X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Après ❯ Lemon ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Pairings: same as before (KamuixKeiichi, SorataxArashi, SeishirouxSubaru)

Disclaimer: Most characters ©CLAMP. Ayame Sakurazuka ©Megami Tenno. If you sue me, you won't get much. All I have is two pennies and a gym sock.

Warnings: This chapter contains lemon.

Part Three

"Class," the teacher said. "We have a new student."

Monou Fuuma looked up. It was a rarity that CLAMP Academy received a new student. The teacher asked the new person to come in. Fuuma turned his head towards the door as a girl with black hair that was tied in a neat braid came in.

"Ahem," the teacher cleared his throat. "This is Sakurazuka Ayame."

Fuuma looked at the girl in surprise. The name Sakurazuka wasn't very common. Could this girl be related to Seishirou? As he looked closer, he noticed a resemblance to his former Dragon of Earth in the girl's smile.

"Please treat Sakurazuka-san with kindness and respect," the teacher continued. Then he turned to Ayame. "There's an empty seat next to Monou-san."

Fuuma raised his hand so that the girl would know where to seat herself. Ayame thanked the teacher and walked over to her new seat. She sat down and paid little attention to anything.

* * *

Lunch came. Kamui and Keiichi waited for Sorata, Arashi, and Fuuma to have lunch. After a short while, Sorata and Arashi came and sat down with them to wait for Fuuma.

Fuuma arrived shortly afterwards, accompanied by someone only Kamui, Arashi, and Sorata recognized. Keiichi smiled at the new girl. Kamui twitched. Sorata and Arashi looked at each other.

Fuuma introduced the girl to everyone, then had her introduce herself.

"I'm Sakurazuka Ayame," the girl said, smiling.

Keiichi and Arashi politely smiled at Ayame. Kamui unconsciously hid behind his boyfriend. Sorata took everyone's silence as a cue to speak up.

"You're the girl Arashi and I met last night!" he said.

Ayame laughed. "I thought I recognized you!"

"So, you're alright then? Your knee's not too bad?"

"I'm fine."

"That's good," Sorata smiled.

Ayame smiled back. She reached into her book bag and pulled out her lunch. Opening the package it was in, she groaned and pulled out a cream croquette.

"I thought I told Ran-san not to not to include this," she sighed. "I don't like them."

Seeing Kamui, Ayame held the croquette out to him.

"If I remember correctly," she said. "This was one of your favorites."

Kamui silently took the croquette. Ayame smiled at him, and he scooted closer to Keiichi and farther from her. Keiichi slid an arm around Kamui's shoulder.

"So, you know Kamui?" Arashi asked.

"Yeah," Ayame replied, chewing on her inari. "He and I used to be neighbors until his house burned down. He never said anything about moving to Tokyo, though."

Kamui mumbled something and leaned closer to Keiichi. Ayame looked at him, then turned and fished around in her book bag. She pulled out a photograph.

"I found this in a jacket that you left at my house," she said, handing Kamui the photo. "I figured that you might want it back. Okaa-san gave the jacket to charity, though."

Kamui took the photo and looked at it. It was of himself with Fuuma and his sister, Kotori. He had thought that he had lost it forever.

"Thank you, Ayame-chan."

Ayame just smiled at him. Kamui held back a shudder. There it was again; that resemblance to Seishirou.

"Ne," Sorata said, suddenly. "Are you by any chance related to Sakurazuka Seishirou?"

Ayame looked at the Kansai monk. "You know my uncle?"

Sorata laughed. "I guess that answers that question! And yes, we're acquainted with Sakurazuka-san."

Ayame looked interested. "What do you know about my uncle? Can you tell me anything about him? I just found out about him the other day."

"I honestly don't know much," Sorata admitted. "Fuuma's the one who slept with him."

"I never slept with him," Fuuma retorted. "He was someone I worked with."

"Yeah, right," Kamui said, sarcastically.

"He was. Like Sumeragi-san was someone you worked with."

Kamui turned bright red. Keiichi looked a bit hurt. Ayame was laughing so hard, she could hardly breathe. Kamui, Keiichi, Fuuma, Arashi, and Sorata looked at the girl. When Ayame regained control of herself, she cleared her throat.

"Kamui," she said. "You with Sumeragi-san would be cute, but Uncle Seishirou would kill you before it happened."

* * *

Seishirou looked at the clock. It was a little after mid-day. He rolled over in the bed to look at the still sleeping Sumeragi. He pushed a few strands of Subaru's hair from his eyes, making the younger man moan.

"Five more minutes…" Subaru muttered, pulling the blankets over his head.

Seishirou chuckled. "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty."

With that, he snuck his hand down the younger man's boxers, making Subaru squeak and bolt upright.


Seishirou laughed at the blushing twenty-six year old. He quickly ducked as Subaru swung his pillow at him, then retaliated by pinning his lover down and kissing him thoroughly.

Subaru squirmed for a second, then melted into the kiss. He parted his lips, giving Seishirou access to the inside of his mouth. Feeling the older man's hand run up the inside of his leg, he let out a pleasured moaned. The Sumeragi wrapped his arms around Seishirou's waist, then pulled himself up just enough for the Sakurazukamori to be able to slip his boxers off.

Seishirou's hands started their naughty business as his lips broke away from the younger man's. The two of them took a couple of gasping breaths before Subaru launched himself up and captured the older man's lips with his own once again.

Subaru pulled off Seishirou's boxers a couple of moments later. His hands player around as Seishirou kissed up and down Subaru's neck. The younger man moaned in pleasure as his lover stroked his length.

After a while of teasing, Seishirou finally reached over and pulled over the drawer of the bedside table. Taking out the lubricant, he kissed his younger lover softly and poured some of the oil on his fingers. He smiled down at Subaru as he slowly spread the Sumeragi's legs for a better reach.

Seishirou slipped his fingers into Subaru slowly. The younger man bit his lip to keep from crying out at the invasion. He quickly adjusted and braced himself for when Seishirou would enter him.

"Are you ready?" Seishirou asked, slipping his fingers out of the Sumeragi.

Subaru nodded.

Slowly at first, then speeding up, Seishirou thrust into his lover. Subaru gave a short cry and dug his fingernails into the Sakurazukamori's back. Seishirou ignored the pain and continued to set a rhythm with Subaru.

Subaru was brought close to the edge, then pulled back. He moaned as Seishirou pulled out and thrust back in. Finally, he reached the point where he couldn't continue.

"SEISHIROU-SAN!!" he cried as he came.

At last, it was over. Seishirou collapsed onto the mattress next to the younger man,. They didn't seem to mind that the bedsheets were a mess, nor that it was beginning to get late in the afternoon. In fact, they didn't seem to care about anything except being with one another.

The phone on the bedside table rang, interrupting their thoughts of one another. Seishirou groaned and picked it up. He pressed it to his ear.

"Sakurazuka desu."

"Ano…Uncle Seishirou?"


"Did you forget something today?" the teenager asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

Seishirou racked his brain, trying to think of what his niece was talking about.


"You. Forgot. To. Pick. Me. Up," Ayame said, sounding more annoyed at this point.

"……………..Oh, shit."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yeah, yeah. I know this chapter was shot, but writing smut tires me out. And I'm listening to Kenichi Suzumura at the moment. So, forgive me. I promise the next chapter will be longer.

And if anyone has suggestions for a title for this fic, please tell me!