Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Always ❯ Zutto ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yami no Matsuei is copyright...um...someone who is not me.
Shi-chan: A quick jump into another category. Forgive me. I just watched episode 3 of YnM...

Zutto (Always)
By Shimegami-chan

I hated you
You didn't suit me, and you didn't know
The pain I went through
Or my anger
My need
I thought I was safe
You were obnoxious. Didn't understand
The rigid way we were supposed to act
Or the way my heart bloomed around you
My blood turning to ice when I sensed your pain
As deep-running and intoxicating as mine.

I wondered about you
You didn't like me, you didn't see
That I liked you
That my cheer
My happiness
Depended on everything you did
You were distant. Cold
And ignored my banter and my regrets
Avoided my friendship
And the way my heart beat in time with yours
My blood singing in my ears
A joyful tune for you.

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Shi-chan: ^^;; I love Yami no Matsuei...this was rather spur-of-the-moment. *grin*