Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ A Xaiolin Showdown Soap Oprah ❯ Pact with the Heylin Devils ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
chapter nine, Pact with the Heylin Devils.
(spell checked)

Omi cried out, the blood splattered every where in slow motion. Chase's body fell backward onto Omi, the young man's tears trickled down in a stream of agony. His love was dead, and he couldn't do anything. Omi looked at his hands covered in Chases blood, Omi cried out again, he covered his face with his bloody hands and wept.

"Oh my god!" jack covered his mouth with a hand, he got up and nudged it lightly, he was indeed dead as a doornail. He removed chases body from Omi so that he could move, but he didn't, he continued to cry.

Jack wrapped his arms around him, he now saw just how much in love the two had been, but jack had loved chase before Omi ever did, but for now that was behind him. Hiei went to the other room to call the police.

When the police finally got there, Omi was finally able to hold back his tears, though he was still shaking some. They asked many questions, like what all happened to result in such a terrible bloody death.

Omi decided to have chases body cremated. Though Spicer didn't exactly agree.

"What do you mean you want him to be cremated?!"

"Well that's just what I think he'd want."

"You have no idea what he'd want! He'd want to be buried in a casket!"

"That's just what you'd want Jack, always thinking of yourself instead of others!"

"My only concern is how he will be remembered!"

"You are not invited to the spreading of his ashing!"

"Fine! I wouldn't want to be near a little hoer like you anyway!"

"Oh look who's calling who a Hoer! Hoer!"

Jack finally left. Omi had been staying in Chases room sense the accident, snuggling Chases pillow and breathing in its scent. He often time would start crying, but who could blame him?

Soon Chases will was read, Omi inherited the palace along with everything in it, the cats had returned to being
human warriors again, now free from chases spell so they where free to go and do what they pleased. Spicer got
nothing, so of course he cursed Omi out and stormed out. His brother got his armor, though Hiei didn't want it
and let jack have it, though it was too big for him, and so let Raimundo have it.

Omi never fought again, there was no point, his greatest enemy and greatest love, as gone, and there was no magic,
xaiolin or heylin, that could bring him back.. Or was there?

Omi thought of something, if there was a way to bring someone from the dead, it would only be the heylin to have
such powers. But to do this he would have to go to Wuya and Hannibal Bean. Sense chase was gone, the two had
become an item, and had tried many times to take Chase's palace from Omi in law suits. Omi traveled to a smaller
palace, dark and scary, much like wuya's old Palace she had risen when she was first returned to flesh. He walked
up to the large doors and knocked only after swallowing the lump in his throat, he was treading on dangerous
grounds indeed.

"Who's there? Hannibal get the door, my nails are still wet.."

"Your always doing your nails.. Morby Morpher!" After a short moment, the door opened, reviling Hannible Bean.
"Why isn't it Omi! What a pleasant surprise! And all by yourself too, why whats the occasion my dear boy? Come in
Come in."

Omi entered, and then heard the door slam shut behind him, he jumped.

"Omi what are you doing here? I thought you would have been locked up in Chase's pal.. I mean Your Palace..Crying
like a baby..." She smiled cruelly.

"I have come to ask you something.."

"Well ask away my friend!" Hannible laughed his loud crude laugh.

"Do either of you know how to bring back the dead?" Omi stood there, looking at the floor, his hands clutched into fists, he knew what he asked was wrong, but he couldn't bare another day with out his Chase.

"hmm that's a very good question, Wuya, do you remember anyway? It's been so long sense I tried to bring anyone

"Oh! How about the old witch's spell? I haven't tried that one yet.."

"Nah, too inefficient.. I tried it once and my hair was gone! took months to grow back"

"if you ask me it never did..." Wuya mocked quietly.

"I heard that!" The bean growled.

"Well there's the tainted priestess curse.. it will bring him back, but then again.. there are certain

"then Chase can come back!" Omi seemed very excited, his eyes where full of hope once again.

The two heylin smirked at each other. They made all the preparations. Chases ashes where laid on a table in the
shape of his silo wet along with certain herbal leaves.

"Now here, you have to chant these words here." Hannibal pointed to some words in an old spell book. Omi Nodded
and then started.

"Great dark powers hear me! Breath life into these dead remains and let them rise again!"

"Now place this sutra on the table, right on where his chest will be.." Wuya gave him a slip of paper with
Japanese writing on it. Omi did as she said, then stepped back. There was still one line to go.

"And now I give up my sight for this souls return..." Omi looked at the page.. what did it say? His sight? but
then it turned dark.. suddenly he was blind, the page that he had just been looking at, was gone, it was black as
night. "AHH! I Can't see!" Omi's hands where on his face, but then he heard something.

"Omi?" it sounded like him but Omi couldn't believe it.."Omi is that you?"

"CHASE?! I CAN"T SEE!" Omi cried, his eyes where still open, but nothing but darkness could he see.

"What?" Chase placed a hand on the young mans shoulder. "Calm down I'm right here."

"I-I came to Wuya and Hannible to try to bring you back to life! But part of the spell took my sight to bring you

"The tainted priestess curse.. how typical.., I wouldn't expect anything less from those two.."

Omi cried in Chases arms, they where bare he could tell, and his chest too, skin, bare skin.. but Omi continued to
cry, what use was it to have chase alive, but not able to see his beautiful face? Omi cried and cried.

"Omi open your eyes" Omi heard Chase say, he tossed and turned, Chase knew full well it wouldn't help didn't he?
"Wake up! Your dreaming!"

Omi tossed and turned some more, then finally opened his eyes. Chase was his first sight. He leaped and wrapped
his arms around the beauties neck. "CHASE!"

He huggled him and huggled him. "I had this Awful dream! You where dead and and and I was sad and jack and I argued
over whether to cremate you and then I went to Hannible and Wuya to bring you back, But the spell took my sight in
exchange for you! I'm so relieved it was just a dream!"

"Your fever must have gotten worse.." Chase placed a hand to Omi's forehead. Omi giggled. "Ya it did.." He placed
a cool wet towel on Omi's forehead. "Just rest ok Omi?"

"ok.." Omi smiled and snuggled Chases arm and then drifted off to sleep again.