Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Broken ❯ Volume Three, Chapter Seven: Bloodsport ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Mika had a hitch. She wanted Toboe. But yet, she had an obstacle course to battle. The road blocks? Tsuki, Tsume, Hige, and Kiba, of course. The boys kept him from her. Tsuki was her ball and chain. Mika needed to break away from them all.The she-wolf looked at the darkness of city as she and Tsuki walked. Neither woman spoke. Mika sneered at her companion.
“Why am I with her?” she thought. “I should be free.” Free to feat on many yummy men. Not just the wild men. She was tired of them. Mika wanted something different. Something new. Something… innocent. Her mind drifted back to Toboe. He was her ideal fix. Ooo, his innocence flared her up. Mika wanted in so badly…
“What are you up to now?” a voice snapped her back to reality. Mika looked up. Tsuki had her eyes locked on her. The other wolf gritted her teeth.
“Nothing! Why do you care?” she hissed. Tsuki stared at her.
“I don’t trust you!”
“Bitch!” Both wolves went silent. Mika puffed up her cheeks.
“I hate her!” she thought. “I need to lose her soon!” But, what good would that be? Mika needed an escape. Tsuki was all she had. Even with the addition of Yuki to their pack, the lust she-wolf still had a ball and chain that she needed. A bit of a catch-22 really.
The she-wolf looked at the darkened sky. It’s all so complicated now. Hell, Mika didn’t know what simple was anymore. But, she didn’t complain. She had other thoughts on her mind.
Virgin puppy flesh made her hungry. Mika wondered how innocent Toboe really was. The shy nervousness could be an act. Maybe, he was really wise beyond his years. She hoped not. “Innocent and naivety are more fun,” she thought. Mika silently squealed delightfully in her mind. She got wet just thinking about it. But then, the she-wolf looked and saw Tsuki again. Her mood faded to sour.
Right… What to do with her? Mika needed to escape from this leash tonight. That still left the boys that were always with Toboe. The she-wolf grinned to herself. It’s lucky that she always planned things out along with her fantasies. She paused and turned to Tsuki.
“Tsuki, let’s rest for the night,” Mika offered.
Love is Just a Bloodsport
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