Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ New Pack and Fights ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mating Season
Summery: Mating season is hard enough on a wolf so what happens when Blue goes into heat and Toboe become curious about sex how will the three males make it better than it sounds promise.
Pairings: Kiba/Blue/Hige & Tsume/Toboe
Rating: M
General: Romance, Drama & Hinata
This is my first story so no fucking flames
Sadly I don't own Wolf's Rain
Chapter 2
New Pack and Fights
“Guys I don't like it here.” Toboe whimpered looking around nervously.
Tsume grunted at the pup's behavior. “Relax Toboe were only passing through we won't be here long” Blue said in an attempted to calm Toboes fears.
The pack had followed Chezas sent into a small city, where it had suddenly vanished into thin air, and since they didn't know where Darica's new keep was they had no way of finding her.
“Lets split up we can find clues as to were she is easier that way” Kiba said turning to look at the rest of the pack.
“You can go with Tsume Toboe” Kiba interrupted him.
“Okay” Toboe said looking up at Tsume to see if he was upset that he would be going with him.
After agreeing to meet back at the ally, they were in at sunset they separated in search of any sings as to where Darica new keep was to find Cheza.
(With Tsume & Toboe)
Tsume and Toboe had been walking for about half an hour when the sent of wolves coming towards them caught their attention.
“Tsume do you smell that” Toboe whispered
“Yeah there're at least three of them.” Tsume said.
Before long three male wolves came around the building into the ally way Tsume and Toboe occupied. The first wolf looked about 25, and had shoulder length black hair pulled into a pony tail at his neck with red bangs framing his face; red eyes wearing a trench coat over a black muscle shirt and black pants. In wolf form he was a large black wolf with a red tent to his fur. The wolf to his right looked to be a few years younger; he had dark brown hair pulled into a high pony tail, with bangs; light brown eyes. He was wearing a white T-shirt with LADIES MAN written in bold black letters, and a pear of baggy blue jeans. His wolf form was smaller than the first ones, and was a plain brown. The last male looked to be about 19 or 20, had short messy blonde hair with silver bangs, and black eyes. He wore a long sleeved black shirt and jeans, and in wolf form he was a pure silver wolf.
The black wolf was the one to talk first, taking a step forward he asked
“Who are you and what are you doing so close to are den?”
Tsume growled protectively when the male took a step towards Toboe causing the pup to back up in fear of the larger wolf.
“I'll repeat myself what are you doing in are territory” growled the black wolf losing his patients with the intruders.
None of your damn business” Tsume growled back taking a fighting stance. Seeing the gray wolf taking a fighting stance, both the brown and silver wolf took a step forward next to the black wolf.
(With Kiba)
Kiba was walking through a park trying to catch Chezas sent when he was stopped by the presence of another wolf in front of him. Looking up at the other wolf he saw that the male wolf seemed older than himself, maybe 23. He had short messy dark brown hair; green eyes, wearing slightly baggy jeans and a red T-shirt and black jacket. In wolf form he was a large white wolf with brown tipping his paws, ears, and tail.
“What are you doing in this city?” asked the white and brown wolf.
“I'm looking for the flower maiden” replied Kiba.
“What makes you think that you're welcome to be here without asking the alpha of this territory first?” he said as he looked over Kiba.
“We won't be here long…we'll leave as soon as we find out where Cheza is.” Said Kiba
“You don't have the alphas permission, so leave” growled out the white and brown wolf while taking a menacing step towards Kiba.
Kiba growled in return taking a defensive stance, refusing to back down to the older wolf.
When Kiba didn't submit the white and brown wolf bared his teeth in warning, but still the white wolf didn't back down, snarling at each other both wolfs jumped forward.
Kiba bit into the other wolfs shoulder at the same time that the white and brown wolf bit into his hip, causing them both to yelp and jump back.
Circling each other they were about to charge again when the sound of to wolfs howling in pain filled the air. Seeming to have forgotten about each other both wolfs took of towards the sounds of pain.
(With Tsume and Toboe)
Tsume had managed to knock the brown wolf out, and was now standing close to Toboe about to charge the remaining two wolfs when he and Toboe heard the same howls recognizing one of the two howls immediately both wolfs visibly tensed.
“Blue” Toboe yelled before he, and Tsume ran of in the direction the howl had come from. They were both surprised when the black wolf went the same way, leaving the silver wolf to look after his injured comrade.
(With Hige)
Hige was walking down a street, eating a hot dog when he heard Blues scream of pain. Dropping his hot dog Hige ran to where the sound had come from.
Hang on Blue I'll be there soon Hige thought as picked up speed praying that Blue was alright.
(With Blue)
Blue was walking through what looked to be an abandoned neighborhood, when she heard the sound of shattering glass. Turning around as fast as she was capable of, Blue was shocked to see a large light brown wolf with a scare under her left eye, in human form the wolf was a woman who looked to be in her thirties, she was taller and heavier than Blue. The woman was pale with dark brown eyes and shoulder length curly light brown hair; she was wearing baggy jeans and a wife betters shirt.
The larger wolf towards Blue demanding that she leave, and when Blue refused the larger wolf wasted no time to attack her.
Blue jumped back in surprise, barley missing the other wolfs fangs that were aimed at her throat.
“You're pretty fast, but that won't be enough to save you pup” growled the brown wolf in an almost laughing tone.
Blue growled at her before charging forward, fangs bared. The other wolf yelped in pain and shook as Blues fangs entered her shoulder, before she returned the favor by burying her own fangs in Blues hind leg, causing Blue to release her shoulder and jump back preparing for the next attack.
They were getting ready to attack again when another wolf entered the ally way, and stepped next to the brown wolf, and growling at Blue. Blue studied the new wolf, he was a large gray wolf with red eyes; in human form he was a average size man with long blonde hair pulled into a pony tail at the nape of his neck, wearing jeans, and a leather jacket over a white shirt.
Blue didn't have much time to look at him though, before the other wolfs ran in to attack her. Blue was able to dodge the female, and nock her into a near by wall, but she didn't have time to doge the male wolfs attack, and howled in pain when his fangs sank into her back leg attempting to brake it.
Blue quickly tuned and bit into his shoulder and yanked. This time it was the males turn to howl in pain. Recovering from the pain quickly he charged again this time going for the bitches neck. Blue however even with her injured leg was still faster and avoided his fangs. Blue was going in for the killing blow on the male, when something large knocked into her from the right, causing her to fall to the ground.
Looking up Blue saw the brown wolf helping the gray wolf up before they both centered in on her again. Jumping to her feet Blue was able to move out of the way of the first attack.
The gray wolf recovered first and attacked her again, tackling Blue to the ground he hovered above her, a paw on either side of her making sure she couldn't move. Leaning forward the male wolf smirked at her.
“It's such a waist having to kill such a beautiful bitch, maybe I should have some fun first” he growled out huskily at Blue completely ignoring the older female.
(With Hige)
Hige was running tarweeds where Blues howl came from when he caught the heavy sent of Blues blood in the air. Picking up more speed then he thought he was capable of he made it to the ally way in a matter of seconds.
Hige growled at the sight that greeted him, of his Blue bleeding under a gray lusting male, Hige ran full force ramming into the male that dared to touch his Blue, successfully knocking him off Blue.
Just as Hige and the gray wolf were about to fight Kiba, Tsume, Toboe, and their appoints came into the ally way. The two packs where preparing to battle when an old red wolf with white eyes came into view, the other pack instantly bowed down, and showing that the red wolf was their alpha.
“What is going on here” asked the red wolf, with a leveled voice.
The white wolf with his ears, tail, and paws tipped brown that attacked Kiba stepped forward.
“These mutts where in are territory” he growled looking back at Kiba.
“Ryuu you know that we are supposed to help are own kind whether they are from here or not” the red wolf calmly replied.
“Yes Chika” said Ryuu bitterly.
“That goes for the rest of you as well” Chika said before tuning to Kiba.
“Am I corrected in assuming you're the alpha of the others here” said Chika.
“Good then, as an apology for my packs behavior I would like to invite you to rest at are den until you leave the city”
“Sorry but we're in a hurry” said Kiba.
“Nonsense, you can't leave yet with your female in that condition, she needs metical help; rest, assuming she is a part of your pack” said Chika, casting a glance tarweeds Blue.
Kiba looked back at Blue, seeing Hige and Toboe checking to see if she was okay, while Tsume stood protectively by. We can't very well leave with Blue injured as bad as she is, if we were to be attacked she would be much too easy prey Kiba thought.
“Very well then we'll stay with you” said Kiba.
“Good pick up your female, and follow me” Chika said as he turned and walked off not waiting for them.
Kiba turned around to see Hige and Toboe trying to get Blue to let them help her.
When Kiba walked over to them Blue was stubbornly trying to stand on her own.
“But Blue you're hurt, you shouldn't be moving you could hurt yourself more” Toboe said from his place beside her.
“Yea Blue the runt's right” Hige said
“I'm fine I don't need…”
“Blue” Kiba said cutting her off, before he walked over to her, picking her up bridal style.
“But” Blue began to protest, but stopped as she looked up at Kiba and saw that he was not going to put her down, sighing in defeat Blue rested her head on Kibas shoulder and let sleep take her over.
Looking down at the sleeping female in his arms Kiba smiled, for a little while forgetting about Cheza, not noticing the dirty look he was getting from Hige, for holding Blue.
End chapter 2
Sorry for taking so long to update. Thanks for the reviews
New Pack Info