Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ A Place for Us to Dream ❯ The Hunted ( Chapter 9 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Nine: The Hunted:
Footsteps ran behind Hisoka. He froze at an unnerving sensation
closing in on him. It didn't help that he could feel any emotions.
This was worse than his time with Jessie.
Hisoka shook his head. He couldn't focus on all of that. The
footsteps got closer. One… Two… Three, no… Four
pairs around him.
But, wait.
Kitsune were tricksters. There had to be only one kitsune here. He
had to be circling him. Hisoka closed his eyes. Conserve energy and
Hisoka pointed to the left.
“There,” he mouthed. He moved his finger along with the
noise. First to the right. Back to the left. Now behind him. Left,
no right. Hisoka trailed the footsteps for five more minutes.
Then, he stopped.
“There!” the shinigami shouted. He reached behind his
back when the footsteps stopped. Hisoka opened his eyes. Aki sat
frozen. The kitsune glared at him.
“Caught you,” Hisoka said. Aki tried to move his mouth
to speak. The shinigami placed his thumb on his forehead.
“What did you do to me?” Aki asked through touch.
“Why can't I move?”
“I apologize,” Hisoka said. “But we had to do
“Do what?” the kitsune asked. Suddenly, Aki froze.
“What… What did you do to me?” He felt the rips
through his body. Hisoka counted each one.
One… Two… Three… Four…
“Stop!” Aki yelled. “It hurts! It's hurting me!
Make it stop! Make it stop!”
Five… Six… Seven… Eight…
“It's tearing me apart!” Aki shouted. “Make it
stop! Make it stop! Make it--!” The shinigami drew back his
thumb. Aki reeled in silent pain. His body twisted as he threw his
head back.
Nine… Ten… Eleven… Twelve…
Aki looked at him with pleading eyes. Hisoka stood with no emotion
on his face.
“Done,” he said.
“What?” the kitsune mouthed.
Thirteen… Fourteen… Fifteen.
Aki gasped and collapsed at Hisoka's feet. The young shinigami
breathed out. The part of the plan was complete. Hisoka looked up
in the endless darkness.
“It's done,” he said.
Tsuzuki looked up, smiling.
“Done,” he said.
“What?” Yasuo asked. The darkness started to lighten