Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ A Chase and Jack fic ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
do not own any of the Xiaolin Showdown characters; they all belong to Christy Hui. Any OC’s are mine, so have a happy read ^_^

Hate and pride flashes from his golden gaze as a cold smirk graces his mask of evil, which hides his saddened past and lonely present. A beast instead of a soul dwells within him…what could warm the cold-hearted Dragon and bring peace to the man.
Born weak of body, but strong of mind, his sad scarlet eyes searches but all he finds is pity, hate, and pain…who could care for a broken child and make him feel wanted.
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~.Alternate Ending to pt.3 of chapter six.~

Chase did not stray far from the temple as he waited on a near by hill top until he heard the first cries of his children. A ghost of smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

“You’ve done well, Spicer.” his voice holding its usual calm as the October breeze lifted the ends of his long hair. Suddenly a sharp pain tore through his heart bringing the great Chase Young to his knees. The Dragon roared in agony like something was being ripped from it. Sweat beaded upon the Overlord’s brow, his breath rushing from his lungs as he felt something shatter within him.

* * *

The sun rose from its horizon home, chasing away her brother night and laying her colorful blanket across the sky. The warm rays stretched out over the autumn land piercing the chilled air and covering the bright reds, yellows, and oranges of the trees with its golden light.

The main shrine was filled with the soft whispers of prayer as the monks lit incense and candles.

The cold October morning air bit into the young monks faces and hands as they gathered outside. The wind lifting the sleeves and hems of their white robes as they stood before a wooden altar, the children were silent, wrapped warmly in their blankets and held closely in their keepers arms as Clay and Raimundo placed the body upon the altar.

The sun rose higher over head giving the still form’s skin a healthy glow. The occupant’s dark lashes fanned out over high cheekbones, full lips slightly parted in what looked like a silent sigh. Jack Spicer looked merely asleep his face pure and innocent, his vivid red hair combed neatly back, his body cleansed in oils and herbs, and clothed in the finest robes.

The Xiaolin dragons parted as Mrs. Spicer made her way to her son’s altar. Yu-Jie held her head high unshed tears glistening in her jade eyes, her white kimono trailing behind her as she made her way up the few small steps to her son’s side.

A moment or so passed of her stroking Jack’s hair lovingly as she tried to muffle her sob with her hand. Yu-Jie closed her eyes sending out a silent prayer as her tears streamed down her cheeks and on to Jack’s face giving the illusion that he was crying as well, her lips trembling as she kissed his forehead and placed his goggles and a letter under his folded hands.

Omi came next handing the sleeping baby to Mrs. Spicer as he passed. Yu-Jie wept as she cradled the pale haired child to her chest.

“I know we were enemies and did not know each other very well,” Omi paused to rub at his eyes. “But I always thought of you as a friend, Jack Spicer.” placing a paper dragon beside him “may this dragon guide and protect you on your journey to the after life.”

Soon, one by one, the dragons and the monks paid their respects to the young man.

A moment of silence later Master Fung gestured for Kimiko to light the fire.

A deep cool voice stilled them.

“Wait.” Chase stepped forward from the rounded arch way his warrior cats gathered about the grounds. The young dragons went around Mrs. Spicer and the babies she held, but Young paid no mind to them as he made his way to the still form.

Chase scanned the youth’s body seeing the small gifts and letters tucked neatly about Jack‘s body. The Warlord reached down and cupped his hand against the boy’s cheek, gently rubbing his thumb over the cheekbone.

Time seemed to slow as Chase leaned forward, his long dark hair falling like a curtain of emerald silk, blocking their profiles from the others view. The breeze stilled as he lowered his eyelids making Jack‘s false-slumbering-face blur slightly before closing them to the beauty he secretly admired. The crows became eerily silent in their trees as he placed a light kiss on Jack’s cool lips. Chase’s lips hovered an inch from the youth’s mouth, moistening the pale skin with his breath.

The Dragon roared and thrashed within its keeper, wanting to reach out to its chosen. The Warlord’s breath shuddered from his lips like the soft beating of butterfly wings.

“I give you my immortal breath,” whispered Chase as he eased his lips over Jack’s and breathed softly into the youth’s mouth until his chest slightly rose. “Let my blood become yours,” he said, biting deeply into his tongue letting the crimson liquid drip down Jack’s throat as he deepened the kiss.

“What is he doing?” whispered Raimundo.

Kimiko shook her head slightly. “I don’t know, but I don’t like feel of it.” she said, curling close to Raimundo’s side.

Omi squared his little shoulders and stepped toward Chase Young.

“You must stop,” Omi stilled, his words unable to move pass his lips as he watched the ancient warrior lean back away from Jack’s body, a fine line of blood running down the corner of his mouth. Omi scanned Spicer’s face and notice a red sheen on the teen’s lips.

Suddenly Jack gasped, arching his neck and back, his scarlet eyes snapping open as he jerked up right.

“Aaaaaahhhhhh, zombie!” yelled Omi as he jumped back and went into a fighting stance.

Jack dazedly looked around at his surroundings. His hand falling lightly upon his stomach and stilled.

“My,” rasped Jack as Chase held out his hand for him to take. Jack cleared his throat, tasting copper in the back of his throat, but ignoring it as his idol helped him down from the altar. “My babies? Where are they?” as if on cue the twins began to wail in unions. Jack stumbled once he left Chase’s hold, but forced himself to stand and steadily make his way to them. The monks parted, a little shocked at what they were seeing as Jack gathered one of his children into his arms from his mother who was crying and hugging her son.

When Yu-Jie finally released her death grip. Jack smiled down at his son’s pale face, which looked so much like Chase’s, yet had Jack’s coloring. Spicer swayed as tears filled his eyes soon he found himself being helped to the ground. His other son placed within his arms.

Chase made his way toward Jack, catching Omi’s softly spoken words as he passed the young monk. “I knew there was good in you.”

Chase snorted at the little monks words as he crouched beside Jack. Goth turned his head toward his idol and smiled, placing one of the twins into the Overlord’s arms. Young held the child stiffly, but soon relaxed when Mrs. Spicer showed him how to hold the baby the right way.

Once again there was a slight peace that washed over Chase, warming him from the inside out. Without realizing it Chase rested his temple beside Jack’s, watching their children smile back at them.

“Are they having a family moment?” teased Raimundo as he curled his arm around Kimiko’s slender waist. “It sure looks like it.”

A.N. This is my first Chase/Jack fic, so their personalities might be a little off. Had this story in my head for while and I finally got it out. Hope u like ^_^

A.N. Oh, I would like to thank Silvarbelle for her great writing, which has inspired me and made me love this pairing even more ^_^