X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Ch 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

See disclaimers, notes, and warnings in first chap
chapter 2
Red-black eyes fluttered open. Remy shot up-right in the bed looking around in panic. For a moment, he didn't know where he was. An audible sigh passed from his lips as he realized he was in the room assigned to him at the school. He must have fallen asleep; the exertion of the stake-out coupled with the uncomfortable accommodations at the seedy motel he had been staying in had finally caught up with him. What bothered him the most was that he slept deeply without any dreams or nightmares and from the look of the darkened window and sounds of rain outside, he was out most of the day. It had been a long time since he had felt safe enough to let his guard down so completely. Quickly, he checked his shields and searched within for any signs that his mind had been scanned, breathing a sigh of relief when he could find nothing to indicate it.
Getting to his feet he grabbed his coat, deciding that he needed to leave and get his stuff. He didn't have much at the motel; mostly clothes and a few packs of cards. But what was there belonged completely to him and he would be damned if he was going to leave it for some junkie to scavenge. The one thing he wouldn't risk, however, was his precious staff. It stayed with him at all times. Quietly making way down the hall, Remy's first stop was the shared bathroom. After making sure no one was around, he made use of it quickly, hoping to leave and come back before anyone noticed. He stole down the stairs at a noiseless pace and was about to head for the door when his stomach protested, loudly.
Remy frowned at the broken solitude caused by the rumbling. Some t'ief I be. Gonna wake de dead wit' all dis noise. Sighing at the thought, he decided to grab a quick bite. He hadn't eaten since yesterday and the body could only go so far without fuel. Padding to the kitchen as smoothly as a cat, he eased the door open after using his gift to make sure no one was on the other side. When he flipped the light switch and blinked away the temporary blindness, he searched around, noting the clock on the wall. It was well after midnight, most likely the reason no one was roaming around the house besides him.
Moving silently to the refrigerator, Remy opened the door and gawked. It was packed with all kinds of mouth watering food; more food than he had seen in one place in a long time. Snatching up some items, he made himself a cold meal and wolfed it down in record time; the thought briefly crossing his mind that he might be sick from eating too fast. But, if there was one thing he learned in his youth, it was to eat as much as you can as fast as you can because you never knew if someone was going to take it from you or when your next meal might be. After he stuffed his face and satisfied his belly, he opened the pantry door and was again momentarily awed at the sheer amount of goods. There was no way these people would miss a few of the stocks from this bounty. And he needed it more than they did. So, he grabbed a paper bag from the top shelf and filled it with some of the canned items; bread, and a couple of soda bottles. The bag was full and he wished he could grab more, but there was only so much he could carry.
Remy flipped the light switch off and headed for the back door, closing it behind him as quietly as possible. Perhaps this assignment held other, more personal benefits to be taken advantage of, he mused. No sooner had he turned to step off the porch when he was startled from his thoughts by a voice to his right.
“What's in the bag, kid?”
Cursing himself as six kinds of a fool for not paying attention, Remy turned to face the man behind the voice. “Uh…Logan, yeh?” Though it was fairly dark, his night vision was better than most and he could make out the slight nod of the older man in the chair. “S'not'ing important.” He was thankful for the lack of light as he struggled to put his mask back in place, he could tell he looked guilty; the surprise of getting caught both embarrassing and disconcerting. It was truly unlike him to lose his composure in front of anyone. But something about this man kept him off balance. Perhaps it was the feral nature, having experienced something similar once before.
There was an uncomfortable silence while he waited for the older man to say something. Shifting the bag to his other hip, he decided to make his escape while the getting was good. “Remy gonna get his stuff now.”
“So ya're coming back.” It wasn't a question, more a statement of fact. There was a momentary flicker of light as a match was struck, illuminating the older man's features as he brought it up to light the cigar in his mouth. Logan sucked in the flavor, enjoying and savoring the taste, before pulling the stogie from his mouth to exhale slowly. Deliberately stalling as he stretched his senses to hear the boy's breathing and heartbeat, as well as take in the boy's scent, Logan was using the opportunity to gauge the kid. His super sensitivities gave him the chance to read a person the way very few could, and his mutant abilities were telling him the boy was as nervous as a rabbit; ready to bolt at the slightest hint of danger. That was not something Logan wanted. He wanted, no needed, the kid to come back, a fact that disturbed him a great deal. Normally, he couldn't care less if someone passed up the opportunities presented them at the school. After all, it was their decision and who was he to question anybody's personal life choices. But, this was different. Something about this boy made him cringe at the thought he may never see the kid again.
Logan decided to push that to the back of his mind to analyze at a later time. Right now, he needed to tread carefully so he wouldn't spook the boy. “Fine, but ya didn't answer my question. What's in the bag?” For some reason, Logan couldn't let it go, though his nose already told him it was packed with food.
Anger welled up inside Remy. Briefly, he considered throwing the bag at the older man, his pride bristling at the unsaid accusation and the intrusion into his privacy. But, they needed it. And he would be damned to let his pride cause suffering by getting in the way of delivering the much needed supplies. He took a deep breath to give himself a moment to think before responding. “S'food. Was a bit hungry.”
Logan closed his eyes briefly, glad that the boy told him the truth. “There's plenty to eat kid. Ya ain't got to sneak in to get it either. And we won't take it from ya.”
Remy stared at the older man, his luminous eyes glowing in the dark. He lowered his head to look at the bag then glanced back at the man puffing on his cigar. “T'anks” he whispered as he turned to leave.
Blowing out another cloud of smoke, Logan didn't even turn to watch the boy leave, just listened to the sound of his steps growing fainter. “Ya're welcome, kid.”
End ch 2