Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Living Shinigami ❯ No Pink House ( Chapter 19 )
“Living Shinigami”
Chapter Nineteen
No Pink House
After he was satisfied with the history lesson, Kurikara sent his shinigami descendant back home to return to his duties. The others planned to return to Meifu later that day, both pilots glad that, even with the knowledge of their roles that they had gained, very little had changed between them. In fact, the only thing that Duo noticed was that Wufei seemed to have figured out just how he’d managed some of his pranks. Though he wouldn’t admit it, Wufei also found himself understanding why he often felt so protective over the bouncy man.
“I still think it’s kinda odd that we just happened to end up fighting with each other, despite the fact that we came from different colonies and completely different social classes,” Duo rambled, following Wufei as the Chinese man took a walk around the courtyard. Duo, having declared walking boring, floated on his back in the air. His reasoning was that he hadn’t flown in so long that he’d gotten out of practice and was re-teaching himself. Kurikara said he was just being lazy. No one denied the fact. “And I know it wasn’t divine intervention, because not even Enma knew quite where I was. If he did, he wouldn’t have left me out on the battle front. Not when we’re still not quite sure whether or not I’m actually immortal yet.”
“Yet?” Wufei asked, raising an eyebrow.
Duo didn’t seem to be listening. “Maybe it was one of the lesser kami, one of the more mischievous ones. Or Zorinami. Supposedly, I burped up on her kimono once when I was a baby. Women can hold grudges for a pretty long time, even against baby step-brothers.”
Wufei didn’t want to think about that one. The simple claim of Enma was enough. The resulting relations were bound to make his head hurt.
“Chibi, Wufei-kun, Tsuzuki-san sent me to tell you that it’s time to go back to Meifu,” Byakko announced, appearing from nowhere to pounce the floating shinigami. Having seen the tiger just in time, Duo dodged to the side, sending Byakko sprawling on the ground. He quickly recovered for a second attempt, this time just going for a strong hug. “You’d better take care of yourself, and visit again soon. No fifteen year long gaps this time.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll visit more often, I promise. Now let me breath,” Duo gasped, having had the wind knocked from his lungs. “Try to get Sohryu to loosen up a bit before my next visit, okay? Come on, Wuffers. Let’s get out of here.”
Seeing Duo’s intent quite clearly as he drifted closer, Wufei tried to duck out of his comrade’s reach. “I can walk on my own, Duo. There’s no need to- Put me down!”
Despite his struggles, the two made it to Tenku palace quickly by simply flying over buildings and walls instead of walking around them. Upon arrival, Wufei was set down to use his own feet, but Duo insisted on clinging to his arm in preparation to traveling back through the gate. His father couldn’t seem to keep the smirk away from his face even after being glared at a few dozen times. After being married to Hisoka for so long, glares rarely affected him.
They were just about to open the gate when Kurikara called out to Duo. “Kenko, just a moment. I have something that belongs to you. Somehow, I have a feeling that you’ll be wanting it again soon.”
Curious, Duo left Wufei’s side to see what it was that his shiki had for him. When Kurikara produced an airy piece of cloth from his sleeves, he gasped. Wufei felt like doing the same, recognizing the tenshi’s robe for what it was immediately. He’d never thought to see one outside of a painting. “How did you find it? I lost it during the explosion on L2.”
“It’s all we could find when we went searching for you,” the shiki explained, stepping forward to tie it around his master’s arms, where it drifted on the air as though it weighed no more than smoke. “I’ve been keeping hold of it ever since.”
“Thank you,” Duo choked, bending down to hug the dragon tightly. “I promise it won’t be so long until I see you again this time.”
“Summon me if you’re in any trouble, Kenko,” Kurikara ordered with a crooked smile.
Duo returned the look. “Will do, Kuri-chan.”
Two young women immediately set upon Duo the moment they stepped foot back in Meifu, dramatically crying and glomping onto the braided man, who was still dressed in the clothes he’d worn when Kurikara had returned him after their talk. Coming out of hiding now that they’d diverted their attention away from him, Hisoka pulled Wufei aside to introduce him to other members of the ministry, informing him at a distance that the pair were named Yuma and Saya, and that he should be careful never to become under their mercy.
The happy reunion was interrupted as a white bird quite unlike anything Wufei had ever seen flew in through a window to land in Duo’s outstretched palm. It changed shape, turning into a paper bird that the shinigami unfolded to read, the expression on his face turning from confusion to an excited grin. “I knew he’d be calling soon.”
Tsuzuki didn’t seem to be nearly as happy about the message as his son was, clearly recognizing the exact type of messenger bird. “When does he want you?”
“Tomorrow morning, and I’m to bring my guardian,” Duo said, glancing up at Wufei to make sure he understood. Eyes widening as he realized who ‘he’ was, Wufei nodded. “We’ve still got the rest of today though. So who’s up for doughnuts?”
Despite the dire warnings of Duo’s ‘mother,’ Wufei found himself turned over to the hands of the two blond women as they descended on him with kimono and other silks first thing the following morning. Apparently once they were forsworn against anything from Pink House, they were the leading authorities on formal dress when going to the halls of Enma.
So it was that the two pilots found themselves waiting for the kami in his chambers within the hour, one trembling with excitement and the other with nervousness. Then the door opened.