Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Alone in the Dark ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Six: Alone in the Dark:

Haruka sat in her living room. She would get no help for this. Not even Aki will be of use to her. Speaking of which…

Aki lay her head in her mistress' lap. Haruka patted her on the head.

“It will all be over soon,” she whispered. “All of it.” The kitsune didn't talk. She cuddled up in Haruka's lap. Over soon, huh? Didn't feel like it.

Haruka laughed to herself.

“But will it, though?” she asked. “You can't really kill the legacy, can you?” She scratched behind Aki's ear.

“Anna must realize that by now,” she said. “She can't believer this will be it. Knowing our Mother, she has to have seen the truth. Pity if she doesn't.” Aki eyed her, half-asleep.

“Heh,” her mistress said. So this was what solitude felt like. No husband. No kids. No grandkids. Haruka closed her eyes.

“Mmm,” she said. It won't last. The war's finale would begin by sunrise. Who was left now? Her and some elders? With the exception of Anna and Kaoru, the youth of the clan were dead. Haruka shrugged to herself. Just as well.

It will not last.

Haruka opened her eyes and looked at the clock across the room. 1:27 a.m. now. That package should be at their apartment by now. Ha, what did she know? Connections even after the Eda-Kimoto clan was dying. Apparently, loyalty didn't die easily. Once the box was received, the end would be coming.

Somehow, she was okay with it. She would still have her solitude.

But even that would not last long even now.

“Who's there?” Haruka asked. The old lady looked around. She narrowed her eyes in the dark.

“I am not in the mood for games!” she shouted. “Come out and show yourself!” Haruka held a knife to her side. Aki lifted her head.

“Oh,” she said. Kato stood on the other side of the room, smirking.

“Good evening,” he said. Haruka turned her head, glaring.

“You!” she hissed. The ghostly old man smirked, his gold tooth shining in the darkness. Haruka's blood burned as she clutched the handle of her knife. Her knuckles turned white. Kato had only one thing to say to her.

“You will not win,” he told her.