Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Lullaby ❯ Birthday ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By: Lacus Klein

Disclaimer: Characters not mine ^_~

Notes: Here it is! Watari's going to give birth! But how will it go? And what kind of baby will this be? Read on and find out!
Oh, and fair warning, this is a bit graphic on having a baby. I've never had one, but I know a little about it from my sisters, so I'm going on that. It shouldn't be too bad, but if you're squemish, just be careful. I'm just trying to be fair.

Chapter Five


Akiko rushed down the long path leading to the Ministry's medical ward. She'd just receivied the phone call from Hisoka, and knew immediately that there was a good chance Watari was in labor. She'd sent an alert to the king and now was hurrying to see what was going on. This baby was very important to them. If anything happened, she had to be there to see it.

Rushing into the building, Akiko made her way upstairs in the emergency ward. She found everyone waiting. "What's going on?" she asked Tatsumi as she quickly got ready.

"He's in a lot of pain, but it's hard to tell if he's ready to go into labor." Tatsumi said. He had to admit to himself that he was glad to see her get there. He was very worried over both Watari and the baby.

Akiko went in to see what was going on. At the time, Watari was sitting up in the bed, still holding his stomach. He felt awful. The pain wasn't really going anywhere. It seemed to come in waves, and it wondered half heartedly if they may have been contractions. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Akiko asked, coming over to him.

"Awful would be an understatement I'm afraid." Watari admitted.

"Any sign of your water breaking?" Akiko asked, getting ready to check him.

At that, Watari felt the pop and some fluid begin running out. "I think that's your answer." he said, trying not to laugh at the irony.

Akiko just stared for a moment, then went back to work. But taking one look, she cringed. "Oh boy. I think we're short on time here." she admitted, getting back up.

Near the door, Tatsumi watched. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean, this baby's getting ready to make its appearence. I'm going to get everything prepted. I'll be right back." Akiko said, hurrying out.

Watari sighed, trying not to laugh. "I think my nightmare was making a point." he joked.

Tatsumi came over and sat beside him. "I suppose so. Just try to hold on until she's ready." he said, trying to be gentle. It was obvious that Watari was very uncomfortable at this point.

"I'm trying. But I hope this goes quick. If it's going to be like this the whole time." Watari admitted.

"Just sit back and try to make yourself relax." Tatsumi said, putting another pillow behind him.

Watari smiled over at him. "So, I'm taking it you're ready then?" he asked.

"I'm as ready as I can make myself." Tatsumi told him. But there was a hint of fear in his voice.

Watari took his hand and squeezed it gently. "We'll be fine." he reassured him.

As Akiko came back in, Tatsumi went out to tell the others what was going on. Tsuzuki and Hisoka were waiting outside. "How's he doing?" Tsuzuki asked as Tatsumi walked up.

"He's all right for now. But they think the baby's on its way." Tatsumi told him.

"How long?" Hisoka asked.

"Not sure." Tatsumi admitted.

Tsuzuki smiled at him. "Looks like you're about to be a dad, huh?"

Tatsumi sighed. "I'll feel better about it once it's done." he replied quietly.

Meanwhile, Watari laid back against the pillows and mentally readied himself for the stress that was about to come. He could feel the pressure moving down, and he was pretty sure that the baby was moving. Near him, Akiko readied the things she would need. "How're you doing Watari-san?" she asked, looking back over at him.

Watari gave her a strained smile. "Actually, I think I'm ready to get this over with." he admitted.

By then, Tatsumi had come back in. He took a seat by Watari's bed and watched Akiko finish up. Sitting at the end of the bed, she checked him again. "I have to admit, I never thought I'd been delivering a Shingami's baby up until now." she said.

"Well, a year ago we wouldn't have expected to be here either." Tatsumi said.

Watari just smirked. Tatsumi looked at him for a moment, then amended, "At least, I didn't."

Akiko had to laugh a little. Apparently, Watari had been planning for quite a while. Perhaps longer then she even realized. Checking him again, she sighed. "Well, it looks like we're moving right along. You've dialated eight centimeters, only two more to go. Damn you're quick." she admitted.

Tilting his head back, Watari said a silent thank you to whoever was watching over him. Quick was good. By him, Tatsumi sighed. So this would be a waiting game. Very well. He'd just have to endure.


Several hours passed. Tatsumi had some of his work brought to him and kept himself busy. Watari laid back in the bed and rested himself. On the windowsill, 003 perched herself and watched. Noticing her, Watari smiled. "Hey there. Thanks for earlier." he told her.

The little owl hooted in reply, as if to say your welcome. "It seems she knew it was coming even before you did." Tatsumi noted, looking up from his papers.

"Well, animals so have a sense to such things." Watari said, shifting a little to make himself more comfortable. The pain was still there, but it wasn't as bad since he'd gotten an anestetic. He felt the baby shift a little too. "I think she's getting herself ready too." he added.

Tatsumi gave him a gentle smile. He had to admit, he was anxious. But it wasn't the bad sort. He was feeling some excitment too. Anticipation of seeing their new arrival. He really couldn't wait until it was born.

Akiko walked in and checked him again, as she'd been doing since they'd begun waiting. This time, she looked up and smiled. "Ready now?" she asked.

"Are you serious?" Watari said, clearly overjoyed that it was finally time.

"Just let me double check and few things and we'll start." Akiko said.

As she moved about, Tatsumi looked over at his partner. Watari seemed relieved that it was finally going to be over. Setting things aside, he moved back by the bed. "Ready?" he said softly.

"Yep." Watari replied, giving him a reassuring smile.

Akiko settled herself in place and began telling him what to do. Watari closed his eyes and willed his body to do what needed to be done. Within ten more minutes, the contractions were coming strong again. Watari cringed at the pain, but kept willing himself on.

Tatsumi held his hand tightly, hoping that his being there was helping. He felt nervous, but didn't want to show it. Watari needed all the support he could give him right now. Watari squeezed his hand hard as another contraction ripped through. He closed his eyes and bit his lip to keep from screaming.

Akiko nodded to herself as they went along. "You're doing good. I can see it coming." she told him.

"Come on Yutaka. Just a little more." Tatsumi coached.

Watari nodded, not trusting his voice. I'm not going to scream, he kept telling himself. But as he felt it coming to an end, that was getting harder and harder to do.

"Here it comes!" Akiko said, reaching in to help the baby out.

But at that moment, something odd happened. There was a soft light,radiating from the birth canal. Akiko stared for a moment, not sure of what to make of it. Tatsumi saw it too, but didn't say anything for fear of scaring Watari. But as suddenly as it came, it faded away, and was replaced with the wailing of a newborn. The baby came out easily into Akiko's hands. Watari laid back, sighing in relief as he heard it cry.

Akiko smiled down at the little one as she cleaned it up. "Looks like we've got a girl." she said.

After cleaning her up, she handed her to Watari. He smiled down at the small life now in his arms. The baby girl looked at him with tired eyes, and yawned slightly. "Isn't she beautiful Seii?" he whispered.

"She's perfect." Tatsumi said, gently touching her face.

"And look at that hair you've got." Watari said, lifting the baby's cap up. Indeed, she had a bit of blond hair.

As Akiko helped him clean up, Tatsumi took the oppurtunity to hold his new daughter. She opened her eyes and blinked up at him for a moment, then curled up in his arms. He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. "You are beautiful. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen." he whispered.

"Seii, why don't you show her to the others. I'm sure they're still waiting." Watari offered.

"Will you be okay?" Tatsumi asked.

"I'll be fine." Watari said. "Just go ahead."

Tatsumi nodded and stepped out. In the hallways, Tsuzuki and the others were waiting. They all looked up to see the bundle he had with him. "It's a girl." Tatsumi told them.

"Aw, isn't she beautiful?" Wakaba said as he sat down and showed them.

"What's her name Tatsumi?" Tsuzuki asked.

"We'd talked about it. It's Myobi." Tatsumi said.

"Well hello Myobi. We're so glad you're finally here." Wakaba said.

Myobi opened her eyes and cooed softly at them. "She is a pretty baby Tatsumi-san." Hisoka said.

"How'd Watari-san do?" Wakaba asked.

"He's doing fine." Tatsumi told her. "He handled very well."

Myobi yawned again and closed her eyes. Apparently, she was tired from her long journey. Tatsumi excused himself and took her back in with Watari. Watari himself was relaxing now. He smiled as Tatsumi handed her back to him. Myobi curled up against him and went to sleep. Watari kissed her forehead. "She's so perfect, isn't she Seii?" he whispered.

"She is. I never would've imagined how beautiful she is." Tatsumi said, sitting beside him and watching her sleep.


Notes: Well, Myobi is born! Isn't she just precious? But it's definately not over yet. What will Akiko tell the king now? And just what was that light when she was born? All coming soon!