Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ A Place for Us to Dream ❯ Fox Chase and Trap ( Chapter 22 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twenty-Two: Fox Chase and Trap:
Outside, Haruka had her own plans to kill Anna. Lucky for her, she
found the perfect pawn for her latest scheme.
She picked up her phone in the darkened living room.
“Hello?” she asked. “I am sorry to bother you so
late. But I need a favor.” The conversation lasted about five
minutes. Haruka's lips curved into a smile.
“Excellent,” she said. “Thank you so much.
Goodbye.” Haruka's eyes glowed in the dark as she hung
Jotaro had been on his own for quite some time now. He still had
his wealth. But, freedom tasted better. His father never cared
about him. It was always save the clan. Save the clan. Save the
clan. Save the clan! It was like Jotaro never existed to him.
His thoughts became distracted by a car going by outside. Jotaro
looked out the window. Who'd driving around at two in the
This wasn't the first night either.
Jotaro didn't know if this was stalking or in his head. It's just a
car, right? Tonight, he saw a light in the distance.
“What is…?” he began to ask. The kitsune froze.
He bolted out of his apartment. He packed up a bag to be gone for a
few days. It had been packed for three weeks now. He didn't think
he'd have to use it.
That all changed tonight.
Jotaro pulled out his phone. The other line rang as he hurried down
the stairs. Come on! Pick up! Pick up!
“The number you have dialed is either out of rang or turned
off,” the operator said.
“Damn it!” Jotaro snapped. He ran to the street. The
neighborhood was empty around this hour. He couldn't stop, however.
That car would be coming back. The young kitsune could only go one
place. Jotaro took a breath and started running.
Kato's on the move again. He lifted his head. His lips curved into
a smirk.
“Ah,” the ghost said. The old man disappointed from his
hiding place. Two hunters came into the same spot.
“Damn it! Where did he go?” one of them asked. The
other hunter scanned the darkness.
“He hadn't gotten far,” he said. His partner turned to
“Really?” he asked. The partner nodded once.
“Where?” the first hunter asked. The second one pointed
upwards. His partner looked up.
“Oh!” he said. The ghost pushed but wasn't worried.
“Heh,” he said. “You got me. But…”
Kato knelt down and flew up higher into the sky.
“You won't catch me!” he shouted. The ghost took off as
fast as he could. The hunters gave chase. How long would they keep
this up? Even Kato didn't have the answer. That wasn't on his
“The war is ending soon!” he yelled. “I have to
see it through! So sorry!” The old man disappeared into the
“Hey!” one of the hunters yelled. Kato smiled over his
“I can't go with you until the wat's over!” he shouted.
“Wait for me until then!” The old man disappeared into
thin air. The hunters were left with blank stares on their
“Huh?” they asked.
Haruka sat alone in her living room. She took a sip of sake with no
emotion on her face. She knew the end of the war was heading for