Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Lotus Girl ❯ Skylight ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Three: Skylight:
My cell phone rang that evening.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Anna!" Asato-kun exclaimed on the other line. I sat up in a
"I'll be home in a few minutes. I need you to do something for
"Meet me at the top of the apartment building," he told me. I
furrowed my brows, frowning.
"What?" I asked.
"I have a surprise for you," he said. "Just meet me in the corridor
of the top floor." I smiled, still confused as to what he was
"Okay…" I said. Asato-kun chuckled.
"I'll be right there," he said. "Love you." He hung up before I
could speak. I stared at my phone. Okay then… What is that
boy up to now?
In five minutes, I paced around the empty corridor and peeked
downwards outside. The city lights looked blinding. They reminded
me of my college days in California. I began thinking about my
friends. How are they now? How are Aunt Allison and Aunt Daisy? How
is Henry these days? Is he married with children now? The sound of
footsteps broke into my thoughts. I glanced behind me.
"Who's there?" I whispered. A strong pair of hands reached under my
arms and pulled me in. He rested his chin on my head.
"It's just me," my husband replied in a low voice.
"Well hello there," I said to the child-like shinigami behind me.
He chuckled as his hands went for the buttons on my lacy white
shirt. I tried to keep a poker face.
"To what do I owe this lovely view of Meifu at night?" I asked.
"I'm going to be on a big case for a few days," Asato-kun murmured.
His hand moved down to the second button.
"I won't be home at nights." He went to my third button.
"So you called me up here just to tell me that?" I asked. Asato-kun
shook his head.
"No," he murmured. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"No?" I asked. He turned my body to face him. I looked up to see
violet eyes drowned in lust. His lips came within inches of
"I just thought you would get bored without me," he murmured. I
broke into a smirk.
"Oh, I'll manage," I said. He grabbed my hips.
"Yes, I know," he said. His hands unzipped my shorts quickly. It
didn't take me long to see where this was handed.
"Oh… that kind of bored," I whispered.
"Yes," he replied, aiming to sound husky and seductive. My white
jean shorts dropped to my ankles.
"Out here, in this corridor, above the city?" I asked.
"If that's okay with you?" he whispered in my ear. I tried not to
give in just yet as he nibbled on my ear lobe. I closed my
"What if we get caught?" I asked. He pressed his lips against mine;
his way of saying, "Don't ask questions." I shut my
mouth. Alright, you win there, boy. I'll follow your
lead. His hands came down to my thighs. I shivered as he took
his time pushing them apart. I let off a small gasp. He took
advantage of this and darted his tongue into my mouth. His hands
moved to my panties. I fought to stay calm, but I was already
getting wet. My panties slid down to my ankles as well. Asato-kun
broke off the kiss for air. His eyes stayed on my bra as he undid
his belt. He already had a tent in his trousers. A hungry tent is
more like it. He quickly took down his trousers and boxers and
pulled me in close.
It only rains two times a year in the city of water. The clear
sky is only the prelude to the coming rain. Young and old watch the
fat, well-hung clouds in the sky. They count down for the rain like
the New Year. Despite the water splashing throughout the city, life
is rather dry. Yet, everything looks as normal. In fact, everyone
is setting up for the festival tonight. Pink and red banners float
through the sky, welcoming the well-hung clouds. The drizzle has
already started. The women in the city wait for the life-giving
rain. To them, rain brings fertility. Even though they are barren,
the rain makes them beautiful, even just for the spring. So, they
put on their best kimono and their finest make-up.
A bored, handsome man wanders his waiting hometown. It's the
same thing every spring and autumn. He sighs and looks at the
drizzling well-hung clouds. He too loves the rain, but it's not
enough anymore. The adolescent boy sighs to himself again. I
just wish… Actually, he doesn't know what he wants
exactly. He just wishes for something to happen.
Suddenly, a soft moan fills his ears. The boy looks ahead of
him. A girl with russet hair lies on the ground, looking up at the
sky. The big puddle next to her mirrors the fat, erect clouds in
the sky. The drizzle falls upon her blue and white yukata. She's
waiting for something or someone. He stares at her, curious. Who is
this girl? The pale glow of her pure skin draws him to walk closer.
The girl turns her head to him. The boy freezes in his
"Uh… hello…" he says. The boy in his kimono looks
for the right words. "Have I seen you from somewhere?" The girl
turns her eyes to the hung sky.
"No," she says.
"Then, are you new here?"
"No." Her eyes stay on the sky. "I'm searching." He stands over
her at this point.
"What are you searching for?" he asks her. This girl smiles at
the heavy sky.
"I'll know when I find it," she replies. He lies down to join
"What is your name?" he asks. The girl points to the sky. The
well-hung clouds finally empty their heavy load upon the city. The
rain fed the flooded homeland like it did last autumn. The women
all feel their youth return. The men feel like children again. The
boy feels his own strength rise again for the season. He turns to
see that the girl in blue has changed. The blue in her yukata has
smoothed down into white. The cool red in her eyes matches the
flower in her hair. The boy lifts his head.
"You're…" he begins to say. The rain drowns out her voice
as she begins to speak. He stares at her and then…
He has vanished.
Asato-kun looked me in the eye. My head felt so out of it. I
couldn't even respond when he asked if I was alright. His voice
sounded so distant. My husband had to drag me along with him back
to our own apartment.