Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Lotus Girl ❯ The Tree's Hymn ( Chapter 12 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twelve: The Tree's Hymn:
Another night and I can't sleep. Well, actually, I'm half asleep,
sort of. Asato-kun wore me out moments earlier. I'm trying, but my
body won't let me sleep. I glanced over at my husband. Lucky
jerk, he just sleeps so easily. I frowned at him. It's tempting
to wake him up right now…
Suddenly, a high pitch whistle fully woke me up. I winced and
turned to the window. The tree stared me down again. What is it
with you? Why won't you leave me alone? Why? What do you want with
me? What? What? I froze with my questions. Wait… Is
that tree… calling to me? I shut my eyes. That's not
possible, trees can't talk! I really need to sleep.
Sama… Sama… Sama…
No, that's not you! You're a tree, you can't talk. Stop
Sama… Sama… Sama…
Shut up!
I huddled my knees to my chest. Lack of sleep can cause someone to
see and hear things. I'm hoping that's what I'm experiencing here.
I shook my head. Stop thinking about that damn tree! Get to
sleep, moron! I drew in a breath. Okay… I took slow
breaths and thought about sleep. It almost worked last time. Maybe
it'll work this time? Just relax… One…
Two… Three… Four… Five… Six…
Seven… Eight… Nine…
Ten… Eleven… Twelve… Thirteen…
Fourteen… Fifteen…
I pressed my eyes together. This isn't working; I can't
focus. That stupid tree keeps calling me. That or it's all in
my head. I opened one eye and glanced behind me. Damn it, he's
still sleeping. It's so tempting to wake him up right now! Wake
him up and make him suffer too.
I huddled into a tighter ball. Cut it out and go to sleep
already. You probably have work tomorrow! Energy shots won't do you
any good. Go. To. Sleep! I took another breath.
Okay… I closed my eyes and tried my exercise again.
One… Two…
A loud buzz interrupted my counting. I ripped my eyes open as I
gasped. Those demonic crickets have gotten worse. Though, they
aren't crickets anymore. I don't know what they are. My eyes darted
back to that tree. I am no longer in doubt. That damn tree is
making all of those noises. It's not me losing my mind. The tree is
really making noises at me.
I sat up and crawled over to the window. The pink blossoms blinded
me so badly that I had to shield my eyes. I put my other hand to
the glass. The warm vibrations from outside were enough to make me
draw back.
"What the?!" I whispered. My hand felt so cold afterwards. Almost
as if I had laid it down in ice water for a long time. What
is this? I looked at the tree again. Is that… doing
this? An uncomfortable burning formed in my chest. Right off
the bat, I confirmed that this was not a normal tree. But, what was
it? Why was this… thing calling out to me?
I crawled away from the window as fast as I could. I wrapped myself
in the sheets in our futon. My eyes stayed on those burning pink
blossoms outside the whole time as I trembled.