Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Healing Blue and Tsume Attacks ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mating Season
Summery: Mating season is hard enough on a wolf so what happens when Blue goes into heat and Toboe become curious about sex how will the three males make it better than it sounds promise.
Pairings: Kiba/Blue/Hige & Tsume/Toboe
Rating: M
General: Romance, Drama & Hentai
This is my first story so no fucking flames
Sadly I don't own Wolf's Rain
Also for those of you who don't already know this story is going to be sintered around Blue. There will be some Toboe and Tsume coupling, but the main character is Blue. Another thing is that I'm going to try and make my story a mix between real wolf behaviors, and anime wolves, so that means I'll be making the wolf pack like a real pack, but still have the anime stuff, enjoy and review.
Chapter 4
Healing Blue and Tsume Attacks
After a few minutes of walking the two packs came upon an abandoned building, walking inside Chika lead Kiba who was still holding a sleeping Blue to a corner lined with blankets.
“You can lay her down here, while I get you some bandages” Chika said
Nodding Kiba gently placed the female of his pack on the blankets laid out for him. Hige, Tsume, and Toboe came up behind him, to see how Blue was doing before Chika came back.
Chika returned seconds later with a rusty looking first aid kit, handing it to Kiba he told him he would leave it to him and his pack to address her wounds, before walking off into another room.
Kiba opened the first aid kit and pulled out some alcohol, and bandages setting them down besides him. He was about to began when for the first time he realized how high up Blues thigh the wounds where, and that Kyo, Atsuko, Yuri, and Ryuu where in the room with them. He also didn't like the fact that Kyo, and Atsuko where searing, and waiting for Kiba to lift Blue's skirt. Yuri looked at Blue with hate for the attention she was getting from the males in the room. Hige, and Tsume seemed to notice the looks Blue was getting, and stepped closer to Kiba successively blocking the Blues form from the other males, with there large bodies.
Kyo growled at the lose of female skin for him to see, while Atsuko simple whimpered before they both turned, and walked to separate sides of the room.
Once the others in the room could no longer see Kiba set to work, lifting Blues skirt, he tried to give the sleeping female as much modesty as possible by only lifting her skirt as high as necessary to address her wounds. After addressing the rest of the packs smaller wounds Kiba, Hige, and Tsume pushed Toboe, and Blue against the wall and circled around them, too protect them from the other pack.
Blue yawned as she woke from her long rest, whimpering slightly from the pain that shot through her leg when she tried to move. Blue tried to sit up only to find out that large warm things held her down, scared at first Blue opened her eyes looking around franticly, then letting out a sigh of relief upon figuring out what held her down.
Toboe was curled to her side with his head nuzzled into her stomach, Tsume had wrapped around Toboe, and herself, Kiba was on her other side head resting on her side, while his body curled around her side, and Hige was in front of her, she had her face nuzzled into him much like Toboe to her. Blue put her face back and was very surprised at what she found. Whenever Tsume made fun of Hige calling him fat, and porky he was dead wrong, what looked like extra weight was in fact pure hard muscle.
This is nice, being next to thepack like this Blue thought as she tried to cuddle even deeper into the mass of fur, and muscles of the other wolves.
Despite the fact that Blue had traveled with them for quite some time now, she still didn't feel like she could ever be a part of any real pack, not just because of the fact that her blood was tainted not really a wolf, and not really a dog, but also because she had betrayed wolfs by helping pops hunting and killing wolves for a crime that they didn't even comet.
How could they ever really accept me knowing what I am, and what I've done?Oh Might as wheal enjoy being close to them while I can.Blue thought sadly as she fell asleep once again.
Kiba, Hige, Tsume, Blue, and Toboe all set around in the park where Kiba had, had his fight the day before, discussing what they where going to do.
I think we should rest here a while, at least till Blue, and Kiba are healed all the way” Toboe said.
“But we need to find Cheza” said Kiba.
“Yea, but if any of the members in a pack aren't at there strongest then we're at risk to be attacked, especially if the alpha is one of the injured” said Hige.
“Chubby over there is right for once” Tsume added in, earning a snarl from Hige, who was seated in front of him. Tsume growled at him in response, as both wolfs stood up from where they had been seated.
“Do you want to start something chubby” Tsume growled out. Hige launched at him fangs bared ready to attack.
Blue was seated next to Toboe, listening to the males in the pack as they argued on whether or not they should leave soon or stay longer. Then the unexpected happened, Blue watched as the brown and grey wolf snarled and growled at one another, and whined quietly trying to get Hige or even Tsumes attention, and distract them from the fight that was about to happen. Her distraction hadn't worked, she watched as Hige snarled before jumping at Tsume deadly fangs bared.
Blue jumped at Hige hitting him in his side, and successfully knocking the larger wolf off course, and away from Tsume.
“Stay out of this Blue” Hige said as he stood staring at Tsume.
Blue whimpered as she nuzzled, and rubbed up against Hige pleading with him to stop.
While Blue and Hige where not paying attention Toboe got up from his spot on the ground, and walked over to the angry grey wolf, too try and calm him like Blue was doing to Hige.
“Tsume” said Toboe as he took a step tarweeds Tsume.
Tsume still blinded by rage growled a warning to Toboe to stay back. Toboe jumped back when he heard Tsume growl, but then took another step forwarded this time earning a snarl from Tsume. Still ignoring Tsumes warnings Toboe whined and took two steps closer.
Tsume snarled again, but this time he sprang forward pining the startled pup to the ground, and baring his fangs at the pup. Toboe put his ears back while he whimpered and whined showing his submission to Tsume.
None of the wolfs could believe what Tsume was doing, Blue being the first to recover from the shock as her mothering instincts tock over rammed into Tsume, and stood protectively in front of Toboe.
“What the hell is wrong with you Tsume” Blue growled out.
“Move this has nothing to do with you half breed” Tsume growled back taking a step towards her.
By this time Kiba and Hige had snapped out of there surprise, and quickly jumped in between Tsume, and Blue.
“Tsume back off NOW” growled Kiba as he assumed his place as pack alpha.
Tsume was hesitant at first, but soon realized that he had no chance of beating all three of them, and folded his ears back before laying on his back in submission.
Kiba walked over to Tsume standing over him for a short while before licking his muzzle and telling him to stand.
Meanwhile Blue and Hige walked over to where to where Toboe lay, with a look of utter shook on his face.
“Toboe” Blue said as she nudged him with her nose trying to get the pup of the packs attention.
Toboe whimpered, and moved away from her.
“Come on pup Tsume's just in a bad mood tomorrow everything will be the same” said Hige.
Toboe nodded though he didn't really seem to be paying attention to what they where saying.
End chapter 4
I'm so sorry it took me this long to post a new chapter. Also thank you everyone who reviewed to my story. I kind of want to clear up one of the reviews I got.
Okay first off I can not proof read my own stories, because I miss the mistakes I make.
Secondly I'm 17 so I don't think I'm too young to be writing a mature story.
I don't mind getting constructive criticism in reviews, telling me what I can do to improve my story, but flames are just rude it doesn't benefit the flamer or the person who gets flamed in any way so why do it. Instead if you don't like a story just don't read it, or if you like it, but it needs improvement tell the author what they can do to improve it. Sorry to sound bitchy.
The more reviews the sooner I post.
Moving Along