Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Small Thoughts ❯ Small Thoughts ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Small Thoughts
Written by: Spanky K
[Note: I do not own Wolf's Rain, but I DO own Karli]
This is a one-shot mini-fic. Hope you enjoy it!
Toboe and Karli had just got home from the market. The two pups sat on the steps to an old house, abandoned and falling apart. “These sausages should last us a few days,” replied Toboe, pulling out a long string of sausage weenies.
Karli, who was a beautiful young girl with dark brunette hair and crystal blue eyes, same age as Toboe, replied with a little nod and a smile. “Yeah.”
“Hey Karli?”
“Yes, Toboe?”
“You know, we've been together for a long, long time now, right?”
“How `bout we settle down and not move through cities anymore?”
“Uh, Toboe,” Karli began to blush.
“It's just… we're just kids, no one's gonna sell a house to a couple of thirteen year olds.”
Toboe leaned closer, his breath pressing against Karli's face. “We'll find one ourselves…” Toboe's fingers trickled down Karli's neck and chest, in wolf form, softly licking her ear. Karli let a low grunt and pulled herself away. Back in human form, she replied, “Toboe, what are you doing?”
Toboe was dumb-struck. “Uhh, I thought, you know, you may have wanted to… uhhh…” Toboe lowered his head. “I'm sorry… I guess you're not ready to become mates, huh?”
Toboe was about to continue, but was stopped by Karli's arms wrapping around his neck and setting his lips on hers, pulling him into a long, warm kiss. Toboe's heart fluttered as he felt the young girl's warm lips dance across his. He then put his arms around her in return, in wolf form, licking her muzzle.
Karli's lips slowly pulled away from Toboe's. She embraced him tighter as she said, “Of course I'm ready, Toboe… I love you.”
Toboe let a broad smile spread his face as he closed his eyes and rested his chin on Karli's shoulder. He sighed and let these words escape from his mouth, “I love you, too.”
Well, that was it! Hope you liked it! ^_^ I may write a full-length fanfic that tells the rest of the story. R&R please. Sorry it was so short. No flames please.