im the elament wolf!" Harmony said.
"You guys shut up were leaveing now" Nera said as her and Sumi walked out of the temple. "okay go on follow the leader!" Harmony said as they all fallowed her out
besides Gebnkai and Yukina. "Hey Nera i think im going to lead the way it is my world you know" Harmony said. "Ohh cant we both be leaders (eager Face) " Nera
said. "Fine"Harmony replied as evryone followed them.
Eventually they got to a cave and walked into it and walked deeper and deeper. "why are we walking in here?" Kewabara asked. "Well
in order to open a portal to elament world you have to be somewhere where all the elament meet" Nera said in an intelagent voice. "but how is a cave suppost to help us"
Yusuke asked. "Well me being an Element Wolf i know where all of the elaments meet by the way were here" Harmony said and smiled at the veiw befor her. There
was a lake and plants all around the ground with green grass, there where dark corners and in the top of the cave was a hole where the moons light reflected on
crystles and there was a slight breeze and in the middle of the lake there was a tree on fire. With a quick wave of her hand a portal appered and harmony jumped in
evryone followed Nera the last one in.
When evryone was in the world a letter poped infront of Nera's face. "WHOA WTF!? .. ohh hehe" She smileed and opened the letter
and read to them "there will be a challange for one at the top of the peak where darkness and light meets if she shall defeat another clue will rest at your feet". "ok so that
means one of the girls will have a challange on a peak of a mountain between where darkness and light meet and if she sucseeds then we get a new clue!" Kurama said
smileing. Harmony and Nera looked at each other and then their neclaces Nera's dragen pendent wasent glowing but Harmonys Necklace with cursave letters was.
"ok so its my battle? YAY i could use a fight" she said. "Not exactly a challange could mean alot of things keep that in mind" Nera said still clinging to Sumi like there was
no tomrrow."ok i know where this place is follow me" Harmony said with her and Kiba leading the way holding hands which made Sumi growl untill Nera squeezed his
hand and he smiled.
They walked through the world they passed 3 elaments Fire Water and Earth now they where at the mountain.Nera wved her hand this
time and a nother portal appered and they all went through.They where at the top and there waiting for them was Derice . Nera growled and clenched her fists just befor
steping up Harmon did and Sumi held Nera back."what is my challange Derice?" Harmony said glareing at him. "well nice to see you too Harmony, Nera" Derice said
smileing like an idiot. "I said what is my challange?!" Harmony said in a threatning voice. "Alright gorgus dont get your panties in a bunch" Derice said still haveing the
idiotic smirk. "Why You---" Harmony couldent finish her seintence she froze in a mid second. "Now befor you ask what i did to her she will be back soon.. as Nera Sumi
and Kiba know.. without her chain" Derice said pointing to Harmonys Necklace. "she will change into her true most purest evil form and will go after family... or whats
left of it" He said glanceing at Sumi. "and then go for her best friend" He said glanceing at Nera. "and go for closest friends and the rest of you untill you are all dead,
once that happens evryone she loves will be dead, then conmit suicide" Derice finished.
"Basterd" Kiba yelled glareing at him. "Have fun now" Derice said takeing off harmonys chain and throwing it on the ground near
Kewabara and unfroze her then dissapered. Harmony started to scream in agony and fell to her knees her eyes turned compleatly red no puple just a glowing red,her
hair grew long and black to about her knees and had dark purple strrks in it,her skin turned the faintest color of blue and her teeth grew longer into wolf fangs,her cloths
changed into a black ripped up kimono and a kantana appered at the side of her hip. "hehehehehe" she laughed in a demonic way and dissapered right infront of their eyes.
Then apperes right infront of Sumi and Nera she punched Nera in the stomich and made her run and push down Hiei. Then she punched Sumi in the face makeing him fly
back word."NO! HARMONY! DONT NOT AGAIN!" Nera yelled at her but none got in. Sumi few back into the rocky wall of the mountain but yet again Harmony
appered infron of him useing her now longer claws scratching the hell out of him.
(Nera Pov)
"no .... she cant not again" Nera keept on saying to herself. "Nera are you alright" Kurama said helping her off Hiei. "no.. shes going to
kill him again!" She screamed at them all. "whoa .. we will change her back" Yusuke said trying to reasure her. "no i wont let her kill him agian". Nera said her eyes
flashing. "Kiba!" Nera called as she icked up the chain and gave it to him. "if i cant stop her ... she loves you ... so you'll have to try and change her back" Nera said
starting to walk twords her untill Hiei stopped her. "are you crzy Onna you'll be killed" He said. "i dont care" Nera said and jumped over walking behind Harmony.
(regular Pov)
Then she punched him in the gut makeing him caugh up blood which was bad because he already is getting the affects of blood loss. He
stood up and staired at his little sister. Harmony Took out the Kantana and stuck it through his chest and took it back as he fell back she did a back flip and stuck the
Kantana through the back of Nera makeing her fall on top of Sumi." Pathedic" Harmony said again in her demonic voice and turned around to see evryone heading
near her and Kiba in the corner of her eye watching in disbalif. "Fools" She shot a gust of wind at then and they wher all flew back into the wall evryone besides Kiba.
Harmony Smirked and ran twords in superfast speed and punched him in the stumich and he landed into the rocky wall. She put up her hand her claws showing stained
with her brothers blood. Kiba could tell she was fighting herself inside so he gave it a shot just befor she hit him with her claws.
"Why... harmony..." Kiba said caughing up blood as she swiped her claws across his face. "do.. do you not love me or get married" He said
getting swiped again. "Do you.. hate me..?" He asked this time and looked up to see her eyes flash violete. " i know your in there! Harmony fight it for me, for Nera,
for your brother and the gang!" Kiba yelled at her and Harmonys eyes flashed Violete again as she threw him into the opposite rock wall. " please Harmony... i love you"
Kiba said again as Harmony fell to her knees eyes flasing violete and holding her head. At this moment kiba went into his pocket and grabed her chain and clasped it
around her neck as her eyes hair and cloths turned back to normal and feel into Kiba's Arms crying repeating over and over im sorry. "im sorry.. so sorry" Harmony
sobbed. "shh its alright" Kiba tried to soothe her. "NO ITS NOT I JUST WANT OUT OF THE WORLD!" Harmony said and took her normal demon claws and
slised her wrists. "Stop That!" Kiba said and riped off some of his shirt and bandaged Harmonys cuts then she passed out.(but only for a little she cant sleep to much pain)
(Nera's Pov)
'I was still alive and so was Sumi but on the edge of dieing. i heard Kiba getting the seince into Harmony... this was the second time this
has happened and i lost Sumi To it too' Nera though looking down to sumi. "hey there geourgus how are ya?" Sumi said to Nera. "not so good you? Nera said. "hey, im
sorry i have to leave you again but this time.. i cant come back.. make sure Harmony knows im not mad at her for this and she has my blessings for her weading...
make sure that jackass takes care of her.. and her unborn child... im letting you take my plase as her sister.. you know.. thheres someone else here thats in love with you
here.. (caughs blood up and i mean alot), "No dont talk you going to live dont go well get you help!: Nera yelled at him. "hes right under your nose.... i love you Nera ...
more then life its self... please take the last of my power the pains to much" sumi asked and smiled up to Nera. "I love you to Sumi" Nera said and took the last of Sumi's
power with a final kill... the kiss of death.
(Regulat Pov)
Kiba walked yup to the gang and and put you in Kurama's Arms as he ran up to Nera. "Hey.. im sorry you know it waset her falt" he
said to Nera. "i know now just heal me so i can get on with my life" Nera said between sobs. Kiba did so and then she stood up and walked to the letter as Kiba took
harmony back in his arms. "im so sorry guys.." Harmony said to evryone and they all replied it wasent your fault and its ok altough She disagreed. Nera opened the letter
and it read...
Kitty: that was a sad chapter... and i stayed up all night working and thinking ok it.
Kitty: its just me and Hiei that up right hiei
Kitty: O.o ... o.O ........ ooo k then.
Kurama: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ 2 + 2 = 42 milanity ca trillion
Kitty: O.O is he really smart at all?
Youko: ZzZzZz ill be damed the way you shake it i aint never seen a ass like that the way you move it you make my pe pe go diong diong siong ass like that ZZZzzzZZZ
Kitty: WHOA! i didnt exspect that from youko.. but a funny Eminem song lmao
Yusuke: ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ mommy bo bo why do the teddy bears make the cookies go boom ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz
Kitty: umm... i put that in my old fan fiction but i never exspected it to happen here........ o.o
Kewabara: ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ the kittenss make my pe pe go dong diong diong ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
Kitty: ok thats freakin sick O_O O.O o.O.....O.o o.o............
Kitty: must not fall asleep too... late... ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ READ zzzzzzZZZZZZZ SNOR! zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzz AND zzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz
round of applause!
(hears one person clapping)
Deablo: the silent clap hahaha!
Disclaimer: Deablo nor Kitty owns Yu Yu Hakusho or Wolf's Rain. They do own Harmony and Nera.
Kitty: thx u disclaimer voice!
Disclaimer: i only disclaim things its my job....
Deablo:*drinking sour apple liuqor* i think *hickups* ill go call forcase.
Kitty: NO DONT! *grabs deablo and ties her up and hands to youko* now... you watch over her
Youko: *perverted grin* i sure will
Kitty: not like that! you touch her you die *glares*
Youko: fine...
Kitty: ok guys heres what you have been waiting for!
The Game Of Love And Hate
Chapter 3: The Journey
(Kitty: oh yeah and this is not spell cheaked yet so bare with my spelling please dont flame us for my spelling in fact dont flame us or tell us that our grammer and spelling
is bad we already know dont need to tell us, so please i will get it fixed once Deablo gets off grounding thx u you so kool readers!)
(Harmony and Kibas Pov)
"hehe you think we should get some revenge? or just go out there or maby we and push them into a giant bowl of mashed potatoes!" Harmony
said to kiba looking out the window seeing Nera and Sumi kissing. "Considering hes your brother... no exspecally seince older brothers are protective over sisters... no
and considering were getting married NO and its a bad first impression" Kiba said sweat droping. "Oh PWEASE!" Harmony begged getting an eager face. (Deablo: hey!
thats my eager face! Kitty: SHOVE IT!) "fine as long as its just you im going to be the person watching T.V. during this" said kiba giving harmony a quick kiss and sitting
on the couch. "oh kiba your to kind" Harmony said sarcasticly and walked out side.
(regular Pov)
Harmony went up to them but they did not notice.'hurmmm i wonder what would happen' Harmony thought. "POOOOKKKEEEE!" harmony
said pokeing them both in the tummy. "POOOOOOOOOKKKKKKEEEEEEE" she said agan pokeing them in the eye. "ouch..." they both said turning to you. "damn you
harmony ALWAYS ruiening my moments!" Nera yelled but harmony just ignored it. "brother its been a wile" Harmony said smirking "and you dont evan bother to give
me a hug (fake sniffles) and i thought i was your favorate sibling!" she said smileing pushing Nera a side hugging her brother."yeah well.. hehe DONT HURT ME!" Sumi
joked. "dont worry i wont , i dont want you to die again.. sry about that .. last time..." Harmony said her face getting sadder expression. "but hey how did you come back
alive?!" she asked. "well when i died koemna gave me a job to watch over humans .. and now seince you guys need help he gave me promission to come back alive and
stay alive so guess whos back back again the bitch is back go tell a friend" Sumi said again smileing. "god you never do change do you?" nera said wraping an arm around
his waist. "nope!" he said yet again cheerfully.
"hey Harmony" Sumi sniffed the air "you smell different ah well must be cuz you farted" Sumi joked. "but i didnt fart.. oh well hey you wanna
meet someone specail to me!?" Harmony asked with a sparkle in her eyes. "oh god" Nera said rolling her eyes walkinging inside. "who is it another boyfriend.. you know
ill have to approve of him right?" Sumi asked. "well sorta come onnn!" Harmon said draging him inside. "KIBA GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Harmony yelled.
"do i need to go get the bandages?" Nera asked sarcasticly clinging to Sumi again. "no because if he touched him well you going to have to hold me down" Harmony
challanged her brother. Out of no where Kiba appered beside Harmony. "so is this him" they both asked at the same time then Sumi glared at Kiba but Kiba keept his
emotionless stair. "Yupperz!" Harmony said. "ok are you sure you dont want me to get the bandages?" Nera asked again. "IM SURE IM NOT A WEAKLING YOU
KNOW!" Harmony yelled. "ok Kiba ths is Sumi say hi BOTH OF YOU!" Harmony challaned when they both said nothing nera and harmony hit them in the arm. "Sumi
this is my feonce Kiba" Harmony said the last words hesalently. "w-weh- WHAT?!" was Sumi's responce but he couldent move not a musel.
"*sigh* i knew this was going to happen, now Sumi Kiba and Harmony knew each other for about 2 years now weather you like it or not
there in love and are getting merried" Nera said floating him onto the couch. "gr" was all his responce. "You touch him you die Sumi, come on kiba lets go play gutair
WEE!" Harmony said draging Kiba to her room. "Nera help me!" Kiba said jokeing untill you heard a *smack*. "ouchh what was that for" kiba's voice said. "Come on
genius were gunna play gutair and sing WEE!" Harmonys voice said. "EVRYONE BESIDES HARMONEY AND KIBA GET IN THE LIVING ROOM NOW!"
Nera yelled and no one came. "THERS SAKE AND KITTENS!" Nera yelled again and evryone appered in the room. "ok guys there no sake or kittens but theres a
new member to our group evryone meet Sumi this is Yusuke,Hiei,Kurama,Kewabaka i mean kewabara ,genkia and Yukina" Nera said smileing happly which they have
never seen befor so it freaked them out.
"hello" Evryone besides Hiei said. "Hi" Sumi said and eventully they all started talking asking questions. Untill Harmony busted into the room.
" i got a clue!" She screamed and they all gathered around her as she read it. "What world can be burning like fire but freezes in cold where the wind can blow gently and
the plants can grow where it can be internal sunshine or forever dark? where this world is your clue shall be it" Harmony read. " well i know this clue right off the back of
my head its the place i was born elament world" Harmony said. " wait i though you where a wolf demon" Yusuke said. "No you baka im the elament wolf!" Harmony said.
"You guys shut up were leaveing now" Nera said as her and Sumi walked out of the temple. "okay go on follow the leader!" Harmony said as they all fallowed her out
besides Gebnkai and Yukina. "Hey Nera i think im going to lead the way it is my world you know" Harmony said. "Ohh cant we both be leaders (eager Face) " Nera
said. "Fine"Harmony replied as evryone followed them.
Eventually they got to a cave and walked into it and walked deeper and deeper. "why are we walking in here?" Kewabara asked. "Well
in order to open a portal to elament world you have to be somewhere where all the elament meet" Nera said in an intelagent voice. "but how is a cave suppost to help us"
Yusuke asked. "Well me being an Element Wolf i know where all of the elaments meet by the way were here" Harmony said and smiled at the veiw befor her. There
was a lake and plants all around the ground with green grass, there where dark corners and in the top of the cave was a hole where the moons light reflected on
crystles and there was a slight breeze and in the middle of the lake there was a tree on fire. With a quick wave of her hand a portal appered and harmony jumped in
evryone followed Nera the last one in.
When evryone was in the world a letter poped infront of Nera's face. "WHOA WTF!? .. ohh hehe" She smileed and opened the letter
and read to them "there will be a challange for one at the top of the peak where darkness and light meets if she shall defeat another clue will rest at your feet". "ok so that
means one of the girls will have a challange on a peak of a mountain between where darkness and light meet and if she sucseeds then we get a new clue!" Kurama said
smileing. Harmony and Nera looked at each other and then their neclaces Nera's dragen pendent wasent glowing but Harmonys Necklace with cursave letters was.
"ok so its my battle? YAY i could use a fight" she said. "Not exactly a challange could mean alot of things keep that in mind" Nera said still clinging to Sumi like there was
no tomrrow."ok i know where this place is follow me" Harmony said with her and Kiba leading the way holding hands which made Sumi growl untill Nera squeezed his
hand and he smiled.
They walked through the world they passed 3 elaments Fire Water and Earth now they where at the mountain.Nera wved her hand this
time and a nother portal appered and they all went through.They where at the top and there waiting for them was Derice . Nera growled and clenched her fists just befor
steping up Harmon did and Sumi held Nera back."what is my challange Derice?" Harmony said glareing at him. "well nice to see you too Harmony, Nera" Derice said
smileing like an idiot. "I said what is my challange?!" Harmony said in a threatning voice. "Alright gorgus dont get your panties in a bunch" Derice said still haveing the
idiotic smirk. "Why You---" Harmony couldent finish her seintence she froze in a mid second. "Now befor you ask what i did to her she will be back soon.. as Nera Sumi
and Kiba know.. without her chain" Derice said pointing to Harmonys Necklace. "she will change into her true most purest evil form and will go after family... or whats
left of it" He said glanceing at Sumi. "and then go for her best friend" He said glanceing at Nera. "and go for closest friends and the rest of you untill you are all dead,
once that happens evryone she loves will be dead, then conmit suicide" Derice finished.
"Basterd" Kiba yelled glareing at him. "Have fun now" Derice said takeing off harmonys chain and throwing it on the ground near
Kewabara and unfroze her then dissapered. Harmony started to scream in agony and fell to her knees her eyes turned compleatly red no puple just a glowing red,her
hair grew long and black to about her knees and had dark purple strrks in it,her skin turned the faintest color of blue and her teeth grew longer into wolf fangs,her cloths
changed into a black ripped up kimono and a kantana appered at the side of her hip. "hehehehehe" she laughed in a demonic way and dissapered right infront of their eyes.
Then apperes right infront of Sumi and Nera she punched Nera in the stomich and made her run and push down Hiei. Then she punched Sumi in the face makeing him fly
back word."NO! HARMONY! DONT NOT AGAIN!" Nera yelled at her but none got in. Sumi few back into the rocky wall of the mountain but yet again Harmony
appered infron of him useing her now longer claws scratching the hell out of him.
(Nera Pov)
"no .... she cant not again" Nera keept on saying to herself. "Nera are you alright" Kurama said helping her off Hiei. "no.. shes going to
kill him again!" She screamed at them all. "whoa .. we will change her back" Yusuke said trying to reasure her. "no i wont let her kill him agian". Nera said her eyes
flashing. "Kiba!" Nera called as she icked up the chain and gave it to him. "if i cant stop her ... she loves you ... so you'll have to try and change her back" Nera said
starting to walk twords her untill Hiei stopped her. "are you crzy Onna you'll be killed" He said. "i dont care" Nera said and jumped over walking behind Harmony.
(regular Pov)
Then she punched him in the gut makeing him caugh up blood which was bad because he already is getting the affects of blood loss. He
stood up and staired at his little sister. Harmony Took out the Kantana and stuck it through his chest and took it back as he fell back she did a back flip and stuck the
Kantana through the back of Nera makeing her fall on top of Sumi." Pathedic" Harmony said again in her demonic voice and turned around to see evryone heading
near her and Kiba in the corner of her eye watching in disbalif. "Fools" She shot a gust of wind at then and they wher all flew back into the wall evryone besides Kiba.
Harmony Smirked and ran twords in superfast speed and punched him in the stumich and he landed into the rocky wall. She put up her hand her claws showing stained
with her brothers blood. Kiba could tell she was fighting herself inside so he gave it a shot just befor she hit him with her claws.
"Why... harmony..." Kiba said caughing up blood as she swiped her claws across his face. "do.. do you not love me or get married" He said
getting swiped again. "Do you.. hate me..?" He asked this time and looked up to see her eyes flash violete. " i know your in there! Harmony fight it for me, for Nera,
for your brother and the gang!" Kiba yelled at her and Harmonys eyes flashed Violete again as she threw him into the opposite rock wall. " please Harmony... i love you"
Kiba said again as Harmony fell to her knees eyes flasing violete and holding her head. At this moment kiba went into his pocket and grabed her chain and clasped it
around her neck as her eyes hair and cloths turned back to normal and feel into Kiba's Arms crying repeating over and over im sorry. "im sorry.. so sorry" Harmony
sobbed. "shh its alright" Kiba tried to soothe her. "NO ITS NOT I JUST WANT OUT OF THE WORLD!" Harmony said and took her normal demon claws and
slised her wrists. "Stop That!" Kiba said and riped off some of his shirt and bandaged Harmonys cuts then she passed out.(but only for a little she cant sleep to much pain)
(Nera's Pov)
'I was still alive and so was Sumi but on the edge of dieing. i heard Kiba getting the seince into Harmony... this was the second time this
has happened and i lost Sumi To it too' Nera though looking down to sumi. "hey there geourgus how are ya?" Sumi said to Nera. "not so good you? Nera said. "hey, im
sorry i have to leave you again but this time.. i cant come back.. make sure Harmony knows im not mad at her for this and she has my blessings for her weading...
make sure that jackass takes care of her.. and her unborn child... im letting you take my plase as her sister.. you know.. thheres someone else here thats in love with you
here.. (caughs blood up and i mean alot), "No dont talk you going to live dont go well get you help!: Nera yelled at him. "hes right under your nose.... i love you Nera ...
more then life its self... please take the last of my power the pains to much" sumi asked and smiled up to Nera. "I love you to Sumi" Nera said and took the last of Sumi's
power with a final kill... the kiss of death.
(Regulat Pov)
Kiba walked yup to the gang and and put you in Kurama's Arms as he ran up to Nera. "Hey.. im sorry you know it waset her falt" he
said to Nera. "i know now just heal me so i can get on with my life" Nera said between sobs. Kiba did so and then she stood up and walked to the letter as Kiba took
harmony back in his arms. "im so sorry guys.." Harmony said to evryone and they all replied it wasent your fault and its ok altough She disagreed. Nera opened the letter
and it read...
Kitty: that was a sad chapter... and i stayed up all night working and thinking ok it.
Kitty: its just me and Hiei that up right hiei
Kitty: O.o ... o.O ........ ooo k then.
Kurama: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ 2 + 2 = 42 milanity ca trillion
Kitty: O.O is he really smart at all?
Youko: ZzZzZz ill be damed the way you shake it i aint never seen a ass like that the way you move it you make my pe pe go diong diong siong ass like that ZZZzzzZZZ
Kitty: WHOA! i didnt exspect that from youko.. but a funny Eminem song lmao
Yusuke: ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ mommy bo bo why do the teddy bears make the cookies go boom ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz
Kitty: umm... i put that in my old fan fiction but i never exspected it to happen here........ o.o
Kewabara: ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ the kittenss make my pe pe go dong diong diong ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
Kitty: ok thats freakin sick O_O O.O o.O.....O.o o.o............
Kitty: must not fall asleep too... late... ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ READ zzzzzzZZZZZZZ SNOR! zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzz AND zzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz