Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Lucy the Queen ( Chapter 16 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Sixteen: Lucy the Queen:
Hotaru's doorbell rang.
“Mike, can you get that for me?” Hotaru asked. The
American demon rolled his eyes.
“Yeah,” yeah,” he said. Mike walked over to the
“Who is it?” he asked.
“It's me,” Lucy said. “We're here from the
party.” The American man opened the door.
“Yo,” Lucy said, waving. She was dressed in her usual
black leather. Corset and fishnets. The high-heeled boots were no
surprise. She held Jared by his leash.
“Hello,” Mike said in a flat tone. Lucy held up the
silver chain leash.
“This is my bitch,” she said. Lucy looked over at her
husband. “Say hi, Jared.”
“Woof!” Jared said. Mike frowned and moved aside. Lucy
and Jared walked inside. Mike rolled his eyes and closed the door
behind them.
Lucy smirked to herself. Halloween was the perfect time to rock her
SM looks. Everyone looked up at her and her husband. Rihoko gasped,
covering her mouth.
“Lucy-san!” she said. The kinky woman smiled and held
out her hands.
“Surprised?” she asked. “This is my
“Woof!” Jared said. Rihoko's face looked bright red at
the leather miniskirt and fishnets.
“What?” Lucy asked. The young woman shook her head.
Lucy gave her a little pout of sympathy. She turned to Tai and
“Hey, guys,” she said.
“Hi,” Tai said. Lenard kind of waved.
“Cool vest,” Lucy said. “Aladdin?”
“Pirate,” Lenard said.
“Ah,” she said. “Cool.” Tai nudged him,
“Lucy!” Hotaru said with her arms out.
“No hugs!” Lucy said. The loli demon lowered her
“The old S&M look, huh?” she asked.
“Fuck yeah,” the guest said. “Halloween is the
best time to do it up!”
“Woof!” Jared said. “Woof! Woof! Woof!”
Lucy patted him on the head. Rihoko had an odd look on her face.
Tai and Lenard didn't speak. The whole time Kazue sat across the
room. She sneered at everyone in costumes. Why was she even here?
Kazue hated parties. She didn't like to socialize at all. Why did
Hotaru say that she had to come to this party? Kazue would rather
be asleep in her bed. She frowned over her drink.
“Who else is coming?” Rihoko asked. Hotaru took a
moment to think.
“My boyfriend and girlfriend,” she said. “Some
people who might show up. Oh and Sota-san.” Kazue looked up
when she heard that last name.
“What?” she asked. Hotaru grinned like a wild fox. It
didn't help that she tried not to giggle.