X-men Evolution Fan Fiction ❯ My Kind of Aphrodisiac ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kurt arrived back at the mansion hours before the dinner call and headed up to the privacy of his bedroom when he encountered Scott in the hall who was dressed only in a towel, and trying to make sure he didn't encounter of the female residents. Kurt's talk with Evan and Pietro had improved the Blue boy's mood to a certain degree that Kurt didn't curse himself being born as a mutant, but not enough to make him fell one hundred percent better. Thus Kurt didn't notice Scott until he bumped into the taller teen.


"Oops! Excuse me, Scott. I did not see you there," Kurt said, quickly apologizing.

"Nah, it's okay," Scott replied. "I'm just glad you weren't one of the girls."

"That would have been very embarrassing, yeah?" Kurt said.

Scott laughed, nodding. "So, has Kitty accepted your offer for a date? I bet that was why you weren't paying attention as to where you were going."

The image of Kitty fooling around with Lance flashed in Kurt's mind and the bluenette flinched. "I…um, I would rather not talk about that."

"Why did something happen?" Scott asked.

"I said that I would rather not talk about it!" Kurt repeated a little louder this time.

"Okay, okay! No need to bite my head off," Scott said, sounding a little hurt and annoyed. The brunette huffed and crossed his arms. "Sheesh. With you snapping off like that it's no wonder she turned you down."

Kurt's face flushed with embarrassment and anger. Without thinking, Kurt reached over and grabbed a hold of Scott's towel. With a bamf and puff of smoke Kurt teleported himself into his room with Scott's only means of decency. Next Kurt heard a door slam as he tossed his book bag onto the floor and crawled onto his bed, rolling onto his side. Sighing, Kurt wished the day to be over.

Kurt didn't not come down for dinner that night, which struck everyone else in the household odd.

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The next morning Lance drove to school humming the beat of song playing on the radio. For the past few weeks Lance had been saving up his paychecks to take Kitty out for a night on the town. Lance wanted to take Kitty out someplace out of the ordinary and not so common of adolescent dates of dinner at fast food joints or going to the movies. He'd consulted with Tabitha and Pietro for ideas. Tabitha informed lance that Kitty was known to spend time at the local record store listening to music and that Tabitha had heard of a place where they could burn their own CDs for a reasonable price. Then Pietro butted in that at the local park a music fest was being held where different bands performed and most of them were J-Rock bands, and the admission was reasonable. The speed demon suggested attending that and to bring a picnic dinner or snack.

With the intention of following up on his friends' suggestions, Lance hurried throughout the school looking for Kitty and to surprise her with the ideas. However, when Lance finally located Kitty, the brunette couldn't believe his eyes. There was his supposed girlfriend in the arms of another boy kissing. He felt as if Fred Dukes had snuck up behind him and smack him upside the head with a four by four. Continuing to stare at them, Lance began to realize that he had seen the guy with Kitty someplace. Suppressing the urge to storm over, tear Kitty from the guy and punch his lights out (and getting himself suspended for God knows how long and he didn't need that on his permanent record), Lance leaned against the side of the building to think. Just where had he seen that guy before?

A memory of seeing Kitty on stage flashed in his mind and Lance slowly recalled some school production that Kitty had been apart of. Now at the time the guy had been wearing stage makeup, but Lance recognized the guy's voice, and remembered his name. Lance also had previously (before he and Kitty had gotten involved) that Kitty had a huge crush on that guy. This made lance wonder how long had Kitty been seeing this guy? Had it been throughout the time he and Kitty were together?

Lance was a guy known for his tempter and the only reason that prevented him from slapping Kitty across the face was that Lance did not want to go to jail. However, Lance was not going to allow Kitty to believe that she would get away with this.

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During first period, Pietro looked over at his lab partner who was giving off the aura of a dark, menacing cloud of anger and despair hovering above their head.

"Hey, Lance, something wrong?" the speed demon asked.

Lance shot his a glance and said nothing. Pietro didn't push the issue, normally he would have, but something told him not too. Not now anyway.

It was during gym, their last period for the day, when Lance finally pulled Pietro aside and told him what had happened.

Pietro frowned. "Well what the fuck is that shit all about?" he growled. "Who the fuck does she thinks she is? She has no right to treat you that way! No fucking right at all!"

Lance went to speak but Pietro was gone. And Lance knew where the speed demon had gone. He hoped that someone at the Institute would prevent Pietro from causing the girl too much harm.

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Coming into the front entry from one of the other rooms Kurt was surprised to say the least when he saw Pietro race pass through the doors.

"Hey, Pietro," the Blue boy greeted.

Pietro turned towards him. "Where's Kitty?"

"Kitty? She's, ah, in the danger room getting ready for a run," Kurt explained.

In a flash Pietro was gone and Kurt followed wondering why the speed demon looked pissed as hell.

Down in the danger room Scott was going over a few reminders with his group when he spotted Pietro. Normally whenever Pietro was arrived he was decked out in his battle gear looking for trouble, but he was still wearing his school clothes.


The brunette girl turned startled wondering what the hell Pietro was doing in the Institute and more importantly how'd he got in without setting off any of the alarms?

Charging up to her, Pietro raised a hand and without really thinking, smacked the girl across the face. Some of the other students grabbed the speed demon and pinned his arms down to prevent him from hitting Kitty any further, but Pietro made no motions to do so.

"Just who the fuck do you think you are? How dare you treat one of my best friends like he's a piece of shit! How dare you! How dare you fuck around with his emotions like that way you did! How dare you!" Pietro screamed at the girl.

"Whoa! Whoa! Time out here!" Scott exclaimed over Pietro's yelling. "Would someone please tell me what's going on?"

"Yes, I think Kitty has some explaining to do," Professor Xaver commented as he, Lance and Storm entered the danger room.

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After Pietro had calmed down, he, Lance, Storm and Kitty sat down in one of the living rooms where Lance explained what had happened; that he had Kitty had been dating seriously for the passed three months and during the last few weeks Kitty wanted to take the next step in their relationship. Lance, like any normal teenaged boy that age with hormones, was a bit iffy of them having sex, but Kitty insisted that he do if he really loved her. And of course Lance wanted their relationship to work so he agreed, but using protection every time. Now he realized that Kitty was only rehearsing with him before she went after the guy she really wanted to date. And with the truth out in the open, Kitty couldn't deny what she'd done. She has used Lance to practice sex on before she went after her crush.

"You heartless bitch!" Pietro hissed at her. "I guess this is how you get your kicks; using people."

"You should talk! You're the one and your friends who attack us because Mystic orders you to do so!" Kitty snapped back.

"All in the past, sweetheart! If you haven't noticed my friends and I haven't touched you or any of your friends because we've decided that we're not taking orders from that bitch or my father or any of his minions ever again! We're sick of being their puppets and fighting their fights for them! We now just want to live our lives, graduate from high school, get jobs and live happily ever after the best we can!" Pietro exclaimed.

"That's true," Professor Xaver commented. "The Brother Hood has left us alone ever since our encounter with Pietro's fathers up in the north and the disappearance of Mystic. I'm glad to see that you boys are making better uses with your lives."

"One less thing to worry about," Pietro remarked, leaning back against the couch. "Hell, maybe we'll join your little gang in the near future just for the hell of it, y'know?"

"We're more then welcomed," Xaver replied with a smile.

Pietro frowned. "Or maybe not! I for one don't want to socialize myself of any of my friends with the likes of her!" he said, pointing to Kitty.

"Oh, so what am I? The bad guy around here?" Kitty snorted.

"You sure hell ain't the girl I thought you were," Lance remarked. "The Kitty I thought I know was honest, sweet, silly, caring, selfless, goofy and most important; forgiving. Able to forgive a guy who was a real jackass to her before but then realized what a jerk he was when he developed feelings for her and did his best to make all that up."

"Like anything you did could ever be forgiven," Kitty sneered. "Like I'd ever give a guy like you the time of day."

"No, but you'll play with his emotions, make him believe that you cared, even loved him so much to want to have sex with him and then turn around and laugh in his face telling him it was all a lie and just using him as a practice dummy because you used to be enemies," lance said in a quiet voice. "And I'm not the only guy who's feelings you've hurt either."

Outside the closed door, Rouge listened in. She frowned to herself. Sure Lance wasn't the nicest guy in the world, but him and his friends hadn't been causing them any trouble for months now and if what they said was true, they wouldn't be bothered by the brother Hood ever again. Besides, just 'cause Pietro, Lance, Fred and Todd did some bad and stupid things didn't make them evil despite what Kitty (and some of the other Institute inhabitants) thought. Everyone was entitled to a second chance and why shouldn't the Brother Hood get that chance? If the students in the Institute wouldn't give the Brother Hood a chance to make amends then they were no better then the regular humans who were prejudice against them.

'Even Scott said that one time that it felt right working along with the Brother Hood," Rouge thought.

"Eavesdropping?" a voice whispered into her ear.

"Yep," Rouge nodded, turning to face Scott.

"So what's the damage?" he asked.

Rouge told him as they walked down into the kitchen, not wanting to be caught.

Scott whistled after Rouge was done telling him what she heard and she heard everything quite clearly.

"I never knew Kitty could be so petty," Scott remarked.

"I know," Rouge said with a nod. "Lance an' his friends ain't the nicest guys I've met, but I'm willin' ta give them a second chance if they're sincere 'bout turnin' over a new leaf."

A thought accrued to Scott just then. "Wait… Then that explains…"

"Explains what?" Rouge asked, making herself a cup of coffee and offered to make Scott one.

Scott told her about the encounter he had with Kurt, their short argument and Kurt stealing his towel and leaving him naked in the hallway. Rouge almost spilled her coffee from laughter.

"Wish I had a camera!" she gasped before continuing to laugh.

"Ha, ha," Scott said, rolling his eyes. "Maybe I should go talk to Kurt now that I know what happened and apologize."

Rouge nodded. "Yeah. You don't want the guy you like to stay mad at you an' shut you out of his life. Kurt's hurtin' right now an' he needs a friend."

"Wait- How did you know-?"

"That you like Kurt? As-in-likin'-him-more-then-a-friend-an'-wantin'-to-date-him? I've known for a while, but I never said anythin'. The last thing you need is those assholes at school calling you the f-word an' all. I like ta observe people an' how they act. Sometimes I do it without realizin' it. An' I know that thing between you an' the Miss perfect Jean Grey ain't true. Not with her datin' Duncan. 'Sides, you'd be happier with Kurt any day," Rouge said. "I won't lie 'bout how I feel towards you, Scott. I like you, but it's only a crush, somethin' all girls get during their lifetime. I think I'd like bein' your friend even better 'cause I care for you. An' I care for Kurt kinda like as if he was my brother, an' I want him ta be happy. An' bein' with you will make him happy."

Scott smiled. "I doubt Jean would be so understanding."

"That's 'cause Jean's Jean and I'm me," Rouge explained.

Scott nodded and left the kitchen, heading upstairs towards Kurt's room. He could tell that the bluenette was in because of the music. Kurt always listened to his newest favorite music group Good Charlotte whenever he did his homework. Scott hesitated before knocking.

"Come in!" Kurt's voice called over the music and from behind the door.