X-men Evolution Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Lorna Dane ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
First of all, I would love to thank Diaz F, Allyg1990, and Slickboy444 for reviewing my first chapter. I love the feedback! I hope you all enjoy Chapter 2!
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters.
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Ch apter 2:
Scott sat on the end of the long dock contemplating Alex’s latest plan. He examined his knuckles that still somewhat stung from the blow to the arm he had delivered to his brother this morning and chuckled slightly.
Man, do you know what this could mean for you bro?”
“Enlighten me.”
“You can totally have your girl after this and finally get rid of all that pain you’ve probably been feeling.”
“What pain?”
“Well, I can only assume that it isn’t pleasant to have that stick shoved so far up your ass for as long as you’ve had it….”
(First blow: Delivered)
“I mean, Jean can help you pry it out….it’s probably wedged pretty far up by now…good thing she’s a telekinetic!”
(Second blow: Target Missed only due to the speedy retreat of the loud mouth, giggling perpetrator)
He chuckled again, remembering. Alex could be on to something. I really hope this works.
Images of Jean at various ages came unbidden into his mind. Jean’s one moment of clumsiness, which he had been fortunate enough to witness, as she tripped over her own shoe while running through her bedroom to escape his tickling fingers. “Grace,” he had called her then, as she glared up to him with her hair in her face and her breathing ragged from exertion. Jean, with her hair draped over his desk chair as she spun in circles with her head back, the light catching each strand as it danced evenly with her turning. Jean, with the surest expression of victory playing across her beautiful features as she sat cross-legged in the open field out back, knees bloodied and palms raw, an indefinable grime smeared over her clothes and our football resting beside her as she had just scored her first touchdown against Hank’s undefeated team. Jean, just out of the shower, in nothing more than a towel, yelling at Bobby Drake to quit stealing her bras to use as a dual slingshot for his water balloons, that damned water still dripping off of her locks and onto her shoulder and down her chest to fall in between the knotted towel at her front and further, he imagined, over the crest of her…
“Hey Scott, breakfast is waiting!” Alex shouted from the other end of the dock, pulling Scott back from his daydreams before they got to graphic. He felt his checks burn from the blush that had crept up his neck and over his face. Thank GOD he can’t see me! “I’ll be there in a few!”
He let the warm wind wash over him and breathed in the salty beach air. He calmed his breathing before rising. This was going to be a long day.
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“W ow, you can tell someone has become accustomed to living like a beach bum for the past month!” Jean commented into her mug as she watched her friend enter the dining area. Scott wore a pair of holey, frayed kakis that stopped at his knees and the same plain white tee he had been wearing the night before, if not, she could presume, for all of the nights since he had arrived on the island. And he had that particular wind-blown look, un-shaven and wild. Mmmm…I could get used to that…Jean thought, eyeing him over the rim of her chai. She suddenly felt very proud of him for relinquishing his tight hold over his own life, for letting go and not giving a damn. She smiled deeply as she buried herself in her last sip.
“Okay Captain Ron1, we’ve got eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, fruit salad, and of course, a fresh pot of brew for ya.” Alex unsteadily balanced two plates full of food on one arm and the full pot of hot coffee in his other, the molten liquid sloshing about in its unsealed pot, ready to scorch whomever it landed on.
Please HELP him!’ Scott pleadingly sent Jean through their mind link, and giggling, she acquiesced only just in time, tilting her head a little to the side in concentration.
He loved watching her work. She would get this sort of, knowing look to her miraculously emerald green eyes, and his heart swelled with pride for he knew just how long it had taken her to achieve this level of concentration, how hard she had worked at it, and how many pieces of furniture and various accessories the Professor had him piece back together whenever she had one of her accidents. Of course, balancing a pot of coffee is nothing compared to some of the things I’ve seen her do, but just watching her made him smile.
He looked over her attire for the first time since sitting down; that damned silk robe she loved to wear blanketed loosely over her form, sending his imagination on a joy ride. The split down the middle slipped to reveal one tanned thigh as she raised her knee to her chin while reading the morning paper, while also revealing…no, is that her underwear?!? What is she thinking?
In a sudden fit of anger he snapped out, “Jean, why aren’t you dressed? You were in that bathroom for almost half an hour this morning and you don’t even look like you’ve taken your shower yet, let alone put some clothes on! You can freakin’ see all of London AND France, the way you’re sitting!”
Alex nearly choked on his bacon as he looked in between the two. This is going to be great! He thought excitedly. Jean had turned a lovely shade of red, whether from embarrassment or from anger or a complicated mixture of both that somehow included pleasure, Alex couldn’t tell.
“First of all Scott,” she began, shooting him a death glare and slowly folding her newspaper menacingly, “It’s really none of your concern WHAT I wear. I could run around NAKED if I wanted to, and you really couldn’t do a thing about it! And if I WAS in my underwear, why would you be looking anyway?” Alex’s smile broadened as he imagined the sound lashing Scott was about to receive.
“Second of all, just for your information, I’m wearing my bathing suit under this robe, or have you already forgotten that we were going to the beach after breakfast? Which brings me to my NEXT point,” she continued without waiting for his reply, “One does not usually bathe BEFORE swimming or covering oneself in tanning oil, and I REALLY don’t think you’re one to talk about NOT bathing. It doesn’t look like you’ve touched a shower in the MONTH you’ve been here! So, don’t begin to lecture ME, Scott Summers about WHAT and WHAT NOT to do while I’m on vacation!” Did I just yell at him for letting himself go? I thought that was something I was proud of a few moments ago? Errr…I can’t think straight when he pisses me off!
Satisfied, and yet somewhat uneasy about her little speech, she rose from the table and shoved the last bite full of eggs into her mouth. “Thank you for breakfast Alex. It was delicious.” And just that quickly she was gone, slamming the door to the bedroom behind her.
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Alex stared at his brother, open-mouth, clearly shocked. Obviously, he hasn’t known Jean that long. Scott thought amusedly as he looked to his brother with a questioning expression.
“Wow, did that really just happen? Man, I thought I was in for a treat seeing you get your ass handed to you for lookin’ at her goods, but MAN, she is a SPITFIRE! That was completely brutal! Are you okay, man?”
Scott shrugged casually. “That really wasn’t all that bad. I’ve been on the shit end of worse and it most likely won’t be the last time this week.”
Alex looked disbelievingly towards his older brother and after a few moments of inner debate, Scott quickly added, “yeah, I’m gonna go apologize now.”
The blonde’s eyes widened in amusement as he made a Waaapppssshhh! sound, accompanied by the gesturing of a whip being cracked.
As Scott headed towards the closed bedroom door, the only ‘encouragement’ he heard from the youth behind him was the humming of Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust.”
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< i>Man, fighting with Scott SUCKS! I can’t reach this spot on my back. Jean pouted as she struggled to apply an even layer of tanning oil on herself.
‘So, that’s all I’m good for?’ Jean labored to contain her smile as she realized she had been projecting unconsciously to Scott, who had come up behind her to grab the bottle from her hands. She turned to present her best puppy dog look and was met half way as Scott leaned in to gently press a kiss to her head. He rested his forehead against hers, their eyes locked.
“I’m sorry Jean,” he voiced softly, his warm breath stirring the hair that had fallen loose from the confines of her elastic headband. She inwardly rejoiced at how close he was to her, and then kicked herself for the way her thought process was working lately.
“I’m sorry too Scott.” She stood on her tip toes to wrap her arms over his shoulders and pull her face into the crook of his neck, embracing the warmth his body provided. Ugh, what am I doing? It’s already like 88 o in here!
She pulled back a little to look up into his eyes, well, his sunglasses, and added, “And I do actually like the fact that you’ve been able to let your hair down on this trip. I’m really proud of you. I got here thinking I was going to have to pry you away from your usual routines, and I’ve found that half my work has already been done for me.”
The last part had not escaped his notice and he now turned a curious eye in her direction as they parted for good. “Jean?” He asked as he squirted the contents of the bottle onto his hand and began to massage her back with the oil. He splayed his thumbs across her shoulder blades in gentle circles while his fingers worked at the nape of her neck. He then worked his way down her spine, fingers playing along her sides, and for the finale, a strong concentration on the small of her back.
“Mmm?” was the only response she could manage that wasn’t an outright moan. Oh God, Oh God, what is he doing with those hands? Abort! This really isn’t helping me! I AM WEAK! This has to stop. I can’t make him stop. Oh God….where in the HELL did he learn how to massage like that? She braced herself against the lip of the counter when she began to feel her knees quiver, locking her elbows and dropping her head to her chest.
“What’s the other half that you have to work on?” He pressed, almost completely obvious to the effect his ministrations were producing. His concentration was entirely focused on the fact that this was the first time he had ever been allowed to touch her so freely. He relished the feel of the oil against her soft skin, and had to struggle to control himself from running his hands along the entire length of her body. God, she’s so perfect. Since I’ve come this far, maybe she’d think nothing of it if I…
Since her head was down, Scott couldn’t see the smirk that spread like wildfire across her face. The angel on her left shoulder had lost the battle as soon as she had felt his fingertips slip under the strings holding up her bikini bottoms. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was fully aware that by doing this, he was only ensuring that if the strings moved, which they were bound to do, she wouldn’t get an uneven tan. This made perfect sense to her, seeing as how Scott was always this considerate about everything. Why wouldn’t he be about something this logical?
She tailored her voice to sound as normal as possible before responding sweetly, “You’ll see.”
They both jumped half way out of their skins as a loud pounding issued from the door; minds snapped to awareness and arms fell to their respective sides. “You two have like, five minutes to kiss and make up cause its prime time on the surf right now!”
Scott was the first to speak, trying to coat the uncomfortable silence that had fallen between them in something more ‘everyday.’ “So, your Highness, are you ready for some fun in the sun now that you’re all oiled up and ready to burn?”
Jean recovered quickly and fluttered a hand behind her as she left the bathroom. “Whatever Slim, don’t be jealous when I’m all tan and gorgeous and you have to steal my bronzer to even out your farmer’s tan.”
“At least I won’t die of skin cancer like you will!” He yelled at her retreating form, his smile never leaving his face.
“Yes, but I won’t die looking like Hank Hill2!” He could hear her laughing from the living room.
“No, you’ll just end up looking like a bad version of George Hamilton3 or one of those ugly, spotted dogs with the random tufts of hair that people pay God knows how much on!” He retorted, joining her on the front porch as she wrapped her beach cover-up around her waist.
“So, basically what you’re telling me is I’ll still be tan, but now famous and/or worth a lot of money. I’m not understanding your argument yet.”
“Come on Jean,” Scott said wrapping her arm around his and pulling her towards the ocean. “Your destiny awaits you.”
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“Captain Ron” is a reference to a funny Kurt Russell/Martin Short movie. If you haven’t see it, you should def. check it out!
Hank Hill is the main character from the cartoon “King of the Hill,” which I’ve never actually seen, but we should assume that Mr. Summers has.
Lastly, George Hamilton is an actor/commercial.
I’m sorry if any fans have been offended for my mentioning these names in jest.
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So, what did yall think of my second chapter? I get the feeling that this day is dragging on a bit, but it IS the focus of the fanfic, so most likely the next couple of chapters will center around the events of this day as well. Sorry if no te gusta. I’m open for suggestions as to what the trio could do between now and tonight’s big introduction of Alex’s ‘girl.’
I probably won’t be able to work on and post the next chapter until next weekend due to the rigors of college life, but I’m always receptive to feedback, so please read and review!
Thanks again to those who have reviewed!