X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Jubilee Fairytale Theater - Year Without a Santa Claus ❯ Jubilee Fairytale Theater - Year Without a Santa Claus ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title:  Jubilee Fairy Tale Theater 1 - The Year Without A Santa Claus
Author:  Jukebox
Pairing:  none, slash overtones because Jubilee is a BL fangirl *squee*
Feedback:  Always appreciated
Rating:  G
Archive:  If you think it's worthy, then absolutely!  Permission granted.  Just let me know where so my fragile ego will be stroked
Disclaimers:  Doing this only for therapeutic value.  Not making any money off it.  All the familiar characters in this fic belong to Marvel & Stan Lee.  I'm broke, so sueing me would be like trying to squeeze blood from a turnip.
Notes:  This is an AU because empathy and spatial awareness are just too cool for Remy not to have.  I want to thank BJ for encouraging me to post this.
Warnings:   Super silliness.  OOC-ness.  Warpness of holiday classic.
Summary:  Can two elves help the Ice Prince find love and win Santa's freedom in time for Christmas? Jubilee shares a campfire tale with the young students of Xavier's Academy
The sharp end of the hot metal poker pushed and prodded against the stacked wood until the fire crackled and popped back to vibrant life. The renewed blaze slowly warmed the chilled room and cast a cozy candescent glow in the otherwise darkened room. Jubilee placed the rod back in its holder before turning to face the group of children in her care. They were the few in the mansion that did not have any place to go for the holidays; orphans and street urchins that Xavier had taken in like strays, offering the comfort of food, shelter, and an education to ones who would have normally despaired.
There was a twinkle in her eye as she watched them snuggle against each other, cookies and warm cocoa in hand. “Ok guys, wanna hear a story?”
There was a resounding, if cookie muffled chorus of `yes' and Jubilee grinned as she took her place amongst the nest of blankets and children. “You know the story of Santa Claus, right? And how he brings toys to all the good boys and girls on Christmas Eve every year?” When she saw several mops of disheveled hair nodding, she continued. “Well, did you all know that there was one year when Christmas very nearly didn't happen?”
At the questions that were starting to chirp from various mouths, she held up her hand. “Yes, that's right. It was almost known as the year without a Santa Claus.” The children were wide-eyed as they waited for her to continue. “And it all started with the cold, cold heart of a snow demon known as The Ice Prince.”
At the very ends of the Earth lies a vast frozen land known as the North Pole. Few animals and people can withstand the frigid climate and seldom venture there. At the heart of the land was a tiny village that had been built millennia ago, but withstood the test of time and the harsh, bitter bite of the surroundings to remain a productive little community. The residents of this town were very small in stature, sporting ears that grew to a point at the very tips and eyes of varying crystalline shades that spanned the colors of the rainbow. They were known as elves, and had lived for many generations in this very place, working together in harmony to build toys for their beloved master to gift to children at the end of every year, a time that had come to be called Christmas. The master was a kind and gentle man, round of belly and sporting a snow white beard that hung well below his chin. He had come to this land long before any of the inhabitants could remember, bearing the name Kris Kringle and offering his vision to the little snow dwellers. It was his dream to bring a smile to all the little boys and girls in the world, if only for one day. His dream slowly became theirs as they embraced the stranger who never seemed to age with each passing century. Each new generation of little folk became more and more subservient to his vision until eventually they knew no other joy than to work diligently to fulfill their master's wishes. But no matter how much they revered the man, he never once took advantage of their worship, treating them instead as if they were his own children and he the doting father. And together, they lived a humble, yet rewarding life full of love and joy, never wanting for anything as they strove to fulfill the wishes of children around the world.
Now in this land, there also dwelled a powerful demon known simply as the Ice Prince. In whispers to elfin children to keep them in line, it was said that he had once been a member of the little folk, living among them as part of the community. But he had become bitter and mean, jealous of all the things given to humans elsewhere that the village knew not. It was said that in his bitterness, his heart grew smaller with each passing year while his body grew twisted and large with greed and hatred. Soon, his body was twice as large as all the other villagers, and his face frozen into a constant scowl. It drove fear into the heart of the community, making all the other elves shy away from the abnormality within their group. The more his fellow kinsmen drew away from him, the smaller his hardening heart became, until at last it was a tiny dot within his chest encased in ice. He practiced dark magic constantly, warping the good magic born within all elves to suit his own selfish purposes until he was a very powerful wizard indeed. The more he learned, the more his body changed into one of purse crystalline ice, earning the name of Ice Prince from all the other villagers.
One Christmas eve, many moons ago, the Ice Prince challenged the beloved master. He swore profanity at Kris, and sought to claim dominion over the village. Using the element of water, a barrage of various ice particles ranging from tiny piercing needles to chunks of rock-like mass was unleashed on the town with the soul purpose of destruction. But in the end, Kris Kringle stood his ground, surrounded and supported by all the members of their little community and all the creatures that skirted the outer edges. And the pool of all good magic was too much for the demon, driving him from their midst to exile in the outer rims of the land. An uneasy treaty was forged; a line of demarcation drawn in the ice such that the Ice Prince ruled over the domain to the south, while Kringle and the elves dominated the North. And so it was that many centuries passed in peace.
But a time eventually came when the Ice Prince was no longer satisfied with his lonely exile. So, he plotted and planned, deciding that he would stop Christmas once and for all. On a night of a new moon, when only the dim glow of stars dotted the landscape with a faint light, the Ice Prince made his move. He stole into the sleeping village and slipped quietly into the beloved master's home. While they all slept, the demon cast a freezing spell on Kringle and stole him away in the night.