X-men Evolution Fan Fiction ❯ My Kind of Aphrodisiac ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Entering his bedroom with a bowl of popcorn in one hand a couple of cans of Pepsi One in the other, Kurt wondered what was going between Pietro and Kitty because the prismatic blonde looked really, really pissed when he asked Kurt where she was. Shrugging his shoulders, Kurt sat down at his desk. Kitty must have done or said something to Pietro or one of his friends to have made Pietro that mad because ever since the Brother Hoods' decision not to take any more orders from Magneto and Mystic, they haven't been bothered by them any more.

'And with Evan and Pietro secretly involved also shows the change with the Broth Hood,' Kurt thought to himself. Bending over, Kurt reached into his book bag pulling out his homework for the evening. "Math, ho-hum, how exciting."

Turning on his stereo, Kurt opened his math book and began working on word problems, pausing every now and then to grab a hand full of popcorn.

A while later Kurt heard someone knocking on his door. He figured it was probably Jean or Storm letting him know that it was time for dinner.

"Come in!" Kurt called over the music as he turned the volume down. There was a moment's paused before the door opened and Scott walked in. Kurt stiffened a bit, still slightly peeved at Scott for his comments yesterday. He'd been avoiding the brunette since. "Yeah? What do you want?"

Scott closed the door and leaned against it. "I guess," Scott began, pushing his glasses up absentmindedly, "I should start by apologizing for the things I said yesterday. I was a jerk and I shouldn't have said what I said."

"Yeah, well, I guess you were," Kurt replied, putting his math book away. "When someone doesn't want to talk about certain things then bells should be going off in your head to let it be."

"Well, I can't help it when I see one of my friends looking depressed and I want to try to make them feel better, and I know that talking about it helps sometimes. Not doing something about it makes me feel helpless and I hate feeling that," Scott replied. "But…next time I'll back off and when you're ready to talk about it, then we'll talk."

"Okay," Kurt said. "And… I'm sorry if I bit your head off yesterday."

"S'kay. You were obviously upset, didn't want to talk and I pushed," Scott replied.

"And I should apologize for snatching your towel like that," Kurt said. "It must have been embarrassing."

Scott smirked. "You know darn well it was."

Kurt smiled back. "That's why I did it."

"I'm just grateful no one else was wandering around in the halls. I would have some explaining to do," Scott said with a laugh.

"Yeah," Kurt said with a chuckled. "So, um, can we talk about it?"

"If you want," Scott replied.

"I do now," Kurt said. "You see, I when I asked Kitty for a date, she said no and said she had something important to do. But later I caught her and Lance in the library making out. I was upset that she felt the need to lie to me rather then just telling me she's already involved."

Kurt tucked his hair behind his ear. "Lance's a lucky guy. I was pretty certain that Kitty didn't like him."

"You have no idea," Scoot murmured to himself in a sour tone.

"What's that?"

"It turns out that Kitty and Lance weren't really dating. She was just using Lance as a practice doll before she went after some guy she's been crushing over for a while. And her excuse was that the Brother Hood was once our enemies and continues to see them as. Apparently she believes that people can't change and that it's okay to use people like that," Scott replied.

"You're kidding!" Kurt exclaimed.

"I'm not," Scott replied.

"Does anyone else know about this?" Kurt asked.

"Just professor Xavier and Storm. I found out because Rogue was eavesdropping and told me when I asked her why she was. And Pietro's so pissed that he even smacked Kitty across the cheek," Scott replied.

"Well of course Pietro's pissed; Lance is his best friend after all. It would be like me smacking Jean if she ever did that to you," Kurt commented.

"Not likely since Jean's dating Duncan," Scott pointed out.

"Well you know what I mean," Kurt said.

"Yeah, yeah," Scott said. "Hey, dinner gonna be hear soon. Bobby ordered Chinese."

"Whoo-hoo!" Kurt cheered.

"I made sure your favorite dinner was ordered," Scott added.

"Oh, Scott, you're so good to me," Kurt said, battering his eyelashes. The bluenette laughed at Scott's stuttering and headed downstairs, Scott following.

Seated at the dinning table with her boxes of spicy orange flavored beef, chicken fingers and vegetarian lo mien, Rogue smiled as she slurped up her noodles when she saw Kurt talking with Scott. Apparently they had made up.

'Good,' she thought.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

A couple of months went by and Christmas break had come and went. Shortly after the incident Kitty was sent home to have a long talk with her parents about her behavior at the Institute. Kitty's parents of course didn't lay the blame on professor Xavier, expecting him to keep taps on their daughter twenty-four seven was ridiculous. Lance of course was given a minor talking too, but he wasn't in trouble like Kitty was. Lance also had gotten over Kitty rather quickly. He'd been eavesdropping on Pietro and Evan again when Evan was over for another 'study date' and was caught. It was comical of how Lance tried to explain himself until Pietro grabbed him, tossed him on his bed and Evan asked if Lance wanted to participate rather then listen. Lance was never happier because now he was involved in a real relationship this time and two mouths were better then one as he discovered that night.

During Christmas break with everyone going home for the holiday, except for a few other Institute inhabitants, Scott was surprised to hear that Jean had blown off her family at the last minute so she could accompany Duncan and his family up to a skiing lounge they went to every year. Her attitude was that of I'm-old-enough-to-do-what-I-want nature. What happened during those weeks was that Duncan wanted to take their relationship from making out to the next step, Jean refused and when Duncan tried to kiss her, she slapped him and broke up with him. Duncan retaliated by spending all his free time with the other girls there, leaving Jean to be entertained by his folks, who of course were too focused on each other like a pair of newlyweds.

Scott spent most of the time hanging out with Rogue, waiting until Kurt came home. Rogue spent most of the time teasing him, saying that he looked like he was waiting for his lover to return. A lot of snowball fights between them ensued those two weeks.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Now it was spring and Scott's favorite vacation, aside from Christmas, was approaching: spring break. For the past five years Scott had spent spring break up at a camping ground in Maine. The camping ground consisted of several log cabins and was own by a very nice family for the past fifty years. Scott's parents owed a timeshare on a cabin that had two bedrooms, but they traded it for a one-bedroom cabin for Scott's use because they no longer went camping any more. Scott chipped in what he could afford to help pay for it, but mostly his parents took care of it.

This year Scott wanted to take Kurt with him, but he knew that Kurt loved to party and spring break was like a huge blow out. Rouge encouraged Scott to ask Kurt anyway.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

At school, everyone was buzzing about what he or she were going to do for spring break, where they were going and who they were going with.

Evan, Lance and Pietro were planning on a road trip with a rented motor home, which Pietro would take care of. Evan's parents said it was okay as long as Evan left them his cell phone number and would call them once a day or if he needed mad money, but Evan had saved up a year's worth of his allowance so he was all set.

Rogue and a few other students would be going sight seeing in Europe with professor Xavier and Storm. She was looking forward because Forge had created an invisible, waterproof, weatherproof head-to-toe bodysuit and would prevent her from draining anyone when she touched him or her. It was like wearing a second skin so she could feel things as if she was using her own skin and the gloves could be removed if needs be for emergencies.

At lunchtime, Scott found Kurt talking to Evan, Lance and Pietro with what they had planned and asked if he could talk to Boy Blue.

"So, what's up?" Kurt asked.

"I was wondering if you have any plans for spring break?" Scott asked.

"No, not really. I haven't given it much thought this year," Kurt replied. "Why?"

"I'm going camping in a cabin in Maine and I wanted to know if you want to come," Scott replied.

"Okay, sounds like it could be fun," Kurt replied.

"It'll be just the two of us though," Scott added.

"Doesn't bother me," Kurt replied. "I've never been to Maine before."

"It'll be fun. I can take you to all of my favorite flea markets and yard sales. You'd be amazed at what you can find," Scott said. "That's how I found my car actually."

"Sounds like I should bring a lot of cash," Kurt commented.

"You should also remember to bring a empty suitcase," Scott suggested. "That way you have a way to pack anything you buy."

The bell rang announcing that lunchtime was over.

"Let's get together after school so we can discuss what to bring and what not to bring, okay?" Scott asked.

"Right!" Kurt called as he ran towards his locker.

Heading towards his locker, Scott suddenly felt someone wrap his or her arms around his neck from behind and he made a gagging motion as he tried to free himself.

"Scott, it's just me," laughed a voice as Jean Grey moved in front of him.

"Oh, hey, Jean," Scott greeted, moving to unlock his locker.

"Guess what?"


"I have some great news."


"Terry's has permission from her aunt to hold a big spring break bash at her beach house. Normally I'd go with Duncan but were no longer dating, so you get to be my date!" Jean said.

"Oh, great," Scott replied, not sounding thrilled.

"Something wrong, Scott?" Jean asked.

"Yeah. I've made other plans for spring break," Scott explained.

"So just cancel them. Simple as that," Jean replied, smiling.

"I can't cancel them, Jean. I've already made plans and I have no intention of breaking them," Scott replied.

"So what are these big important plans of yours?" Jean asked sounding annoyed.

"I'm going camping in a cabin in Maine. Kurt's agreed to come with me," Scott replied.

"But you can go camping with Kurt some other time, Scott! C'mon, you'll have more fun at Terry's party rather then some boring cabin," Jean said.

"Well what if I wanted to spend spring break relaxing rather then partying?" Scott asked.

"You can do that next year! C'mon, Scott, I really need you there! I need you to be my date in case Duncan is there with another girl!" Jean blurted out.

Scott gave her a hard look. "Sorry, Jean, but I'm not going to be used just so you can get back at Duncan. Besides there will be other guys there for you to dance with."

"But it won't burn Duncan as much!" Jean exclaimed.

"No, Jean, I'm not going to act as your rebound just because you're pissed at Duncan. I said no and I mean no," Scott replied.

Jean crossed her arms. "You're just pissed because I went out with Duncan first instead of you!"

Scott fixed his glasses. He ignored the same crowed that was gathering around them.

"Okay, Jean, you want to know something? Yeah, you're right. I was pissed that you dated Duncan, but you knew that I liked you. However you obviously thought that I would continue to like you and that if you and Duncan broke up, you could use me as rebound because you believed that I would never take the time to date someone else. Well guess what? I got over you. I thought that if you really wanted to date a guy like Duncan then who was I to tell you no? Not my place, Jean. And I would expect the favor returned, but I know it wasn't. I know that you scared off any girl that showed a little bit of interest in me. I think I have enough reasons to refuse to be your date at Terry's party," Scott said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna be late for math if I don't get a move on."

Jean watched Scott headed off.

'The nerve!' Jean thought.

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Kurt was in his bedroom looking through his closet wondering what he should bring to wear. He had a feeling that Scott could tell him. A knock on his door pulled Kurt's attention from his closet and he opened the door expecting to find Scott on the other side. He was surprised to say the least to see Jean.

"Hey, Kurt, I was in the kitchen making myself some hot chocolate and thought you'd like some. I remember hearing one time that you love hot chocolate," Jean said, presenting him with a mug.

"Wow, thanks, Jean! Does it have those little marshmallows?" he asked, accepting the mug.

"Uh-huh! And whipped cream," she said, inviting herself into his room.

"Mmmm! So good," Kurt said, taking a sip.

"Hey, I see that you've got a couple of outfits laid out? Any particular reason?' Jean asked.

"Scott's asked me to accompany him on a trip to Maine for spring break and I'm wondering what I should bring clothing wise," Kurt replied, seating himself on the end of his bed.

"Oh," Jean said with a nod to her head and looked away. "Um, Kurt, I just heard from Scott that he's changed his mind. He's decided not to go."

"Huh? Why?" Kurt asked. "What made him change is mind all of a sudden?"

"I think it's mostly my fault because when I told him about a party Terry's having at her aunt's beach house, Scott decided to cancel so he could take me. I'm awfully sorry, Kurt," Jean said.

"Oh really? This is news to me," came a voice from the doorway. Scott walked in. "Now let me guess; you were planning on coming to me that Kurt's changed his mind after you've convinced him that I've canceled the trip to Maine."

Kurt just watched with wide eyes as Jean tried to form a sentence before she stormed out of the bedroom.

"What was that all about?" Kurt finally asked.

"Jean wanted me to take her to some party, but I told her no so she freaked out about it. I had no idea she'd go this far just to get back at Duncan," Scott said.

"What happened between her and Duncan?"

"He got fresh, she slapped him and ended their relationship and he dated a lot of girls to get back at her. Jean figured she'd get back at him by having me for her date," Scott replied.

"But I thought you liked Jean," Kurt said.

"I did, but I got over her once I realized that she and I wouldn't really work out. I mean everyone else seems to think we're involved just because we've known each other for a long time. Everyone just assumes that we'll date and what happens when people assume?"

"You make an ass of you and me," Kurt answered. "Scott, everyone knows that one."

"Besides, I've found that I like someone else a heck of a lot more then I'll ever like Jean," Scott added.


"It's a secret."

"How about a little hint."

"It's some one you know. Someone you see every day."

"That's not much of a hint."



"The person I like is male."


"You're not grossed out are you?"

"Why should it bother me that you're bi? I'd be no better then anyone else. Besides, my parents raised me to be very opened minded about such things."

"Thanks, Kurt."

"No prob. Now you said that you were gonna tell me what to bring and what not to bring," Kurt said. 'And another thing, Evan has a boyfriend and it doesn't bother me. Two in fact."

______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Rogue was heading towards her bedroom after returning from a shopping trip. She'd gotten a new bathing suit because the professor had said that they would be staying at a beachside resort for a couple of days and to bring one along. She'd also bought a new camera and a lot of film, a journal to write down any thoughts or make notes for places she wanted to remember, and a new pair of sneakers. Passing by Jean's room Rogue paused when she heard the redhead say something about Scott.

"…The nerve of him blowing me off and leaving me dateless for Terry's party all because he has to go camping with Kurt! Like he can't do that some other time!"

Rogue frowned and slammed the door open.

"Excuse me!" Jean said, startled.

"Listen here, Jean, you've got a lot of balls bitchin' 'bout Scott 'cause he disrupted your plans of going to some party! Scott ain't obligated to ask your permission to go camping with his friends or not so don't you think fer a moment otherwise. Duncan dumped ya so get over it and stop using Scott to make yourself feel better. I won't allow people like you ta be usin' my friends like that. So get over yourself, and leave him the hell alone or I swear ta God I will kick your fuckin' ass from here to the fuckin' moon!" Rogue yelled before slamming the door so hard that it made the entire windows upstairs rattle.