Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ A Place for Us to Dream ❯ Black Unraveled ( Chapter 24 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twenty-Four: Black Unravel:
It's been quiet, too quiet. Muraki glared through his glasses. He
did not like this. The doctor thought he had this plan in the
But, something's going wrong.
He didn't like this. Why was it so quiet? Where did she go? Muraki
couldn't sense her anywhere. She couldn't have gotten so far.
Thinking about her enraged him. Why did she take his beloved
shinigami? Because of her, Tsuzuki rejected him outright. When did
he develop a spine?
Muraki fought to stay calm. She did this to him. She ruined
everything. She had to die.
But then, he paused.
What was that? He could've sworn he heard footsteps. That couldn't
be right. She couldn't have escaped that fast. Was it the Mother?
That couldn't be possible either. He cut off her power. The doctor
made sure of that. Anna would be easy for him to kill. When the
Mother merged with her, that went out the window.
This would not do. Anna had to go.
Muraki turned around. There it was again. Footsteps filled the air.
It sounded like they were running behind him. But, he was alone. Or
was he?
“Hello?” Muraki asked. She didn't speak, but he knew
she was here. This was turning sour. No! He would not let that
happen. He could still turn this around. Muraki was ready to carry
this war to the end if he had to. The trick would have to stay calm
to win.
Then, the footsteps stopped. But now, Muraki wasn't alone. He
grabbed his knife.
“You won't win at this game,” he said. “You are
in my trap. I know you are here. Come out and show yourself!”
Giggling took place of the footsteps. The doctor glanced behind
him. He couldn't see her face. But, she did give him one icy
“You will never have him.”
A clawed hand grabbed Muraki by the right shoulder. Before he could
respond, he was dragged into another world of darkness.
A pair of glowing eyes stare him down. Muraki awoke bound down to
the crushing space. He couldn't see the rest of her face. Her
voiced chilled him.
“Welcome to hell,” the Mother said.