Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ A Chase and Jack fic ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
do not own any of the Xiaolin Showdown characters; they all belong to Christy Hui. Any OC’s are mine, so have a happy read ^_^V.

Hate and pride flashes from his golden gaze as a cold smirk graces his mask of evil, which hides his saddened past and lonely present. A beast instead of a soul dwells within him…what could warm the cold-hearted Dragon and bring peace to the man.
Born weak of body, but strong of mind, his sad scarlet eyes searches but all he finds is pity, hate, and pain…who could care for a broken child and make him feel wanted.
___________________________________________________ _______________

An unwise love says "I love you because I need you.A wise love says "I need you because I love you.
~.Chapter Five.~

Jack’s mind was in a frenzy at those three little words, ‘you’re with child.’ Sending wonder, curiosity, and fear racing through his subconscious.

~How can I be pregnant? Hermaphrodites can’t get pregnant, can they? No, no, I can’t be…~ Jack’s mind went from freaked out to worried as he mentally checked off the faults of his anatomy.

~I only have one barely working ovary and once in a blue moon ,if ever, I get a menstrual cycle. And I have an abnormally small uterus.~ Jack’s thoughts wandered as he felt a pang in his heart, his first faint memory of loneliness filtering through his mind. Soon the “ifs” began to surface.

~‘If’ I am, the kid will not live; my body just isn’t strong enough. No, I am not pregnant, I can’t be.~ he thought sadly as his subconscious drifted in the darkness and into memories he wish not to relive.

It felt like an eternity of nothing but nightmarish memories as the youth watched his past from the sidelines. All the teasing, the taunts, and bullying from fellow classmates, even the teachers mocked his intelligence or pitied him in their own twisted way. Jack would scream at the phantoms of his past to leave his past-self alone, but knowing that did nothing to help what had already happened.

Jack drifted from dream memory to dream memory, soon he floated into one he did not know. He landed softly near a white fountain and gasped his eyes scanning his surroundings, it looked exactly like Chase’s home the only difference was this one was outside instead of in. It was beautiful in sunlight and surrounded by a wall similar to the one the Xiaolin Dragons have around their own temple.

~Chase’s blood must have given me some of his memories?~ thought Jack as he admired a group of plants he knew were called Dragon Wings, their red leathery like leafs spread or folded in a way that looked like small wings. Then a child no older then seven or eight ran through him, the little one’s long dark hair fanning out beautifully like raven wings as the kid turned to look back.

Jack’s jaw dropped when he saw Chase Young’s child like face staring back at him with fear. Jack’s jaw dropped even further, he had never seen that emotion on his idol’s face before when suddenly two other older boys walked through Jack, both boys were similar in height and age. One leaped and arched over the smaller boy catching a young Chase in a bear hug when the small youth crashed into him.

“Easy Jun, it’s just a hair cut,” said a young Guan “nothing to be scared of.”

“Yeah, me and Guan did it when we first came here to become Xiaolin Dragons.” said a young Dashi as he grasped the thrashing child’s right arm while Guan gripped the kid’s left arm.

“No, no, I don’t want my hair cut,” sobbed Jun-Han as he struggled in the older boys grips “I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna.” Big fat baby tears streaming down his cheeks as they dragged him toward the temple.

Jack couldn’t help it, try as he might he just flat out laughed at the scene of a young Chase Young throwing a tantrum because he didn’t want his hair cut. Jack sniggered as he followed them into the room the young monks master waiting for them with a pair scissors.

“Be still Jun-Han--” said their master as he gathered the boy’s long dark hair “--all young boys must shave their heads when becoming Xiaolin monks.” silently gesturing the two young monks to hold tightly to their straining friend.

“No, Master Jin, please.” wailed Jun-Han as he felt the blades slice through the thick locks at the base of his skull.

Jack had stopped laughing when Chase began to plea and felt bad for the kid, now Jack knew way his idol kept his hair so long he would have done the same if someone had cut his hair like that.

From there Jack went through memories not his own. Seeing what made his idol the way he is. They were so much a like, yet while Chase had Dashi and Guan as friends Jack had no one.

* * *

Jack slowly emerged from the darkness his eyes slowly opening meeting the burgundy color of Chase’s bed hangings. He followed the fall of the thick fabric, the dark shadows flowing up the folds like a nightmare eating up a dream. Jack felt so tired, but he didn’t know why. He felt his eyelids grow heavy when a sudden fluttering twitch startled him from his half-sleep.

Jack’s hand instinctively went to his lower belly and felt a… large bump?

Jack sat up his eyes wide as he pressed the palm of his hand to his stomach his mind yelling ~WTF~ with each pass he felt the basketball size bump over and over again.

“Finally awake I see,” Chase’s deep calm voice startled the young teen. Chase smirked at how Jack protectively covered his stomach

~Motherly instincts already, how quaint.~ Chase thought as he parted the drapery more.

“H-how long have I been out?”

“Two weeks.”

“TWO WEEKS?” gaped Jack as he looked down at his rounded belly. “B-but how could I b-be-be this b-big?”

“Dragon babes grow quickly if the sire’s seed is strong.” said Chase as he went around the bed opening the hangings about Jack.

“Your body went into rest--" Chase continued before Jack could voice another question “--after what you went through when you conceived.” as he returned to the youth’s side and held out his hand for the teen to take. “The child was feeding on your life-force, since I was not there to nourish you.” answering Jack’s unvoiced question as he waited for the goth’s hand. “It was just doing what it needed to survive. But now I am here to help its growth so the child will develop much more quickly with my blood.”

“W-will I need your b-blood again?” watching as Chase’s hand grasped his in impatience and pulled him easily from the soft bedding.

“In do time, but now you, Jack Spicer need a bath.” steadying the boy when his legs buckled.

“I don‘t smell that bad, do I?” blushing as he tested his weight on his legs.

“To your human senses, no, but to mine.” wrinkling his nose up, which made Jack blush even harder. "Now go," turning Jack toward two tigers “my warriors will escort you to your bath.”

As soon as Jack left the room, the Warlord ordered one of his warrior cats to strip the bed as he turned on his heel and left the room as well.

Chase tried to clear his mind. But the days of laying beside Jack as the youth slumbered, curled close to the younger man’s slender body, breathing in the scent of his warm skin and soft hair, listening to his soft breathing and feeling their child move beneath his hand.
Young shook his head banishing the unwanted memories of the past two weeks, he mustn’t let himself become close.

* * *

Jack stepped behind a cherry wood screen with hand painted fighting fish and water lilies flowing across the glossy surface. He removed his clothes his eyes never shifted from his distended belly, timidly running his fingertips over the taut skin studying it like one of his blue prints for a project. Suddenly he jerked his hand back as if burned when movement pushed against his fingers.

The fluttering movement continued, it felt weird to Jack to have something in him, something his body now held in its care, something that needed him. Jack placed his hand on his lower belly a small smile graced his face as the child bumped and pushed against his hand. For the first time in his life Jack Spicer felt happy.

After his bath Jack had returned to Chase’s room only to end up being ordered to leave and being pushed out by one of the warrior cats, which showed him his new room.

Jack wandered his new surroundings bringing his thick black and gold robe tighter about his shoulders as he finished his short tour of the room and sat on the bed.

~I don’t get it. He’s okay one minute and the next he’s all mean.~ thought Jack as a cold shiver ran through out his body, Jack felt the heat of the room hover around him but not touch him. The coldness grew followed by un-describable hunger, Jack winced then gasped in pain as the child thrashed within him. Suddenly a lion stood before him, a large goblet balanced carefully on the tray.

The scent of blood drifted up to his nose, mouth watering as he grabbed the cup and downed its contents. With each gulp warmth flooded his body, the child within him settled, and the hunger faded.

* * *

Day after day, after day, and week after week, soon those weeks bled into a mouth as Jack remained in Chase’s home but never seeing hide nor hair of his idol. And when he did see him Chase would ignore him or simply turn and walk away. Jack even tried to sneak into Chase’s room when the hunger came upon him, but the cats would always stop him and take him back to his own room with an already made goblet of the Warlord’s blood.

Jack felt rejected and alone.

* * *

Jack was surprised at how quickly his stomach grew, feeling every kick and punch the child threw at his insides. Chase said dragon babies grew quickly but Jack didn’t know they grew that fast. He feared he would pop before he even had the child.
< br> ~.Chapter Six.~

A month and a half later.

“Chase please,” begged Jack as he tried to keep up with his idol’s long strides. “You‘ve been ignoring me for months.”

“And the point being, Spicer.” turning upon Jack with a snarl.

Jack flinched slightly at the force of Chase‘s voice. “I-I know you’ve ignored me before but never like this.” whined Jack as he cradle his very swollen belly. “It feels like you’re ignoring more then me…I-I know you don’t care for me,” Jack whispered his last words softly “you’re just doing this because it’s the honorable thing to do, but don’t you care just a little bit about the child.”

Chase turned away from the sight of Jack’s tears filling his crimson eyes and resumed his stride.


“NO!” growled Chase his eyes glowing red with his anger. Jack shrank away from the Warlord his hands protectively covering his pregnant belly as he whimpered. Chase walked away rubbing his temples with his fingertips.

* * *

Jack lay weeping in his bed when suddenly a sharp pain stabbed him in his lower back and his stomach began to tighten. Jack gasped as another pain shot through his back and his stomach squeezed about the child. Spicer struggled to his feet almost tumbling out the door as he tried to make his way toward Chase’s throne room.

“C-Chase,” sobbed Jack as he leaned against one of the pillars.

“What now, Spicer?” sighed Chase.

“I-I don‘t know, but it hurts, oh, God, Chase it hurts.” Grabbing his lower belly in pain.

Chase quickly stood and made his way to the younger man’s side, the ancient warrior remained calm on the outside, but on the inside he was panicking, he didn’t know how to help Jack, but a place popped into his head. The Warlord gathered the sobbing teen into his arms and with crack of Heylin magic left the his domain and reappeared at the Xiaolin temple.

The Xiaolin Dragons quickly gathered in the courtyard as soon as Chase appeared.

“What do you want Chase Youn--why are you holding Jack Spicer like that?” Omi stared at the sight of the Heylin warrior holding a weeping Jack.

Chase lowered Jack to his feet and the young dragons gasped at what they saw. Omi cocked his head to the side studying the bulge of Spicer’s stomach confusion dawning on his little face.

Chase’s throat tightened on his words before he could voice them when Jack blurted out.

“I think I’m having my baby RIGHT NOW.” grabbing his swollen belly.

Clay’s jaw dropped down to his feet in shock while Omi tapped on the Texan’s leg asking the speechless dragon of earth, “How could Jack Spicer be pregnant when he is clearly male…and where do babies come from? Can boys have babies like girls do?”

Kimiko paled while Raimundo screamed in hysteria, “IT’S THE APOCALYPSE!!!”

Master Fung stepped forward in his usual calm manner with Dojo perched upon his shoulder. The dragon guardian shaking in fear of the ancient warrior.

“It seems young Jack Spicer is more then what he seems to be.” his gaze looking from Jack’s stomach to the ex-xiaolin monk beside the youth, “Who, may I ask is the sire of this child you brought to my temple to be born?” his aged blue eyes lingering on the Warlord’s golden ones.

“I am.” grounded out Chase as Jack cried out in pain.

“He’s only gone a mouth and a half and HE HAS CHASE‘S BUN IN HIS OVEN!!”
Raimundo grew just as pale as Kimiko both covering their mouths as if they were about to throw up.

“You do know if I allow this child born in my temple--”

“Just help him!” growled Chase his eyes flashing red.

“Very well,” bowing to Chase “Clay, please help Mr. Spicer.”

“Can do Master Fung sir.” Clay moved forward placing his larger hands about Jack’s slender frame, only to hear a deep growl from Chase.

“Got a problem there buddy?” Clay’s visible sky blue eye glared challengingly at the Warlord.

“Take him,” growled Chase as he practically shoved Jack into Clay’s arms. “I no longer desire him.” disappearing with a angry snap of Heylin magic.

* * *

Jack threw back his head and let out cry of pain. “I’m going to kill Chase for this.” gripping his stomach as one of the monks added more pillows under his head.

“How did this happen Jack?” asked Kimiko as she dabbed his sweaty brow “was it magic or something?”

Jack let out a humorless pant like laugh “well sweet cheeks--” Jack bared his teeth as the stabbing pain went lower “--there’s this thing called ‘the birds and the bees’…oh god, I’m so ripping Chase’s balls off for this.” he ground out as he felt a pop and the blanket beneath him grew wet.

“What the?” gaped the dragon of fire.

“My water broke.” sobbed Jack.

Seventeen hours and many curses of Chase’s name and the permanent removal of his ‘guys’ later...

Jack bared down, the dragon of earth supported his back while saying words of encouragement and letting his hand get crushed by Jack’s grip.

“There ya go partner keep pushin’.” wincing when Jack twisted his wrist as he squeezed his hand tighter.

“What does it look like I’m doing.” yelled Jack almost head-butting the Texan.

“Just tryin’ to help.”

“Just shut up,” panted the youth as he laid back against Clay’s broad chest “your voice isn’t helping.”

“Okay, one more push should do it.” said Master Hui as she readied a blanket on her lap.

“No, I’m to tired I don’t think I can push anymore.” wept Jack as a contraction hit him.

“The sooner the child is out the sooner you can rest.” she encouraged.

Jack closed his eyes and pushed with all his might, grunting as he felt the child slip from his body followed by the piercing cry of his baby.

“It’s a boy.”

Jack lifted his head tiredly from Clay’s chest and opened his eyes and the sight of his child brought tears to his eyes. Master Hui cleaned the wailing child up his snow white skin and hair seemed to glow in the lantern light beside her as she placed the child on his parent’s chest.

“He’s beautiful.” wept Jack as he held the now silent baby in his arms. The child opened his eyes blinking slowly up at Jack his ruby gaze trying to focus both on his dad’s and the blonde behind him .

“Ain’t he cute and he’s got red eyes just like ya Spicer.”

Jack smiled down at his little boy when suddenly a pain shot through his abdomen.

“Oh, oh dear another one is coming.” said Master Hui as she grabbed another blanket, telling Jack to push again. Kimiko quickly gathered the child from Jack’s arms as he pushed, soon a other cry filled the room.

“Another boy.” cheered Master Hui as she cleaned the child of birth goo, his dark hair reflecting green highlights in the light.

Jack was too tired to hold the boy so he laid the child on his chest “he looks just like Chase.” brushing the little ones hair from his face. If possible Jack grew paler and his eyes dimmed slightly as his hands fell from his child’s hair.

“I can’t stop the bleeding,” Master Hui placed more pressure against the flow “take the children and see to their care.” ordering the two dragons as the little one began to wail when pulled from Jack’s chest by Clay while the a other remained silent in Kimiko’s arms.

* * *

Chase did not stray far from the temple as he waited on a near by hill top until he heard the first cries of his children. A ghost of smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

“You’ve done well, Spicer.” his voice holding its usual calm as the October breeze lifted the ends of his long hair. Suddenly a sharp pain tore through his heart bringing the great Chase Young to his knees. The Dragon roared in agony like something was being ripped from it. Sweat beaded upon the Overlord’s brow his breath rushing from his lungs as he felt something shatter within him.

* * *

The sun rose from its horizon home chasing away her brother night and laying her colorful blanket across the sky. The warm rays stretched out over the autumn land piercing the chilled air and covering the bright reds, yellows, and oranges of the trees with its golden light.

The main shrine was filled with the soft whispers of prayer as the monks lit incense and candles.

The cold October morning air bit into the young monks faces and hands as they gathered outside. The wind lifting the sleeves and hems of their white robes as they stood before a wooden altar, the children were silent, wrapped warmly in their blankets and held closely in their keepers arms as Clay and Raimundo placed the body upon the altar.

The sun rose higher over head giving the still form’s skin a healthy glow. The occupant’s dark lashes fanned out over high cheekbones, full lips slightly parted in what looked like a silent sigh. Jack Spicer looked merely asleep his face pure and innocent, his vivid red hair combed neatly back, his body cleansed in oils and herbs, and clothed in the finest robes.

The Xiaolin dragons parted as Mrs. Spicer made her way to her son’s altar. Yu-Jie held her head high unshed tears glistening in her jade eyes, her white kimono trailing behind her as she made her way up the few small steps to her son’s side.

A moment or so passed of her stroking Jack’s hair lovingly as she tried to muffle her sob with her hand. Yu-Jie closed her eyes sending out a silent prayer as her tears streamed down her cheeks and on to Jack’s face giving the illusion that he was crying as well, her lips trembling as she kissed his forehead and placed his goggles and a letter under his folded hands.

Omi came next handing the sleeping baby to Mrs. Spicer as he passed. Yu-Jie wept as she cradled the pale haired child to her chest.

“I know we were enemies and did not know each other very well,” Omi paused to rub at his eyes “but I always thought of you as a friend, Jack Spicer.” placing a paper dragon beside him “may this dragon guide and protect you on your journey to the after life.”

Soon, one by one, the dragons and the monks paid their respects to the young man.

A moment of silence later Master Fung gestured for Kimiko to light the fire, but a deep cool voice stilled them.

“Wait.” Chase stepped forward from the rounded arch way his warrior cats gathered about the grounds. The young dragons went around Mrs. Spicer and the babies she held, but Young paid no mind to them as he made his way to the still form.

Chase scanned the youth’s body seeing the small gifts and letters tucked neatly about Jack‘s body. The Warlord reached down and cupped his hand against the boy’s cheek gently rubbing his thumb over the cheekbone.

~May the Gods bring you peace…shen qing (deep emotion; deep love)~

Chase made his way toward the young dragons his eyes staring past them to the little ones in the woman’s arms.

“Have you named them yet?” he asked his golden gaze unblinking.

“Yes," said Yu-Jie strongly “they’re names are Jia-Li and Jaxith.” showing no fear of the Warlord as she glared back at him.

Chase closed his eyes and tilted his head slightly to the side as if in thought “good and beautiful and kind-hearted,” Young opened his eyes “do you believe they will live up to such names.” he said as he circled them.

“Of course,” Mrs. Spicer narrowed her eyes at him “they are of my son’s blood.” heat filling her voice with each word.

Chase chuckled darkly as he smiled revealing his fangs “they are of mine as well,” Chase finished circling them “in do time they will change their names to better suit their Heylin side and join me.”

“Like me, they will never join you, Chase Young.” said Omi as he placed his small hand on Mrs. Spicer’s shoulder.

“We will see Omi,” snapping his fingers for his cats to come to him “my children will join me somewhere down the road just like you will Omi.” with a snap of Heylin magic Chase Young and his warrior cats were gone.

A.N. This is my first Chase/Jack fic, so their personalities might be a little off. Had this story in my head for while and I finally got it out. Oh, I would like to thank Silvarbelle for her great writing, which has inspired me and made me love this pairing even more ^_^ oh and the Long Jun-Han name belongs to her and her friend Pink Hedgehog. Oh and in China and Japan burning letters, money, or paper things is common, they believe their beloved ones will get them in the after life, oh and the paper dragon is said to watch over u when ur traveling ^_^