X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Chapter 14

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title:  Origins, ch 14
Author:  Jukebox
Pairing:  Logan/Remy/Logan
Feedback:  Always appreciated to
Rating:  R for now, may go up later
Archive:  If you think it's worthy, then absolutely!  Permission granted.  Just let me know where so my fragile ego will be stroked
Disclaimers:  Doing this only for therapeutic value.  Not making any money off it.  All the familiar characters in this fic belong to Marvel & Stan Lee.  I'm broke, so sueing me would be like trying to squeeze blood from a turnip.
Notes:  This is an AU because empathy and spatial awareness are just too cool for Remy not to have.  I want to thank my betas, LoganBerry and Lex, for making this story better than I ever hoped it could be.
Summary:  An AU version of Remy's introduction and subsequent joining of the X-Men
Warnings:  I don't know French or Cajun French, so my apologies to people of those areas if I butchered the language in this fic.  If I put any in this fic, it came from online translators and La library archives.  Because this is an AU, some of the characters in this story may seem OOC.
Warnings 2:  I don't know Spanish despite the fact that a descent size percentage of the population where I live speaks it.  My apologies to people of those areas if I butchered the language in this fic. 
Words between / / are thoughts or mental speak
Words between * * are flashbacks
Words between ~ ~ are lyrics to any songs that may be used in the fic
CH 14
Remy pulled into the alley and parked the bike.  Making his way to the grate, he opened his shields to make sure the coast was clear.  After lifting the heavy metal plate, he climbed down into the tunnel and paused to get his bearings.  The smell in this part of the tunnels was always pungent, making it the perfect entry point to the Morlock's dwellings.  No one in their right mind would come down here.  He held his breath and started to jog towards the side tunnel several hundred yards from the stairwell.  Rounding the corner, he released the air in his lungs and breathed shallowly as he continued towards his goal.  The smells were dwindling to tolerable levels.  He knew that they would be almost unnoticed by the time he found Kale. 
When he reached the end of the tunnel, there was a cyclone fence blocking another, seemingly abandoned tunnel.  He produced a set of lock picks and set to work.  After a few moments, the latch released and he ghosted into the tunnel, making sure to lock the fence behind him.  Another few hundred yards of left and right turns, the tunnel suddenly spilled into a massive cavern.  Remy was always amazed at the sight.  The cavern was divided by hanging fabric sheets and blocks of stone, into little dwellings, allowing a modicum of privacy for the few inhabitants of the clan.  As he walked further into the township, some of the members noticed him and shied away.  Remy pretended not to let this affect him, after all it meant nothing to him and he was quite used to being the outsider everywhere he went; it didn't make the rejection any less painful, though.  It wasn't like he could really blame them for being wary of strangers.  No matter how much food and medicine he brought, he would always be the one who could live topside with the flatscans, the one that could pass as normal. 
The whispers made it through the camp faster than Remy, and Kale walked briskly forward to embrace him, ignoring the slight tensing of the younger mutant.  Kale knew that it was nothing personal.  Remy just wasn't accustomed to friendly touches; a fact that saddened the older man. 
“Remy!  It's so good to see you.”  Kale noticed the other members of their family standing a little way off and frowned.  “You should all be ashamed of yourselves.  Remy is our friend.”
“It nuttin' Kale.” Remy waved him off and quickly changed the subject.  “Look I brought some medicines and food” he added, handing him the bags that he brought. “Where Krystal be at?” 
“Ella y los otros niños…..lo siento Remy…All de kids gone to another part of de tunnels para lessons y training.”  A small, round faced woman with jet black hair stepped up behind Kale, slipping her arm into her husband's as she smiled at the red-eyed mutant.
Remy's vision shifted to the woman, a smile of recognition finding it's way to his lips.  She was Krystal's mother, a spitfire in her day.  The temper she could wield was a frightening thing, and not one person in the camp would dare to cross her path.  Though the years had settled in her body, the frumpiness covered by a worn, pastel skirt and sky blue blouse, she was still lovely and could be as charming as the Cajun when she wished.  “Hola Rosa.  Cómo usted?”
She giggled at him a few moments before piercing him with warm, glinting eyes.  “Close Remy.  Keep working at it, sí?”  Releasing her husband's arm, she moved towards the younger mutant and pushed herself up on her toes, barely reaching to just under his jaw line and planted a quick kiss on the stubble of his chin.  “Now, come have some tea.”  She started to drag him towards one of the small partitions at the back where she, Kale, and Krystal lived.
He planted his feet and gently removed his arm from hers, patting her hand to lesson the hurt feelings.  “Non, petite.  Can't stay dis time.  Got some business to take care of.” 
Kale frowned.  While he didn't know what kind of business Remy had, he was fairly sure it would be dangerous for his friend.  “Krystal will be disappointed that she missed you.  Are you sure you can't stay for a while?”
Guilt gnawed at him as he shook his head.  “M'sorry Kale.  You know I wish I could.”  Remy paused a moment, biting his lower lip before continuing.  “Kale, is….is Dimitri still part of de clan?”  At the sudden change in topic, it took the older mutant a moment to answer, nodding to his friend in answer to the question.  “He be an energy based mutant, non?”  Another nod and a slightly confused expression answered the Cajun's question.  Remy stopped, mulling over his thoughts as if to find the best way to approach the subject.  “T'ink you can ask him to be here day after tomorrow?  I need him to do a favor for me.”
“I can ask him, Remy.  You know we are all happy to help you, even if most of us can't seem to show you that.”  Kale cast a glare in the direction of all the staring Morlocks surrounding them.  “What do you need from him?”
“Just need a couple vials of his blood.”  That seemed to shock the older man and he took an involuntary step back.  Remy held out his hands in a placating gesture.  “Non, Kale, it nuttin' bad.  Promise.  Just need a little help passing a test.”  Remy gave a quick overview of the situation, only supplying relevant information in his attempt to reassure the other mutant.  
“Alright Remy.  I'll ask him to come.  Rosa can draw the blood for you since she has some medical knowledge.  Is there anything else we can help you with?”  Remy shook his head and expressed his gratitude to the man whose life he once saved.  There were times Remy still couldn't believe the man and his clan had come to accept him, although most were tentative around him.  He made his goodbyes and left amidst promises to bring more food in the near future.
Once he was on the street, he located the nearest payphone and dropped in a few coins after glancing around to make sure he was relatively isolated.  Fingers dialed the familiar number almost on autopilot, Remy trying hard to push down his anxieties.  After a moment, the line connected with his self-appointed tormenter.  “Well now, pet. Thought I was gonna have to track you down.” 
Remy gripped the phone so hard, his knuckles turned white.  “Lemme speak to Lehnsherr, Creed.”
The man on the other end of line let loose a dark chuckle.  “Who ya think you're talking to, boy?  Ya don't give me orders.  I give them to you and ya damn well better follow `em.” 
Gritting his teeth, Remy's other hand came up to grab the side of the phone box, absently starting to send a charge through the material as his eyes stared hard into the distance.  “Look, I ain't got time for dis.  I wanna…”
“I don't give a fuck what you want.” Victor cut him off with a growl.  “The boss man wants to see ya in person.  So, get yer ass down here yesterday, punk.”  With that, the line went dead as the feral slammed the phone down on his end. 
Remy sighed, about to bring his hand up to rub the tension from his eyes when he noticed the glowing phone booth surrounding him.  His eyes widened as he gasped and tightened his hold on the side of the box, drawing the power back into himself.  He couldn't help letting a hysterical nervous laugh escape his throat as the potential electrical explosion was averted.  After a few moments, he regained his control, the laughter dying as he leaned against the side of the booth.  “Almost blew my own self up.  Merde.”  It was testament to just how rattled the Cajun was. He retrieved his bike and headed towards the docks. 
The base that his current boss had setup was in one of the abandoned warehouses at the furthest end of the wharf, far removed from prying eyes.  The warehouse had been converted to office space in some vain attempt to revitalize the area; the investors finally throwing their hands up in defeat as the economy slumped.  Magneto had managed to snag the property for next to nothing and enhanced the exterior and interior walls to provide soundproof privacy as well as nearly impenetrable security for the occupants within.  As Remy drove to the building and lowered his kickstand to park, he was well aware of the hidden cameras watching.  He strolled to the door and entered a code into the keypad, hearing the locking mechanism disengage briefly to allow entry.
No sooner was he through the door than he was grabbed from behind, a large clawed hand roaming over his body intimately.  “Hey there lovely” Creed whispered huskily in his ear.  “Ya know I got to check ya for weapons.”  The investigation of his person continued, the feral's hands groping in all his sensitive places, and Remy resisted the urge to shove his elbow into the ribcage directly behind him.  One last squeeze on an ass cheek and the big man was backing away.  “Yer clean, pretty boy.  He's waiting in his office.”
Remy pulled up an artificial sexy grin from somewhere and turned a well-practiced coquettish look towards the larger man.  “You always know how to make a homme feel welcome.”  He shifted away from the leering golden haired mutant and made his way down a long hall, towards the back of the building.  He approached the door all too soon and reached to turn the knob, steeling himself for the meeting with a deep sigh.  But, the door flew open before his hand touched the knob, startling him as he jerked back in surprise.  That could only mean one thing…his boss was pissed.  Damn.
“Come in Gambit.” Erik called out, disdain dripping from his voice.  Remy swallowed hard and moved inside, standing directly in front of the large metal desk and waiting.  Creed was not so stupid.  He remained outside of the room, within earshot but not within sight.
Lehnsherr took a few more minutes to peruse through the papers in his hand before setting them down and turning a cold gaze towards the thief.  “I have not heard from you as I expected.  I trust you have made some progress in your assignment?”  Remy swore he felt the temperature in the room drop and imagined ice beginning to form on the furniture in the room - the metal furniture in the room.  Everything was completely metal, the whole room one big weapon.  /Merde/.
“Non” Remy replied, proud of the calm way he stated his failure.  “Mais, I be close.” He was quick to interject, seeing the blood rushing to his boss's face; a sure sign the man was livid.  “I t'ink I found de files, mais de security on it pretty tight.  It gonna take a little longer to break de code wit'out being discovered.”
Erik took several deep breaths, standing to his full height as he rounded the corner of the desk and placed himself directly in front of the Cajun to look down upon him.  “This is taking too long LeBeau.  I expected results within the first few days.”
It took every ounce of his will not to step back when the Master of Magnetism came from behind his desk.  The man was unreasonable in his wants, they both knew it.  But, Remy also knew he couldn't point that flaw out.  He was in no position to argue.  “Oui.  Mais, you know de security gonna be tight on dat kinda information.  Maybe even impossible for most.  Dat's why you send me, non?”  Remy pushed a little of his charm towards the older man, hoping he wouldn't notice.  “You know I be just about de only one gonna be able to get dis for you, eh?  Just gotta give me some time, monsieur.”
Magneto relaxed some, tilting his head slightly in an appraising way.  “Perhaps you are right, Gambit.  I am being impatient.”  Remy started to smile and was completely unprepared for the slap that rocked his head sideways and jerked him off balance.  Erik's eyes blazed fire as a muscle twitched in his jaw.  “Do not try your powers on me, you little whore of a thief.  I am not so easily swayed.” 
Remy's hand shot out to balance himself on the edge of the table, the other hand coming to rub the sting from his cheek.  “M'sorry, monsier.  Remy having problems controlling his self since de master removed de blocks.” He lied. 
Magneto didn't call him on it, merely turning to place himself behind the desk once again, distancing himself from the Cajun before he did something they would both regret.  “Be that as it may, it would be best if you did your utmost best to control yourself in my presence.  Now…” he shuffled through some of the papers on his desk, as if looking for something in particular, and then looked back at the thief as his composure was restored.  “…obviously whatever you are doing to gain access to their systems is not working.  Or rather, not working as fast as I would like it.  Do something else to speed things up.”  Erik dropped to his chair, elbows on the table as he steepled his hands before him.  The gesture was eerily familiar to Remy given the sessions with the Professor, but he chose to ignore the thought and focused on the Master of Magnetism.  “I suggest you do what you do best Remy…seduce one of them.  Make them give you the access you need.  Use your body.”  When it looked like Remy was about to protest, the older mutant silenced him with a wave of his hand.  “It is what you are best at, is it not?”
Remy wanted to wipe the smirk right off the bastard's face, but merely bit the side of his cheek to hold his tongue.  When he felt like he could speak without inflection in his voice, Remy looked at a spot just above his boss's head.  “Who do you want me to seduce?”
Magneto snorted, waving his hand dismissively.  “I don't care.  Pick one.  Just get me my results.  I will give you a few more weeks.”  And just like that, the Master of Magnetism dismissed him.
Remy left the office, listening to the door slam behind him, and made his way to the exit, not really surprised to see the feral waiting for him.  There was nowhere for Remy to go.  Sabertooth reached out and shoved him against the wall, grasping the Cajun's jaw tightly between beefy fingers as he tilted the boy's face up to meet his.  He pressed his advantage, stealing a bruising kiss before backing off slightly to drill into the thief's eyes with his own.  “I don't care which of those X-bitches ya have to fuck, whore.  Just don't forget who ya belong to.” 
With the larger man's face mere centimeters from his, Remy could smell the feral's fetid breath and quashed the urge to spit in his eye.  The golden haired mutant leaned down to drag a thick, rough tongue up the side of Remy's neck, causing the Cajun to shudder despite himself.  Creed chuckled and released the younger mutant, stepping back as the thief made his escape.  The next time the boy came to visit, Victor promised himself a little play.
Remy all but ran to his bike, starting the motor and skidding off before he even retracted the kickstand.  He itched to destroy something, preferably a big, furry asshole and his equally nasty boss.  It took most of the ride back to the mansion before his stomach settled from this most recent gut-wrenching encounter.  As he parked the bike in the garage, he sat astride for a few minutes as he contemplated the latest order.  Seduce someone.  The Master of Magnetism actually wanted him to seduce someone.  Worse yet, Creed expected him to seduce one of the females.  So who exactly to approach?  Remy took a cigarette from a pack in his shirt pocket and proceeded to light the tip with his finger, taking a deep draw and letting the smoke linger before casually blowing it out.  He brought one leg up to sit side saddle on the seat and placed his hands on his thigh as he thought about the situation.  The list of possibilities wasn't exactly overwhelming.  There was the Professor.  Only something about the older man triggered a feeling similar to one he felt when he first met Jean Luc.  He shuddered at the thought of trying to lure someone into bed that was so fatherly in nature.  Besides, the man was a telepath.  The weather goddess seemed like a good choice, such a beautiful woman and luscious figure.  Only he couldn't seem to make himself feel any kind of lust for her, no matter how hard he tried.  It would be too much like seducing his sister.  He snorted at the turn of his thoughts.  What the hell was wrong with him, thinking of these people as family?  Hadn't he already learned that lesson?
Drawing another smoky breath, he rubbed the back of his neck and closed his eyes as he started mentally reviewing the files he had studied.  The mutant known as Jean Grey was out.  She was a telepath like the old man, and if there was one thing Remy had learned long ago it was to never mess with a telepath if you valued your sanity.  That ruled out her husband as well, Laser Eye or whatever the hell he called himself.  Scratching at his jaw, Remy continued to muse.  That bazillionare Worthington was a possibility.  True the man was dating some British floozy, but he swung both ways, no matter how far in the closet he tried to keep himself.  Then Remy thought about the British girlfriend of the winged mutant, remembering what he read about her, and quickly dismissed his plans to go after either one of them.  “Damn telepat's” he muttered dejectedly to no one in particular.  What an impossible assignment.
Remy raked a hand through his unruly hair and sighed heavily.  The doctor in this group…well, no matter how much Remy tried, there was no way he could muster up the pretend desire for the Beast, as his folder was labelled.  He could get past the fur and the over-large extremities if necessary.  But, scientists and doctors just terrified him too much.  There was the girl with the poison for skin.  Now there was a possibility.  Someone who's never had the pleasure of touch.  He could work with that.  She would be starved for it. 
Remy paused his thoughts and blinked.  “Dieu, what am I t'inkin'.  Can't do dat to her.”  No matter how many questionable things he may have done in his life, he was just not cruel enough to hurt someone that way.  But, wasn't that what his boss was asking him to do with the order to seduce someone?  He closed his eyes and rubbed at the headache that seemed to be ever present these days.  Effectively ruling out all of the legal aged inhabitants of this school, there was really only one choice left and it was the one person Remy didn't want to hurt.  Well Creed and Lehnsherr could both rot in hell as far as Remy was concerned.  Throwing his cigarette rather violently to the ground before stomping it out, he shifted from his bike and made his way to the door.  He would play it out as the boss wanted, he knew who he had to seduce.  Even though his mind told him it was necessary his heart told him he already had feelings that were beyond seduction.
He made his way towards the room adjacent to his, seeing the door wide open as if the man was waiting for him.  As he reached the threshold, he leaned against the door-frame, crossing one ankle over the other, and stuck the tips of his fingers in the waistband of the front of his pants.  The one he sought was standing on the other side of the room, staring out of the window, well aware of the younger mutant's presence.
“What ya doing, Logan?”
end ch 14
<><><><><><><><& gt;<><> 
Ella y los otros niños…..lo siento - she and the other children…I'm sorry
Para - for
Y - and
Hola - hi, hello
Como usted - how are you (not exactly right)
Si - yes