X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Chapter 32

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Well, I thought this was gonna be the last chapter, but it grew too big and still has several more pages to go to the actual end. So, I broke it in two. My apologies for the cliff-hangar *evil grin* I'll try to get the epilogue done quickly, so I won't leave anyone hanging too long.

Special thanks to BJ. *big hug*

Words between / / are thoughts or mental speak
Words between * * are flashbacks
Words between ~ ~ are lyrics to any songs that may be used in the fic

For this chapter, words between { } indicate speaking over a communication device.

Additional Note: Part of this chapter was inspired by a similar episode in Xmen: The Original Animated Series, though I can’t remember the exact episode.


CH 32

They surveyed the unassuming mound of dirt in the distance, wary of any monitoring devices that may be scanning the area.  It was difficult to maintain silence, but in the wake of Wolverine’s narrowed glare and Hank’s reproachful warning gaze, the two youngest of the X-men bit their lips and kept questions to themselves.  Bobby mused that it must have been harder on Rogue, given that she had been required to absorb so much of Storm’s power that there was no helping the flood of memories that she currently sifted through, even as she maintained a vigilant ready at the back of the group.  The ice mutant, himself, had been none too happy about leaving Jubilee to watch over the nearly comatose wind rider back at the mansion, not with the likes of Magneto so recently a visitor.  It was still a curiosity to him why they had readily believed the master of magnetism.  But, Hank had been adamant that the older mutant was telling the truth.  Bobby recalled that Logan was simply relieved when Magneto opted not to join them, indicating that he had already done enough by telling them the location of their team mates and that they were, by no means, comrades-in-arm.  It was the final words from the magnetic mutant that still rung in the ice man’s ears.

*Tell Charles that we are even.  I will yield for now, but there will be a next time.*

Bobby was brought back from his thoughts by the return of Betsy and Warren.  Angel landed quietly beside Hank.  “There appears to be no guards patrolling the surrounding areas.”

The ninja quietly emerged from the shadows.  “Nor did I see any.  There are some surveillance cameras approximately 200 yards to our ten and two.”  She snapped two pointed fingers in each direction she indicated as she squatted beside the feral.

Logan turned to look over his shoulder at Rogue.  “You with us, Stripes?”  At seeing her firm resolve and the set jaw, he nodded in satisfaction.  “Create a light fog in those two areas; not enough to cause suspicion, but enough to keep ‘em blind to us.  It needs to roll over slowly, to look more natural.”  He turned to the other members of the small team.  “The only way in seems to be the front door, which is fine by me.  The fog’s only gonna buy us a small window of time.  Once we’re through that door, there’s no tellin’ what we’re gonna be facing.”

Hank chimed in at this point.  “If Magneto’s information is to be believed, we are going into an underground situation.  The two who may be most limited…” At this, his eyes flickered first to Angel, then to Rogue, “…should initially bring up the rear.  It will be your job to watch our backs and help point out any corridors we may miss during the ensuing battle.  I’m not sure the state we will find our friends, but we need to be prepared for the worst.”

Leaning over towards her ear, Bobby whispered, “Are you sure you’re ok going into an underground enclosure?”

Rogue answered back.  “Yeah.  It seems like I got memories of being scared of closed spaces, but didn’t get the claustrophobia itself.”  She shrugged, being the first to admit that her absorption powers were a mystery even to herself.  For a moment, her mind drifted to the weather goddess they had left unconscious back at the mansion.  Psylocke caught her eye and whispered into her mind.

/She’ll be fine, Rogue.  I know I’m not Jean, but I was very careful in monitoring the process/

Rogue nodded at her.  Eyes turning white, she concentrated on calling Storm’s powers to build a fog, like Logan ordered.  Though it took precious minutes to produce a slow front, it hadn’t taxed her and the end result was fairly natural looking.  Wolverine waited another few minutes before giving the signal.  “Move out.” He hissed.


Dr. Essex entered the lab from the side door, wheeling two incubator tubes into the room with him.  He only glanced a moment at the two men in the inhibitor cage before turning his red gaze on the pregnant telepath lying on an examination table.  She glared at him as he approached.  “Well now, shall we get started?” 

“Leave her alone!” Scott yelled, frustrated at his helplessness.

Sinister spared a droll look at the energy wielder as he answered.  “Really, Scott.  Do you honestly believe your demands mean anything to me?”  Turning back to the tray beside the table, he picked up a syringe.  “Be a good boy and settle down.  This won’t take long.”  Measuring a small amount into the tube, he turned and plunged the contents into Jean’s arm, listening to her whimper.  “Now my dear, try to relax.  This drug I have created will numb the pain.  I normally abhor the use of any anesthetics, as it can affect final readings.  But, you are very special.  I can not have you succumbing to the pain.”  He smiled evilly as he watched her eyes fill with tears.  “After all, who knows how many more times in the future I will desire to study you in my lab.”

It was impossible to block her feelings, no matter how hard Remy tried.  He was completely open to the onslaught from everyone in the room.  As the man he called master palmed a scalpel to begin the incision, Remy could feel the power building within him, growing stronger with each moment, as all of the others became more emotional.  “No” he whispered, breathing becoming labored; pain and fatigue plaguing his body.  The sweat poured down his face and neck as he continued to fight for control, watching Sinister open the woman and begin removing the first of her two babies.  He could hear Scott screaming profanities and threats, the Professor trying to calm him.  Jean was openly crying, sobbing hysterically despite being numb to the pain.  And all of the overflowing emotions slammed into and through him, gripping his heart and soul in a vice, squeezing unbearably tighter.  Everything was blurring, and he feared it would not be long before his control completely slipped.


Once inside, the team was faced with several corridors.  So far, no alarms had been tripped, but Logan didn’t hold onto any hope that would last.  “Change of plans…”  He directed them to split up into teams of two;  Bobby and Hank to the turn on the left, with Angel and Psylocke moving right.  Wolverine sidled Rogue with him, feeling it the best place for her protection despite having Storm’s powers temporarily.  They had traveled their path quite some distance when Logan put his hand up to stop the girl following him.  Logan’s nostrils flared, extending all his senses in an effort to locate any enemies around him.  And suddenly, he caught a scent he had only smelled twice before….on Remy. 

“Well, well, well…what do we have here?  Are you the runt of the X-dweebs?”  Sabertooth stepped out of the shadows, teeth bared as he extended his claws and crouched in attack position.

“Who the fuck are you?” Logan snarled as he pushed Rogue backwards out of the way.

“Your worst enemy, punk.”  Creed hissed.  “I don’t like no one poaching my property.”  Fangs bared, the big blonde mutant flexed his muscles.

Both ferals began to circle one another, analyzing each other for weaknesses.  Rogue backed deep into a corner, taking herself from the playing field as she watched the two men become a blur of action.  Claws slashed, teeth gnashed, as the sounds of grunts and bones crunching under the smack of flesh on flesh filled the corridor.  So entwined in the fight, it seemed unbelievable to determine where one man ended and the other began.  Blood blended and she stood awed as wounds, which would be fatal on any ordinary human, were instantly healed.  The fight seemed to drag on and on, with neither man gaining ground over the other.  But, fatigue began to settle over both mutants.  Swings grew less random, more calculated.  Cuts and broken flesh took longer to heal.  At last, they broke apart and stepped back into their own corners, panting hard and eyeing each other for an opening.

“I’m gonna pound your ass into submission, runt.”  Creed grinned, a set of blood stained teeth showing grotesquely through his lips.  “You ain’t really my type.  I like ‘em tall, pretty and fuckable, but I guess I could make an exception in your case.”

Logan’s eyes narrowed dangerously.  “Not if I cut yer dick off, asshole.”

“Whatsa matter short stuff?”  Creed taunted.  “Don’t like being uke?  ‘Fraid I might hurt ya?  Remy seems to take the pain pretty good.  Don’t seem to bother him too much.  ‘Course, I never really got around to asking him.” 

As Rogue gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, stunned by the large mutant’s words, Logan roared his rage and lunged for the man, catching him by surprise.  It was vicious fighting - fists and feet, teeth and claws.  The eyes of both men had turned golden as they battled, raw power and fury flowing from the two warriors.  But no matter how hard they fought, both men were evenly matched.  Logan had an edge with his adamantium blades.  Creed had the advantage of height and weight.  Rogue closed her eyes as Logan plunged his claws through Creed’s stomach, causing a spray of blood to splatter against the wall.  The big blonde mutant screamed in pain, momentarily immobilized.  It didn’t take long for his instincts to take over though, and drawing on all his strength, he swung his arm violently at Wolverine’s head.  Knocking the smaller man away from him, Creed bent over double, one arm coming up to cradle the wound as he glared at his opponent while baring his teeth.  He sounded like a wounded, cornered animal as he slammed into Logan, knocking him down again.  Punching non-stop, both his claws finally came up to grab the smaller man by the head.  Using those dark tufts of hair, Creed lifted and smashed Logan’s head into the concrete, over-and-over again.  Blood began to pool in large amounts where Wolverine’s skull continuously connected with the floor, as the feral’s yellow eyes began to dim with the onslaught.  Maniacal laughter flowed from the larger man as he sensed victory over his opponent.

From seemingly nowhere, a massive bolt of lightning pierced the giant blonde, sending him flying against the far-side wall.  As the residual electricity ebbed and flowed around his body, seeking a pathway to the ground, he crumpled to the ground unconscious.  A large burn mark could be seen from where the energy had entered his body.  It didn’t appear to be healing and Rogue breathed a sigh of relief as she ran over to her team mate.  “Logan” she cradled his head in her arm as her hand gently patted his cheek.  “Logan, c’mon sugah.”  Already the wound at the back of his skull was healing, and it was only a matter of time before he would rouse. 

Groaning at the residual pain, Logan lifted one hand to his forehead as his eyes blinked open to stare at the adoring face above his.  “Hey, darlin’”.  He rasped, as he struggled for a moment to lift himself.

Rogue smiled and moved to help him stand.  “You gonna make it, old man?” 

Logan growled.  “Who ya calling old, little girl?”  He glanced over at the big blonde feral and spit.  “One mean sombitch.”  Then he snarled at his team mate, pride stung.  “I coulda taken him down, if ya hadn’t interfered.”  With that he stalked off a little unsteadily down the hall, continuing their search for their missing members. 

Rolling her eyes, Rogue started after him, muttering under her breath.  “Yeah, whatever.” 

She hurried after him, aware that he was on the trail of a scent, and it brought them both to a stop outside a heavy steel door.  Logan drew back and punched the entrance with his claws, but it didn’t do more than slightly dent it.  With a growl of frustration, he activated his communication device and called for the others.  “All teams, we found ‘em.  I can smell ‘em on the other side of a big damn door!  I need some extra power to get it open.”

The comm-unit crackled and Hank’s voice came through.  <“Iceman and I will be with you momentarily.”>  But nothing was heard from the second team. 

Logan cocked a questioning brow at Rogue before calling to the other team.  “Angel, Psylocke”  When no answer came, he yelled into the box.  “Come in, gahddammit!  Where the hell are ya?”

There was a brief period of static before the ninja finally spoke, her voice seemingly distant through the small device.  <“We had a little company.  Angel’s finishing things up and he’ll join up with us.  I’m on my way now.”>

Logan noticed the sheen of perspiration on Rogue’s face, and a slightly pale pallor.  “Ya alright, darlin’?”

“I think Storm’s powers are close to gone.”  Rogue looked up at him and gave a slight, yet reassuring smile.  “Don’t worry, sugah.  Got enough left to see this thing through.”

Logan nodded and started analyzing the door again for any weaknesses.  At this point, all they could do was wait for the others.


Essex pulled the second baby from Jean’s uterus and cleaned the infant’s airway, much as he had done with the first child that rested quietly in a sealed incubator to the side of him.  A second incubator waited for the infant that now held his attention.  Once the baby was cleaned and wailing loudly, Essex smiled and placed the precious bundle in the chamber, sealing it tightly.  Jean continued to cry hysterically, while Scott threw a hateful glare at the mad doctor.

“There, there, my dear.  No need for histrionics.”  He crooned, as he tenderly wiped the tears from her cheeks with the façade of a caring doctor.  “You have produced a boy, and a girl.  Perfect.”  He finished expertly sewing her up, even as she continued sobbing.

“I’ll kill you, Sinister.”  Scott hissed, fury in his eyes.

Sinister ignored him.  He pressed a button and a metal coffin enveloped the mother, much like the incubator tubes containing both babies.  Remy watched all of this with glazed-over eyes, the emotions of the two traumatized infants joining in with the parents to overwhelm him.  It was only a matter of time, one final push before the dam burst free.  After what he had done in his master’s lab when being tortured by that creature, the Cajun was fearful of what would happen, when his powers broke loose.  He had betrayed the X-men, but he never wanted to be the cause of their deaths.  That final push, however, came sooner than he anticipated with the pounding on the metal door, and Sinister’s next horrifying words.

Cocking his head towards the door, Sinister gave a sharp-pointed, toothy smile.  “Well, I see the cavalry has arrived.  That is our cue to leave.”  He inhaled deeply as he glanced at the two infants he planned to spirit away.  “I can hardly wait to have them on my examining table.  Oh the results my experiments on these two shall yield.”

Jean shrieked in horror at the man, her noise muffled within the metal barrier that surrounded her.  Scott roared in anguish and, in his mindless rage, stormed the energy cell, attempting to burst through it.   The energy wall held firm, zapping him soundly as he screamed in agony and fell backwards unconscious on the floor.  Xavier called out to him, and dragged his body over to the fallen boy. 

It was all too much for Remy.  Everything around him started to hum, the radiance of the objects growing.  Eyes shut tight, he could feel the flow of energy increase, even as emotions not his own cascaded through and around him.  Through gritted teeth, Remy opened his eyes and focused all that raw energy - all that hate and despair - directly at the monster that had caused him nothing but pain all of his life.  Dimly, he was aware that everything around Sinister, and the doctor himself, was beginning to glow. 

Sinister looked at his creation with something akin to surprise.   “What are you doing, LeBeau?”  He could feel his molecules rapidly vibrating, building up energy as he stared at his pet.  With a snarl, Essex fought back.  “I don’t think so, child.”  He telepathically attempted to break through Remy’s barriers, to overcome the boy’s mind and take him down for good.  Gambit didn’t even flinch as he concentrated on his target.  Pounding continued to emanate through the door, the mutants on the other side beginning to break through. 

As the power struggle between master and slave reached higher and higher levels, things around the lab began to explode.  The belt around Sinister’s waist, that contained the controls for nearly all of the machinery in the room, sparked and crackled before popping into molten pieces.  This caused the energy cell around Xavier and Scott to flicker several times, before finally shutting down and taking the dampening field with it.  From the triumphant smirk on Essex’s face, Xavier could tell that Remy was beginning to falter in the tug-of-war.  He quickly scooted himself closer to Scott, struggling to lift his student’s head and point it in the direction of the scientist.  “Scott, wake up.  We need you.”  He continued to call for the young man, aware of the fear and anxiety in his own voice, but doing his level-best to avoid gaining the doctor’s attention.  “Scott” he hissed, lightly slapping the boy’s cheek.  Then, Xavier closed his eyes and whispered “Forgive me.”  With all of his formidable power, Xavier dove into the unconscious team mate’s mind. 


Like a puppet on a string, the insensible mutant’s eyelids flew up, emitting a massive beam of energy straight towards the scientist.  The surprise of the strike was enough to undo the doctor, who screeched in pain, as the beam cut through him.  The force of the laser, coupled with the doctor’s already excited molecules, tore the man asunder.  Pieces of the man’s body exploded all over the room, coating almost every surface within reach.  Xavier issued another mental command, and Scott’s eyes closed.  Gambit slumped in his bonds, his own eyes closed as the power he had exerted clearly taxed his already over-stressed body and mind.  He opened them again at Jean’s whimper.  She was staring, horrified, as several liquid pieces that had scattered from Essex’s body with the explosion, started to move towards each other.  Remy’s mind whirled.  He had forgotten the man was a shape-shifter.  But, how long would it be, before he reformed, after such a blow?

Just then, the door fell open with a thud as it hit the floor.  The sight of five of his X-men had never been more pleasing to the Professor.  “What in hell happened in here?”  Logan bellowed, confused at the scene they fell into as he wrinkled his nose in disgust of all the matter splattered around the room.  His eyes landed on his wounded lover, and he rushed over, but stopped half-way when he heard Gambit’s weakened rasp.  “Non.  Jean.  De babies.”  It was all he managed, but it was enough for Logan to understand.  It didn’t take him long to slice through the protective casing of Jean’s tube.    

Jean gasped.  “Logan, get this off me.  Quickly.”  The feral knew immediately what she wanted as he looked at the inhibitor around her neck.  Making quick work of the collar, he threw it aside.  “Lift me, so I can see the room.”  Doing as she bade, Logan gently picked her up, careful of the fresh stitches on her exposed belly.  He watched as she surveyed the room in deep concentration.  “Bobby, open those cases.  Rogue, Elizabeth, please take my babies out of them.”  Once she saw her children safely in the arms of her team mates, she closed her eyes and called upon her powers to collect as much of Sinister’s fluidic parts as possible, separating the various pieces into the three metal tubes that had previously housed her and the babies.  She couldn’t collect it all; she simply didn’t have the strength.  After several attempts at collecting what she could and depositing in the chambers, she rested her head against Logan’s shoulder.  “Please” she whispered “seal it.”  Bobby iced down all three units in layers several feet thick, to insure it would be a long, long time before the ice casing melted.  It was just as he finished placing the last layer that they heard the rumbling.

“What was that?”  Rogue looked up and saw that the ceiling was beginning to crack.  Chips of concrete and dust were crumbling around them as the ground beneath them began to shake.  “Oh gawd!  The building’s collapsing.”  Remy groaned into his chest, feeling enormous guilt.  It must have been a switch in Sinister’s control box that had exploded on his waist.

Hank took over, hoisting the unconscious team leader into his arms.  “Bobby, get the Professor, since Logan already has Jean.”

Ceiling tiles were actively falling around them, now, as cracks in the walls and floors formed.  The very earth was quaking as a series of distant explosions further underground rocked the complex.  A roar of destruction could be heard coming from all around them.  “We’ll never make it out of here.  The entrance is too far away.”  Bobby yelled.

It took the brilliant Beast several precious seconds before his eyes pierced the purple-haired beauty holding one of the twins.  “Betsy, you can evacuate us altogether.” 

“What?”  She squeaked.  “But…but, I’ve never shadow-walked this many people at once.”

“You can do this, my dear.  I have faith in you.”  Hank soothed; a plea in his tone. 

They stood there for a long moment staring at each other, each holding a precious life in their arms, until Logan finally brought them back to the situation.  “If yer gonna do something, ya better damn well get to it.”  He shifted his own burden out of the path of a falling tile, then directed an exasperated growl towards Psylocke. 

“Ok, OK” She ground out.  “Everyone stand by me and grab hold of the person next to you.”  It was easier said than done, with everyone carrying another’s body.  But, they managed to clutch at each other, as she took a deep breath and prepared to call on the power of the shadows to teleport them all to safety.

“WAIT” Logan barked, before turning tortured eyes back to his lover. 

Gambit was staring at them all, a look of determination mixed with sadness.  “It’s too late for me, chere.  Get dem outta here, befo’ de place falls down on toppa ya.” 

“NO” the feral yelled.  He was not about to come all this way, only to lose his lover now.  Not when he still had to kick the boy’s ass for all the trouble he caused.  “Don’t try to be a damn martyr.  I won’t leave ya!”  He was looking for a place to unload Jean, so that he could free his lover, when Betsy spoke up.

“WARREN” She waited for the crackle of the comm. “Where are you, luv?”

<“On my way to your location.  I’m having to dodge giant cinder blocksWhy the hell haven’t you evacuated yet?  You do realize the building is collapsing?”>

“No time to explain, pet.”  Her smooth, calm voice belied the nervous turmoil she was feeling as she held everyone’s lives in her hands.  “Can you be a dear and collect the Cajun on your way out?”

There were several bursts of static, as if the feathered mutant had snorted too closely to the microphone.  <“Sure thing, sweetheart.  Is there anything else you’d like me to collect, while I’m at it?  Need some milk?  Cheese?  A bottle of wine?”>

She smirked at the sarcasm before turning serious.  “Just hurry, my love.  We’ll be waiting back home for you.”  With that, she ended the transmission and looked hard at the feral.  “Now bloody well grab hold and let’s get going.”  The shadows formed and she stepped into the abyss, pulling her team mates with her.

Just before Logan was swallowed by the darkness, he turned and stared at those beautiful gemstone eyes one final time.  “I’ll be waiting for ya, Cajun.”  Gambit only nodded, giving the older man what he needed to send him on his way, then watched as the feral disappeared into the shadows. 

Gambit blinked and flinched as a piece of the ceiling fell directly in front of him.  Looking up at the manacles that held his hands above his head, he mused how incongruous it was that the master took precautions to use materials that could not be charged, instead of dampening his powers.  The irony that Gambit could use his freely available mutant power to help destroy his master, while simultaneously being held captive in the master’s indestructible bindings, almost had him laughing out loud.  As long as he had been strung up, he doubted that he would even be able to move his hands anyway.  It was a given that he had long since lost feeling in both arms, and wouldn’t be surprised if at least one shoulder was dislocated from the weight of his body.  But, he couldn’t muster the energy to be worried over the apparent loss of his limbs, not when death was so close. 

A cloud of dust filled the room from the collapsing walls and ceiling, making him cough with the inhalation of particulate matter.  It was through this granularity that he saw the outline of a figure.  Breath held as hope began to burble in his chest, it took a few moments to realize his would-be savior was anything but.  “Creed” he moaned in dismay.

For his part, the big, burly man moved quickly into the room, a look of anger and determination on his face.  “Cajun” he growled, eyeing the shackles, before he flexed his claws and began slicing through it.  Several precious moments later, the bindings gave and Remy cried out as he fell to the floor.  The intensity of the sudden pain, as blood began to flow back into his arms, along with an already exhausted physical and mental state, caused Remy to lose consciousness almost immediately.  Creed sighed at the inconvenience, one side of his body still slowly healing from damage inflicted by the bolt of electricity he received earlier, then hoisted the boy over his good shoulder and turned to exit the lab, dodging falling debris. 

Just as he crossed the threshold, something slammed into him from the side, knocking him to the floor.  The oblivious Cajun rolled several feet away; his body cushioned by the feral’s body from any damage that could have been sustained.  When Creed looked up, he snarled at the white winged X-man that came to stand over Remy’s body.  “He’s mine.”

“Last time I checked, Gambit was a member of the X-men.” Angel replied, his bored conversational tone conflicting with the tense defensive posture he assumed.  All around them, beams fell and walls crumpled, but neither man seemed concerned with the impending collapse.

“I’ve been watching all of you for a while.  I know there’s no love lost between you and the Cajun.”  Victor stood to his full height, baring an impressive set of fangs even as one arm appeared to be favoring his side.  “Why don’t you just get out of here and tell them he’s dead?  I’ll take my pet far away and the rest of the morons won’t even know.”

Angel surveyed the big man, noting that the mutant seemed fairly damaged already.  It made him more confident that he could take out the larger man quickly.  “Because I’ll know.  And no matter how much I may hate him on a personal level, he’s a team mate.”  His dirt smudged wings fanned out to display a remarkable span, shaking loose some of the dust coating.  “I will fight to the death before I let you take any member of our team.”

Victor glared at the man, shifting that look momentarily to the boy lying at the winged mutant’s feet.  His possessive nature screamed at him to destroy the obstacle that threatened to take what was his.  But, the logical part of his brain reminded him that his body was still quite damaged from the earlier electrocution and might not survive a prolonged fight with a strong enemy, the place was about to fall on top of them, and neither he nor his pet would make it out alive if they didn’t leave now.  There would be opportunities in the future to reclaim the kid, if he played it smart now.   “Fine.  Take the brat.  I was getting bored with him anyway.”  With that, he turned his massive bulk and darted deeper into the tunnel, in the opposite direction of the entrance that was familiar to Angel. 

The billionaire could only stare bemusedly after the blonde feral.  /Must be another exit that way/ he pondered.  For a moment, Angel considered following the other man, but quickly dismissed the idea when he lost sight of the larger mutant.  As unfamiliar as he was with the base, it would take too long to pick up the trail; a risk the winged warrior could not take, given the impending collapse.  Warren squatted down to regard the unconscious boy.  “You’re quite the popular trouble-maker, aren’t you?”  Both elbows resting on his thighs, one hand dangling over a knee while the other rubbed his chin, Angel deliberated on the idea that the feral had presented.  It would be quite easy to leave the boy and make an escape.  After all, no one could really blame him, considering the situation.  Flying at top speed, with no additional weight and dodging the falling debris, he wasn’t even sure if he would make it out of the structure in time.  And though a few of his fellow X-men might mourn the loss, and perhaps be disappointed with his inability to bring the Cajun back to them, they would eventually forgive and forget; move on with their lives.  Would anyone truly suffer if Gambit simply ceased to exist?  Doubtful.

Warren eyed the crack in the ceiling directly above as it widened and the large stone tiles rumbled, on the verge of failing.  Any moment now, it would fall and crush them under its weight.  The winged man sighed and tapped his chin with one long, slender finger.  /It would be so easy/  The voice of his memories, so full of jealousy and anger, tempted.  What to do?  “Decisions, decisions” he muttered, just as a chunk from the ceiling broke loose and began to tumble towards them.

End ch32


on to part 33

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