Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ Xiaolin Showdown :Endless Light: ❯ Chapter Two: Duel and a strange appearance ( Chapter 2 )

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Xiolien Showdown
The Endless Light

A Fan fiction
By Sho Blackheart

I do not own Xiolien Showdown. It belongs to it's creator and WB. Please do not sue me.

May have some confusing moments, and may have character death in later chapters. Be aware that there will be new characters as well as some OOCness in this fanfiction. Also.. This fanfiction was written for fun. Also beware of some seroius story line twist. I tend to pull away from the creators orignal vision of her story and make it my own. Some facts will be wrong, campaired to the true tv show. But just ignore those, it's all for the sake of the plot. And characters.

Chapter Two: Duel and a strange apperence

"Focus your energies. Feel them flow within you."

Jack Spicer was training now with Master Fung, trying to get some control over his lighting. It was rather hard work; it could well be one of the hardest thing he had ever done. Maybe even worse then working with Wuya. The thought made him want to smile but he didn't have time.

"Now I want you to push all of your energies into your hands and focus on blasting them out."

Jack did as he said and felt the sharp, burning sensation of energy as he did so. The strange thing about his power was that it hurt everytime he used it. Everyone else powers didn't hurt, although Kimiko had once hurt herself while user her powers. As he pushed his energy out he felt a sharp pain in his hands. The elemental lighting crashed against the wall and craked the surface.

"That is enough."

Jack stopped and rubbed his hands as Master Fung walked over. Carefully the elderly monk looked at his hands and nodded.

"Strange. It seems like it will take some time for you to be in control. Till then you have to limit your use of them."

Jack nodded his head and strighten up. "Did any of the other dragons have this problem?"

Master Fung took a few moments to think and then nodded his head. "Actully the Grand Master Dragon Dashi had that problem."

He rose and eye brow. "I though he was the most powerful fragon ever alive!"

"He was, but at the beginning of his journey he could control the power, the full power, of what he was able to channel. He hurt himself plenty of times."

"Don't tell anyone else please that I hurt myself when I use my powers."

"And why is that?"

"Just please don't."

As he left the training room, Master Fung smiled. It was strange how strongly he bonded so fercily with the other dragons. Prehaps it was because he never had true friends before. And he knew the reason behind the want not to tell the dragons. He didn't want them to worry.


Jack was waiting for the rest of the dragons to be done with their own training, sitting on the temple steps right outside the Shen Gong Wu vault and he messed with his gloves. 'I have to invest in some better gloves,' he thought to him self, ' the holes in these are much to large now...' He smiled slightly and put his hands in his pockets. He wondered quite serousily to himself about how the other him from the past would feel about him now.

"You got out of training earily I see," came Omi's voice from a few feet away, and he saw they were heading for him. Since Jack had arrived Jack was amazed to see that Omi had grown his hair out. It was normal for- and they were sapose to- a monk to shave their head. He guessed that Omi had decied not to. He was also taller now, but still shorter then him. He smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yeah I did. I think I finished everything he wanted me to do so far."

"I bet you havn't improved very much," Raimundo's voice sounded cool and confident and Jack smirked for the first time in a long while.

"You would be surprised," he replied in a simular cool voice.

Raimundo moved closer and said, "I would like you to try and beat me."

"Is that a challenge?"

Kimiko sighted and ran a hand through her bands. "They're just like children."

"They have become friends so quickly, " Omi said with a bright smile.

"Alright. We'll have a sparring match in the training arena. Let's do this."

Jack and Raimundo made their way over to the training arena, and Kimiko and Omi followed behind. Once they were on sppidite sides of the arena and faced each other they built up their power. Kimiko and Omi took seats on the fench wall to watch. Jack's energies coiled around his hands as he waited, his eyes narrowed in determination. Raimundo though still looked calm as wind formed around his feet.

"Go ahead Jack, I'll give you a free shot."

"How generous of you."

Jack channled his energies into his hands and then shot out of one hand. Raimundo put up a windsheild around himself that managed to block the lighting. Jack through didn't seem worried about it at all. Ashe watched the wind shield he shook his head and then shot a second wave of lighting. That second wave knocked the wind shield out.

"You'll have to put more pwer into it then that."

Then Raimundo jumped up and charged at him, shotting wind out of his hands at him. Jack charged at him also and when they clashed, energy and wind whipped around the area. It was at this time they could see the diffrences in their fighting styles.

Raimudno was a short of combantion of street fighting mixed with martail arts. It was a very interesting to watch because of his fast, shot of break dancing fighting style. Jack on the toher hand was a shockingly diffrent style. His style was short of graceful but very chaotic, and you really couldn't tell when he was going to attack or retreat back. It was interesting to see their styles clash.

Jack shot a wave of lighting out of his hands and Raimundo put up a wind shield to block it. But that was just a distration, and Jack shot a wave of lighting bellow him. The dradon of wind jumped over it and attacked Jack up close again. He managed to hit Jack back so he chuckled and advanced on him.

But the new Dragon of Lighting shot him back at point blank range, causing Raimundo to fly backwards. Jack got back up and charged at him. Once again they fought close range. Kimiko and Omi watched in antishipation, wondering who would win. They seemed to be pretty evenlly matched.

Raimundo put a large, cicular shield around himself to protect himself from Jack's lighting attacks. It was a good protection because he couldn't get through. Jack began to get fustrated but then an idea popped into his head. Consentrating his energy he sent a wave of lighting into the ground. It shot up right under Raimundo's feet and sent him flying back. The shield had been a good idea, it just had one major flaw. It didn't protect against attacks coming from underground. Jack watched him land on the ground and said;

"Do you give up?"

Raimundo nodded his head, rubbing his behind as he got up. Jack had a short of smug smile on his face before it faded and he stuffed his hands into his pockets. He felt his hands scream in pain because of all the energies he had used. Kimiko was the only person to notice the pain hidden deep in his eyes, but she decied not to say anything about it yet. She and Omi walked over, grinning.

"That was a good match," Raimundo said as Jack nodded, looking up at the sky. "You really have improved."

"Thanks," he said with a slight smile. "I was hopeing I had improved a little."

"A little?" Omi shook his head, pointing at him. "You have improved a lot."

He chuckled nervesly and turned around. Once again the familur voice was withing his mind. 'You did very well Jack. I didn't even have to help you win.'

'Like you really would have needed to,' Jack answered back and the voice chuckled.

'We'll see...'

The voice faded again and Jack shook his head. He knew he was doing him a favor but that didn't mean he had to interupt his thoughts all the time. But then again some of their converstations got very amusing.

There was a sudden crash as ground rose up, and a man walked in. For some reason the man looked really familr to them. Maybe it was his short blond hair and his bright blue eyes that made him seem familur. They were bright eyes but they held a icy coldness to them that made him look emoitionless. He wore a skin tight leather suit with golden bands crashing brillently against the black leather. There was a black scabert against the muscle of his back. For a moment he stopped to look around and they saw just how tall he was. He was pretty imposing. He then turned back to them and then grabbed the front of Jack's shirt.

"There you are. I've finally found you." There was a slight hint of a southern accent in his voice, but it was very faint. Barely noticable.

"Heh heh," Jack seemed a little nervouse at first until his expression changed. It changed from a nervous expression to a more calm and cool look. He shrugged and smiled coldly. "It seems like you have. How long has it been since I broke up your precious leaders meeting?"

The others were confused by the sudden changed. It wasn't just in the expression that the change showed, it was also in his voice and eyes also. He seemed like a completely diffrent person. The man just pushed him back against the wall.

"Four months, but that didn't stop our all powerful leader from gaining more members to our cause. You just delayed it."

Jack laughed, a cold scafing laugh and shook his head. "At least I acomplished something. It's more then I can say about you. Do you remeber when you incontered the group in Dallas? You tried to break them up but you failed. You fell to their power."

"Shut up," the man pushed him harder against the wall and growled. "You fave no right to talk abou the order. Just shut your mouth."

"A little angry?" Jack grabbed the man's hands and removed them from his shirt. "You shouldn't be here. You remember what you swore when you joined the group."

For a moment the man turned to look at the other people there and he looked at them for a moment before turning around and walking. "I'll came vack and get you. Once you are away from here I'll bring you back to the master."

As he left, the others watched in slight confusment. Jack crossed his arms and shook his head. As the man finally disappeared he uncrossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Kimiko watched him.

"Who was that?"

Jack looked at her then smirked, strighting up. "You should know who that is. And if you can't guess I'm not telling."

He was still acting rather strangely, and his eyes were still cold and it was starting to creep her out. She looked at Raimundo who shrugged and then turned to Omi.

"Jack, are you alright? You seem a little, strange."

Jack for a moment didn't say anything and then shook his head. "Sorry. I don't like acting that way but it is the only way to deal with them." Closing his eyes he didn't open them for a few moments. When he did the dark look was out of his eyes and he just seemed wary. "Darn, now my head hurts."

"You alright," Kimiko asked and he nodded.

"Just a headache."

"That's good."

Raimunod was still looking out into the ground that lay around the temple in deep thought. After a few moments he turned to them. "I think I've realized why that guy looked so familur."


"It was Clay."
A/N: That is the end of chapter two. Hee hee, hope you enjoyed it because I really liked writing it. Next chapter things get even more interesting! See ya later and as always R&R please!