Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Circle the Cage ( Chapter 21 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twenty-One: Circle the Cage:
Anna walked through the darkness. There was that scent again.
Rotting meat. But there was something different this time.
What… is that?
Her eye scanned the darkness. It's been quiet for too long. Anna
held her breath. Airi still wasn't back yet. Anna reached into her
pocket. Seven more stones to go. She couldn't use them up right
this over with. Find Tsuzuki, kill grandma, and end this.
Then, Anna heard feet shuffling. She couldn't place the exact
direction they were coming from. She closed her eyes and tuned them
Doesn't she ever get tired of these
tricks? So annoying. Anna now wished she
had a knife by her side.
“I am behind you.”
“Is that right?” Anna asked. “Attack me then. I
am right here.” She didn't stop moving as she talked.
Step. Step. Step. Step.
Another pair of footsteps started following her. She held her
breath. Was she really being followed? Only one way to see.
Anna froze and stepped to the right. Step. Step.
They moved to the right too.
Anna stepped back. Step. Step. She moved to the left. Step. Step.
Anna moved two steps forward. Step. Step. Step. Step.
Let's see. One… Two… It sounded like two people around
her. But where were they? Anna counted down in her head. One behind
her. But where was…?
Someone started running towards her. Anna shoved her hands into her
pockets. She gritted her teeth.
“There you are!” the woman yelled as the running
towards her got closer. She turned around and…
Anna looked down at her feet. A fox like creature lay at her feet.
The skin looked covered in ash. There was no face. Only the ears
and tail remained clear to see. She didn't care to touch it. Anna
shook her head.
“Really? This can't be it,” she said. The woman looked
“Okay! Where are you?!” she shouted. “Come out
and show yourself already! I'm sick of thi—”
A sharp pain went into her neck. Anna gasped and she dropped to the
floor with a thud. The hands of the second figure dragged her away.
They smirked in the created darkness.
Meanwhile, Tsuzuki's phone rang.
“Hello?” he asked.
“Asato-kun?” Anna asked on the other line. Her husband
“Anna… -chan?” he asked. “Anna-chan, is
that you?”