X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Takeo - Hello and welcome to my first ever X fic. I must warn you that I only saw the last hour of the movie and so I have screwed up the story line. I know the basic plot. So don't kill me.
Fuuma - Takeo does not own X, neither does she own " State of Grace" sung by Seal. Warnings, lime, angst. All comments happily welcomed.
Nataku - Anything thing in / …/ are lyrics ^^


What It Means


/So strange
It's funny how
We came to meet /

A young Fuuma, 5 years young ,stood in his school yard as he nervously tugged at an imaginary loose string on his black sweater. It was his first day in primary school and he felt all alone and scared. In the distance, as a car drove away, the dust slowly settled. A small boy Fuuma's age looked around and spotted Fuuma.

/Those eyes uncanny
Were my invitation/

Fuuma's breath caught in his throat as beautiful blue eyes made contact with his golden ones. The boy smiled and approached Fuuma.

"My name's Shiro Kamui. Nice to meet you." Kamui said as he gave a small bow. Fuuma replicated the bow, a small smile on his lips as Kamui looked expectantly at him

"And I'm Monou Fuuma. I'm, new in school." Fuuma replied, pleased to find that his nervousness had dissipated upon the arrival of his beautiful companion.

"I'll be your friend if you would like to be my friend." Kamui said as he tugged on Fuuma's arm. The slightly taller boy smiled as he nodded eagerly.

"I would love to." Fuuma replied happily, love beaming in his eyes.

/I couldn't wait
I couldn't wait
To hold you like a baby/

*flash forward to when they were 11*

Fuuma eagerly awaited Kamui's arrival under their play tree as recess began. Fuuma had known by now that Kamui was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He loved his friend's smile, his eyes and the way that he seemed to carry such an aurora of warmth around him. Fuuma sighed as he thought about some of the feelings that he sometimes had of his best friend; hugging him when he cried at some childish injustice, or just when the boy was sad. Things had been so great for him in this new school and he knew that his sister agreed. Fuuma waved as he spotted Kamui in the distance, a girl running along side him, looks of laughter in their large smiles.

"Hey Fuuma! I made a new friend." Kamui said excitedly as he prodded the girl forward, as if encouraging her to speak. The girl looked up and smiled.

"Hi oniisan." She whispered as she plopped down next to her brother. In a moment, a dark feeling washed over Fuuma but he shook it away and smiled expectantly at his sister and best friend.

"Fuuma, you didn't tell me that you had a sister, and a pretty one." Kamui said a bit shyly as he sat on Fuuma's otherside. Kotori giggled and blushed, her shy eyes meeting Kamui's.

/Is this what it feels like/

*flash forward to when they were 14*

Fuuma stood tall as he scaled up a tree to get a stranded cat down form it. The cat had shiny dark brown fur and piercing dark eyes with dark shades of blue. Fuuma held the cat to his chest, the cat's heart beat echoing loudly in its eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Fuuma whispered as his golden eyes softened. It had been a year ago since Kamui had started dating his sister, years that seemed like an eternity. Fuuma knew that he should be happy for them, but the tiny painfully feeling at the back of his heart reminded him of his love for Kamui, yes, love that he knew would have shocked his parents and even Kamui himself. Tears trickled absently down the cat's fur, Fuuma not noticing as the cat scratched up his hands and escaped from the near death hold that Fuuma had had it locked in.

/You are here now/

*flash forward to the beginning of the war*

Fuuma dodged an angry Heaven's child as the young man swung his sword at him, aiming for his heart. Blank golden eyes reacted quickly, Fuuma using his magic to crush the man to death, not caring as bloodied cries pierced the cold dark night. With the wind ruffling dark bangs, Fuuma leapt off the building, daring heaven's winds to dash him to the ground like a rag doll. He laughed as he landed safely. All around him the Earth's power surged, reminding him that he was her Kamui, her chosen Dragon of Earth. Footsteps landed beside Fuuma and the teen turned his head, glancing at the pair of darkened blue eyes that were filled with confusion and pain.

/Oh but I
Can't seem to find our state of grace
Who knows tomorrow may never come
One touch, one look that is all it takes/

"Fuuma, why?" Kamui asked as he stood way from his best friend, blue eyes reluctant to join in the blood bath that Fuuma has joyfully accepted.

"It is fate Kamui." Fuuma replied, his own words sounding soulless to him as he turned back around. Being in Kamui's presence sent waves of unending agony into Fuuma. He knew that a lot worse was to come to Kamui, all that he loved would die, just like Kamui was dead to the steady beating of Fuuma's heart for him.

/These things change us/

"What about your sister, my Kotori? You know where she is don't you, don't you?!" Kamui asked, anger beginning to sip into his somewhat detached nature. Golden eyes glimmered for a moment. Kamui caught the edge of a sickened smirk.

"Aren't eager to fight Kamui? Many will die. I must go, your guardians approach." Fuuma replied as he turned on Kamui and disappeared into the night.

/This is the sound of a feeling that's caught in my head
Makes me think about something you said
To take away my fears/

Fuuma sat in silence in a darkened room as he stared at the lone moon. There was a knock at the door and Nataku slipped in.

"Fuuma, the Heaven Dragons will be coming after us shortly. I'm going after Karen and Seiichiro." Nataku said as he remained in the shadows. Fuuma's head tilted to the side.

"You didn't need to tell me that Nataku." Fuuma replied, his eyes watched Nataku's shadow on the floor.

"Do you know the feeling…although I'm not sure if you even you feel nowadays. Do you know the feeling when you love someone, and they die loving you?" Nataku half whispered as he approached Fuuma, not caring that the last person to approach his leader had been killed by Fuuma's sword driven through his head. Fuuma remained motionless. Yes, he had that feeling, that bitter sweet pain.

"Hai." Fuuma replied, turning to face Nataku. Nataku smiled down at the younger boy, wondering what kind of pain he must have gone through, the extent of his madness if the Earth had chosen to rip him from his family and kill them all, just so that she could war with Heaven. And thinking about it, Kanoe was somewhat of the leader of the group, Fuuma the main controller of power.

"It's been a long time since I heard your voice Fuuma, I wondered if you still talked at all." Nataku said, dismissing his previous question to Fuuma for the moment. An emotionless smile greeted Nataku as Fuuma came into his view. Fuuma nodded. He remembered a very similar conversation to this when he first joined with the Earth Dragons. Nataku had always wanted to inquire, always wanted to know just how far gone every member of this group was, if they were paying back humanity of all the suffering that they endured at its hands.

"Humanity, some dream." Fuuma murmured Nataku's words from the old conversation.

"You remembered." Nataku said as he placed his arms on Fuuma's shoulders, tilting the boy's head so that he could see those golden pools of sadness and pain with that glimmer and hunger of power.

"You always have something useful to say." Fuuma replied, his cheeks unconsciously reddening at the close proximity shared between he and Nataku, the robed man's fingers brushing against Fuuma's dark gold skin sending a wave of desire.

"You know that feeling, when someone dies loving you." Nataku repeated as his fingers traced peach lips with his callous hands. Fuuma's eyes wavered for a moment, some real emotion in them for a second before disappearing again. Fuuma merely nodded. "Good Fu-kun. I must go now. My destiny awaits." Nataku whispered. Brushing his lips against Fuuma's, Nataku caught the young boy's lips in his, his tongue slipping within the strong slackened jaw, tasting the sweet boy beneath him for the very first and last time. Fuuma's eyes closed, drinking in Nataku's scent, images of Kamui bombarded his mind and tears slid down his cheeks. Nataku pulled away and brushed them away.

"I...I.." Fuuma whispered, shaken down to his roots.

"No place for those pearls my Fuuma." Nataku whispered as he brushed away the tears. Smiling sadly, he turned and left the room.

/Ohh I
This is the sound of a woken man
Why didn't you tell me it's you babe
I found you
You babe/

Fuuma rose to his feet, and walked towards the window in the room, where he stood for hours, feeling Nataku's energy rise as the Earth Dragon got ready to start his fight. It lasted not too long, and three were dead at the end. The last of Fuuma's tears left him. He knew what Nataku meant. The white haired man had died, loving him.

"I'm a monster Nataku, we all are, but...it is all fate, and her strings have us tangled." Fuuma whispered. With a last look at the moon, he pulled away from the glass. Something beckoned him, his thirst for power renewed. The Fuuma Monou that once inhabited the body of the lead Earth Dragon was dying.

/Oh, but I
Can't seem to find that state of grace
Who knows tomorrow may never come
One touch, one look that is al it takes
These things change us forever/

Kamui let out a scream as he held Kotori's dead body in his arms, her brother Fuuma clutching the sword that he had just pulled from her womb. Tears of anger flooded blue eyes as Kamui wept. Fuuma gazed at the scene, feeling nothing but a cold draft that wouldn't die.

"We'll never be the same again Kamui. And you'll have to fight, when everyone is gone, all that you love." Fuuma whispered as he disappeared again. He could feel the power surging within him, he could feel death standing by his side, watching the sand quickly empty from his hour glass. Time was almost up.

/Look at the past
No savoir faire
No that's not us/

Fuuma washed his hand clean of his sister's blood, old memories taunting the shattered remains of his sanity. Hoisting up the sword, he cut into his wrist, deep, thin slits spelling out the three names of the people that he loved : his sister, Kamui and then Nataku. He couldn't remember anything now, just that these three, cast a light for him to see, the light would never reach him, he had died so long ago when his sister's lips touched Kamui's and Heavens Dragon was lost to him.

/I can't seem to find my state of grace
Who knows tomorrow may never come
One touch, one look that is all it takes
These things change us forever
These things change us forever/

Fuuma stood on top of Tokyo tower. All around and below him, lay the dead and the dying, Tokyo nothing now but a desolate plane of death and destruction. Before him stood Kamui, this boy that Fuuma would die loving stood in tears and anger exploding in his blue eyes.

"It took all this, all this to make you fight." Fuuma said as he summoned his sword. He watched as Kamui did the same and the sun began to set.

"Don't make me do this Fuuma." Kamui replied as he focused hard eyes on Fuuma.

"We can never go back Kamui." Fuuma replied.

/These things
Look at the past
These things
No savoir faire
These things
I know that are ours/

Taking one last look at Kamui, Fuuma shut his eyes and as he opened them he charged, life and death weaving his life out before him. This fight, was all he had left, all that he could rightly call his, one that only he and Kamui shared and there was no other to taint it. Kamui leapt at Fuuma, tears in his eyes as he and his friend's swords rang out true.

/These things
Look at the past
Whoa ohhh oohh ohhhhhh ohhh ohhha
Whoa ohhh oohh ohhhhhh ohhh ohhha
These things/

Fuuma smiled as he dropped to the ground. He had died loving Kamui, and as his tortured soul slipped away, the thought struck him hard. Golden eyes closed as the orange sunset shook its weary head. Fuuma's name was cried from Kamui's lips as he discarded his sword and held Fuuma's dead body in his hands, weeping, weeping for he understood for the first time in his life how Fuuma felt, the image imprinted in golden dead eyes : Fuuma had died loving him, through all the death and madness, and not even all his power could bring him back. Pushing up Fuuma's sleeves, Kamui found the three names carved into Fuuma's right arm. He traced his own name slowly and burying his face into Fuuma's cold neck, Kamui cried.

/Look at the past/


Takeo - No comment. My first X fic.