Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Pink and Planning ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Two: Pink and Planning:
-Four Days Before Halloween-
Anna stumbled home around one in the morning.
“I'm home!” she slurred out. She broke down giggling.
The woman twirled her way into the living room. Tsuzuki sat in the
darkness on the couch. He loudly cleared his throat. Anna jerked
her head upwards.
“Oh,” she said. “Sweetie!” The shinigami
“Where have you been?” he asked. Anna cocked her
“Hm?” she asked.
“It's one in the morning,” he said.
“And?” Anna hiccupped and giggled. Tsuzuki raised an
“Are you… drunk?” he asked. His wife broke into a
goofy smile.
“Maybe!” she said. Anna started to laugh.
“Shhh! You'll wake up the baby,” Tsuzuki said. Anna
tripped over and fell over at his feet. Her husband caught her just
in time.
“You really are drunk,” he said. “How much did
you have? How did you get home?” Anna looked up at him.
“This many!” she said, arms out wide. Her cheeks looked
so red in the dim moonlight.
“Let me get to you to bed,” Tsuzuki said.
“Aw, you so sweet!” Anna shouted.
“Shhh,” Tsuzuki said again. “Please be
quiet.” He helped her to her feet. “Come on, let's
go.” The shinigami walked her down the hall.
The next morning, Anna awoke with a pounding headache. She groaned
as she rubbed her forehead.
“Damn it,” Anna muttered. She looked up to see a bottle
of water in front of her face.
“Here,” Tsuzuki said. Anna took the water and drank
“Thanks,” she said. Tsuzuki shook his head.
“What were you thinking?” he asked. Anna sighed and
shook her head.
“I figured I could,” she said. “I might not get
the chance after all.” He gently touched her cheek.
“Don't say that,” Tsuzuki said.
“But it's true,” Anna said.
“We won't let it.”
Anna looked up at him. “How long before we can act?”
Her husband counted up on his fingers.
“Three days, tops,” Tsuzuki said. Anna weary smile.
“Can you just hold me?” she asked. He pulled her into
his arms.
“Thanks,” she whispered.
“We'll get through this,” Tsuzuki whispered. She wanted
to believe him. But Anna was being realistic. She was aware of the
misery that would wait to swallow them whole.
“Tatsumi got me home,” Anna said. Tsuzuki let go of
“What?” he asked.
“Last night,” she said. “I went out for a drink.
Somehow, Tatsumi found me and took me home.”
“Don't do that again,” Tsuzuki said. “That's not
a good look for you.”
“The drinking?” Anna asked.
“Yes,” he said.
“Understood,” she replied. Across the hall, the baby
started crying.
“I've got it,” Tsuzuki said. Anna shook her head.
“No, I've got it,” she said. He raised his eyebrow.
“You sure?” he asked.
“I've got it,” Anna said. She pushed herself to her
feet and walked out of the room.
“Okay then…” Tsuzuki mumbled as he watched