Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Collapse ( Chapter 34 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Thirty-Four: Collapse:
Mike and Vivian stared at each other.
“Hello, Vivian,” Mike said. They struggled to speak.
Her friends stood off to the side. Ouch, too painful to watch. Mike
looked at his drink.
“So… how have you been?” he asked.
“Good,” she said. “You?”
“Good,” he said. “I'm good.” They couldn't
make eye contact. Her friends stood watching. Meanwhile, Hotaru saw
the scene herself. She cringed for them. But, the loli demon can't
step in. It's not her mess. Hotaru held her breath and stayed on
the sidelines.
“Why did you come here?” Mike asked Vivian.
“I was invited,” she said.
“Oh,” he said. The wolf demon looked out at the
“How's the party?” she asked. Mike looked at the
“It's a party,” he said.
“I can see that.”
“Yeah.” He looked at her roommates. “Hello,
ladies.” They didn't speak.
“Right…” Mike said. Their eyes judged him. He
turned his attention back to Vivian.
“I'm… I'm… he said. The girls stared him down.
The lead roommate looked ready to stab him. Mike narrowed his
“I'm sorry,” he said. There was pause.
“For what?” Vivian asked.
“I'm sorry. I hurt you,” he said. “I… I am
getting help.” The girls said nothing. Vivian nodded
“Okay,” she said. “Thank you.” There came
another pause.
“Hey everyone!” they heard across from them. They
looked up to see Hotaru walking towards them with a snack platter
in hand.
“You girls look hungry,” she said. “Have these
cheese pieces.”
“No,” Yuuko said. “We're good.”
“Oh please,” the loli demon said. “This is a
thank you talking care of Viv. Please, I insist.” She smiled
at them like a little fairy. The roommates hesitated. Then one by
one, they picked up pieces of cheese.
“Very good,” Hotaru said. She turned to Mike and
“Cheese?” she asked. The pair shook their heads.
“No,” Vivian said.
“We're good,” Mike said. Hotaru shrugged.
“Okay,” she said. She turned and walked back to the
party. Mike and Vivian turned to catch other with confused looks.
The roommates ate in silence. Hotaru smiled to herself in relief.
Now back to the party.