Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Lotus Girl ❯ The Snake's Jaws ( Chapter 22 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Snake's Jaws:
By afternoon, Tsuzuki joined Hisoka at Chiba Inu Cram School. His
partner wasn't too sure about this.
"Should you be up now?" he asked.
"Yeah," Tsuzuki insisted. "I'm fine." Hisoka narrowed his eyes.
"Stay close to me, okay?" he said.
"Right," Tsuzuki said. The search began and they had a clear idea
of what they were looking for.
"How do we draw him out?" Tsuzuki asked.
"We don't," Hisoka said. "He'll come to us." His partner scowled,
but what else could they do? Muraki didn't fall for easy traps. He
could be watching them right now. Tsuzuki drew in a breath as he
battled to keep himself together.
"She fed on you last night, didn't she?" Hisoka asked.
"Why?" Tsuzuki asked.
"What will you do?" he asked. His partner bit his lower lip.
"I don't know," he admitted. Hisoka narrowed his eyes.
"Tsuzuki…" he said.
"I love her," his partner said. "I really do. But…
But…" The man clenched his fists. "I don't know if we'll
survive this!" Hisoka could feel his heart turning up inside. It
still stung to hear it. Why couldn't he just accept it already?
Tsuzuki loved Anna and he even married her. Why won't it let me
be? Suddenly, the boy jerked his head upwards. Is…
someone applauding? The shinigami looked around.
"Tsuzuki," Hisoka whispered. "Did you hear that?" His partner
looked up.
"Hear what?" Tsuzuki asked.
"Somebody clapping just now," Hisoka replied.
"No…" the older shinigami said. The younger one looked behind
him. He nearly jumped at what he saw down the hall. Familiar white
hair floated in the air. Hisoka took a step back.
"No…" he murmured. “That can't be…"
"What is it, Hisoka?" he asked. The younger shinigami's jaw
dropped. Suddenly, Hisoka raced down the hall.
"Hisoka!" Tsuzuki yelled. He was about to run after him when
someone grabbed onto his wrist. The shinigami turned his head and
noticed a pair of silver eyes staring him down.
"Muraki!" Tsuzuki hissed.
"I thought he'd never leave," the doctor murmured. The shinigami
glared, gritting his teeth.
"What did you do to him?" he hissed. The doctor smirked.
"Nothing," he replied. "It appears that he has become a victim of
his jealousy and sorrow." Tsuzuki tried to break away, but Muraki
held him in place. "Don't bother, you won't be able to save him
this time. How ironic; you and that woman caused his pain too."
"Don't bring Anna into this!" Tsuzuki hissed. Muraki cleared his
"Anyway," he said. "I have a little present for you." Tsuzuki
narrowed his eyes.
"What is it?" he asked. Muraki smirked.
"Come with me," he said. The doctor pulled his object of obsession
towards the doctor's office with him. Tsuzuki looked in the
direction Hisoka went. Muraki's words stung in his ears. "You and
that woman caused his pain too." That worry left a nasty mark in
his heart as he and the corrupt doctor disappeared further down the