Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Nervous Heart ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Thirty-Two: Nervous Heart:

Vivian frowned. What was wrong with her? She should be enjoying a night out with the girls. But here she was. Vivian sighed as she looked out the window.

“What's wrong, Viv?” she heard behind her. The wolf demon turned her head. One of her roommates stood behind her grinning. Vivian forced herself to smile.

“Oh, it's you,” she said. Yuuko moved around in front of her.

“Come on,” she said. “Talk to me. What's the matter?” Vivian looked down at her glass. Yuuko gave her a sympathetic smile.

“It's Mike, isn't it?” she asked. The wolf demon jerked her head upwards.

“No!” she shouted. All eyes fell on her. Vivian tried not to focus on it. She looked at the melting ice in her glass.

“No… Well, maybe…” she mumbled. She sighed. Yuuko patted her on the shoulder. Vivian looked up.

“What do you want to do?” her roommate asked.

“I don't know!” the wolf demon wailed. She threw back her head and groaned. The music pounded around them. Vivian looked out at the dancing crowd.

“Why am I here?” she asked. Yuuko held her arms above her head.

“Come on!” she said. “Loosen up! It's Halloween! We're supposed to be having fun!”

“Yeah…” Vivian said. She smiled and nodded.

“Do you want to see them?” Yuuko asked. The wolf demon frowned.

“I don' know!” she wailed. Yuuko patted her hand.

“You're torn up about it, aren't you?” she asked. Vivian puffed up her cheeks.

“I guess…” she muttered. “What should I do?”

“What do you think is right?” her roommate asked. Vivian pressed her lips together. She lowered her eyes.

“I want to go,” the wolf demon said.

“Are you sure?” Yuuko asked. Vivian slowly nodded. Her friend put up her hands.

“Okay,” she said. “I will got with you.”

“What?” Vivian asked.

“Girl, I am not letting you fo alone on Halloween!” Yuuko said. “Hell no!”

“But…” the wolf demon said.

“I won't hear it!” her roommate said. “You are not getting kidnapped tonight! Do you understand me?” Vivian dropped her shoulders.

“Yes, yes,” I grumbled.

“I do this for your safety,” Yuuko said. Vivian pressed her lips together and nodded.

“I'll get the girls together,” the roommate said. Yuuko pulled out her phone and started texting. Vivian forced herself to smile. Stopping her was useless.


Hotaru came from the kitchen with more snacks when she heard the doorbell ring.

“Someone get the door!” she yelled.

“Got it!” Mike shouted. He hurried to the door.

“Who is it?” he asked, opening the door. The American man froze. Vivian and her friends stood outside.

“Hello, Mike,” she said. Her possible ex stood silent, struggling to speak.