X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ After the End ❯ After the End ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

<Authors Notes: This piece of X fiction takes place in the Movie universe. I know the movie really sucked in comparison to say, the manga and especially the anime, but that's partially why I chose to write to the movie. I have intentions of continuing this but it'll take a while on a count of, I've many a fic that I am currently working on. For now, this is all I'll say. ^_^ >

Disclaimer: X belongs to CLAMP not me. But I'm sure you all know this so let's continue.

After the End

"Fuumaaa!" The weeping Kamui Shirou bellowed as he tightly held the lifeless head of his beloved best friend.

No! This isn't happening. It can't be true. Fuma, slain? By my own hand?! Why does it have to end this way? He wondered, his tears, never letting up. The pain inside him was unbearable. He flet like his insides had been ripped apart. Why? Why am I the only one allowed to live? His whole body trembled.

"Why Fuma? Why? Why? Why?" He mumbled over and over again. Why did Fuma betray us? Why wasn't I able to stop myself from killing him? The scene played over and over again in his head.

"Why? Why, why, why!?" This was all too much for the promised one. Again he broke down into sobs. He sounded more like a six year old than a sixteen year old but he didn't care. What did it matter? What did anything matter now? Nothing. What did all the training he'd under gone matter? Nothing. Even after spending his entire life numbing his heart to solid ice-it had been sliced right through with the single swing of a blade.

His golden barrier had long since faded, and the not too far off sounds of medical vehicles-sirens and news caster helicopters were surrounding him in every direction. Closing in on him. It's too much. His power flew freely-uncontrollably as the metal of the beams holding Tokyo Tower together began to twist and warp. It was pitch black out side but quickly becoming bright as day as his aura splayed every which direction.

Kamui's head suddenly jerked up and as he glared, unforgiving towards the heavens, he let out an almost earth shattering cry of anguish. Debris flew all around him. The last thing he remembered was the flooring beneath him giving way as the tower began to crumble right before he blacked out…