Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ A Chase and Jack fic ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
don’t own any of the Xiaolin Showdown characters; they all belong to Christy Hui. Any OC’s are mine, so have a happy read ^_^V.

Hate and pride flashes from his golden gaze as a cold smirk graces his mask of evil, which hides his saddened past and lonely present. A beast instead of a soul dwells within him…what could warm the cold hearted Dragon and bring peace to the man.
Born weak of body, but strong of mind, his sad scarlet eyes searches but all he finds is pity, hate, and pain…who could care for a broken child and make him feel wanted.
___________________________________________________ _______________

~.Chapter Three.~

Jack Spicer, Evil Boy Genius was as sick as a dog. His body ached all over from throwing up his guts all morning, his stomach grimaced at the sight or smell of food and his teeth ached so much that he couldn’t even move his lips to drink the Ginger tea. Which is the only thing that settled his nauseated belly.

Jack groaned as his stomach somersaulted when his mother and one of the servants holding a tray with a steaming bowl of chicken soup. The smell of it alone made him want to hurl, but thankfully his stomach was empty as he curled his legs up to stop his belly from twisting.

“How’s my bao bao (darling baby) doing?” asked Mrs. Spicer as she kissed her son’s forehead, but her lips met only with cool skin showing no sign of a fever, yet Jack looked like he was run over with the flu bug.

“As much as I like the cook’s food mu qin (mother) it didn’t taste very good coming up.” Jack laughed dryly.

The servant placed the tray beside another untouched bowl of soup on the nightstand. Mrs. Spicer frowned slightly but said nothing as she sat on the edge of her son’s bed while the servant neatened up the teenager’s room, which wasn’t much. The room was organized and tidy for a sixteen year olds bedroom. The only thing that was messy was the bed and Jack didn’t look up to moving any time soon.

The servant went around the bed to ask Jack if he needed anything but Mrs. Spicer dismissed her with a flick of his wrist. As soon as the servant left Yu-Jie stood up and tucked her son in as she did a lock of hair fell loose from its jade clip. Jack gently curled his finger around it. The ebony color of his mother’s hair stood out against his pale skin as his ruby eyes glanced up to her beautiful face, his mother was a Goddess among mortals. Her jade eyes rare with her Chinese heritage gazed worriedly at him. Her name suited her well, she is a pure beautiful jade.

Jack closed his eyes willing back his tears wishing he was born a normal, healthy child. A son they could be proud of, instead he was weak and ugly even those around him thought so.

“Chou. (shameful; ugly; disgraceful)” he whispered under his breath to himself. Yu-Jie cupped her son’s face knowing where his thoughts were heading.

“You’re jian mei (beautiful and strong) in your own way--” kissing Jack on the forehead. “--No matter what people say or do.” Bringing the blanket up to her son’s chin. “Keep your head held high and keep the dragon of luck by your side and nothing will stand in your way.” Patting her son’s blanket covered hip. Yu-Jie stood and made her way to her son’s bedroom door.

“Your father and I will be away for awhile in L.A. Your father is opening another business there.” her words trailed when Jack didn’t groan about them leaving like he usually did. She turned and saw that he had fallen asleep this was the first time in several weeks that she saw the kid rest, but the stress and pain on his slumping face told her it was not a peaceful nap. Jack has always been a sickly child, yet despite what he was born with he was strong in other ways than one and her boy was smart, smarter than any normal child should be and he knew it.

Mrs. Yu-Jie Spicer sighed. “My little tian cai (genius) you’ll do great things,” closing the door as she left. ~and no one will stop you.~

* * *

Chase Young was in his meditation room, in the lotus portion, a hundred or so candles circled the room. The majority of them floating above and around the Warlord. Young sat so still he was like one of Michelangelo’s statues, his chest barely moved his body neither flinched nor twitched when a candle hissed and its wax drip on to his forearm. Such silent beauty held a great beast within.

The Dragon thrashed and roared within its keeper, images of the youth’s porcelain body flushed and soft like a sakura blossom crying out in pleasure beneath him. The phantom taste of Jack’s virgin blood still lingered upon his tongue, so sweet like honeyed wine and seeing that said blood on his sheets. The Dragon purred in pride claiming what no other had touched. Chase growled pushing the images back causing the candles to weaver and fall mid-way from the air.

Once again calm surrounded the Overlord, the candle light casting a warm orangey glow over the ancient warrior’s bare chest. The sound of Jack’s voice saying his name in desire instead of fear echoed in his mind. Something about that night was different from Jack’s usual visits beside pouncing on the poor teenager like he did, he just couldn’t help himself for some reason. Chase shivered slightly remembering the touch of the genius’s hands over his back and the teen’s legs wrapped tightly about his waist caused the candles to topple from the air, their little flames going out before they hit the ground. The Warlord couldn’t take it many more. Chase stood in one smooth motion and with a soft snap of Heylin magic was gone.

* * *

The noon day sky faded into night when Jack finally awoke, his stomach rumbling begging to be filled. Jack turned slowly onto his back only to throw himself half-way off the bed to dry heave into the garbage can beside his bed, his hands gripping the edge of his mattress so hard his knuckles ached from the pressure. His back arching as his muscles forced his body to empty something that was never there. Jack’s eyes stung with tears as he squeezed them tightly with each heaving wave.

After what felt like an eternality of heaving nothing up, his throat felt dry as a desert and his tongue felt heavy and cottony in his mouth when his stomach finally stopped doing back flips.

Jack moaned as he tried to push himself up, his arms shaking from his slight weight when something grabbed him.

Chase had came in just as Jack made his first heave sound watching the youth closely with a mixture of disgust and worry. Instinctively scenting the air for danger, but found none only Jack’s heavenly scent and something…else? When the boy was done Chase’s body began to move on its own accord reaching out to steady the teen so he wouldn’t fall off the bed. Jack jerked back weakly as his head shot up. His vision blurry as he tried to fight the hold on his arms.

“Spicer, be still,” growled Chase’s voice. Jack froze and blinked several times until his vision cleared to reveal his idol’s handsome face. The youth blushed in embarrassment.

“S-sorry.” Rasped Jack, the teen winced at the sound of his voice it sounded like sandpaper on stone to him.

Chase inwardly winced, the boy sounded horrible.

“What are you doing here?” Asked Jack noticing that Chase hadn’t let go of his arms.

“You haven’t been around for seven weeks, Spicer, even the monks stated you’ve been absent from all Shen Gong Wu searches and showdowns.” He said as if commenting the weather as he eased Jack back down on the bed.

Jack was a little shocked that the monks were worried, but what took the cake was Chase being somewhat nice and gentle with him.

“Are you saying you guys missed…me?” Jack’s question was cut short when Chase leaned in until he was partially on top of the youth. Sniffing from the bite mark he made on the goth’s neck down the teen’s chest feeling the pounding beat of Jack’s heart against his nose. He went farther down until the scent he caught before stilled his movements. Chase breathed deeply pressing his nose into Jack’s cloth covered belly.

Jack bit his lower lip to keep from laughing when Warlord snorted and moved his nose side to side causing his long hair to fall over his shoulder and tickle the boy’s side. Chase suddenly jerked his head up from Spicer’s stomach.

“How long have you been like this?” Chase’s voice was low his eyes glacing down briefly before looking back up at Jack. Spicer was a little caught off guard by the question for as long as he could remember he was always sick in one way or a other he never was healthy to begin with.

“What do you mean?” His voice was still raspy. Chase narrowed his eyes as they flashed briefly from gold to red and back again. Jack quickly explained.

“I’ve always been sick it’s just worsened this week. I-I think it might be the stomach flu or something.” Saying the last sentience offhandedly his graveled voice carrying a slight under tone of a whimper.

Chase scanned the boy’s body and frowned at how terribly thin the goth was. Spicer has always been thin but never like this. His normally rounded face was hollow beneath his cheekbones and what he could see from the black goth band shirt’s torn collar, the teen’s collarbone stuck out sharply from his pale skin. Chase’s beast roared and thrashed demanding him to do what his instincts whispered so sweetly, but Young fought it back. The boy knew not what was wrong with him merely stating it off as an illness.

“This, ‘flu’ you have, when did it start to affect you?” His voice cool and calm as his hand slowly caress the youth’s side at the same time easing himself between the Jack’s legs.

Jack sighed closing his eyes at the feel of the ancient warrior’s touch and tilted his head back when the soothing caress eased the aches from his muscles. Gasping at the feel of Young’s lower-half cradled between his thighs.

“Jack, answer me.” Chase’s cool voice commanded as he moved his a other hand to grace his fingertips over the teen’s right hip knowing there was an ach there.

“A-a few w-weeks after--”Jack quieted and tried to turn away from Chase’s touch even when his body screamed not to. But Chase stopped him by kissing the bite mark on his neck and rubbing the dull ach from his hips away. Jack moaned and weakly wrapped his legs about Chase’s waist and said softly “--we slept t-together.” His voice ending on a sigh as his body relaxed at his idol’s touch.

The Dragon breathed deeply at the cradle of flesh that joined neck to shoulder its instincts hammering at it, but its keeper kept it at bay. Chase fought his beast as he kissed along Jack’s throat until he was inches from the young man’s lips, but Jack pulled away. “No, you’ll get sick--” his voice breathless as he tried to push the Warlord away “--we shouldn’t be this close, it’s contagious.” Jack fell back to tired to move the weight above him.

“Have you taken any sustenance?” Asked Chase ignoring Jack’s attempts to warn him off as his eyes glanced toward the untouched bowls of soup.

“I can’t keep anything down and my teeth hurt when I try to drink my tea.”

“What else hurts you?”

“What’s with all the questions?”

“Answer, Spicer!” growled Chase his eyes flashing red but they quickly fading back to gold when Jack squeaked and tried to make himself as small as he possible could against his pillow, while placing his hand on his lower belly.

“Here.” He whispered.

“Do you want the pain to stop?” He said as he nuzzled the goth’s head up to kiss the boy’s throat.

“Yes,” sighed Jack as Chase suckled at the hollow of his throat.

Chase let his instincts take control as he sat up bringing Jack with him. Willing away his upper armor with his Heylin magic with one graceful swing of his right hand and with the left racked his suddenly long black fingernails along the right side of his neck. Jack gasped as his hands flew to the wound to stop the blood flow, but Chase easly removed the panicked teen’s hands and pinned them to the bedding with one hand while the a other cupped the back of the youth’s head.

Jack struggled weakly against the pull, but it was no use with Chase’s strength when the Warlord pressed his head forward until his lips were placed to the throbbing flesh. The warm, dark liquid smearing across his mouth. Jack pinched his lips refusing it when his aching teeth turned into pain like someone was pulling them out by the roots. Jack breathed heavily through his nose only to snort the blood up his nostrils, the coppery liquid hit the back of his throat and dripped down coating his dry palate in the rich taste.

Jack groaned softly as that little bit eased his queasy stomach. Timidly he licked the blood, his little strokes growing from soft to hard as he licked the skin around the wound clean before his lips wrapped themselves over the torn flesh. His senses came alive honing only on Chase as the Overlord’s blood soaked his dry tongue, the scent of him like freshly cut grass and cherry blossoms melted Jack’s insides.

Chase loosened his hold on the boy when he did the teen’s hands flew up and curled tightly in his hair forcing his head to the side and baring more of his throat to the goth’s hungry mouth. Jack moaned as he moved to straddle Chase’s lap his pelvis pressing and grinding against the flat armor plate over the Dragon‘s groin. His idol’s blood was like honeysuckle on his tongue as he drew more of it into his mouth pressing his body closer to the warrior’s hard chest.

Jack whined in the back of his throat when the wound began to close sealing beneath his tongue. The pain through out his body throbbed easing slowly away with Chase’s hands rubbing up and down his back and purring against his chest and neck. But his belly began to cramp and twist begging for more his mind going hazy. Jack couldn’t stop his hands as they gripped the thick locks of Young’s mane as his head tilted back the throbbing ach of his canines intensified as his hands held Chase’s head in place.

Chase gripped the youth’s waist at the faint growl that purred past the boy’s lips. His body wanted to move but his beast stilled his movements as Jack lunged forward sinking his newly formed fangs into his freshly healed flesh. Chase grunted at the force of the bite, but did nothing as Jack pulled deeply from his vein moaning with each gulp. Young’s body screamed as his veins ran dry and collapsed.

Jack pulled away with a gasp his eyes fluttering open the ruby red slightly glazed as he licked his lips.

“Geng (more),” moaned Jack as he nipped at Chase’s lower lip “ji e (hungry).” he whined softly.

“Bu zai (no more),” groaned Chase as his body swayed and felt strangely light “huang (blood).” Resting his head on Jack’s shoulder until the fuzzy/dizzy feeling left him.

“Juan? (tired)” whispered Jack softly beside Chase’s ear while stroking his hair and slowly began to ease the warrior toward him.

“Shi de (yes).” Feeling himself being pulled down and turned slightly to rest comfortably on his side while Jack curled close to his chest.

“Wan an. (goodnight)” sighed Jack as sleep claimed him.

“Wan an…ai cheng. (endearment)?”

When all was quiet say for the soft hum then crackle of Heylin magic as it filled the air and with a dark snap.


~.Chapter Four.~

Jack snuggled into the soft bedding willing his body back to sleep he was having such a nice dream. Chase was in it and something about it made Jack feel not so alone as he shifted to get the ach out of his hips, which never worked so he reached out to grab a pillow to put between his legs when something pulled him back and slurred tiredly in Chinese. The only thing that Jack caught from the fuzzy words were “Zao”, which meant ‘early’ as he felt his bare back hit a bare chest.

Jack stiffened as the person behind him spooned closer and placed their naked thigh between his legs as the person breathed tiredly into the nape of his neck. Spicer’s heart raced as he slowly opened his eyes instead of seeing his room he saw a thick dark fabric all around him held up by thick braids of gold rope and red silk bedding surround him in its cool embrace. Jack turned his head slightly to the side, the only thing he was able to see was some of Chase’s tussled hair a pointed tip of an ear peeking from the dark green locks as Young’s hold tightened and his fangs nipped at his nape.

“Wo de (mine).” mumbled Young as he nuzzled Jack’s neck.

Jack layed there for a moment trying to remember how he got here, he remembered being sick for God knows how many weeks, Chase asking him questions but he couldn’t remember what they were and then waking up here. Jack sighed and snuggled closer to Chase knowing this must be a dream and he didn‘t want to wake from it.

* * *

It was well past noon when Jack awoke stretching his arms and legs loving the feel of the warm silk sliding along his skin. Jack stilled and his eyes shot open it wasn’t a dream he really was in Chase’s bed, which was empty of his idol but something caught his eye as he scanned his surrounding. Laying at the foot of the bed was the most beautiful outfit he had ever seen. Jack moved down the giant size bed and gathered the delicate material in his hands, the thin silk slid over his fingers like water, the dragons and flowers weaved into the cloth danced over the black and gold fabric and matching pants followed the design. Jack gently ran his fingertips along down the golden frogs when he noticed an aged cream colored paper edge sticking out of one of the golden cuffs. Jack removed it even the paper looked and felt delicate as he unfolded it and read the few words written in Chase’s flowing handwriting.

: A gift for a gift.

’Ç’€ (Chase) :

Jack smiled at the letter but then frown Chase never gave anything without a price. Jack’s stomach grumbled and flipped and the teen feared he would throw up all over Chase’s bed as he covered his mouth and hoped he could hold back until he found his way out. Jack ran his hand over the drapery hoping to find a break in the hanging when a lion head came through a slit in the thick cloth to Jack’s left scaring the teen to death as he jumped back his own hand keeping the girlish scream in his mouth.

The lion merely looked at him for a second or so and ducked his head out of sight there was a sound of something briefly being scraped on the stone floor then lifted. The lion returned with a chamber pot and placed it on the bed and nosed it toward Jack, Jack fought the pile in his throat for as long as he could when the lion turned Jack grabbed it and hurled his guts out. The sound of the Evil Genius heaving made the two lions in the room feel a bit queasy as soon as the sound of heaving died away followed by the death moan.

The lions moved in one grabbing a tray of dry toast and tea while the a other grabbed the chamber pot.

Jack moaned like a zombie as his stomach twisted and cramped up when the scent of Ginger reached his nose. Jack slowly opened his eyes to see a darker lion push a bamboo tray toward him a small porcelain teapot with hand-painted black and gold branch with red flowers and a green bird adorned it with a matching cup and plate with toast on it.

The lion grabbed the teapot by its thin bamboo handle and poured it, filling the tiny cup up to the rim. When the lion was done he placed it back on the tray just as he was pulling back a timid “thank you” tumbled from Jack’s lips. The lion nodded and went over to sit beside his companion near the door.

Jack slowly sat up and realizing for the first time that he was naked Jack blushed as he quickly grabbed and donned the silk top and pants. His cold hands curling around the hot cup letting the stinging heat seep into his chilled skin. Jack blew a little over the tea before taking a sip. The teen sighed as the hot liquid burned down his throat and soothed his belly. When all the tea was gone and toast eaten did the lions let him leave the bed, one of them bringing a pair a black silk slippers. When Jack bent down to put them on he winced at the slight discomfort in his lower belly, but paid no mind to it since it is was his first time eating anything in weeks and thought his stomach was just stretching.

The lions escorted Jack to a large temple like room raised fire pits circled along the walls and a huge glass dome filled the room with dieing sunlight. The orange-reddish rays giving a warm glow to the room. There in the middle of the round room was Chase his eyes closed as he moved gracefully around a large fountain, but something was different as he moved and Jack almost gasped. Chase wasn’t wearing his armor, instead he was wearing a loose black Tai Chi type of outfit with a dark blue coller, cuffs, and frogs. Jack watched as Chase’s hair swayed at the small of his back as he circled the fountain his arms sweeping and circling around him as he moved.

“Leave us.” Echoed Chase’s voice startling Jack as the lions left. Chase stopped his flowing movements and did a finishing stance. “Come, join me for dinner.” Turning toward one of the arch ways. Jack grimced at the mention of food he was happy just to keep the toast down but he didn’t think he could keep anything else down as he followed his idol through the arch way. When they entered the dinning hall, instead of the long table there was a rounded one with two chairs facing each other on either side of it.

As soon as they sat two tigers came forward one carrying Chase’s Lao-Mang-Lon soup and another a tray with tea and toast. Jack sighed inwardly at the sight as the tiger placed the plate of toast before him with a steaming cup of Ginger tea beside it leaving the teapot in the middle of the table.

Silence filled the room as they ate, but it didn’t last for long when Chase spoke.

“How do you like your gift?” Chase’s calm voice startled Jack that he almost spilled the hot tea on himself.

“Oh, um, I love it, its very beautiful.” Lowering his head over his tea cup and hoping his blush didn’t show.

“Did you sleep well?” asked Chase as he sipped his own tea.

“Yes, I slept very well…w-why are you being so nice to me?” his voice trembling at the end. Chase lowered his cup with a dull thump his eyes scanning Jack’s face as the boy began to panic. “Its-its just you’re never nice to me and-and-w-why…” Jack’s stuttering words were silence with Chase’s own ‘whys.’

“Why do you come and beg me to give you a chance to be at my side? Why did you give me a gift on the day I traded my soul? Why did you give me your virginity when it revealed your little secret?” the overlord paused watching Jack’s face go from embarrassment to angry “so many whys so little answers.”

Without warning Jack threw his tea in Chase’s face and stormed out of the dinning hall, but the goth didn’t make it very far. With the snap of Chase’s fingers his warrior cats surrounded and blocked Jack. “Out of my way fur balls.” hissed Jack as he glared at them only to double over in pain his hands gripping his stomach as he fell to his knees. Chase was by his side in an instant.


“Don’t touch me.” snapped Jack as he tried to shrug the Warlord’s hands from his shoulders. “Oh, god.” he gasped placing his hand on the stone floor while the a other pressed against his lower belly feeling as if something was tearing him apart from the inside. Chase quickly gathered Jack into his arms and placed his hand over Jack’s and began saying soothing words in Chinese until the spasms stopped and Jack relaxed. Jack jerked his head toward Chase just when his idol lifted his head to bare smooth tanned flesh. Jack shivered as an unbelievable hunger twisted his stomach and without much thought lunged gripping Chase’s hair and biting deeply.

Chase grunted and almost fell back from the force of Jack’s attack, but held the teen close. He didn’t know why he said what he said, but his human half didn’t understand, yet his dragon and instincts did and he was going by them until he could break it to Jack. Chase growled at his cats to stay back when one of them tried to pull Jack away.

For awhile Chase rubbed Jack’s back until the hard pulls on his neck softened to a light suckle then stopped. Jack pulled away his eyes half closed as he licked his lips suddenly the teen stiffen his hand trembling as the youth press the pads of his fingers to lips. Pulling back his hand and seeing his fingertips coated in Chase‘s blood. Jack’s breath quickened as his memory cleared from last night of what he did to Chase as he lifted his gaze to the fresh wound on his idol’s throat and weakly pushed against Young’s chest his eyes wide.

Chase let the goth slip from his arms as the youth covered his mouth. Jack trembled his eyes filling with tears while his right arm hugged his middle. Chase gestured for his warriors to leave and made his way toward Jack, Jack sobbed and stumbled to his feet running from the dinning hall. Jack didn’t make it very far when his wrist was grabbed and pulled back spinning him into Chase’s chest.

“I-I…” Jack’s words were cut short by Chase’s lips on his. When he pulled away Jack was filled with nothing more than mixed emotions. “I gave willingly what your body needed to sustain the life you hold within you.” Chase gently placed his hand on Jack’s lower belly. The boy said and did nothing his eyes blank as he stared at Chase, yet not really seeing.

“W-what did you say?” his voice was calm as his body began to sway. Jack placed his hands on his idol’s chest his mind trying to take in what the Warlord just said.

“Your with child.” he said softly Jack fainted in Chase’s arms. The only thought that never made it to his mouth when the darkness claimed him ~I’m what?~

A.N. This is my first Chase/Jack fic, so their personalities might be a little off. Wow Sixteen and pregnant poor Jack. Hope u like ^_^

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http://www.orienttouch.com/product_info.php?cPath=48_49& amp;products_id=811 chase’s