Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Unfortunate Beginnings ( Prologue )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey everyone! I extremely disliked the ending of Wolf’s Rain, thus I am going to change it. So, if you don’t like the fact that I’m making an alternate ending, then you don’t have to read it. Well enjoy.
~ Crystal_Flame ~
“talking (in human)”
^speaking in wolf or dog ^ this would sound like growls, yips, barks, ect.
Umm… I’m not sure if wolves can really cry, but in my story they can.
Disclaimer: I do not own Wolf’s Rain or any of its characters.
Prologue: Unfortunate Beginnings
The sun rose over the horizon, making everything glisten white. Everything, that is, except the large portion of snow covered ground that glistened red. As the darkness faded four figures came into view at the center of the bloody battlefield.
Two small wolf pups lay next to their dead mother. Blood covered most of their small, shivering bodies. Their mother’s fur had provided warmth for them throughout the night, despite the fact she was dead. After all, fur is fur. The pups’ stomachs growled loudly. One pup looked at the monster that had killed her mother, then struggled to her feet. She cautiously walked over to it. ‘At least mother killed it too. Hmm… What is this thing?’ she thought, looking over its large furry body. ‘A rat? But it’s green, and it’s huge, and those teeth are as long as I am tall! Besides, no rat could have killed mother, then again, I didn’t think anything could kill mother. She had been so beautiful, so strong. I’ll never forget how she had always smelled of carnations, how her eyes had sparkled brighter than any gold, or how her coat always gleamed blue. I hope I look just like her when I grow up.’ Her thoughts were interrupted by her growling stomach.
She went to a wound in the stomach and began eating. At first it was strange to her because until then, her mother had regurgitated her meals. Sure, she was weaned, but only by a month or two. She had only eaten raw meat a few times, but she was quickly getting use to it.
^Hey sis, come eat.^ the first pup looked over at her sister who was still nestled close to their mother. She was a lighter color than she was, more dark silver, while she was solid black. They both had dark blue eyes, the same as every wolf pup. In a year they should turn gold though.
The silver pup walked to the black one. ^Is it safe?^
^I’m not dead am I?^
^That’s not funny.^ The silver pup huffed.
The black pup sighed. ^I’m sorry. Come on you need to eat though.^ She licked her sister’s muzzle clean of the slowly drying blood.
They filled their stomachs and the silver pup lay back down next to their mother. The black pup just watched as her sister fell asleep. She let out a sorrow filled howl as tears fell from sapphire eyes. Snow began to fall again, covering up the blood. The black pup layed back down next to her sister; sleep came quickly.
** In an underground Tokyo laboratory **
“Excuse me, Dr. Kaita. It appears that experiment 31 has been destroyed. Should we go collect what killed it in order to ensure it doesn’t become dangerous?”
A tall brown haired man with glasses peered over the notes he had been reading. “No, the only thing that would be effected would be flesh, feather, scale, or fur color.”
“But sir, didn’t experiment 31 grow in size?”
The geneticist sighed, “Weren’t you paying attention when we created it? Exp. 31 had been artificially created. The rat’s genes were tampered with before it was given life. Afterwards, chemicals were used to change its fur color.”
“Oh yes that’s right. But still, sir wouldn’t a green animal, or whatever killed Exp. 31, cause a lot of unwanted questions?”
“Not necessarily. You see, Exp. 31 was kept in a grass environment. The chemicals introduced into Exp. 31’s body caused its fur to absorb the pigment of the grass, turning its fur green within 10 hours. Because the chemicals merged with Exp. 31’s DNA, it permanently changed its fur color green, instead of the green growing out like highlights do.”
“Sir, since the chemicals stayed in Exp. 31’s system, that means that if something were to eat it, it would change its fur color to it’s surrounding?" He looked thoughtful before something clicked in his mind. "And since the surrounding is snow it would be turned white. So, that’s not anything unnatural.”
The geneticists nodded approvingly at his assistant and nodded “Exactly.”
** Back with the wolf pup **
It was well past noon when the black pup awoke. When she opened her blue eyes, she found herself nose to nose with a scruffy looking brown dog. ‘It looks like me, sister, and mother, but smaller and with floppy ears.’ She whined, asking if the dog knew where she was. The dog just quirked it’s head and looked at the pup. ‘Ok, and it cant talk. Maybe it isn’t what we are. Umm… but, what are we? I was never told.’
The dog was sniffing the pup as its master walked up “Katsu! You damn mutt! What the hell were you thinking running off like that.”
The pup noticed the dog, Katsu’s, brown eyes go cold and drain of any emotion as he turned to face his master, Taro.
Taro’s short black hair was spiked at the top. He wore a dark gray tank top and a black overcoat that stopped mid thigh. He had semi baggy black pants with three belt chains. They weren’t normal chains though, they were thick, heavy, and they dragged the ground. They looked like a leash for a huge dog. Taro looked at the half snow covered dead body of the giant green rat then at Katsu.
“There’s no way you could have done this so quick and not end up with a speck of blood on you. You may be an undefeated fighting dog, but that thing is twice your size. Come here!” He unhooked one of the chains. Katsu didn’t move. He didn’t want his master to find the pup. His master growled at him, then walk towards them. He clipped an end of the chain onto Katsu’s thick chain collar.
Taro jerked Katsu up and began to walk back towards the camp. As Katsu stood he used his back paw to push the pup deeper into the snow, in hopes that his master wouldn’t see it. However as the pup was pushed down she got a mouthful of snow and quickly came back up coughing. This caught Taro’s attention. He turned and saw Katsu standing sideways as if trying to keep him from seeing something. He roughly pulled the chain, making Katsu fall into the snow, revealing the pup.
Taro laughed at his dog’s attempt and walked over to the pup. He used his black gloved hands to scoop snow. He pulled the pup out of the snow by the scruff of its neck. He unwrapped a strip of cloth from his wrist and tied it securely around the pup’s neck to form a collar. He took another of the chains from his belt and clipped it to the pup’s temporary collar. He caught sight of silver and black in the white snow and once again began shoveling the snow.
Soon both the silver pup and the black wolf were exposed. Taro took the cloth strip from his other wrist and tied it around the silver pup’s neck. Clipping the final belt chain to the cloth, he turned to examine the wolf. Taro gasped in surprise. “A wolf… then these pups are…” He looked over at the green creature. “Damn, that must have been one strong bitch. These pups are gonna be great fighters. I need some new dogs anyway.”
Taro turned from the dead wolf and began the trek back to the large van. They had been driving on their way to a fight when Katsu had broken out of his cage and jumped out one of the back windows. "At least I got something useful." he mused to himself.
Katsu hung his head at his master's words. He turned to look at the black pup, the obvious stronger of the two. ^Why didn't you stay down? You could have saved yourselves. Do you have any idea what you've just gotten yourself into?^
The black pup looked back at her sister who was struggling to keep up and being half dragged through the snow. ^What do you mean? Are we in trouble, did we do something wrong?^
Katsu followed her gaze, his eyes landing on the silver pup. 'Must be her sister. I guess they're all alone now. Poor kids, they really don't know how hard things are gonna get from here.' He shook his thoughts away. 'Damn, must be getting soft.' ^I'll explain when we get back to the van.^
^Van?^ Said the silver wolf, spitting snow at her sister.
Katsu chuckled ^Yes. It's a large human vehicle. It has 3 main parts, the first part is where the humans sit and drive it. There are two doors, one on either side, and a windshield to let the humans see where they're going. Behind the first part is a large room-like area where the human takes care of our wounds and bathes he and us. There's a door that leads outside and also a door that leads to the last part, where we stay. It's like a prison with a hallway down the middle and on either side of it, barred cells. The back opens up with two large doors. I stay in the cell on one side and Kane stays in the one on the other side. I think you'll like Kane. By the way my name's Katsu, but you can just call me Kat.^
The two sisters exchanged questioning looks then both sets of eyes returned to Katsu, the black pup voiced their thoughts. ^Human? Vehicle? Why does someone need to bathe you? How do you get wounds? And what's a prison and why would you stay in a cell? We don't understand.^
Katsu cast a forlorn look at the nearing van. ^You'll understand everything soon enough. Just cooperate with Taro.^ He pointed his muzzle at his master. ^He's a human. And where we're going, humans are in charge. We're almost there, just stay quiet and everything will be fine. You'll see me later and also will meet Kane.^
Soon they were at the van, as Katsu had called it. The two pups were tied to the metal bumper and watched as Katsu jumped into the back followed by Taro. The metal cage door slammed shut, followed by a clicking noise that signaled Katsu had been locked up. The pups were gasping for breath as they were hauled up by their makeshift collars as the large doors were closed behind them. Taro unhooked the chains and dropped them to the metal van floor. Next, he took off the collars and they soon joined the chains on the ground.
Taro held the pups by their scruffs up to the light, one in each hand. "Hmm..." He looked them over appraisingly. "You need a bath though." At that he walked to the door on the opposite end. They looked through the bars on either side of them and noticed Katsu on one side laying in hay and a golden colored dog on the other side. His nose twitched and his head shot up golden eyes wide and alert. 'Golden eyes?' both pups thought at the same time. ^Just like mother's...^ murmured the silver pup.
Before they could dwell on the thought further they were brought into a much brighter room. The walls and floor still metal, but at least it wasn’t as gloomy looking. Taro set the pups down for a moment and ran warm water into a large basin. He watched them carefully, finally deciding to bathe the silver one first. Mainly because it was caked in snow as well as blood, while the black pup had mostly just blood.
Taro kneeled in front of the basin and pulled the silver pup to him. She struggled little as he lathered and scrubbed her fur clean. He watched in amazement as her dark silver coat got lighter as the bath went on and her eyes became an almost pink color. He pulled her from the bath and towel dried her. When her fur lacked any moisture, he held her up again, looking her over for any flaws. "Beautiful." he stated. A thoughtful expression crossed his face. "You need a name..." After a moment, one thought grabbed his attention. 'Snow...' "Yukiko. Perfect for you know that your coat is white." A sat her down and turned back to the basin. Taro emptied and refilled the basin in order to wash the black pup.
Yukiko ran to greet her sister. The black pup quirked it's head. ^What happened to you?^
Yukiko matched the black pup's action and stared at her reflection on the floor. She yelped in surprise when she saw not the blue eyed, dark silver pup she had been, but a pup with bright pink eyes and white fur that had a pink luster. ^I- I- I don't know...^ she stammered.
The black pup was lifted from her sister and set into warm water. She had no complaints until Taro's rough hands began scrubbing a bubbly substance into her fur. Her growl was ceased when Taro lightly flicked the top of her muzzle. So she settled for standing mutely and unmoving as Taro rinsed away the suds.
Taro had been waiting to see if this pup would also turn colors, but so far nothing. He brought her out of the basin and towel dried her. When he held her up to examine her, however, he did notice the changes. Her blue-black fur was now pitch black, only showing color under direct light. As the light reflected off her fur she shone with an almost blood color. His jaw dropped when her eyes opened and stared into his charcoal ones. Her crimson eyes glowed with an internal fire as they seemingly stared into his dark soul. 'Crimson...' He shuddered and set the pup down. "Karakuri." He nodded.
Karakuri was almost afraid of what she would see in her reflection that had been so terrible that the human had even flinched away. She looked down hesitantly at first. She almost wanted to cry at what she saw. Oh, how her mother would have been ashamed. Karakuri had the feeling she would never have her mother's beauty, fur that looked like the night sky, eyes of molten gold. 'No' she thought bitterly 'I'll always have to wear the color of my mother's blood.'
Taro picked the two pups up and carried them back to the back. Katsu and the golden dog looked up when Taro came in. He opened Katsu's cage and dropped Karakuri into the hay. He locked it back and turned to the golden dog, unlocked his cage and dropped Yukiko into the hay. Taro locked it again and left.
The silence was unnerving for Katsu. ^So do you two have names?^
^umm... I think he said it was Yukiko. Yeah that was it.^
^My aren’t you talkative.^ that had been the first time either pups had heard the large golden dog talk.
Yukiko being closest nearly jumped out of her fur. She cast a sideways glance at him. ^Who and what are you?^
^I'm Kane.^ he snorted. ^And you must be the blunt one.^ Yuki whimpered, causing Kuri to growl. Kane sighed. ^Don't you even recognize your own kind?^
Both pups looked up at him. ^what do you mean?^
Kane sat back on his haunches, now towering over all of them, even Katsu who was sitting in a similar fashion. ^I... We... are wolves, Katsu not included, he is a dog. Dogs, at some point in history, were wolves who were taken in by humans. They became domesticated pets.^ he spat the word. ^They lost their wild instincts. There are many different breeds of dogs. Katsu for instance is a mixed breed, which, no matter what humans say, is better. He got the best traits from both breeds. Wolves are wild, though we are so few these days, in fact most believe us to be extinct, meaning there are no more on this world. I had no where to go after my pack was slaughtered and so wound up here. How did you end up here?^
Yuki looked to her sister as if asking for permission. 'Easy to see who the dominant is.' Kane thought.
Seeing Kuri nod, Yuki began. ^We had been traveling with our mother when this huge thing jumped out. Mother fought it, but she was starved and fatigued and it was too much for her, but finally the creature died and Mother returned to us. She collapsed in the snow and wouldn’t wake up...^
Seeing her sister in tears Kuri finished their tale. ^We slept next to her that night and the next day we were found by Katsu.^
Kane glared at Katsu. ^Good job Kat. Let's save the sheep from the lion, only to herd them to the slaughterhouse. But at least they have a chance here.^ Kane moved to comfort the sobbing Yuki. He made a low growl that reverberated through his body, suspiciously similar to a purr. Yuki was soon asleep with Kane curled around her.
Kuri watched as Kane comforted Yuki, then waited till everyone else was also asleep before letting a solemn tear fall. Katsu, however was not asleep. He waited until her breathing had evened out, signaling her to be asleep, and curled his body around hers in a protective manner. And all was quiet.
CF: Whew! That took me FOREVER to finish! So you guys better like it. Well spring break is only a few days away, so I'll have more chapters up then.
R & R Let me know if you like it or hate it. Or if I screwed something up or if you have any constructive ideas.
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