X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Opportunities: A tale of Civil War ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters, they all belong to Marvel Comics.

Opportunities: A tale of Civil War

“So, which side are you on?” the young woman asked dryly, casually tossing a playing card into the hat sitting on the table. Her short red hair was spiked up, and her muscles rippled as she moved, the last card filling the battered hat to the brim.

“My own,” the other woman said with a sigh as the blacked haired woman settled into a seat. “Katrina, you going by Mankiller or Amazon now?” she asked politely.

Katrina Van Horn smiled wryly, her blue eyes amused, “Amazon, it has more class.” She looked at her curiously, “You register yet, Skein?”

The woman in the black leather shook her head as Skein said, “I’m not interested in letting the government know where I am, thanks.”

“Huh,” Katrina nodded, keeping a wary eye on her companion. Skein was a former supervillain like herself, but unlike her was more than a bit crazy. As the Gypsy Moth Skein used her fabric control powers to kill, and had possibly murdered her husband. “Getting out of the country, Skein?”

“I don’t know yet,” Skein conceded, “I guess it all depends on how hot things get.”

“Very hot,” a brown haired young woman groused as she walked up to their table.

“How did you hear about this safe house, Joystick?” Katrina asked suspiciously.

“Heard about it from Trickshot,” the gold and black clad costumed woman said. Her bodysuit clung to her curves, golden gauntlets on her hands.

“You on the run too?” Katrina asked.

“Aparently being a former Thunderbolt doesn’t cut much slack with the pro-regs,” Joystick pulled her black half mask off. “I’m staying the night then bolting for Canada.”

“Nice to have some ladies here, Janice,” Skein said, looking at the other heroine thoughtfully.

“There’s not many rooms if you plan to stay,” Katrina noted, gesturing around the crowded living room they were all sitting in. They were surrounded by twobit supervillains and third stringers, gathered for safety until they decided when and how they were going to bolt.

“I bet you have a room, though,” Janice noted with a sly smile, “most of these mooks wouldn’t dare cross Mankiller.”
“Heh, true,” Katrina acknowledged.

“Well, then I suppose we couldn’t just bunk with you?” Skein asked, smiling at Katrina engagingly.

Katrina hesitated a moment then nodded, “What the hell, but just for tonight.”

“Got it,” Janice nodded with a grin. She ran a hand through her hair, “So, is there any beer in this place?”

“I’ve got something better than that,” Skein smirked.

“Uh uh,” Katrina said firmly, “bad idea. If the pro-regs do hit here, I want to be sharp, not drugged out of my mind.”

“She’s got a point,” Janice noted.

Skein pouted, “Well, does anyone mind if I smoke?”

“Your funeral,” Katrina shrugged, watching Skein pull out a home rolled cigarette from somewhere in her skin tight costume.

“We could have used someone like you in the great game,” Janice noted after a moment.

“Oh?” Katrina looked at her curiously.

“The Game was a contest between superhumans,” Janice revealed, “with your serious attitude and commanding manner you’d have made a killing.”

“I’m not the type,” Katrina shook her head.

“Oh I don’t know,” Janice leaned forward with a winning smile, “I think you’re pretty impressive.”

Katrina raised a eyebrow, noticing how the vlack and gold cloth of the woman’s costume highlighted her pert breasts. “Are you coming on to me?” she asked with a half smile.

Janice winked, “Why not?” A smile as she licked her lips, “Or are the stories about you untrue?”

Katrina reached out to stroke Janice’s cheek, “Oh, they’re true all right but....”

“But?” Janice purred.

“I get the feeling you’re a player, little lady,” Katrina said seriously, “how do I know I’m not being played right now?”

“You don’t,” Janice conceded, “but isn’t that half the fun?”

Katrina grinned, “What the hell, why not?”

Janice got up, “Then lead the way, handsome. What do we do about Skein?”

Katrina casually picked up the now stones villainess, “Next question?”

“Lead on,” Janice grinned.

The back bedroom was dingy, reminding one of a dive hotel but neither woman really was paying attention to that. Dumping Skein in a battered old chair Katrine calmly pulled off her muscle shirt, revealing sculpted muscles and firm breasts. “Like what you see?” Katrina asked with a grin.

“Ooh yeah,” Janice purred as she ran a hand over the muscles of her arm then over to cup a breast teasingly. She reached up and kissed Katrina lingeringly even as her hands began to roam the taller woman’s body.

“You’re an agressive one,” Katrine helped the smaller woman strip off her uniform,
“I like that.”

“You’ll like me even more later,” Janice promised as she carefully pulled off the golden metal gauntlets she wore.

“What’s with the heavy metal?” Katrina asked as she lead Janice over to the shabby bed.

“My weapons,” Janice grinned, “though I won’t need them for you.”

Katrina laid Janice down, climbing on top of her as she growled teasingly, “You may need all the help you can get.”

“I think I’m up to the challenge,” Janice nipped at her neck.

Kissing her possessively Katrina agreed, “You know, you might just be right.”


BOOM! The explosion rattled the building, the three women on the bed jerking awake at the same time. “Wha’ the hell?” Skein muttered, laying nude between Janice and Jatrina. Feeling lonely last night she had slipped into bed with them, soon being pulled into a erotic dance with them both.

“Crap,” Katrina cursed as she scrambled out of the bed and grabbed at her costume, “we’re under attack!”

“How’d they find us?” Joystick grabbed her gear, pulling on her clothes then the matching golden metal gauntlets.

“Worry about that later,” Katrina said briskly, “we’ve got to go.”

“Right,” Skein rose from bed then used her power over fabric to reshape their bedding into a simple dress.

“Isn’t that, well, sticky?” Janice asked as they hurried through the house, ignoring the panicked supercriminals as they raced for the front door.

“I know,” Skein smiled dreamily, “but it reminds me of last night.”

‘Eww,’ Katrina thought as she grabbed the door and wrenched it open to see the waiting federal agents. There were nearly a dozen men and women waiting, all outfitted in capekiller armor, with armored transports behind them with their weapons trained on the house. “All right,” she cracked her knuckles ominously, “who’s first, boys?”

“Sorry lover,” a voice purred before a burst of energy knocked Katrina out from behind.

Sometime later Katrine awoke with a splitting headache, almost instantly feeling the restraints on her body. She strained, eyes closed to try to bread free but to no avail. “Give it up,” Skein sighed, “we’re under power dampers.”

Katrine looked around, seeing that they were in some kind of holding cell, restraints holding them nearly immobile. “Where the hell is Joystick?” she demanded coldly.

“Right here love,” Joystick smirked from the other side of the bars.

“You sold us out,” Katrina said flatly.

“I lead the pro-regs right to you,” Joystick agreed with a smirk, “in exchange for a million dollars and a flight out of the country.”

“When I get out of this....” Skein hissed.

“You’re not getting out of this,” Joystick said flatly, “they’ve got brains like Reed Richards and Tony Stark behind this plan. No, I’m going to save my own skin and this is the best card I have to play.”

“I won’t forget this,” Katrina said grimly.

“Last night will forever have a place in my heart too,” Joystick smirked.

“Maybe so, but I am going to hurt you for today,” Katrina scowled.

“Promises, promises,” Joystick sauntered off.

Katrina sat back with a sigh, then a small smile tugged at her lips. ‘Well,’ she thought, ‘at least last night was fun.’


Notes: I thought it’d be interesting to look at a trio of low end supervillains during Civil War. The characters of Skein and Amazon are in fact bi or lesbian, depending on the writer, while Joystick appears to be straight.