X-men Evolution Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Lorna Dane ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello all! I hope you enjoy it. I started writing this when I was very sick, so please take that into consideration if you review. It’s not up to par with my usual writing samples, but it gets the point across. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters.
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Chapter 1:
“When do you think you’ll be able to come?” He mentally rebuked himself for sounding too eager.
“My flight leaves kinda late on Friday, so I should be getting there really early in the morning on Saturday. I wish it was sooner. Oh, and you don’t have to worry about picking me up cause I know you’ll be getting your much needed beauty sleep, so if you can give me the address, that’d be cool, cause I was gonna just call a cab.” Jean added as an afterthought, hoping it was said faster than he could comprehend, thus no argument. No avail.
“What!?! I’m not gonna let you take a cab! Are you crazy?”
“But Scott, it’s gonna be like 3 or 4 in the morning by the time I arrive….”
“I don’t care what time it is! You’re not gonna take a cab when I’m perfectly capable of coming to get you. Besides, I know you hate it when someone isn’t there to greet you at the airport.”
“Really Scott, its okay if I take a cab. I’ll be fine and I really don’t mind at all. It’s gonna be so early in the morning and I won’t be in the mood for talking anyhow!”
“No buts Jean! I don’t wanna hear anything else about it! I’m picking you up and that’s the end of it!”
“I’m not telling you when the flight actually gets in…” she said with a smile and a faux sense of anger.
She heard him smiling as he responded, “You know, I can just look up when your flight will come in online, so there’s really no use in not telling me. You’ll just cause me more work and less sleep and a few more gray hairs.”
“Yatta, yatta, yatta…that’s what I do best.”
“Then we agree on something.”
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She hadn’t even bothered to really get dressed for her flight since it was an overnight trip. When she picked up her carry on to exit the plane, she still wore her striped capri pj’s and the simple white shirt she had slept in the afternoon before. Her bright red hair was pulled into a messy bun on top of her head and she had thrown on her ‘mocha’ rimmed reading glasses last minute in case the turbulence would be too great to sleep. Thankfully, there was no issue with the plane, just with the person she was seated next to. Jean had never been one of those girls that had made fun of another person’s weight, but the man she was placed next to was so incredibly obese that he was shoving her into the window without knowing it, and the person on his other side into the isle. For such an early flight, she was surprised at the number of people on board. It was Hawaii, but still!
She rubbed her numb arm, which had been trapped between the man’s girth and the armrest for about five hours now, as it slowly and painfully started to tingle back to reality.
What is the hold up? Why don’t I see my luggage?
After the absolute last suitcase had been shoved over the slide and spit out onto the spinning retriever, (she knew this because it was the big orange one owned by the airport that clearly said “This is the last item”), she angrily got up and stormed over to the Baggage Claim office.
It is WAY too early for me to be dealing with this shit!
The young man looked up from behind the counter, a smug look spreading across his features as he greedily looked her up and down. “Can I help you, miss?” He asked, his lips upturned in approval.
Ugh, I’m so not in the mood for this! This guy’s gonna get more than he’s bargained for!
She sauntered up to the counter with a devious look playing in her eyes. The young man, whose name tag read “Brian” did not suspect a thing as he watched her hips gently sway while walking; his gaze clearly not focusing on anything above her chest.
“Brian, is it?” Jean asked sweetly.
He smiled lazily, nodding, his eyes obviously straining to make out the detail of the trim on her bra through her white shirt.
What’s with this guy? What a creep! You’d think he’s never seen tits before!...Ugh!
She suddenly slammed her hands onto the counter, I mean, enough is enough, right? Fire blazed in her eyes as she played her ‘its way too fucking early in the morning, I can be a bi-polar bitch” card.
“Why the HELL isn’t my luggage on that rack? And why the HELL can’t you look me in the fucking face?”
Brian reeled back in shock, his eyes widening, his mouth ajar. Jean almost broke into laughter as she heard “Whoa My God, Abort, Abort….Wrong chick….No Thank You!” playing in his mind, but she controlled herself, switching her approach to a calmer, more professional stance as she folded her hands in front of her on the table.
“Well, do you know where my luggage is or not?” She said in a voice she often used with the younger students that emphasized her authority.
“Uuhhh, hold on. Lemme check on that for you, Ms…..”
“Jean Grey”
Brian stumbled his way into a back room, glancing back at her every few seconds, looking panic stricken.
Yes, you watch me... Jean thought happily. Now, we could be getting somewhere.
It was only a few moments later when Brian arrived back with her suitcase in hand, rambling something about it being put on a previous flight. She really wasn’t paying much attention to him; just signed for it and turned towards the exit without saying goodbye.
As she walked through the tunnel to the waiting area, she was met with the most welcoming sight she had ever seen.
Scott was asleep, or appeared to be asleep, on one of the couches. Her heart ached at the sight of him. She hadn’t realized how much she had actually missed him until seeing him now. He wore a plain white tee (like her own, she noted) and a pair of worn blue jeans that he had probably thrown on in haste as he left the beach house this morning still half asleep.
Even from this distance she could see the red glow lighting up from behind his sunglasses, and knew then that he was awake. A slow smile, Oh, that smile, crept onto his face as he stood and started walking towards her, stretching a little as he went.
Jean immediately dropped her bags and ran to him, jumping into his arms and locking her legs behind his back. Scott, who was still somewhat asleep, was completely taken aback by this gesture, but held onto her none the less. Who am I to stand in the way of progress?, he thought happily to himself. She breathed into his shirt to get a sense of him. Yes, everything was familiar and as it should be. She was vaguely aware that the airport had cleared of all people, for the exception of a few maintenance workers and a flight attendant just leaving to go home.
Man, poor Scott! That asshole in baggage must’ve kept me longer than I thought.
“You smell like home,” she mumbled into his shoulder, hoping he would only think she was talking about the institute they lived in. He smelled of her laundry detergent he must have stolen to wash his clothes in, smelled of a warm bed newly woken up from, his shampoo, something she couldn’t quite recognize but knew it had to be his brother Alex, and he smelled of Scott, his particular natural smell that drove Jean crazy with wanting to climb into him, fall asleep, and never wake up again. His clothes felt extremely worn and soft as if this was not the first time he had modeled this exact ensemble without washing them in between, and most of all, he smelled like ‘home’, the home Jean pictured herself never leaving, always surrounded by, her constant in life, her Scott.
What am I thinking! He’s my best friend, and what does that make me? I can’t bring myself to hop off of him right now. Mmmmm….I wanna go to sleep with his shirt stuffed up my nose and his warm arms around me…..Oh My God Jean! Get a grip!
When she tried to untangle herself from him, she indeed found that she couldn’t, even though he had let go and was trying to bend forward to pick up her discarded luggage. She simply couldn’t will her limbs to move. Her body had turned against her and no longer heeded her commands, not that she was demanding much.
Scott laughed slightly and said, “You know Jean, sometimes you act just like a three year old.” She released a muffled groan in protest, not that she would actually rise to his bait so early in the morning. Yes, he would be dealt with in the morning, wait, this is the morning…she thought to herself.
Nothing was said. She clutched him tighter to her and held on for dear life as he descended the stairs that led to the parking lot, luggage in tow. How he managed to carry both Jean and her luggage down those stairs AND find his car in the dark parking lot this early in the morning, when he was clearly still half asleep was a mystery to her. She reluctantly released him to slide into the passenger seat of his rental car. The smooth leather seats felt cold through her thin pajamas even though the temperature outside was very warm for this time of year. Well, this IS Hawaii, she thought as sleep once again claimed her.
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When Jean woke up a few hours later, she found herself in a bed she didn’t recognize, in a room she didn’t recognize, in a house she didn’t recognize. She froze. There was someone in bed next to her that she didn’t…..Scott! She breathed her sigh of relief as the figure’s head turned to reveal a pair of red sleeping goggles. Duh, we’re in Hawaii, she thought to herself. Everything came flooding back to her then and the most serene expression came over her face as she remembered she’d be spending the week here with her best friend and his brother. My vacation begins….
She curled into Scott’s side and rested her head on his shoulder. She almost purred out loud when he unconsciously wrapped a protective arm around waist. Oui Vey! You’re losing it Jean. Calm yourself!
She was going to have to do something about this slight ‘crush’ she had on him. This wasn’t going to lead anywhere. Scott had always considered Jean as a little sister, and he, her protective older brother.
Oh, he’s only older by, like, six months! Yes, this trip will help her put things into perspective and get her mind off of ‘liking’ Scott. Hell, I’m in HAWAII of all places….I’m sure I can find plenty of distractions around the shoreline.
Scott and Jean, both, nearly jumped out of bed when a familiar blonde ran in through their door screaming, “Scott, Jean, Danger Room Session in five minutes! I want you both dressed and downstairs immediately!” They then collapsed right back into bed begrudgingly.
The intruder continued. “Well, it’s about time I walk in here and find you wrapped up in a pair of long legs, Scott,” the amusement was evident in his valley-boy accent. “Hey Jeannie,” he added, bending down to kiss the redhead on the cheek. She beamed up at him through a mess of tangled locks.
Scott rolled over onto his stomach with his head face down in the pillow. A muffled “Two more hours Alex” was heard.
“Not today, bro. I’ve got an entire schedule planned out for us that begins with the giant breakfast I just made.”
Entire schedule planned out for us…yup, he’s Scott’s brother. Jean thought miserably. Scott didn’t need a schedule for once, he needed to relax, be spontaneous for a change, no routines, no responsibilities, no cares. No intruding Alex, just this room and me with my legs wrapped around him and this bed or that shower, or the couch on the far wall or…..Oh, maybe this isn’t going to help me at all. I’m never gonna get over him like this…..but I could get under him…
Jean laughed out loud at her own ridiculousness as she climbed out of bed, setting her clothes to rights.
“What’s so funny?” Scott asked, turning over in bed to glare at her. Alex had jumped onto the bed as soon as Jean got up from it and now both were looking at her curiously.
“Nothing, just thinking.” Alex clearly had lost interest in the conversation as he began to pretend surf on the mattress to get Scott to follow Jean’s example of getting up.
“About what?” He was obviously not willing to give this a rest.
“Nothing in particular. Besides, it’s none of your business anyway!” She stated in a huff, turning and walking towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.
“Someone’s not a morning person…,” Alex said in a sing-song voice as he collapsed on the bed next to his brother.
“Neither am I! Go back to your room Alex and let me wake up in peace.” Scott commanded grumpily as he turned over once more onto his stomach, burying his head underneath the pillow.
“Come on, bro. It’s a beautiful day out. Besides, today’s the day you meet my girl. I just know you’re gonna love her, bro. Hey, I was thinking…you still haven’t told Jean how you feel yet, right man?” Scott turned to glare at his brother in a ‘what are you planning’ type of skepticism.
“That’s what I thought. Well, I was thinking…”
“Never a good sign.”
“Whatever man. I was thinking that maybe, since you haven’t really met Lorna, and Jean’s never even heard of her….she hasn’t heard of her, right? Good, then you could, like, make her think that I’m bringing Lorna over to meet you or something, for like, ya know, I’m trying to hook you up or something. Then, you can totally see if Jean likes you or not depending on if she gets super jealous. If she gets moody, then she totally digs you man, and then you should have no prob telling her how you feel. It’s just a harmless way of figuring out if she likes you or not.”
Scott considered this over in his head. It does seem pretty harmless when you think about it. I don’t know, somehow I can foresee this going badly. Oh well, can’t hurt to try it out.
“Do you think that Lorna will go along with this?”
Alex’s face lit up, “I wasn’t really planning on telling her, ya know, the whole ‘someone has to be innocent’ gig. I think it’ll work out perfectly though. I mean, Lorna’s been dying to meet you and she’s def one of those people that are all touchy feely to get to know people. So I think that the moment she meets you, she’s gonna be like, ‘Oh Scott, I’ve heard so much about you. You def got the better looks in the family, Oh, come sit near me and we can cuddle and get to know each other… Ya know, something along those lines.”
“Does she do that with everyone? I don’t think I could stand it if Jean was like that with people she barely knew.”
“Relax bro. She just understands that you’re like my only family and she always wants to make good impressions, so I just know how she’s gonna react to you. It’s cool. I know she digs me, man, so I’ve got no prob in that area.”
“Ok man, I just think that this isn’t going to work out the way we hope it will. Watch her totally ignore it and become like best friends with Lorna. Or worse, she could encourage her to go for me, then Lorna will get all confused and spill that she’s with you and Jean will get pissed and oh, this isn’t going to be good at all!”
Scott sunk down, defeated in bed. “Don’t worry about it bro. Everything will work out fine. You’ll see. You’ll have that gorgeous, long legged, red head in your arms in no time. Promise.”
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This is the end of chapter 1. Hope all was enjoyed. I think the saying goes…”Please Read and Review,” but I could be mistaken. Send any additional comments or suggestions you may have to mcdon953@mymail.tcc.fl.edu
Thank you for reading!