Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ Trying To Think ❯ Strength Residing In Themselves ( Chapter 4 )

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I-DO-NOT-OWN-XIAOLIN-SHOWDOWN, leave me alone ......
“I miss Chase. Omi cried,
“Aw, Omi it'll be alright we'll find him…. just hope he doesn't find us first though.” She muttered the last part.
“Excuse me?” he asked
“Oh um, it's nothing, nothing at all!” she stuttered out nervously. Meaning while at the lair:
“I must find Omi, I can't believe I left him out in the cold like that He could be hurt, I have to go now!” Chase stood up to leave but Elana defiantly had the nerves to stand up to him and push him back down. Felling foolish for being moved by her he growled:
“You must either have a death wish or not know who you're dealing with to do something so insolent.” For crying out loud she was yang for evils sake! She wouldn't take that sitting down, but since she was standing it was okay. Secretly she didn't want to fight Mr. Prince of Darkness anyway; also it wouldn't be in her best interest to try her luck with him. If Nicole was here she'd show him! Together they'd be strong enough, kind of, but then again Nicole couldn't fight her way out of a paper, no plastic bag if she had to! Not like she would anyway. It would be safer just to use her words.
“Chase you left Omi for dead;” she could see the pain that came from her words. Even if she was the Dark Keeper of Balance and even if it was black and dead she had a heart, and Nicole to thank for that. “It would be best to let him come to you.” Elana knew what it was like to crush, break or hurt the one you love. It was a horrible thing, why Nicole had been the one to come back each time pretty much literally crawling time and time again she would never understand, but grateful she didn't give upon her. Out of now where a black hole appeared swallowing her inside its vortex.
“What the- oh well now to find Omi.” He said with a wicked grin, then leaving the dark palace he disappeared into the claiming storm.
“Nicole! Why the bloody, why did you bring me here!? Chase is-” Elana she screaming but stopped when she saw the sad look in her eyes. Bending down she gave her a quick peck on the lips.
“Oh Elana, I just missed you so much and -” Nicole ranted when a little “eep” was heard coming from Omi. Elana suddenly felt a strange tense sensation growing closer and closer.
“We need to leave, now.” She stated boldly.
“Elana, what's wrong love, tell me please!” Nicole didn't like the silence coming from her and by the look on her face you knew it was bad.
“Is it Chase?” Omi blurted out. Judging by the wide-eye look of fear in her eyes they both knew he was right.
“We have to go now, before he finds-” Boom; snow began the falling in around them and the temperature rose to a scorching heat.
“The snow, it's melting!” Omi cried.
“Omi hush or Chase might hear you-”
“Hi there I'm Nicole!” she cooed happily.
“Nicole you idiot don't!” Too late, they had been found. Hearing a thundering roar, Elana clenched her hand into a fist, she didn't care if was got killed, will technically she couldn't die but still. Looking back at the other two, she saw the sadness in their eyes. Nicole didn't like to see people fight, or fight herself, or the ones she loved fight, and Omi didn't even want to face Chase right now, nor have anyone fight over him. Omi began to make small cries that were just loud and close enough for Chase to catch. With a deathly growl Chase began to seek them out. Having to act quickly Elana grabbed Nicole in a kiss and raised her hand sending a ball of dark matter break the snow above them. Nicole acted quicker; since time was of the essence Nicole grabbed Elana's hand draining the shared power and a huge ice ball formed around them. Seeing Omi inside scared Chase rammed at the crystal yet it remained unbroken. Omi trembled the entire time from when the crackling of the ice around them to now with Chase ramming the frozen sphere. His small whines drew Chase's attention away while the girls used it to gather energy.
“I can't stand to sound him so hurt like this, am I'm the one to cause the pain in the first place, but what can I do?” Chase pondered. Omi ended his whines and look up. Chase had morphed back into his human form, he watched him as he walked to the glass “prison” which held him. Omi held up a hand to the cold surface trying to reach out to him. As he walked forward towards him he knelt down in the snow in front of him, he put his own hand up to the ice while they just stared in each other eyes and in a second they were gone. The ice sphere launched off a high speeds leaving an obvious, but long trail in the snow. Another growl escaped him as he shifted back to his turned back to his dragon form and followed after.
“Funny;” said Nicole “You'd think we'd be spinning around and round like in a washing machine but we stay in place, neat-o huh?” Elana give her a “you could grow a second head and I still wouldn't care” look, while Omi's facial expression looked more concerned for her personal metal health, worried she might have hit her head.
“Whatever.” As all Elana muttered bluntly.
“Oh my, gosh” Nicole's words raced out. “I totally forgot all about it, I'm sorry I know it shouldn't have drain the power that way instead of a kiss but I didn't think, and Chase was after us and-” Elana stopped her in mid-sentence.
“It's okay, I understand, why you think I can't handle a roughage?” she said slyly back to her. Nicole give her a hundred-watt-smile and jumped her while she laughed knocking her over. Omi gave the two a faint smile as they forgot him getting lost in each other. But he frowned feeling alone again, he sat in silence but by the time he got comfortable there was a crash to the side of the ice wheel.
“Chase!?” Omi and Elana yelled in unison.
“Hello!” said Nicole bubbly while the others gave Nicole the same looks as before. “Elana here make it go faster, take my hand!” she rushed out and snatched her hand.
“Nicole no I-”
“Ah!” they all screamed together. Omi cried covering his head with his hands and arms trembling.
“Elana this is the only way, a kiss won't give enough energy at a time, besides I can handle it.” Nodding Elana gave her a kiss for luck and took at hand and their speed increased, but even this couldn't out run him, Chase's determination for Omi merely grew more and more. Without warning the dome came to a sudden halt, as Chase had to skid to one. A perfect rectangle door opened up and Elana walked out through it. Omi tried to follow out but the door close down on him trapping him inside alone, sure Nicole was there but she was unconscious that would make for great conversation wouldn't it, beside he guessed someone needed to watch over her. He sat down before her and sighed, sure this girl had a place in his heart as a friend, but Chase played a bigger role than any one he knew. His dots on his forehead began to glow as he hummed lightly summoning his element, which caused mistakenly to full the chamber with water. Omi freaked out thinking he was going to drown but the water somehow magically leaked out and froze around the sphere locking it in place in the snow.
“Chase.” Elana said calmly, because of their distant it looked like she was standing perfectly she, but the cold weather and along with no powers to even defend herself she was shaking.
“Yes you, I believe your name was Elana correct?” he replied back.
“Yes, Chase I bel-”
“Quit you stalling a give me the boy.” He snared
“No.” surprised she had denied him even after their last encounter. Glaring at her, he changed back to his humanoid form.
“This is your last chance, give him to me now.” he warned in a flat tone.
“No, I have spoken; I will not deliver him to you.” she stated.
“Then I will remove you from interfering.” he growled out taking a stance.
“Very well then.” she answered. “On your mark;”
“Begin!” The battle rang out, Omi watched through pain filled eyes as someone he loved fright the one he loved.
“Automatic mode, spell by words, dark light, go!” the same black orb with blue lightning sparking around it was blasted at the guardian to-be. He dodged it with ease then tried landing a kick which she avoided by only mere feet. While she was still in mid-air he appeared behind her throwing a punch to the mid-section. Crying out in pain landed face down in the snow. “Nicole…” she coughed out. As Chase was about to finish her off Omi hear something.
“E-Elana,” Nicole whispered in response.
“What?” asked Omi startled, he pupils widened at the sight before him, she was glowing! In the ball of white light with shot out from the “prison” as he liked to call it, Nicole was laid down on her back next to Elana.
“You came” she whispered to the still resting girl. Before Chase could do any further damage Elana leaned over and kissed her, and as she did she woke. Elana smiled; “Just like sleeping beauty.”
“Snow white as more like it love,” Nicole muttered. In the kiss a power exchange happened, as well as a copy of Elana memory so she wouldn't be unaware of her surroundings. Omi broke the trance he was in and made his way to get out but the ice rebuilt. Omi reached outwards but the glass froze around her finger.
“You must be making a joke.” he said. With a small struggle Omi freed his finger with a “pop.” “AH!” Omi began to screaming and running in circles defying gravidity! The three outside looked back at Omi with; disturbed, confused, and concerned looks.
“He's throwing a temper tantrum at a time like this….” said a paranoid Elana.
“So that's what he doing?” replied Chase.
“Should he be running that fast?” worried Nicole.
“Ah!” Omi continued screaming.
“Let's just finish this now!” he spat.
“Fine then, Nicole,” smiling back at her Nicole gave her a slightly fang-like grin.
“Dimension shield, go,” holding hold her hands up something rainbow color shines off the light but that was all.
“Heal!” another shine glided over Elana's body from head to toe and she stood up.
“Nicole, get Omi out now!” she ordered,
“No not without you, I'm staying right here.”
“You're not taking him anywhere!” Chase tried to land another hit but was block but some invisible force, and as his fist collided with it that same rainbow shined again.
“What the-”
“Looks like my shield's working just fine isn't it?” gritting his teeth he threw more attacks but each hit landed on the annoying shield no matter where he aimed.
“Dark light!” with the maximum strength she could muster she blasted another dark orb again and this time Chase barely missed it. Elana had one more trick up her sleeve and Chase had played right into her trap. “Shadow Beam!” she yelled this time it should have hit but he disappeared. Nicole laughed,
“Ha ha ha, I fooled you!” she sang out. Nicole was anti-violence but she did like to play little tricks here and there. What really happened is she zapped Chase above some very light snow so he got stuck down at the bottom. Going back to his dragon form Chase tried burrowing out but the snow was too light and felt back into place like sand.
“Whew! Now let's get Omi and get the heck out-a here!” Nicole piped. Turning back Nicole's mouth dried as it gaped open. Elana's face was claim, and that's what made it more frightening.
“Y-yes?” she answered
“Where's the annoying ball of ice and the monk that was inside it?” she asked in a still claim voice
“Oh snap…” was all she said.
BBV: Wow Nicole's a real dumb@$$ huh!? xD My god she's gonna get them all killed! KILLED I tell you killed! ha ha ha! I can't believe they lost Omi nooooooooo! Reviews desperately wanted..... Nicole and Omi are both very huggable.....