Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Special Findings ❯ Feelings, Mothers, and Puppies! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

BY: Angelfromwithin
Disclaimer: Like everyone else besides BONES and VIZ, I don't own Wolf's Rain!!…Except the first four DVDs of the series and the first manga…but other than that…no! ::cries::
“There's nothing unnatural about dying or being killed. It's better than living with no purpose.”-
Chapter One: Feelings, Mothers, and Puppies!
“Can we rest yet? Remember we have a lady and a pup in our group!” Hige complained, slumping down into the snow.
The pack had been traveling for six days straight without and food through treacherous snowstorms, hail, and even hurricane like winds. Without any rest, food, or shelter, everyone was getting a little cranky, wishing that the other would roll over and die already! The pack of five wolves had finally stopped against a clomp of tree, trying to find some protection from the wind, as each were tired out of their minds, though the moon did feel good.
“I think it's you who wishes to rest, Porky.” Tsume mocked, smiling. He leaned against a tree for support, rubbing his tired eyes from the lack of sleep.
“I do not!” The younger wolf said, flaring at Tsume. “Isn't that right Blue? You want to rest too?” Hige said, turning towards the only female wolf in the pack, winking.
“Just take care of yourself!” Blue said, hitting Hige over the head. She stomped over to another tree away from Hige and sat down, sighing.
“Yeah!” Toboe piped in, finally catching up with the rest of the group. “We can handle ourselves!” He plastered a huge smile on his face while walking over to Blue, but not before falling face forward into the snow.
“That's really taking care of yourself there, Runt!” Hige said sarcastically, laughing at Toboe as Blue rushed over and helped him up. She picked him up and brushed the snow out of his hair, all the while glaring at Hige. Hige just sat there, smiling, his brown eyes gleaming with mischief.
Blue was getting ready to protest as she walked back towards her formal rest spot with Toboe when Kiba yelled: “Everyone! SHUT UP!” He glared at the pack, making eye contact with each member, one by one. “You're all acting like a pack of stray dogs! Is that what we are? Just some helpless mutts who can't take care of themselves? Look at you! We're always arguing or yelling! Is that how a pack of wolves are supposed to act?”
“No…” Toboe whispered, as the rest of the pack looked away from their leader.
Kiba nodded, glad that his little speech hit home. “There's a town up a head. Maybe we can find supplies there.” He said levelly, turning away from his pack. He began to walk off, but shifted into his true form, and ran towards the city, hoping everyone else got the hint.
“Already! Food!” Hige said happily, jumping up from his spot in the snow. He quickly ran over to Blue and yelped like a cub. “C'mon everyone! FOOD!” He said, pulling on Blue's arm with his right hand and pointing towards the direction that Kiba was running with this left.
“Okay…” Blue said wearily, pulling her arm away from Hige. She looked back towards Tsume and Toboe and watched as Tsume pushed himself from the tree, shifted into his true form, and ran after Kiba. “Are you coming Toboe?” She asks with a shrug.
Toboe quickly looked up at Blue, his motherly figure since they meet Blue, and nodded. He was glad the Blue had decided to join them. She had kept the others, especially Hige, from picking on him…most of the time, that it.
Toboe sighed as he stood up. He hated to admit it, but he had a bad feeling about that town up a head. He wasn't sure why, and decided to keep it to himself. He finally joined Blue and Hige in his wolf form and the three of them ran like mad to catch up with the pack.
“FOOD!” Hige said jumping up and down again as they entered the city. He sniffed the air, trying to decide which way would lead to more food. “Hey! Let's go thi-“
“We're going this way.” Kiba said calmly, pointing in the complete opposite direction of Hige. Without looking back or waiting, he slowly walked away from the pack; his mind set on finding whatever may lay a head.
“But…food…this…way…” Hige said, dropping his hand and looked at Kiba's back strangely. His look became a glare…and if looks could kill…
“Great! We're following one of his `feelings' again!” Tsume roared. “Unbelievable!” The older wolf sighed, rubbing his temples. “I don't even know why I follow him. It's not like we're ever going to find Paradise this way…”
“But…food…this…way…” Hige tried again, looking back towards the direction that food lies. He finally made up his mind and steps towards the food.
“I don't even know why I put up with you!” Blue sighed, dragging the protesting Hige back towards the pack. “If we can't have any food, then neither can you!”
“I wonder what his feeling will lead us to this time? I mean, I don't smell any Lunar Flowers or anything…so maybe this is a short cut to Paradise?” Toboe said, looking around nervously. His bad feeling has quickly come back with a vengeance; the butterflies in his stomach were making him feel like he was going to burst! “Do you smell anything, Hige?” He asked, his voice cracking.
Hige shook his head, finally able to break free of Blue's death grip. “I don't smell anything but food! Where does he think he's going?”
“Who know.” Tsume sighed, all watching Kiba's slow march. “But you don't have to be afraid, Toboe.” He said, glancing at the knowing blushing Toboe.
“Will he even wait on us?” Hige complained loudly, getting a satisfied result as Kiba stopped and looked back, and impatient look in his eyes.
“If you hurried a long, it wouldn't take us forever to get to Paradise!” Kiba yelled back. He quickly turned back, and ran around a corner in his white wolf form.
“You here that Porky? You're the one slowing us down, not Runt of Blue!” Tsume laughed, causing Toboe and Blue to laugh along with him.
“That's not fair…” Hige protested, following close behind Blue as she hurried to catch up to their leader, Tsume and Toboe following also.
The pack followed the white wolf through twisting alleyways and darken streets, not sure where they we being lead to. Hige complained at every turn, and got hit across the head by Blue or Tsume every other time. Toboe lagged behind, watching the shadows closely, his bad feeling had become a horrible one!
“I-I don't like this!” Toboe said, jumping from a shadow of a cat. He turned to keep his eye on a suspicious looking shadow when re ran smack dap into Blue's back. He screamed, and Blue's hand came flying out to cover his mouth, shushing him. “Mhy id eg op?” He asked.
Blue quickly removed her hand, shaking her head. “I'm sorry. What?”
“Why did we stop?” Toboe asked again, looking around, watching the shadows closely.
“Because.” Blue said calmly, gaining back Toboe's attention. She pointed towards a pile of cardboard boxes. The brown boxes were torn from old age and weathered from the rain. Newspapers were thrown everywhere, a heap lying in the middle of it all. It appeared to be just a pile of trash to Toboe.
“What is it?”
“A puppy.” Hige said, sniffing the air around the pile. He knelt down and lifting a couple of layers of paper, revealing a dirty white ball of fur. The fur was so dirty that it almost didn't seem white, but black instead. The white mass shivered after the paper was removed, it's heat source gone.
“You're `feelings' lead us to a puppy?!” Tsume roared, glaring at Kiba. He threw his arms up in the air, turning his back to everyone, “I can't believe this!”
Kiba looked at the cub in shock, not sure what to do know. “I-I…” He stammered, shaking his head. He stared at the ball of fluff in disbelief.
The cub lifted its head slowly, blinking. After it fully opened on if it's bright blue eyes, it scurried away from the pack in fear, putting tons of newspaper between it and them. Once it backed up into the wall, it looked up at the pack in fear, shaking.
“You guys are scaring the poor thing!” Blue scolded, holding out her right hand slowly to the puppy. The puppy cautiously walked over to Blue's outstretched hand, keeping an eye on everyone else.
“See. There's nothing to fear, little one.” Blue smiled as the puppy licked her fingers. She scratched the youngling behind the ears before picking it up.
Hige watched Blue with jealousy towards the pup for receiving Blue's full attention. He raised an eyebrow at her when she turned the puppy over. “What are you doing?”
“I'm seeing if it's a boy or a girl!” she said, looking at Hige with a smile. “And it's a girl!” she said, hugging the cub lovingly, ignoring Hige's jealous looks.
“And that means what?” Toboe asked after getting over his shock. He walked over to Blue and the puppy and petted the young pup's head.
“You guys don't see it, do you?” Blue asked, looking at the pack. “This cub is a wolf!” She smiled as everyone turned to face her, including Tsume, their jaws dropped.
“A wolf?” Kiba asked, shocked. “A wolf?” He stammers for the right words, looking at the female suspiciously. “A cub in this town? But how?”
“I don't know.” Blue said, handing the cut over to Toboe, who gladly took her.
“Can we keep her?” Toboe asked, looking up at Kiba with those big brown eyes of his, pleading. His horrible feeling had finally gone away, and was replaced by a loving one, one towards this cub. Toboe held the pup at arms length towards Kiba, the female puppy barked once it saw hit, her tail wagging. “See. She already loves you! And she looks like you too!” Toboe laughed.
Kiba backed away, still in shock of his finding. “A cub wolf?” He stares at the cub, unsure.
“No way are we taking on a another member to take care of with us!” Tsume said, speaking us since Kiba wouldn't. He grabbed the cub around the nape of the neck. “We have plenty to take care of with Hige and Toboe around!” He said, bringing the puppy up towards his face, receiving a lick on the nose. Tsume quickly handed the puppy back to Toboe, whipping off his nose. “No way!”
“Yes we are!” Blue said stubbornly, taking the cub back from Toboe. “I'm not going to leave her hear to die!” She said motherly.
“Then you stay here with her then!”
“What should we call her?” Toboe asked, cooing over the cub, all ignoring Tsume's evil glare.
Blue thought for a moment before she spook. “How about Melody?” She asked warmly, as Toboe took the puppy into his arms.
“That's a stupid name!” Hige complained, looking closely at the cub, the pup stared back at him, her tail still wagging.
“Then you come up with a better one, then!” Blue said, glaring.
Hige stood there, as in thought, then shrugged. “How about pizza?”
“Then Melody it is then!” Blue said, eyeing Hige, who shrugged again.
“Welcome to the pack, Melody!” Toboe said happily, hugging Melody carefully. Blue stood close to Toboe, watching ever so carefully to make sure that he didn't drop the Melody, just like a real mother. Hige stood close to Blue, but far enough away to show that jealousy was getting the best of him. Tsume was about to protest when Kiba finally broke out of his shock.
“But I didn't say that the cub could become a member of this pack!” And how do you know it's a wolf?” Kiba said, staring at the white mass again.
“You know that it's a wolf! It's that feeling you followed; remember. You of all people should be able to notice a wolf when you see one. Besides, everyone else can clearly see that Melody is in fact a wolf.” Blue said, taking a protective stance in front of Toboe and Melody. “And I said she could come along. She's a puppy and would die out here by herself. And besides,” Blue said, laughing, “it would be a great learning experience for all of you males!”
A/n: Well, that's the end of chapter one! So…what do you think? Please review! Helpful critiques and ideas are welcome!!