Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ A moment ❯ A moment ( Chapter 1 )
Standard disclaimer applied
It was nearly noon when Hisoka walked into his violet-eyed partner's room. He had tried knocking for the past ten minutes but apparently, Tsuzuki was determined to sleep in. It was Sunday after all, the only day they were not required to report to the office. After the unsuccessful try to wake Tsuzuki up by the loud knocking, Hisoka decided to teleport himself right into the still sleeping man's bedroom.
"Oi, Tsuzuki," Hisoka was standing at the foot of the bed when he called. Said man, bundled in his blankets, did not even stir.
`Baka, why must I be the one to wake him up? It was his idea after all.' Hisoka thought as he recall why he was here in the first place.
"Ne, Hisoka, shall we have an outing for the whole office? Things have been rather quiet lately. We have been cooped up in the office doing paperwork for the past three weeks!" Tsuzuki pouted, putting on his famous kicked-puppy look.
Hisoka sighed. Unlike a certain blue-eyed secretary in JuOhCho, he did not have a soft spot for that adorable look. Although not for long.
"You should talk to Tatsumi-san about it then." Seeing as the end of their conversation, the blonde turned his attention back to the report he was working on before being interrupted by Tsuzuki.
"I know. But I want you to join us! You always made up some excuses to miss the outings. It's no fun without you…"
The last sentence was said in a soft whisper, which Tsuzuki hoped his younger partner had missed. Unfortunately, today was not his lucky day. The green-eyed blond was taken aback although not by what Tsuzuki said. The emotions accompanying those words were too depressing for the empath to miss.
`Did it mean that much to him when I avoided those outings?' Hisoka sighed for the second time. `Look like no work is to be done today, again.'
"What sort of outing are you thinking of?" Hisoka turned in his swivel chair to face his elder partner.
"If you are not going, what's the point of having an outing? It won't be fun anyway." Amethyst gaze turned down, looking at the report before him. He did not wish for Hisoka to see his saddened eyes.
The younger of the two had expected the other to pout and whined endlessly until he get his way, just like what he did when he want something related to the word sweet. He was, therefore, not prepared for this.
"Fine, I'll go." Hisoka mumbled, turning back to face the stacks of report on his desk.
"Eh? Honto ni? `Soka?" Tsuzuki, in his chibi-inu form asked, wagging his tail.
The now busily scribbling teen nodded without looking up.
"Yippee! I knew you loved me, Soka-chan!" Tsuzuki shouted before scrambling for the door. He couldn't wait to ask Tatsumi's permission about the outing.
`Baka, damn my blush reflex.' Hisoka thought as he lowered his head to hide the tint on his cheeks.
/end Flashback/
His gaze landed on the figure lying on the bed. Tsuzuki was sleeping peacefully on his sides, facing Hisoka. His unruly brown hair, made messier from sleep, was covering his closed eyes. Hisoka reached his hand out and brushed the bangs away gently. Tsuzuki stirred but did not wake as Hisoka sighed in relief.
`What am I doing? I might wake him up. Wait a minute, isn't that what I'm here for? But… Not like this! He will definitely FREAKED out if he see me this close to him when he opened his eyes.'
Ignoring the warning in his head, the youth lowered himself until his face was levelled to Tsuzuki's.
`Such long eyelashes. It's the first time I have look at him this close. Such a high nose too. No wonder half of the employee in JuOhCho, men or women, were attracted to him.' Hisoka was inching closer and closer without realizing. He also missed the well-toned arm stretching out behind him from under the blanket.
The emerald-eyed beauty yelped when he felt strong arms pulling him onto the bed, on top of Tsuzuki while another arm went round his waist, holding him close.
"Baka! Tsu… Tsuzuki, what are you doing? Let me go!" Hisoka shouted as he struggled helplessly in Tsuzuki's strong enclosed arms.
"Hmm… smell nice… Like Soka-chan." Tsuzuki mumbled incoherently, without lifting his eyelids.
Hisoka blushed upon hearing that. He thought of protesting more, although knowing his partner, it would not help much. Relaxing into Tsuzuki's arms, Hisoka took in the intoxicating scent of Tsuzuki. He felt warm and safe in Tsuzuki's arms. It was the closest to happiness he had ever experienced before, not that he had experienced happiness before. Another emotion washed over him, dominating his other emotions… contentment.
The teen looked up, hoping to see his partner's amethyst eyes smiling down at him but both lids were tightly closed. The youth was sure the last emotion was from Tsuzuki. He could feel Tsuzuki's heart beating faster too, as if he was afraid of something.
`Please, please don't let him leave my arms. Please, just for a while. A while is all I asked for only.' Hisoka could hear Tsuzuki's thoughts perfectly since they were so close now. Hisoka laid his head back down on Tsuzuki's chest and listened as the older man's heartbeat slowed down.
"Baka." Hisoka muttered affectionately, closing his eyes. Tsuzuki's warmth was lulling him to sleep.
Tsuzuki smiled, hugging his one and only precious partner closer than was possible. He knew the others were going to have a fit if they found out both Hisoka and him had missed the outing when he was the one who asked for it. However, he couldn't care much now. With that knowledge, he drifted off to dreamland; together with the person he cared most in the world.
~*~ Owari~*~
My first fanfic! If you watched meteor garden, you will realize where I got my inspirations. ^-^Y