Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers in the Dark ❯ The Destruction of a Tornado ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~*~AN~*~ I'm trying to update as quickly as possible while I still have the time and the creative motivation. I've also decided to rotate between my two stories when updating, so if Down the Rabbit Hole is updated, then you can expect a chapter for Whispers next. And please update *pout* I like to hear what you guys have to say about the updates and what I can improve on ^^.
Heero bolted for the door of the roof not long after his fist had collided with the rooftop, leaving a nice indent in the tar and blood on his knuckles. He was already halfway down the stairwell when Tsuzuki and Hisoka managed to pull themselves up and chase after him. He had no idea where he was going, and he was an accomplished soldier. They knew this couldn't bode well for his temper, or the safety of anyone trying to get into his way.
Tsuzuki managed to catch up to the distressed and furious man simply because of the length of his stride and tackled him to the ground as soon as they got through the door of the condo. He was elbowed sharply in the gut before being palmed in the face. It hurt, not expecting the man to be so strong, but he wasn't concerned for his own safety, he was already dead after all. He went after Heero again, this time snagging his foot out from under him before managing to slap a fuda on him.
A barrier rose up around Heero and the man growled as he banged his hand against the surface, getting a tiny shock each time for his efforts. He paced from one side to the other as he cursed and growled, glaring at the two Shinigami like a bloodthirsty wild animal waiting to be set loose. It wasn't until Hisoka gasped and placed a hand on his cheek that he realized his nose was bleeding. He hissed at the pain as he gingerly prodded at his now broken nose before returning Heero's glare.
“How do you expect to help Duo like this?” He shouted. “He doesn't need your rage, right now! He needs your love! You'll only end up getting you both killed if you keep this up!”
Hisoka had a deep frown on his face, hand clutching at his heart while he willed away the anger and rage swirling around him from the rooms other two occupants. It seemed that a battle of the wills was going on as Tsuzuki and Heero stared each other down. Hisoka wasn't sure how long it went on before he felt a now familiar and calm presence. Quatre burst into the room with Trowa right on his heels, but they both halted suddenly to see their friend trapped behind a barrier.
“What happened? Is everyone all right? I had a horrible feeling! Where's Duo?”
The older blonde's emotions of calm, yet urgent worry helped to soften the sharp pain of everyone else's anger, so he was able to focus on filling them in.
“Muraki made his move. He took Duo, and now we're just trying to calm Heero a bit.”
“I'm afraid he won't calm down like that.” Trowa spoke up, walking towards the barrier. Heero stopped his pacing and watched Trowa, waiting for the man to let him out, but instead he spoke again. “Pilot 01, status.” Heero's eyes dilated as his old wartime conditioning kicked in.
“Adrenaline levels high, elevated heart rate. Soldier down. Recover?” The almost monotone and immediate response shocked the two and were both startled when Quatre's voice took on an authoritative edge.
“Pilot 01, our mission will be to recover pilot 02 alive and unharmed. This is a group mission and requires the presence of the rest of the team. Clear?”
“Mission accepted.” Heero's pupils focused once more and he hissed lightly. He knew they had tapped into his conditioning, and was angry that after all these years he still wasn't able to bypass it, but it had worked. He was much calmer, and his body and the soldier unconsciously giving him mental orders would not allow him to act on any rash emotion that could jeopardize the mission.
“You can let the barrier down now, he'll be calm.” Quatre's voice was quiet. He always hated having to do that.
“What did you just do to him?” Hisoka was a little worried, but Tsuzuki relented and called back the fuda after giving Heero one last stare, seeing none of the former uncontrollable rage.
“I was conditioned as a small child to be the perfect soldier. Unconsciously my mind is controlling my body's basic functioning to keep me calm and level headed, all simply for the sake of completing my mission without error. I had hoped they wouldn't be able to do that anymore, after so long.”
Heero's first action was to sit himself down on the couch, head in his hands as he tried to think of what they could do. Tsuzuki sat himself on the coffee table, a miserable feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.
“I'm sorry…”
“What are you apologizing for? I should be the one apologizing. I broke your nose.”
“I couldn't do anything. I have 12 Shikigami at my disposal and I couldn't call a single one in time.” Hisoka interrupted his brooding as he kneeled in front of his violet-eyed partner with a wet cloth. Neither Heero nor Tsuzuki knew when the younger blonde had managed to spirit off to the kitchen for the cloth, but the older Shinigami didn't complain as Hisoka began cleaning up the blood on his face.
He winced lightly as his nose was jostled a bit and gave a smile at his partner's mumbled apology. Once the blood was cleaned up Hisoka stood, taking his partner's chin in a small hand and checking out the damage done. Trowa had taken to leaning against a wall close by Heero and Quatre had wandered over to sit next to Heero on the couch. The older blonde was unable to hold down the questions that were bubbling up.
“Will his nose heal normally? Like the way it was before? Does it hurt?”
“We may be Shinigami, but we can still bleed and break bones, and yes it most likely hurts. We heal much faster, though. It'll be as if it never happened, once it's finished healing.” Tsuzuki nodded in agreement as Hisoka answered their friend. Any more questions were cut off, as Heero frustration couldn't be held back.
“Where are the others? Did you call them? I want to get this over with as soon as we can.”
“Yes, Heero, I called Wufei as soon as I felt something was wrong. They should be almost here.”
Silence fell over the group as they waited. Hisoka was still tending to Tsuzuki's nose and moved to go get some ice to ease some of the pain. Before he could get far, his wrist was snatch up. He turned back to his partner, waiting for whatever it was he wanted to say.
“Thank you.” Tsuzuki whispered with a smile. Hisoka blushed lightly, but managed a smile in return. He could feel Tsuzuki's sincerity through his touch, as well as something a bit more. He ducked his head to hide his face behind his hair before being let go, continuing on his quest for ice. He had worked through his emotions and feelings, and had come to the conclusion that he wanted a bigger part in Tsuzuki's life, something more than friends, but he didn't think it was the proper time to pursue that feeling.
Muraki had wasted no time in getting Duo subdued once back at his current hide out. It wasn't far from the old college that housed the man-made black hole, but the building was abandoned and large enough to hold what little equipment he did need. He wasn't planning on making Duo his pet in the same fashion as Hisoka, even though that had been what he threatened. No, the way he had it planned he wouldn't even need to use much energy to control him at all. Duo still had that inner personality, the Shinigami persona, which he could tap into. His inner Shinigami was just as bloodthirsty as Muraki himself, and he would exploit that to it's fullest.
It wasn't long before a groan born of pain and stiffness had escaped from the doctor's newest patient. Muraki smirked as the chains rattled, Duo's natural instinct to struggle against his bonds kicking in instantly, even before he was fully aware of his surroundings. When Duo had finally opened his eyes and realized where he was, panic and fear flickered across his face. His eyes were wide and darted around the room frantically as he attempted to lurch upward jerking violently against the chains that held him to hard metal table.
Muraki watched the futile struggling with a smirk, noting ex-pilot's wrists becoming red and raw from the friction of the handcuffs. He knew that currently Duo wasn't feeling the pain of his efforts. Adrenaline was coursing through his system, keeping him from feeling much of anything physically. He would wait until the man began to calm down, until his pain started to set it.
Duo struggled violently for close to an hour before collapsing against the metal table he was chained to. He was physically and mentally exhausted. His body was covered in sweat, all of his joints ached from his struggles, and the burn and sting of fresh wounds around his wrists were beginning to set in. He feared moving his arms because now he could hear the slow but steady drip of blood off of his fingertips. His eyes were closed as he tried to compose himself once and for all, regulating his breathing first. He hissed as he felt the weight of someone settled themselves on his hips.
Muraki laughed outright as the feisty braided man tried to buck him off, but was halted by the movement of the chains against his already bleeding wrists. A small whimper of pain was heard, and the doctor was sure the man was trying to hold in his pain. He was straddling Duo's hips and had his rib cage pinned between his knees, squeezing a bit and gaining a growl from his new pet.
“My, my, what energy. You'll make a fine pet for me to play with. You must be excited. Soon you'll be bathed in the blood of your loved ones. Isn't that lovely?”
Wufei had woken instantly to the sound of the phone ringing. He had fallen asleep in the armchair that sat by the bookshelf in the main bedroom, book lying forgotten in his lap. Sally was already in bed, but woke just as quick, though Wufei's reflexes brought him to the phone first. When he saw Quatre's grim expression on the screen a cold feeling grew in the pit of his stomach.
“What's happened?”
“I wish I knew, Wufei. My heart is telling me we should be at Duo and Heero's, urgently, and I'm afraid not to obey. Bring the others. This may be what we all feared.”
The line went dead and he closed the vid-phone with a harsh snap. Sally looked at her husband for an explanation, having missed the short conversation because of her drowsiness, but the look in his eyes quickly cleared up her confusion. Something horrible had happened. She was out of bed and dressing with haste as Wufei slipped from the room to find the two Shinigami in his care standing in the hall. They had obviously heard the phone ring and were waiting to see what it had been about.
“Get yourselves together as quickly as possible.”
“What happened?” Watari asked, voice raised as Wufei had begun to turn away.
“Something bad. Now hurry. We head to Duo and Heero's as soon as possible.”
Sally came out of the room fully dressed, hair quickly pulled back into a messy bun instead of her traditional twists. She followed Wufei as he turned towards the office they had set up at the end of the hall, furthest from the stairs. The locked metal cabinet at the far end of the room was their weapons storage, and they outfitted themselves with two guns each an a few extra clips.
Tatsumi and Watari had still been dressed so they were ready almost immediately, standing in the doorway to the office.
“Do we get use of one of those? Or are they for Preventer use only?” Wufei turned when he heard Tatsumi's calm, even voice. He thought briefly about asking them if they knew how to handle a gun, but thought better of it. If they were asking for a gun, then they most likely knew how to use one.
“Actually these are my personal collection.” He readied two handguns, made sure the safety was on, and tossed one to each Shinigami. Once they were tucked away he tossed them each an extra clip as well.
They wasted no time in getting to their friends, and Wufei didn't bother knocking on the door before pushing it open. His eyes scanned the room and he froze when he noticed that someone very important was missing.
“Where's Duo?”
The others looked up when the rest of their extended group arrived. Heero was up off the couch almost immediately and pacing, his mind anxious to get moving and bring Duo back. Quatre was the one to answer.
“Muraki took him. He's been missing almost two hours now. We've given Heero a mission, to keep his mind calm and collected, but if we don't move quickly I fear he'll eventually break his conditioning.” Watari moved over to Tsuzuki, scowling at the now swollen and bruised nose. He shooed Hisoka out of the way and hitched his glasses higher up on his nose.
“What happened here? I didn't think Muraki would try to harm you like this…”
“He didn't. Heero did when I tried to stop him. But don't worry about me. This'll heal, we need to put our heads together and figure out how to get Duo back, and soon. He threatened to make Duo a puppet. The same way he did it to Hisoka.” The last sentence was whispered, but Watari had heard and his sucked in a breath. Casting a concerned look towards the green-eyed empath.
“Do we have any leads as to where Muraki might be?” Quatre's voice cut through everyone's thoughts and anchored them all to the present. Sally spoke up.
“The old college he said he taught at. It was set up like a lab. That's where we found all the files and all that machinery.”
“We'll start there. My guess is he'll need some of that equipment for Duo.”
After Duo's initial reaction of rage at his earlier comment, Muraki had managed to subdue the man. Duo was now lying still, trying not to agitate his wounds as he growled and snarled at the doctor still seated on top of him. Muraki leaned down until Duo could feel hot breath on his ear. His first thought was to turn his head and bite at whatever he could, but the doctor's words stilled him.
“You're not natural, you know. You aren't even human.” Muraki smiled at Duo's look of confusion. “You can't possibly believe those violet eyes of yours are human. You're a demon child, a thing.”
“I'm alive. I live, I love, and I'm loved in return. That's all that matters.” Duo's reply was quiet, but his voice still held conviction. He was thrust into confusion once more when the doctor spoke again.
“Alive? I think not, my demon pet. You're already dead. How do you think you can see the Shinigami in their spirit form so easily? I've kept tabs on you, all the way back to your street rat days. You died when you were just a young twerp, killed by the plague your dear friend Solo passed to you while you cried over his corpse.”
Duo's eyes were wide, images of his past flashing through his mind as he tried to remember even being sick. He had only remembered crying himself to sleep over Solo and waking up later when they came to get the body off of the streets. They had thought he was also dead until he moved. Had he been? Had he died that day? The children at the orphanage had all called him Maxwell's Demon… was it true?
Muraki laughed as he saw the self-doubt running rampant in Duo's gaze. He was now a much more pliant pet, and Muraki laid himself fully on top of the man, whispering words of darkness and conspiracy in his ear, twisting all of his memories to slowly brain wash the pilot. Soon he was reminding him of how good it felt to kill. How after a fierce battle during the wars Duo could only laugh at the feeling of power and exhilaration. He used his own power to implant false memories and draw out deep fears.
By the time Muraki had dismounted from the table Duo was squirming on the table with a sick smile on his face. He could smell his own blood from the wounds on his wrists and was alight with bloodlust. Duo was referring to Muraki unconsciously as `master' now, trusting the doctor to give him the pleasure of his own playthings to torture in exchange for his obedience. It was his excitement that caused him to squirm on the table and when he was finally released from his bonds he licked his own blood from his arms. He was the embodiment of Shinigami now, and Muraki couldn't have been happier to have such a lovely pet.
Since Tatsumi and Watari had been to the old college building before, they took to the air in their spirit forms with Tsuzuki and Hisoka in tow. They traveled over the city and arrived at the college sooner than the others. By the time the other five showed up the Shinigami had already searched the building, finding it still abandoned, though it looked as if a few things and been shifted around since they'd last been there.
Heero insisted on searching the building again, hoping to find some clue to narrow down where the crazed doctor might be keeping Duo, but it only served to further waste time. Duo had been missing for just over 4 hours at that point and they were all worried. They were congregated outside of the building, trying to figure out what to do next when Hisoka gasped, grasping at his chest and collapsing to his knees.
“Hisoka!” Tsuzuki was at his side in an instant, looking his partner over before seeing the harsh glow from under the collar of his shirt. The pair had everyone's attention. At least, they thought everyone's attention was riveted to them. Quatre, however, was staring off down the street, eyes unfocused, as his breathing grew deeper. His whispered words drew their attention towards him.
“They're close, so close. But… Duo isn't Duo.” Trowa's hand rested on the blonde's shoulder.
“What do you mean?”
“Duo is no longer the Duo we know. He is Shinigami now.”
Before another word could be uttered the wind shifted around the violently and Muraki's voice rang out, a hint of amusement in his words.
“You are right, dear friends. Duo is no more. Only Shinigami exists now, isn't that right my little pet?”
When the wind settled the group could see Muraki standing tall with a triumphant look on his face as wrapped his arms around the slightly shorter Duo. He lowering his lips to Duo's ear, licking the space behind his ear, solely for Heero's benefit, before whispering his command.
“Go and play, my pet. Just leave me Tsuzuki alive.” Duo lips curled into a sickening smile as he lurched forward. The four Shinigami shifted into their spirit forms to try and sneak around him, but Duo saw each of them and steered clear, lashing out at whichever one decided to shift back out of spirit form. He hadn't landed a blow on any of them, but he was effective in pushing them back and clearing his way. Heero was the first to react out of the others. He saw as the Shinigami tried to surround Duo, and knew it wouldn't work. They could still see them, even if they were translucent. Heero was only hoping to break through to Duo, but as he reached his lover he got something he truly didn't expect.
A howl of pain escaped Heero as Duo shouldered him to the ground and simultaneously buried a hidden knife into Heero's shoulder. Duo had more strength behind him that his lover had ever thought possible before, and somehow knew he was drawing energy and power from his Shinigami persona.
Duo had Heero pinned beneath him in an instant, keeping a constant pressure on the blade to continue the pain, but not enough to drive it further in. He had it wedged into Heero's joint, and as he put his hand on Heero's throat his perfect solder conditioning seemed to flee him in desperation. He put his hand on Duo's cheek and whispered to him.
“Duo? Lover? It's me; it's Heero. Please…”
The next sound to come out of Heero was a scream of agony, which was abruptly cut off. Duo had used his weight to shove the blade deeper and twisted before wrenching the blade and popping the arm from the socket. The scream didn't last long because Duo had tightened his hold on Heero's throat as well.
The others had hesitated in helping Heero at first, hoping his presence would strike a deep memory with Duo and shake him out of whatever trance he was in. They all jumped to interfere at the scream of pain, but Muraki had a few of his disgusting creations ready to keep the ex-soldiers at bay for a bit. Muraki himself was dealing with the Shinigami, but things were looking precarious for him, as Tsuzuki had gained enough room to call Suzaku.
Heero was fighting against Duo now, his good hand gripping Duo's wrist and getting progressively tighter. He could feel the bones protesting the pressure and Duo's eyes narrowed, snarling as he tightened his grip further. As time passed without proper oxygen for Heero, his grip was beginning to weaken. Duo took the opportunity to pull the knife free of Heero's shoulder and licked the blade's edge, smiling. He paused momentarily as he noticed tears starting to form in the eyes of his plaything, and he would have justified that they were just because he was in pain if not for the sorrow he saw in the deep blue eyes. Suddenly a memory flashed. Those same blue eyes. They were dark, but with passion instead of sorrow. Those eyes bore into him as the body they belonged to wreathed with pleasure beneath him, whispering something. What was he whispering?
He was brought back to the present by a fruitless attempt to buck him off of his plaything, his toy. But then he heard it; the gurgled whisper that the man managed to force out.
The memory flashed before him again, and he knew that's what this man had been whispering to him before, the word filled with passion back then. Who was this man to me? A lover obviously, but… did I love him? Do I love him now? Another memory surfaced. They were lying together in a large field, a place that held a sense of importance to his lover, and they were talking about their futures. He heard his own voice, asking if they could share their futures, possibly permanently.
He was brought back around once again, but this time he was being pulled backward and the knife had dropped from his hands. That's when the name came to him. It was the name of his past brother in arms during war, his current work partner, and his life partner as well. It was…
“Heero… Heero!”
Quatre and Wufei had managed to make it past the last remaining creature. They had killed one before Tatsumi came to their aid with the use of his shadows. They had each grabbed one of Duo's arms and pull him backward with as much force as they could. Wufei had been about to push him fully the ground and slap some sense into their old friend when they heard the shout.
“Duo? Duo, is that you?”
All Duo could think about was his lover, who he had almost strangled to death. Now his two fellow ex-pilots had to hold him back, unsure of his motives as he struggled to get closer to Heero. The Japanese man he loved had rolled towards his injured side, instinctively protecting it from any further attack and his other hand clutched at the collar of his shirt as he coughed and sputtered.
“Heero! Oh, God, what have I done?” That statement, along with the strong feeling of love and guilt that poured out with it, caused Quatre to let him go. Wufei glared at the blonde, but when he saw the expression on the empath's face he, too, let Duo go. The braided man ran to Heero and kneeled by his side, touching his shoulder lightly. He had expected him to flinch away, but instead Heero rolled towards him and the second he was flat on his back Duo collapsed against his chest and sobbed. Heero wrapped his good arm around his lover and Quatre and Wufei stood at attention to keep the reunited couple safe.
Around them the fight was drawing to a close, and it looked as though Muraki was going to lose once again. Trowa and Tatsumi had fought against the last creature, with Sally standing a good distance back shooting whenever she was given a clear shot. Hisoka had collapsed again as Muraki inflamed the spell that was carved into the young boy's flesh. Watari stood back with him, keeping him safe while Tsuzuki and Suzaku took care of Muraki. They all heard the screech of the last creature's death, and then all eyes turned to Muraki.
He knew he was cornered, but he tried one last time to escape as Suzaku closed in on him. The winds kicked up again as his distraction, but instead he felt the sting of burns against his back as Suzaku's fire surrounded him.