Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers in the Dark ❯ Thunder Rolls ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~*~AN~*~ I added a Lemony treat for you at the end of this chapter. I figured you guys deserved a prize for being so patient with me ^^;. This is a slow chapter also, so I added the lemon to keep you reading until the end. I had to deal with the aftermath after all, and I didn't want to give away too much so soon ^^. Enjoy!
Chaos. That's what the third floor of the Preventer building looked like. Action was taken quickly, most of the Preventers being ex-soldiers and used to dealing with wounded soldiers in battle. There was a sound of gurgling in the hall coming from a Preventer with a piece of glass protruding from his chest. He was currently surrounded by a few of the Preventer medical staff.
The hallway was littered with wounded, but the immediate casualties only came to six, including Muraki. The woman who had first seen the branch now lay on the floor, the top half of her body mostly detached from the lower half from the force of the branch. The other five were killed by various shards of glass. Two were within feet of Duo and Heero.
Heero and Duo could hear Preventers from other wings and floors of the building running toward the hallway to help out. The Preventers that had been there during the incident were starting to wander around and get their wits about them, checking on the wounded in the hallway and confirming the dead. In the confusion the rest of the building was unaware what had happened, so they were running straight into the confusion, some with guns drawn.
Wufei had since entered the hallway to help out his fellow ex-Gundam Pilots. He and Heero were helping Duo stand, who was still in a light daze from the incident, when the first of the new arrivals sprinted into the room. He was down in an instant as his foot landed in a large pool of blood and he slipped, falling on tiny slivers of glass. One other Preventer fell after him before they all took the hint and slowed their approach.
Sally heard yelling and running outside her cracked office door and was up out of her seat in an instant. She threw the door open, grabbing the first Preventer lackey that ran by, knowing everyone was too crazed to actually acknowledge her.
“What the happened?” Her question was clipped, annoyance evident in her tone.
The officer stuttered for a second before answering. “Uh, there was screaming and shattering glass down a floor outside Commander Une's office. We're not sure what happened yet.”
Sally muttered to herself about the incompetence of more than half of the officers in the building. They should know how to handle and emergency situation better than this, and they didn't even know what was going on yet before the whole office was thrown into the chaos of running Preventers, none of them quite sure where to go or what to do. She was still worried, however. Wufei had been on his way to Une's office. She made her way down, but at a much more controlled pace than the rest of them.
The site that was laid out before her was horrendous. Sally watched as two officers from upstairs had to be helped up out of pools of blood and shards of glass. She hurried to the end of the hall, looking down at the aftermath of God only knows what. Her keen eyes picked out the three ex-Pilots almost immediately, and she gasped as he saw how much blood was splattered across Duo's uniform, and she was silently praying that none of it was his.
Duo was walking fine, only a little wobbly, but Heero and Wufei each had one of the braided officer's arms secured around their respective shoulders to keep him stable. She made her way carefully through the mess of blood, glass, and one or two bodies, stopping before the three, forcing them to come to a stop before her as he eyed the three of them, checking for damages. Wufei was the first to speak.
“We're all fine. I wasn't even in the hallway when it happened.” He knew that wouldn't quell Sally for long, but Heero chose to speak up then.
“Just minor cuts and bruises, we managed to escape the glass shards, though barely. Duo is just a bit dazed. The blood on him is Muraki's.”
Sally's eyes widened before her gaze trailed off over their shoulders as she finally noticed Muraki's body being dealt with on the floor. Word had obviously gotten around the building at what had happened, because the officers were moving quickly, but with purpose now. Lady Une herself was now out of her office and directing the mess.
Sirens were heard in the background for the more seriously injured, and for those that weren't, they were being led to the small medical wing on the second floor. Sally turned to the group of wartime friends and nodded towards the end of the hall.
“Lets get you back to your office. I'll check you out there just to be safe, and then I'll have Une send you home. All of you.” She leveled her gaze at Wufei as she finished, letting him know she meant business.
Wufei snorted lightly. “I won't go home. I'm fine, but I will stick with these two. I'll be bringing the work files with me, of course.”
Sally rolled her eyes, but at least he would leave the office. Meanwhile Heero was busy wondering why the hell they had to be watched. They were fine, and he could take care of Duo himself. There was a faint scowl on his face, but his friends had learned to ignore it by now. Apparently this wasn't up for discussion.
Tsuzuki was sitting in the armchair in the living room, making sure he was facing the door. Hisoka was too busy pacing. They had both seen Muraki's body, but it was obvious it was another trick as there had been a faint glowing of the curse from under his shirt collar. Hisoka was worried about Duo and Heero now, as they were taking a long time. He was afraid Muraki had already decided to make his comeback and was already stalking and playing his “cat and mouse” games with them.
They both jumped as they heard the sound of a key entering the lock before the lock slide smoothly out of the way. Hisoka was at the door in a heartbeat, not really thinking about whether or not someone else might be with the two. He was met with an unfamiliar face as his eyes widened and he took two steps back. He was about to alert Tsuzuki when he heard Heero's voice coming from behind the stranger and he promptly came into view.
“It's alright, Hisoka. This is a friend of ours, Wufei. He's safe.” Hisoka nodded silently and noticed that Heero had his arms wrapped around Duo and seemed reluctant to let him go. That was probably why their friend had opened the door and not one of them. Hisoka made sure to back up enough to allow the three of them to get into the condo, eyes widening as Duo was led into the house.
“What happened? I thought Tsuzuki-“
“He's fine, Hisoka. Muraki served as his shield, so I didn't need to protect him.” Tsuzuki's voice was louder than Hisoka had expected, and that was because he had risen from his chair and had been standing behind him when he spoke. “I would suspect most of that blood is Muraki's.”
Heero nodded in answer, leading Duo to the couch, one arm around his waist and the other holding Duo's arm lightly; ready to catch him if he wavered in his step. Once he was settled, Heero motioned for Wufei to make is way in and get comfortable, not even realizing that he hadn't really introduced anyone formally. He was too busy getting a glass of water for Duo, who was a lot more lucid than he had been at Preventer Headquarters.
Hisoka, being the more polite of the two shinigami, decided to introduce them to Wufei formally. He bowed his head slightly. “Hello, I'm Kurosaki Hisoka and this is Tsuzuki Asato.” He elbowed Tsuzuki roughly in the side and saw him bow promptly after letting out a squeak of pain. Tsuzuki scowled lightly as he rubbed his side.
Wufei was actually trying not to laugh at the two, who reminded him of the group of ex-Gundam pilots back during the war. He was smiling a bit as he bowed his head to the two newcomers. “It is nice to meet you. I am Chang Wufei.”
It was dark, and cold, and there was the smell of disinfectant in the air. Muraki cracked his eyes open, taking more effort than he had expected. Once his eyes were open and focused he realized that blood had dried in his eyelashes and effectively stuck them shut. He could feel the grit of dried blood around his eyes as he looked around the room. He had taken longer to awaken than he had planned, but he hadn't been fully processed in the morgue yet. It was evident that was where he was from the look of the stainless steel walls, medical instruments, mental tables, and lack of supervision for the dead.
Muraki was on his stomach on the cold metal table, but as he shifted around he noted that they had removed the large glass shard that had been his “undoing,” but had done little else. He was even still clothed, so he figured he had woken up quicker than he had thought, or they were just focusing their attentions on the living and wounded. With Muraki “dead” they were short one doctor in the medical wing and all those who worked with the dead had to be trained as a doctor first. He figured the man who wasted his time away in the morgue was probably stuck up on the second floor tending to the wounded.
Muraki shifted, groaning lightly as his wounds had not healed as quickly as he would have liked, but he had to get out and make himself scarce. He had his puppets to play with after all.
Duo was curled up on the couch, leaning up against Heero and leaving just enough room for Wufei to sit at the opposite end. Hisoka and Tsuzuki each had their own armchair to lounge at. Wufei was leaning forward, elbows rested on his knees and his hands were clasped together.
“Let me get this straight, the two of you are shinigami,” pausing at the word, as he was so used to it being associated with Duo, “from another dimension, world, whatever, and you were following Dr. Muraki, and ended up following him here.”
Wufei received nods in reply before he sat back and took a deep breath, looking almost helplessly over at Heero and Duo. He still didn't understand what was going on, but two of his best friends believed them, so that was enough for him, for now at least. He caught Duo's smile before the resident joker spoke up, having stayed relatively quiet.
“I kinda stumbled over them in the park and realized they were dressed way too nice to be bums, so I brought them home.” His smile widened a bit and he glanced over at Heero, who was rolling his eyes at his lover's antics.
“Maxwell, you would-“ Wufei was abruptly cut off as his cell phone went off and the alert tone that sounded was distinctly Sally's. He picked up the phone and wasn't even able to get in a greeting before Sally cut him off. The others in the room could hear Sally's mumbling voice through the phone, but couldn't make out her words. Wufei's face seemed grim and very confused when he hung up the phone.
“What was that about?” Duo leaned forward, curious.
“That was Sally. Apparently Dr. Muraki's body has gone missing from the morgue in the basement of the Preventer's Office.”
“Kisama!” The sharp curse was heard from Hisoka and earned him a glance from Tsuzuki, but nothing more. He was used to his younger partner's use of language, especially when it came to Muraki. Hisoka had everyone's attention now.
“I knew he'd do this. Muraki isn't dead, and he never planned on dieing. He did this once to Tsuzuki and I, and I can bet you that sudden storm was all his doing.”
“Our element of surprise could already be spoiled.” Tsuzuki's voiced sounded tight and annoyed.
Une had called Wufei back to the office not long after his phone call from Sally. She had obviously decided that she wanted her best officers on the investigation into the disappearance of the body, but she had given Wufei strict orders to make sure Duo and Heero stayed at home. He had done his job and made Heero promise to keep both himself and his lover in the house, even going as far as to ask Hisoka and Tsuzuki to keep an eye on them to make sure they didn't leave.
I wasn't long after when Duo realized that their two guests didn't have any other clothes to wear other than the ones that came with them.
“Hey, I just thought of something. You guys don't have any clothes. Of your own, I mean. It seems you may be here a bit longer, and neither of you really fit right in either of our clothes.”
“I guess we can go get something tomorrow.” Hisoka frowned. That would mean borrowing more money from the couple, and he didn't feel right doing that.
“Here,” Duo started as he climbed off the couch. He riffled through his jacket, which had been discarded on one of the stools at the kitchen counter, and pulled out what he thought was a good amount of Creds. He held them out to Hisoka. “Takes these and go gets some new clothes. There's a nice store right down the block, and it's early enough.”
“I don't know-“
“Please?” Duo gave a pleading look, and was saved by Tsuzuki, who took the Creds from Duo and steered Hisoka toward the door, seeming to understand what was going one. Duo called after them. “I promise we won't leave!”
Outside Hisoka turned on his partner. “Tsuzuki! We were suppose to watch them, and you know how I don't like accepting more money from them!”
Tsuzuki smiled and patted Hisoka on the shoulder, walking away as he spoke. “They needed a little alone time, Hisoka. We own them that.” Hisoka blinked, realization hitting him as he blushed and ran after his violet-eyed partner.
The second the door closed, Duo could feel Heero standing behind him. His lovers arms slid around his waist and pulled them together, but before Heero could question Duo, the braided ex-pilot leaning his head back onto Heero's shoulder and slide his hand over Heero's.
“Heero, take me to bed.”
A long moan escaped from Duo's throat as his lover's mouth ravaged his neck. They were both rid of their clothes already, Heero pinning Duo to the bed as he straddled his waist. He rocked his hips into the man below him, drawing a deep husky groan from the longhaired lover and a gasp from himself.
Heero had initially been surprised when his lover pleaded with Hisoka and Tsuzuki to leave so they could make love in complete privacy. It almost seemed selfish, but Heero soon realized that Duo had done it for the both of them. It had been so long since they had been in such a life-threatening situation.
Duo needed Heero's touch to take his mind off of what had happened, away from who had saved him, and Heero craved for Duo's touch to let him know is lover was still alive, still with him.
Those violet eyes were hooded in pleasure as Heero's mouth worked its way down his neck, placing open-mouthed kisses across a collarbone to the hollow of Duo's throat. He was panting, gasps and whimpered moans escaping his lips as his lover concentrated on driving him crazy.
Heero was forced to still his efforts as Duo began to wiggle beneath him, distracting him from his goal as the shifting of his lover's body caused their arousals to meet again, both groaning from the contact before Duo thrust, desperately trying to gain more friction.
The shorthaired pilot was forced to drop his forehead to Duo's chest as he groaned before he shifted and used his knees to pin Duo's hips firmly to the bed. His lover whimpered in protest, but was soon letting out a keening cry as Heero's mouth latched onto a hard nipple, teeth nipping at it lightly as Duo's body arched into the touch.
They were both painfully hard now, and Heero knew neither of them could last much longer without more substantial contact. He captured Duo's mouth roughly, leading them into yet another hot passionate kiss, tongues dueling for dominance as he groped for the tube of lubrication that he had dropped onto the sheets earlier.
The tube was quickly retrieved, uncapped, and its slippery contents spread across Heero's fingers as his hand trailed to his lover's opening, fingering it lightly as he released Duo's mouth, wanting to hear the delicious noises he made. He dropped his mouth to Duo's neck and shoulder as he shifted to get better access. This left Duo's hips free and gave him room to draw his one leg up, throwing it over Heero's waist as a slick finger slipped inside him.
Duo's husky moan went straight to Heero's groin as he stroked him from the inside, seeking out that spot that made Duo scream.
He smirked as he found that spot and he lover reacted in kind, crying out his name. He quickly slipped in a second finger and attacked that spot mercilessly, groaning as Duo thrashed beneath him, gasping and crying out. He soon as three fingers in his lover and was involuntary thrusting his own hips against the bed, grinding his erection into the sheets.
They were both quite ready and Heero removed his fingers, quickly placing the tip of his arousal against Duo's entrance, turning his lover's whimper of protest at the loss of the fingers into a groan as they were replaced with something much better and bigger.
Knowing his lover was more than prepared, Heero seated himself inside Duo with one thrust, both crying out in pleasure at the sensation. He paused lightly, putting his control back in order to keep from cumming as Duo insisted on squeezing him. He groaned as he heard his lover pleading with him.
“Please. Please Heero… move! Take me!”
“Oh Gods, Duo. Stop that or I'll cum,” Heero gasped as Duo shifted his hips and squeezed again. He began to thrust lightly, slowing building up to a pounding rhythm as Duo's cries for more spurned him on.
“Harder, baby… harder!”
Heero gave it to him harder, bracing himself as leaned heavily down on Duo thrusting roughly into Duo as his hands clawed at Heero's back and his legs pulled back against his sides, locked at the ankle at Heero's lower back. The position allowed Heero to thrust in deeper, hitting that sweet spot as Duo thrust back against him making the bed rock and squeak with their efforts.
Duo's erection was trapped between their bodies and the dual sensations were the undoing of him as he reached his peak. He screamed his lover's name as he clamped down on the hard flesh inside him, his vision exploding into vibrant abstract color as his body with rocked with an intense orgasm.
Heero was suddenly unable to breathe as the sensation of Duo clamping down around him filled his body. He only managed two more trusts into that unbearably tight heat before his orgasm was upon him. He threw his head back, Duo's name ripped from his lips in a scream as he pumped into his lover before collapsing on top of him.
They were panting, exhausted, and covered in the sticky evidence of their actions, but they didn't care. Heero carefully pulled out of Duo and flopped over on his back, not even having to draw Duo over to him because he followed his Japanese lover, cuddling against him as Heero pulled the covers over them, their breathing slowed and evening out as they fell asleep.
Neither noticed the eerie glowing blue orbs hovering outside their window, the cat-like eyes reflected the moonlight.