X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Ch 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

See disclaimers, notes and warnings in first chap
chapter 4
It was nearly dawn when he returned to the mansion. Quickly entering the code that the feral had given him during the previous day's tour, he scoffed at how simplistic the gate's security box was. Surely nothing a master thief couldn't handle, if said master thief was ready to reveal such talents. He grimaced at the stab of pain he felt when he recalled exactly how he had obtained those skills. It was the one brief time in his young life that he had a real family that cared for him, and that he in turn cared for, though he had to admit that the Morlocks considered him family. He missed Jean-Luc, his tante, his brother and cousins in the Thieves Guild dearly. Of course he wasn't allowed to be a part of them for very long. After all, `Le diable blanc' didn't deserve happiness. Demon spawn such as him only had the right to misery and pain. Sighing, he ran fingers through long, auburn locks, shaking his head to clear those thoughts pronto. He didn't need to wallow in self-pity, there was work to do.
As he moved into the kitchen, he closed his eyes in concentration, taking a deep breath to let his shields lower completely and briefly touched the emotions of the residents, long enough to get a feel for the number of people but not long enough to be overwhelmed by them. He was always amazed at the intensity of pure and raw emotions that humans displayed when in the depths of slumber, a time when most had the least control over them. Another benefit of scanning while they slept was the fact that most telepaths and peoples with strong blocks were least aware of the scan, allowing Remy to relax from the fear of them catching him, or worse, reading him back while his own shields were down. He could feel a muffled tinge of guilt and hope and assumed that it must be the Professor with his strong barricades. There was a more powerful feel from another part of the mansion, a strong rage mixed with fear. Ah, the feral, and in the grips of a nightmare it seemed. The thought caused a momentary tightening of his chest in sympathy for the older man, it was a feeling he knew well.
Shaking himself, “Non, dis no way to feel `bout dem” mentally slapping his own self upside the head for even considering an emotional response. His compassion always seemed to get him into trouble, and he couldn't afford to fail in this mission; a point that had been made all too clear he mused as he absently rubbed faded welts on his lower back.
Continuing the quick scan, he felt only one other. A calming peace emanated from the highest levels of the building, with a hint of swirling emotions kept in check below that peaceful surface. The serenity was almost addictive and for a moment he envied it. But he was somewhat startled to feel the presence of only three individuals within the building. For a place that was supposedly a school, it seemed like there would be more people here.
He shrugged, not quite surprised since his current boss told him it was a front anyway. And though Magneto had already misled him once, Remy was still inclined to believe the man. Time to start building a little trust with these people. What better way than prepare breakfast for them and take an opportunity to call on some little used skills of his own. Since he wasn't sure exactly what they may or may not eat, he decided to cover all the bases. After all, the pantry was still pretty well stocked. It wasn't long before the smells of waffles, eggs, toast, bacon, coffee, and various other breakfast items were wafting throughout the lower floor of the mansion.
The enticement was too much for the mutant with the most sensitive of olfactory senses and he woke with a growl in his throat as well as his belly. Quickly, Logan got up and dressed, a little flummoxed at who could be up at this hour making breakfast. He made his way quickly and quietly down to the first floor; no sound betraying a man of his bulk as he eased through the door. Logan grinned at the rear view of the new kid, appreciating the sight of the lithe form as much as the smells of spice and food.
After a moment, Logan cleared his throat to catch the boy's attention. “Smells good, kid.”
For his part, even with his shields firmly resurrected, he felt the man coming long before the kitchen door opened. Remy didn't even turn, but continued to concentrate on the pan in front of him.
“T'anks, mon ami. Wasn't sure what everyone eats, so I just made a little of everyt'ing.” Removing the pan from heat, Remy reached over to grab a plate and dumped some fresh eggs and bacon on top. It was then he turned to face the old man, setting the food in front of the feral. “Mais, you seem like a bacon and eggs kinda homme to me.”
Again the feral grinned, an impressive set of canines displaying in a genuine smile as he looked the younger man directly in those exotic eyes. “Got it in one, Cajun.”
Remy's smile faltered and he blinked at the man. “How….How did you know?”
“The accent.” Logan commented. /Well that and the spicy scent that pours off ya/ he thought bemusedly. “Thought I recognized it yesterday. Ya're from bayou country, ain't ya?”
It took a moment for the question to filter through. Remy blinked again before nodding. “Oui. N'Awlins.” And then he turned back to the stove, body language indicating the conversation was over.
Logan didn't take offense. In fact, he understood perfectly the need to keep some things private. Rather, he concentrated on the savory items in front of him. The kitchen door swung open again and Professor Xavier floated into the room, wishing both men a good morning.
Remy placed another plate of food in front of the professor, then made a plate for himself before sitting opposite. Xavier lifted his fork and sampled the cuisine. “Well, I must say this is a nice surprise. We haven't made out your schedule of chores yet. However, I see that you enjoy cooking and are quite skilled at it. Perhaps we should start you on cooking duty when the others return.”
This peeked Remy's interest and he took advantage of the opportunity to gather some information. “Other's? How many people be living here anyways? Ain't seen anyone else so far.”
“Ah, well that is because most of the students and faculty are off on various field trips. A few of the older faculty have joined with our resident doctor to present a paper in Washington. They should return by the end of the week. The students will be here before the weekend is over.” Xavier smirked at the youth. “That is when the true chaos will begin.”
About to reply, Remy opened his mouth then closed it, glancing quickly at the door before shifting his gaze to his plate. He felt that calming presence again. Someone was coming. Logan noted the slight movement, hearing the increased pulse of the kid, and quirked a brow in Xavier's direction. Xavier, who had also noticed, shook his head slightly at the feral and returned to his meal.
The door swung open and in walked one of the most sophisticated-looking women that Remy had ever seen. Her rich mocha skin, contrasted with flowing white hair, gave off an aura of understated, yet unpretentious superiority holding herself with an air of regality. Almost at once, Remy could tell she was completely at peace; her pure emotions an aphrodisiac to the soul and he was hard-pressed to stifle a moan. She was beautiful. Remy rose automatically from his chair, awestruck at the sight of this elegant creature, feeling unworthy to be in her presence; a bug to be squashed in the path of a queen. Not to be outdone, Logan rose as well to greet the lady, while the Professor merely smiled.
“Good morning Ororo” the Professor beamed, noting her eyes lift from him to the stranger across from Logan. “This is Remy LeBeau. He will be joining our school to learn control of his powers. Remy, meet Ororo Munroe, also known as Storm.”
At first, he couldn't find his voice as he just stared at her. But, ever the calming influence, she took the initiative to end the awkward silence. Stepping forward, she raised her hand in greeting. He smiled and took her hand, bowing slightly as he placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Munroe.” He then reached around her to pull her chair out, as any southern gentleman should do.
She arched an elegant brow at the gesture and smirked as she took in the scowl gracing Logan's features. “Likewise, Mr. LeBeau. But please, call me Storm. I am sure you will settle in nicely in our home.”
Remy was almost humbled at the matronly feelings pouring off her. Storm she called herself. A fitting name for one who exuded calm on the surface, and a tempest of emotions beneath. As enchanting as she was, he was surprised to feel no lust for her, merely respect and admiration despite knowing nothing of her. Instantly, he decided she would probably be someone he would eventually call friend; a realization that shot a pang of guilt through his heart.
Settling down, the four continued their breakfast in companionable silence.