Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ A Place for Us to Dream ❯ Natural Blue ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Eleven: Natural Blue:
Aki's eyes open. Hisoka froze.
“What are…?” he asked. The kitsune's head sprang
Yasuo smirked. “Bang!”
“Tsuzuki, stay back!” Hisoka yelled in the air.
“What?” Tsuzuki asked. He turned when he heard a
hissing sound. Aki came flying towards him.
“Shit!” Tsuzuki yelled. He pulled out a fuda dove out
of the way.
“You thought I was going to die that easily?” Yasuo
asked. “Think again, mother fucker!” Yasuo laughed in
the air. Tsuzuki gritted his teeth.
“Damn it!” he snapped. He muttered something under his
breath. The shinigami stood up.
“Well then,” he said. “Looks like you'll have to
chase me first!” Tsuzuki took off running. Aki flew after
him. The path looked the same in all directions. Stay calm.
Tsuzuki had to keep moving. He glanced behind him and noticed it.
Of course. Aki's eyes glowed in the dark. His breathing grew
labored. Tsuzuki put his poker face on.
How long do we have?
I can't tell.
How are you holding up?
A little tired, but I'm okay.
Good. Do you still have it?
Yes… Wait… You don't mean we're…
What choice do we have?
It's too dangerous.
We're running out of time. Do you have any other ideas?
Then we've got to get on it. Understood?
Good. The older shinigami turned left. Of course, Aki
Haruka's phone rang. She grumbled as she felt around for the
“What?!” the old lady snapped. The call didn't last
long. Haruka heard every word.
“Understood,” she said. “Goodbye.” The old
lady hung up and went back to sleep.
Yasuo winced with his hand to his chest. He took in slow
Not yet. I can make it. I can hold out. I'm this for you,
Mother! I want you to love me for this!
“She doesn't love you.”
Yasuo turned around. Tsuzuki stood behind him with a serious look
on his face. The old man jumped back.
“What the…?!” he shouted. Tsuzuki smacked him on
the forehead with the fuda. Yasuo felt himself falling back into
own darkness.
When he opened his eyes, Yasuo found himself back into the living
room of his childhood home. Judging by the light around the empty
room, this had to be back in the 70's.
“Mama?” he heard a little boy ask. The old man looked
up to see himself as a child walking into the living room, looking