Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Halloween Party Planning ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Eight: Halloween Party Planning:
Meanwhile, Hotaru was busy again. This time, it was a party. Her
housemates were not feeling the idea.
“A party?” Mike asked.
“Uh-huh,” Hotaru said. She twirled about in the living
room. He gave her a funny look.
“Why?” Mike asked. Hotaru got close in his face.
“Because things are dull around here,” she said.
“And why is that a problem?” he asked.
“Why is that a problem? Why is that a problem?” she
asked. “Live a little. You need it! We all do.” Mike
still frowned at her. Hotaru dropped her shoulders.
“Please?” she asked. “I need this. It wouldn't
hurt to liven things up around here.” Mike rolled his
“Who would be coming to this party?” he asked. Hotaru
broke into a huge smile.
“You, Kazue, Hiroyuki, Ryo, Sota, Anna, Tsuzuki, Hisoka,
Tatsumi, Watari, Rihoko, Lucy, Jared, Lenard, and Tai,” she
“Who are Lenard and Tai?” he asked.
“Lucy's friends,” Hotaru said.
“Ah. So basically all of our friends?”
“Yeah.” She noticed the look on Mike's face.
“Are you sure they'll be coming?” he asked.
“Yes,” Hotaru said.
“But they have lives of their own, you know?”
“It doesn't hurt to try,” Hotaru said. She clearly
wasn't to abandon this plan. Mike rubbed his forehead.
“Whatever,” he said. Hotaru leapt up and started
“Yay!” she said. The American demon rolled his
It took days for Hotaru to dive into the planning. The house became
decorated with Halloween decorations. Mike and Kazue looked at each
“What's with her?” Kazue asked. The other demon
shrugged and shook his head. Meanwhile, Hotaru happily hummed to
herself as she finished the hall.
The invitations took two days to make.
“What do you think?” Hotaru asked Mike as she showed
him a sample. The American demon blinked at first.
“Is this really necessary?” he asked.
“Yes,” she insisted. “It can't be a proper party
without invitations.”
“Through snail mail?” Mike asked.
“Yeah,” Hotaru said. “Adds class to
“Whatever,” he said. Hotaru turned and walked out the
front door. She smiled as she stuffed the invitations into the
mailbox and put up the flag. This party would be amazing.
Now to get the ingredients for the food in three days.